Rally X Midway, 9 January 1981

Logic Board I, part. no. A08291385C000
                        PARTS SIDE  |  SOLDER SIDE
                      (+5V) Gnd | A | 1 | Gnd (+5V)
                      (+5V) Gnd | B | 2 | Gnd (+5V)
                            +5V | C | 3 | +5V
                            +5V | D | 4 | +5V
               (?) Credit Mult. | E | 5 | Power Credit Mult. (?)
                     (Not Used) | F | 6 | Coin Meter
                       Coin Sw. | H | 7 | NC (?)*
                       1P Start | J | 8 | 2P Start
                          P1 Up | K | 9 | P2 Up
                        P1 Down | L | 10| P2 Down
                       P1 Right | M | 11| P2 Right
                        P1 Left | N | 12| P2 Left
                       P1 Smoke | P | 13| P2 Smoke
                     Credit Sw. | R | 14| Test Pos.
                                | S | 15| Gnd (Cocktail only)
                   (Common) Gnd | T | 16| Gnd (Monitor)
                            Red | U | 17| Green
                           Blue | V | 18| Comp. Sync
                           Spkr | W | 19| Spkr
                           +12V | X | 20| +12V
                     (+12V) Gnd | Y | 21| Gnd (+12V)
                     (+12V) Gnd | Z | 22| Gnd (+12V)

* NC may *not* mean "No Care" for this pinout.  I can't figure out what it
does exactly, but it does have traces in the schematic similar to the other
buttons, controls, and switches.  Elsewhere on the schematic (pin F) there
is a "N.C." which is, I'm sure, a "No Care" pin.

I have a clone board which has 2 boards connected by 2 IDC cables.
My board has two sets of DIP switches, an 8 way at 11E on the
video/sound board, and 4 way on the CPU board.

Position                            Option
--------                            ------

 8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1     
                        off off    *1 coin for 1 play
                        off  on     1 coin for 2 plays
                         on off     2 coins for 1 play
                         on  on     Free play 

        off off off off             3 cars, rank C, bonus @ 60000
        off off off  on             2 cars, rank B, bonus @ 40000
        off off  on off             1 cars, rank C, bonus @ 30000
        off off  on  on             3 cars, rank A, bonus @ 60000
        off  on off off             2 cars, rank C, bonus @ 40000
        off  on off  on             1 cars, rank B, bonus @ 30000
        off  on  on off             3 cars, rank B, bonus @ 60000
        off  on  on  on             2 cars, rank A, bonus @ 40000
         on off off off             3 cars, rank C, bonus @ 20000
         on off off  on             2 cars, rank B, bonus @ 15000
         on off  on off             1 cars, rank C, bonus @ 10000
         on off  on  on            *3 cars, rank A, bonus @ 20000
         on  on off off             2 cars, rank C, bonus @ 15000
         on  on off  on             1 cars, rank B, bonus @ 10000
         on  on  on off             3 cars, rank B, bonus @ 20000
         on  on  on  on             2 cars, rank A, bonus @ 15000

off                                 MAINTENANCE USE ONLY

* indicates default setting

'Switch 8 is for maintenance use only and should normally be in OFF
position.  This halts the microprocessor. If it is inadvertently
placed in the ON position, a multicoloured pattern appears on the
screen on power up.'

I've no idea what switch 7 does.

The manual also advises:
'Toggle switches are also found at position 4A on the CPU board. These
are for maintenance only and should not be touched.'

Looking at the circuit diagram, we see that:

Switch1: No connection

Switch2: on:  pin 21 of ROMS tied to A12 line.
         Off: pin 21 of ROMS isolated

Switch3: on:  'A' input of '139 ROM decoder tied to A12 line.
         Off: 'A' input of '139 ROM decoder tied high.
: on:  pin 21 of ROMS tied to +5V
         Off: pin 21 isolated

My guess is that they select 2716 or 2732 ROMS.

2716: switch 3,4 on, switch 2 off
2732: switch 3,4 off, switch 2 on

I have 2716's on my board, and mine are set as shown.