Zaxxon Sega/Gremlin, 1982

44pin connector at location P5 on Assy IC Brd A, Sound II

                       SOLDER SIDE  |  PARTS SIDE
                            Gnd | A | 1 | Gnd
                            Gnd | B | 2 | Gnd
                            +5V | C | 3 | +5V
                            +5V | D | 4 | +5V
                            -5V | E | 5 | -5V
                           +12V | F | 6 | (+12V)
                         Spkr - | H | 7 | Spkr + 
                 (Coin Meter A) | J | 8 | (Coin Meter B)
                    Coin Mech A | K | 9 | Coin Mech B
                          Reset | L | 10| Service Switch
                       P1 Start | M | 11| P2 Start
                        P1 Left | N | 12| P1 Right
                          P1 Up | P | 13| P1 Down
                        P1 Fire | R | 14| (P1 Spare)
                      (P2 Left) | S | 15| (P2 Right)
                        (P2 Up) | T | 16| (P2 Down)
                      (P2 Fire) | U | 17| (P2 Spare)
                          (Gnd) | V | 18| (Gnd)
                              R | W | 19| G
                              B | X | 20| Comp Sync *
                          (Gnd) | Y | 21| (Gnd)
                          (Gnd) | Z | 22| (Gnd)

* At the bottom center of the Sound II board, there is a section labeled
"Color Conv."  At the far left you will see switch #4 (SW4).  If this switch
is off ("0"), you will get JAMMA compatible negative composite sync.  If it
is on ("1"), you will get positive composite sync.

Items in parantheses "()" are only needed for the cocktail setup, or perhaps
as extra pinouts.

Speaker @ 8 Ohms

There is an additional 10pin connector between P1 on both boards.  Pin 1
on the sound board maps to pin 1 on the video board, pin 2 on the sound
board maps to pin 2 on the video board, etc.  A Zaxxon boardset should come
with the connector between these two sets of pins.

P1 connector on both boards:
Pin | Definition
  1 | Unused
  2 | +12V
  3 | Unused
  4 | Gnd
  5 | Gnd
  6 | Gnd
  7 | -5V
  8 | +5V
  9 | +5V
 10 | +5V

There is an additional 6pin MTA connector at P4.  I believe it is needed 
to get sound.

P4 connector on Sound II Board 
Pin | Definition
  1 | Unused
  2 | Unused
  3 | Spkr + [to P57?]
  4 | Spkr - [to P5H?]
  5 | Unused
  6 | Unused

Switch Bank #1            

SW #1   SW #2   (Bonus Ship)           SW #5   SW #6
-----   -----                          -----   -----
 ON      ON     AT 10,000 *             ON      ON     3 Ships *
 ON      OFF    AT 20,000               ON      OFF    4 Ships
 OFF     ON     AT 30,000               OFF     ON     5 Ships
 OFF     OFF    AT 40,000               OFF     OFF    Free-Play

SW #7                                  SW #8
-----                                  -----
 ON        Sound On *                   ON       Cocktail Table
 OFF       Sound Off                    OFF      Upright Machine *

Switch Bank #2            My Defaults:  SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8
--------------                          ON  ON  ??? ??? ON  ON  ON  OFF

SW #1 SW #2 SW #3 SW #4 SW #5 SW #6 SW #7 SW #8     (Coin Mech A/B)
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
 ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON       4 Coins   1 Play
 ON    ON    ON    OFF   ON    ON    ON    OFF      3 Coins   1 Play
 ON    ON    OFF   ON    ON    ON    OFF   ON       2 Coins   1 Play
 ON    ON    OFF   OFF   ON    ON    OFF   OFF      1 Coin    1 Play
 ON    OFF   ON    ON    ON    OFF   ON    ON     * 1 Coin    2 Plays
 ON    OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF      1 Coin    3 Plays
 ON    OFF   OFF   ON    ON    OFF   OFF   ON       1 Coin    4 Plays
 ON    OFF   OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   OFF   OFF      1 Coin    5 Plays
 OFF   ON    ON    ON    OFF   ON    ON    ON       1 Coin    6 Plays
 OFF   ON    ON    OFF   OFF   ON    ON    OFF      2 Coins   1 Play
                                                    4 Coins   2 Plays
                                                    5 Coins   3 Plays
                                                    6 Coins   4 Plays
 OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF   ON    OFF   ON       2 Coins   1 Play
                                                    4 Coins   3 Plays
 OFF   ON    OFF   OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   OFF      1 Coin    1 Play
                                                    2 Coins   2 Plays
                                                    3 Coins   3 Plays
                                                    4 Coins   4 Plays
                                                    5 Coins   6 Plays
 OFF   OFF   ON    ON    OFF   OFF   ON    ON       1 Coin    1 Play
                                                    2 Coins   2 Plays
                                                    3 Coins   3 Plays
                                                    4 Coins   5 Plays
 OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   OFF   OFF   ON    OFF      1 Coin    1 Play
                                                    2 Coins   3 Plays
 OFF   OFF   OFF   ON    OFF   OFF   OFF   ON       1 Coin    2 Plays
                                                    2 Coins   4 Plays
                                                    3 Coins   6 Plays
                                                    4 Coins   8 Plays
                                                    5 Coins  11 Plays
 OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF   OFF      1 Coin    2 Plays
                                                    2 Coins   4 Plays
                                                    3 Coins   6 Plays
                                                    4 Coins   9 Plays