It works. I did this about 6 months ago on my upright. There are 4-6 pins on an SSIO connector that are used to control the speech board. You may not have all of the resistors poulated here (mine did though) but you can add them easy enough if they are missing. Just follow the EDOT schematics (the hook-up diagram with all of the boards) to hook up the Squawk & Talk board to the SSIO board. On the schematic, notice the "jumper" that seems to connect two pins on the same connector that the S&T board connects? This is the connection that tells game that it is in an environmental cab. If disconnected, upright. Just wire a toggle switch here so you can choose between (full) speech 1 player, and 2 players (with some speech). I put a small panel inside the coin door with the new toggle switch, and the volume control for the speech board. Works well. As you mentioned you will need a -5V supply (I think that's right, it's been a while). My game already had a switching power supply installed so that was already there waiting for me. You will also need a special interface for the audio output of the S&T board. EDOT has a different dual amp board than UDOT. Normally there is an input on the dual amp for the speech. It is not there on the UDOT dual amp. Not to worry, if you look on the MCR2 SSIO board schematics near C10 and E10 you will see that there was an unused speech option. Your board probably does not have the 1uF caps and 13k resistors installed, so run to radio shack and spend $1 to populate them (values don't have to be exact). Then just run the left and right audio out from the S&Q board to your new 1uF capacitors, and SPEECH comes pouring out! Another option (the one I chose) is to solder those new parts in line on an aligator jumper wire coming from the S&T board. Now you can just jumper onto your SSIO board where the 13k resistor would normally go to without modifiying your DOT boards at all. The side-effect of this audio connection is that the main volume pot will now adjust sound and speech, while the speech pot will adjust the speech relative to the regular sound effects. As i mentioned above you get SOME speech even in upright mode. The switch setting to ENV mode enables all of the speech that would normally cause the game to wait until speech is finished(i.e. "Greetings..."). If the speech does not cause additional delay, it will play in either switch mode (i.e. sark laughing). The main reason to even have the switch is because ENV mode does not support 2 players and UR does not support full speech (hey Tim if you were to hack 2 player into ENV mode or full speech into UR mode, along with your freeplay hack, I would spend the $26 for your hack). I've read in several places that the ROM differences for EDOT and UDOT are because of the speech differences and 1 player only in EDOT. I don't think this is the case at all. I have found that my UDOT roms do everything correctly as if it were EDOT when the switch is in ENV mode, including speech diagnostics. I suspect that the control signals for the strobing lights also work perfectly, although I have not tested them (after all it is the same data bus that is controlling the S&T board). It is probably just the scoring information in attract mode that is different between the two versions, which are probably actually just different revisions.