The object of the "Us vs. Them" game is to save the planet from alien invasion.
This is accomplished by destroying the core of the alien mothership.

"US vs. Them" consists of thirteen rounds of play. As the player acts as an
observer in "Us vs. Them", there are five different perspectives or points of
view the plane is observed in.  (1) First Person; (2) Overhead; (3) Bird's-eye;
(4) Profile; and (5) Reverse. The play action is a little different in each of
the five types and will be explained in detail.

The joystick controls the movement of the players plane. It can be moved in
eight directions. The trigger on the joystick will fire two fireballs simultaneously,
one from each wing of the plane.

The buttons on the Control Panel as well as the buttons on the joystick, can be used
for either banking the plane left or right, or firing the machine gun forward or
reverse. These actions will be determined by the different type of game being played.  

1 	First Person 		Mean Green 	Canyon, Water or Clouds.
2 	Overhead 		Sky Blue 	Desert or Farmland.
3 	First Person 		Big Red 	Forest.
4 	Profile 		Quick Silver 	Clouds, Hills or Canyon.
5 	First Person 		Quick Silver 	Mothership (Tunnel).
6 	Bird's-eye 		Mellow Yellow	San Francisco, San Diego or Hollywood.
7 	Profile 		White Knight 	Hawaii, Chicago or San Francisco.
8 	Reverse 		Mean Green 	River or Farmland.
9 	First Person 		Quick Silver 	Mothership (Tunnel/Force field).
10 	Profile 		Sky Blue 	Cliffs or Houses.
11 	First Person 		Big Red 	Forest.
12 	Bird's-eye 		Mellow Yellow	Chicago.
13 	First Person 		Quick Silver 	Mothership (Force field)

(1) First Person; Six rounds of "Us vs. Them" are played in the First Person perspective.
When firing during these sequences all shots are drawn inwards. The aliens will not
collide with the player's plane but will fire laser blasts that spiral towards the player
and must be avoided.

During the Forest Rounds, the alien ships fire double shots which use some unknown
alien technology to track the players plane. These shots cannot be avoided and the player
must bank appropriately to escape collision.

Later, during round five, the player is inside a tunnel in the Mothership which contains
energy walls. The player must avoid these by flying through the holes in the walls.
Failure to do so will result in collision. If the mission is successful, bonus score is
added dependent on the difficulty of entry.

In Round Nine the player encounters a Force field. As many pieces of the field must be
shot away as possible before the round is over. The player returns to the Force field
during Round Thirteen and must destroy all remaining pieces before the timer runs out
in order to enter the core of the alien Mothership.

(2) Overhead; and (3) Bird's-eye; Both of these types of play are similar in nature.
When firing, all shots aim straight ahead. The buttons on the Control Panel can be used
to change direction of fire to forward or reverse.

The alien ships during these sequences will collide with the player but will not fire
at the player's plane.

(4) Profile; Game play during the Profile perspective consists of two distinct types of
alien aircraft.  The first type can drop bombs on the player from above or from below.
The second type of alien aircraft will bob back and forth trying to outmaneuver the
player. This alien ship will not fire at the player but can collide.

(5) Reverse; The alien ships will double fire at the player. The shots cannot be avoided
and the player must bank appropriately to escape collision.

The game ends when the player runs out of Shield Power. Shield Power is lost two ways.
     a. Major loss-receiving alien fire.
     b. Minor loss-colliding with, alien ships, energy walls or trees.

Extra Shield Power can be obtained automatically after Rounds Four and Eight, or by
shooting down Hedrons.