Omega Race PCB Cap Kit

All Axials
Mother Board

4	10uf35v			C107/C108/C109/C112
1	22uf35v			C110
1	220uf25v		C116
1	470uf35v		C106
1	1000uf35v		C113

Daughter Board

2	10uf35v			C201/C207
3	470uf25v		C202/C203/C209
2	1000uf35v		C205/C210

The actual voltage rating value may be higher than stated & only 
serves for a higher safety margin, & is a perfectly acceptable replacement. 
Do not use a lower than stated voltage rating.

Polarity must be followed… + to + silked on PCB… but the best 
course of action would be to replace them one at a time, carefully 
observing how the markings are on the original cap, as sometimes 
a pc board will be incorrectly silk-screened.