(using some simple mathematical analysis to categorise goals)


This guide refers to the Tehkan World Cup clone which exists in MAME. Some other clones will
have a few differences. 
These other clones will be analysed as soon as they appear in MAME (if they appear). Notice
that, the orology below could be used (by adding more parameters) to describe REAL WORLD goals!

All the goals are seen from the perspective of a two player game. In a one player game, the 
computer performs many more combinations which CANNOT be used by a human player. The 
denoted capital letters are used for all the abbreviations.

It is ridiculous to assume that I have seen ALL those goals! Many of the ones that you have 
seen, I may never see in my entire life. I just use my experience to make sure that all 
combinations are CORRECT and most importantly, POSSIBLE. And if you haven't guessed 
it yet, yes I have a Masters Degree in Pure Maths!!! (which made doing this analysis enjoyable)

Before you use this document as evidence for my madness and dress me into a white shirt, 
please understand my love not only for this game, but for many other games that I loved to play 
in primary, high school and university (like Pong, Space Invaders, Phoenix, Astro Fighter, Moon 
Cresta, Pac Man, Piranha, Galaga, Amidar, Burger Time, Kangaroo, Tank Battalion, Pengo, 
Frogger, Crazy Kong, Rock n Rope, Route 16, Monkey Donkey, Popeye, EuroLeague etc etc etc). 
If loving too much such games is mad, then yes, close me forever into a small room without 
windows (together with a computer and MAME).

MAIN (Three categories: Single, Double and Special)

These actions are described in a (Xtyp1,Xtac,Xdir,Xpos,Xinv,Xpla,Xnet) format where

Xtyp1 = Type of scoring (ShortHighKick, ShortLowKick, LongHighKick, LongLowKick, Intervention 
              from opponent, Tackle, Dribbling).
Xtac = parameter of DIRECT opponent tackles avoided (value is 5^0=1 for no tackles, 5^1=5 
           for 1 tackle, until a maximum 5^5=3125 for 5 tackles). 
           This involves the five directions of each tackle in the power of "the number of 
           times a tackle occurs near the player". 
           Since I started playing TWC, I have been able to avoid a maximum of 5 tackles 
           during a long run towards the goal. 
           More than that implies a small retreat from the attacking player which resets
            the whole single action. 
Xdir = Direction of the shot (Left, Right, Down, UpRight, UpLeft).
Xpos = The position of the ball with respect to the goalkeeper (Left, Right or Middle) where
            the goalkeeper is "assumed" to be in the center.
Xinv = Involvement of the goalkeeper (Notouch, Touch, Mistake).
Xpla = The type of player who scored the goal (Teammate, Opponent, Mixed).
Xnet = Was the goal scored in the correct net? (Goal, Own goal)

Calculating all possible combinations: 
(SHK,5^3,5,3,3,2,2) (5^2)x5x3x3x2x2=  22,500
(SLK,5^3,5,2,3,2,2) (5^2)x5x2x3x2x2=  22,500
(LHK,5^2,1,3,3,2,2) (5^1)x1x3x3x2x2=     900
(LLK,5^2,3,2,3,2,2) (5^1)x3x2x3x2x2=    1800
(I,5^0,8,3,2,2,2)   (5^0)x8x3x2x2x2= 600,000
(D,5^5,3,2,1,2,2)   (5^5)x3x2x1x2x2=  75,000
(T,5^5,5,3,1,2,2)   (5^5)x5x3x1x3x2= 281,250

All these results are multiplied by 2 which denotes whether or not the player lost and then
 recovered the ball during the action. More than one "recovering" resets the whole action. 
1,003,950x2 = 2,007,900


These actions are described in a (Xtyp2,Xdir,Xpos,Xinv,Xpla,Xnet)x(Ctyp,Cdir,Cpla)^2 format
where Xdir,Xpos,Xinv,Xpla,Xnet are as described in the "single action".
Xtyp2 = Type of scoring (ShortLowKick, LongLowKick, Header, Bicyclekick, Stomach(!)).
Ctyp = Type of cross (LongLowKick, ShortLowKick, Header, Bicycle kick, Stomach).
Cdir = Direction of the cross (all 8 combinations).
Cpla = The type of player who crossed the ball (Teammate, Opponent, Mixed).

Note that the combinations of (Ctyp,Cdir,Cpla)^2 are always equal to (5x8x3)^2= 14,400.

Calculating all possible combinations:
(SLK,5,2,3,2,2) 5x2x3x2x2= 120
(LLK,3,2,3,2,2) 3x2x3x2x2=  72
(H,5,2,3,3,2)   5x2x3x3x2= 180
(B,5,2,3,3,2)   5x2x3x3x2= 180

ALL COMBINED: 552x14,400 = 7,948,800


SPECIAL CASES (the format can be either single or double): 
 Direct from the left 1
 As a cross to the left,right,downleft or upleft 552x(5x8x3)x4 = 264,960
 As a cross to the upright or downright
  (this "cross" does not reach clearly the goal) 552x3x2 = 3,312

GoalkeeperKick: (Left, Right, Down, DownLeft, DownRight) 5
GoalkeeperWrongPass (in five possible directions): 552x(5x8x3)x5 = 331,200

CornerKickDirect: (Left or Right, Curly or Straight, Xinv) 2x2x3 = 12
 left (or right) direction 552x(5x8x3)x2 = 132,480
 upleft (or upright) direction 552x3x2 = 3,312
 up direction-normal/curly ((1x1+552x1)x2)x2 = 2,212

Rebounding from the post: 552x(5x8x3)x5 = 331,200
Rebounding from the screen(!): 552x(5x8x3) = 66,240




To describe any goal, we just need to identify the case (single or double; note that all 
the special cases can be expressed as a single or a double action by just replacing the
action starting parameter with the corresponding "special" parameter) and then use one 
of the two appropriate formats. As a general rule, things can get complicated for those 
who do not follow the correct notation, but can be simple for those who do.

For example, (SHK,L-UL-R,UL,L,N,G) is translated as :
Single action Short High Kick goal, where the player had to avoid three tackles from 
opponents (one left, one upleft and one right), it was an UpLeft shot and the ball ended 
on the keeper's left, while it was a genuine goal (ie not an own goal).  


Cross: A cross can be considered as a quick pass (or even shot!) by another player towards
           the scorer or the last person before the scorer. There can be combinations including 
           many crosses for the same goal, but in order to avoid infinite outcomes, we will 
           focus on combinations of a maximum of two crosses (scoring shot not included). 
           The reason for this is that if there were more than two crosses, the impact 
           (which involves the movement of the players) of the first cross will be reseted by
            the second cross (which is very logic). 
           This is the reason I use a "power of two" constant (^2). Note that, NO high shot is
           possible from a cross (unless the player stops, controls the ball and then continues 
           which is then categorised as a "single action").
DOUBLE, TRIPLE OR MORE ACTIONS: When a goal is scored by receiving a cross, a 
            combination of crosses, or by scoring with a volley shot. 
Dribbling: When the player enters the goal with the ball. 
Freethrow: Here the ball can go near the danger area if taken from the left side of the pitch
            and can even end up in the net! Apparently, using a freethrow from the other
            side of the pitch, doesn't seem to be as dangerous...
Goalkeeper: The goalkeeper can score with his hands during a shot or a cross from some other 
             player. We are listing some types of his involvement as (a)Notouch (when he didn't 
             touch the ball), (b)Touch (when he tried to stop a certain goal but without 
             success) and (c)Mistake (the ball will have never been in the net without the 
             helping hand of the goalie!).
Goalkeeper kick: The goalkeeper, when holding the ball, can score by kicking a ball into 
             his own net (five directions, two of them when he is exactly on the line, and where 
             the ball goes parallel to the line and then hits the inside of the post).
Goalkeeper Wrong Pass: Sometimes, if a player is near the goalkeeper, he can get the ball. 
             Now, if he shoots towards the goal immediately (something like receiving a cross), 
             the goal will end up in the net regardless the position of the goalie. 
Intervention: When a player approaches an opponent player and pushed the ball a little bit 
             further. An intervention can be responsible for having a goal scored from a player
             already inside the net!
Line: There are MANY difficult and RARE goals which can be scored by having the ball going 
             parallel to the goal line and eventually hitting the post before ending in the net. 
LongHighKick (LHK): a kick from outside the big area where the shot button is pressed fast. 
            This  is always a STRAIGHT shot (cannot with a diagonal shot), where the ball 
            simply takes a  lot of height. 
LongLowKick (LLK): a powerful kick from outside the big area where the button is pressed 
Mixed: some times both player hit the ball in the SAME direction and cannot be defined 
            precisely as a goal or an own goal.
Rebounding from the screen: In very rare circumstances, the ball bounces and goes higher 
            straight towards the screen with no direction. It stays there for a moment and then
            falls down again!
ShortHighKick (SHK): a kick from inside the big area where the shot button is pressed fast.
ShortLowKick (SLK): a kick from inside the big area where the button is pressed continuously.
Shot: all the ways of using the body to score.
SINGLE ACTION: When the player scores after some running (no passing or volley shots involved). 
             A tackle, for example can only happen by a single action and NOT a cross.
Stomach (ST): In TWC, there are many cases where the ball hits another player on the stomach 
             (or back, or ribs), and this can, in some cases, result to a goal. All stomach
             goals belong to the "crosses" (double or more action) type of scoring. 

If you have any comments/corrections please send me an e-mail at Thanks!

Master Peter CH (kastellorizo)

There are no copyrights. 
If there were, I wouldn't be able to play the game and write down this document!
PCH 2001