Manufacturer: Tehkan
Year: 1983
Genre: Labyrinth/Maze
Orientation: Vertical 
Type: Raster: Standard Resolution 
CRT: Color
Conversion Class: Tehkan
Number of Simultaneous Players: 1
Maximum number of Players: 2
Gameplay: Alternating
Control Panel Layout: Single Player
Joystick: 4-way (up, down, left, right) 
Buttons: 1 - Shoot
Sound: Amplified Mono (one channel)
DIP Switch Settings:
coin  play  sw5  sw6  sw7  sw8  coin switch #
1     1               off  off
1     2               on   off  2
1     3               off  on
1     6               on   on
1     1     off  off
2     1     on   off            1
1     2     off  on
1     3     on   on

number of guzzlers   sw1   sw1
3                    off   off
4                    on    off
5                    off   on
free play (64)       on    on

bonus points               extra guzzler       sw3    sw4
30,000 and every 100,000   one                 off    off
20,000 and every  50,000   one                 on     off
30,000 only                one                 off    on
no bonus points            none                on     on
dip switch B (4P dip switch)
off     table
on      upright
10 letters can be registered                          off
3  letters and final round number can be registered   on
play difficulty
SW3  SW4
off  off  easy
on   off  average
off  on   hard
on   on   difficult