BACKGROUND: This is part of the chain of responses to the posting of the
"Tempest Future" document to the RGVAC newsgroup. Basically, Clay Cowgill
(who currently produces the Tempest Multigame kit) commits to producing a
cartridge based system for Tempest if someone produces a good game, and
there is a minimal level of interest.

Clay> Space Duel might be a better platform though for a cartridge system.
Clay> Better color hardware and a lot more buttons to play with. You can
Clay> also target Gravitar/Black Widow relatively easily. Personally I
Clay> like the Tempest spinner though-- I still might try to port
Clay> Asteroids someday. 

Josh> I do recognize the technical superiority of Space Duel. The reason
Josh> why I would give a Tempest an edge over the Space Duel is because of
Josh> sheer ownership numbers. More owners of Tempest (and a more loyal
Josh> fan base) equals more interest in software and
Josh> hardware.

Josh> But I see the chicken-and-the-egg problem of Tempest software vs
Josh> Tempest hardware mods. As much as I would like to see an
Josh> announcement of a hardware mod to spur interest on the
Josh> programming side, I can confidently say "wait and see".

Clay> Alright, I'll make the group a "deal"... 

Clay> As soon as someone has a new game for Tempest written (of at least
Clay> the complexity and "polish" of Vector Breakout -- sound, coins,
Clay> reasonably playable, and not "pong" "tic-tac-toe" "guess my number"
Clay> or something like that... ;-) and as long as I get 25 people willing
Clay> to buy a "cartridge" based Tempest system I'll make the hardware.

Clay> If this happens, I'll make some sort-of reasonable trade-in system
Clay> for Tempest Multigame owners to the new system (not to exceed half
Clay> the price of the new kit).