I never had the pleasure, or displeasure depending on how you look at it, of working with these monitors & didn't have any info on them. It seems I wasn't alone in that aspect as I kept getting emails from many saying they could not find anything on these. With help from all of you I was able to get a kit together in 2002 & it's been a process of continually getting bits & pieces of info ever since. I added 2 of the flybacks to stock when I didn't even know what they were... just going on what y'all had requested. I've gleaned a lot more info from the net & not everything is 100%, but I figured I'd put the general info up here for you to use at your own risk before I forget all of it. There are many discrepancies among your supplied material, manuals & schematics... as slim as they are... layouts & etc. You've supplied 2 different layouts & 2 different schematics stamped with NT-2700, so there may be two versions of this one, or it may be mis-labeled material. There are confirmed differences between parts lists & actual components, as well. I've come up with a combined cap kit that will serve most of the models & it covers the main chassis & the neck board. Some versions will not have a cap in the listed position & as with any chassis, if there is nothing there, do not put one there. Usually caps in a pincushion circuit are not a problem, but it has been said that C19 has been a problem on the Neotec pincushion bd, so I will be making a separate Neotec pincushion cap kit for those who want it. I'll try to make a table here that will cover most of the info I've been able to come up with.... such as it is. Note: Online info shows each of the three flybacks used for every model listed & even cross ref sites point differently for each model, so I'm going to list what I believe is the correct flyback/model in each category. If you have something different with stickers on the chassis & the flyback to verify it please let me know & I'll adjust it.
The combo cap kit will be on the Cap Kit Page at the same $9 pricing & the pincushion cap kit will also be listed there for $5 and will include the following caps:
The flybacks are on the Parts Page at $30 each, as well. If I get any more info on these monitors I'll post it here where I cannot forget it :-()