Cloak & Dagger Atari Inc., 1983

There are two Cloak & Dagger conversion kits.  One is for converting from
Defender, and the other is for converting from Joust, Robotron 2084, or

There are two boards to the Cloak & Dagger boardset, Master and Slave PCB,
plus an Interconnect PCB, an Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) PCB, and
a Sound Board.

   A040733-01     EMI Shield and Dual PCB Assembly -- includes:
   A039431-01        Cloak & Dagger Interconnect PCB
   A039938-21        Cloak & Dagger Slave PCB
   A039942-21        Cloak & Dagger Master PCB
   A040404-01        EMI Shield PCB

   Note: Slave PCB may be A039938-02 and Master PCB may be A039942-02.

Board descriptions:

   1) Interconnect PCB -- connects J17 on Master PCB to J17 on Slave PCB.
   It's a small board with two edge connectors.

   2) Slave PCB -- has 24-pin edge connector @ J18 (numbered A..N on
   component side and 1..12 on solder side), possibly another small
   connector beside J18, 60-pin edge connector @ J17 (2..60, 1..59),
   and a 50-pin edge connector @ J16 (2..50, 1..49).

   3) Master PCB -- has 24-pin edge connector @ J19, 44-pin edge
   connector (A..Z, 1..22) @ J20, 60-pin edge connector @ J17 (2..60,
   1..59), and possibly a 50-pin edge connector at the top of the board.

   4) Sound Board -- I don't have any details on the Sound Board except
   that the diagram gives the pinouts which I will supply below.

Both Master and Slave PCBs are joined together with spacers and the
Interconnect PCB.  The Sound Board is mounted separately.

My guess is that the unused/unlabeled connectors on both boards are
used for testing the boards with an Atari CAT Box.

CP1 = Control Panel 1 (12 pin connector)
CP2 = Control Panel 2 (6 pin connector)
CD  = Coin Door (15 pin connector)
PS  = Power Supply (15 pin connector and 6 pin connector)
SB  = Sound Board (9 pin connector, 4 pin connector, and 4 pin connector)
MP  = Master PCB (44 pin connector and 24 pin connector)
SP  = Slave PCB
M   = Monitor

Note: Any pinout not labeled is "unknown".

                             J20 Master PCB
                            SOLDER  |  COMPONENT
              [to PS/PS2-9] Gnd | 1 | A | Gnd [to PS/PS2-8]
         [from PS/PS2-12] +5VDC | 2 | B | +5VDC [from PS/PS2-12]
                                | 3 | C | +12VDC Reg [from PS/PS2-3]
                                | 4 | D | -5VDC [from PS/PS2-1]
          [from CD15] Self Test | 5 | E | +12VDC Unreg [from PS/PS2-6]
                       *P2 Fire | 6 | F | P1 Fire [from CP1-5]
                     *!Cocktail | 7 | H | R Coin (from CD8)
             [from CD10] L Coin | 8 | J | Coin Aux [from CD14]
              *P2 L Joystick, L | 9 | K | P2 R Joystick, D*
              *P2 R Joystick, U |10 | L | P2 R Joystick, R*
              *P2 R Joystick, L |11 | M | P2 L Joystick, D*
              *P2 L Joystick, U |12 | N | P2 L Joystick, R*
  [from CP1-6] P1 L Joystick, L |13 | P | P1 R Joystick, D [from CP2-2]
  [from CP2-1] P1 R Joystick, U |14 | R | P1 R Joystick, R [from CP2-4]
  [from CP2-3] P1 R Joystick, L |15 | S | P1 L Joystick, D [from CP1-4]
  [from CP1-3] P1 L Joystick, U |16 | T | P1 L Joystick, R [from CP1-7]
                                |17 | U |
                                |18 | V |
          [from SP/J18-D] -5VDC |19 | W |
       [from SP/J18-C] +12V Reg |20 | X |
                                |21 | Y | +5VDC Out [to CP1-11]**
                                |22 | Z | Gnd [from CP1-10]***

* Cocktail table only
** For Start 1 and Start 2 LEDs
*** For both joysticks

                             J19 Master PCB
                            SOLDER  |  COMPONENT
                   [to M4] Blue | 1 | A | Video Gnd [from M3]
                    [to M6] Red | 2 | B |
                  [to M5] Green | 3 | C |
          [from Pot #2] Audio 2 | 4 | D | Audio Gnd [from Pots #1 & 2]
                                | 5 | E |
                                | 6 | F |
                                | 7 | H |
          [from Pot #1] Audio 1 | 8 | J |
           [from CP1-2] Start 2 | 9 | K |
           [from CP1-9] Start 1 |10 | L | Start 2 LED [from CP1-1]
                                |11 | M | L Coin Counter
       [from CP1-8] Start 1 LED |12 | N | R Coin Counter

                             J18 Slave PCB
                            SOLDER  |  COMPONENT
             [to PS/PS2-10] Gnd | 1 | A | Gnd [to PS/PS2-11]
         [from PS/PS2-14] +5VDC | 2 | B | +5VDC [from PS/PS2-15]
                    *+12VDC Reg | 3 | C | +12VDC Reg [to MP/J20-20]
                         *-5VDC | 4 | D | -5VDC [to MP/J20-19]
                 [to M2] H Sync | 5 | E | H Sync*
                     !Comp Sync | 6 | F | !Comp Sync*
                 [to M1] V Sync | 7 | H | V Sync*
                                | 8 | J |
                           *-5V | 9 | K | -5V*
      [from SB/P1-1] +12VDC Reg |10 | L | +12VDC Reg*
                         *+5VDC |11 | M | +5VDC*
                           *Gnd |12 | N | Gnd*

* Not required

J20S Monitor
Pin | Definition
  1 | H Sync [from SP/J18-5]
  2 | V Sync [from SP/J18-7]
  3 | Gnd [to MP/J19-A]
  4 | Blue [from MP/J19-1]
  5 | Green [from MP/J19-3]
  6 | Red [from MP/J19-2]

PS2 Power Supply
Pin | Definition
  1 | -5VDC [to MP/J20-D]
  2 | Key
  3 | +12VDC [to MP/J20-C]
  4 |
  5 |
  6 | +12VDC Unreg [to MP/J20-E]
  7 | Gnd [from SB/P1-1]
  8 | Gnd [from MP/J20-1]
  9 | Gnd [from MP/J20-A]
 10 | Gnd [from SP/J18-1]
 11 | Gnd [from SP/J18-A]
 12 | +5VDC [to MP/J20-2]
 13 | +5VDC [to MP/J20-B]
 14 | +5VDC [to SP/J18-2]
 15 | +5VDC [to SP/J18-B]

P3 Power Supply
Pin | Definition
  1 | 6.3VAC [to CD1]
  2 | 6.3VAC [to CD2]
  3 | +27VDC [to CD3]
  4 |
  5 | Key
  6 | Gnd [to CD4, CD6, & CD13]

P1 Sound Board
Pin | Definition
  1 | +12VDC Reg [to SP/J18-20]
  2 |
  3 |
  4 |
  5 | Gnd [to PS/PS2-7]
  6 |
  7 | Key
  8 |
  9 |

P4 Sound Board
Pin | Definition
  1 | Pot #1
  2 | Pot #2
  3 | Key
  4 | Gnd [from Pots #1 & 2]

P2 Sound Board
Pin | Definition
  1 | Audio [Spkr +]
  2 |
  3 |
  4 | Gnd [Spkr -]

Control Panel 1
Pin | Definition
  1 | Start 2 LED
  2 | Start 2
  3 | P1 L Joystick, U
  4 | P1 L Joystick, D
  5 | P1 Fire
  6 | P1 L Joystick, L
  7 | P1 L Joystick, R
  8 | Start 1 LED
  9 | Start 1
 10 | Gnd
 11 | +5VDC
 12 |

Control Panel 2
Pin | Definition
  1 | P1 R Joystick, U
  2 | P1 R Joystick, D
  3 | P1 R Joystick, L
  4 | P1 R Joystick, R
  5 |
  6 |

Coin Door
Pin | Definition
  1 | 6.3VAC
  2 | 6.3VAC
  3 | 27VDC
  4 | Gnd
  5 | N/C
  6 | Gnd
  7 | N/C
  8 | Right Coin
  9 | N/C
 10 | Left Coin
 11 | N/C
 12 | N/C
 13 | Gnd
 14 | Aux Coin
 15 | Test

Settings of 8-Toggle Switch on CLOAK AND DAGGER Master PCB (at 5A)
 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8    Option
    On  Off                       Demo Freeze Mode On
    Off Off                       Demo Freeze Mode Off*

                                  Right Coin Mechanism
 N      Off Off                   1 Credit Added for 1 Coin*
 o      Off On                    2 Credits Added for 1 Coin
                                  Left Coin Mechanism
 U                                -------------------
 s      Off     Off Off           1 Credit Added for 1 Coin*
 e      Off     Off On            4 Credits Added for 1 Coin
 d      Off     On  Off           5 Credits Added for 1 Coin
        Off     On  On            6 Credits Added for 1 Coin

        Off             Off Off   Free Play
        Off             On  Off   1 Credit Required for 1 Games (or 1 Players)*
        Off             Off On    1 Credit Required for 2 Games (or 2 Player)
        Off             On  On    2 Credits Required for 1 Game (or 1 Player)

* Manufacturer's recommended settings