* Deathmaze 5000 for the Apple II *
* By Frank Corr, Jr. *
* (some sources also credit William F. Denman, Jr.) *
* Copyright 1980 by Med Systems Software *
* Disassembly by Andy McFadden, using 6502bench SourceGen v1.7.5 *
* Last updated 2021/08/14 *
FN_DESTROY_OBJ .eq $00 {const} ;destroy an item
FN_DESTROY_OBJ1 .eq $01 {const} ;destroy an item
FN_GET_BOX_OBJ .eq $02 {const} ;get object, still in box
FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ .eq $03 {const} ;activate object (e.g. light torch)
FN_GET_OBJ .eq $04 {const} ;pick up object (not in box)
FN_DROP_OBJ .eq $05 {const} ;drop an object (becomes a box)
FN_GET_OBJ_INFO .eq $06 {const} ;get object info
FN_DRAW_INV .eq $07 {const} ;draw player inventory on screen
FN_COUNT_INV .eq $08 {const} ;count inventory items; result in $19
FN_RESET_STATE .eq $09 {const} ;reset all player state
FN_FIND_BOXES .eq $0a {const} ;find 1-4 boxes in view on floor
FN_OBJ_HERE .eq $0b {const} ;find item on floor at current posn
FN_FIND_FOOD .eq $0c {const} ;find food obj in inventory
FN_FIND_LIT_T .eq $0d {const} ;find lit torch
FN_FIND_UNLIT_T .eq $0e {const} ;find unlit torch
FIRST_NOUN .eq $1d {const} ;index of first noun in word list
VERB_FWD .eq $5b {const} ;verb value for "move forward"
VERB_LEFT .eq $5c {const} ;verb value for "turn left"
VERB_RIGHT .eq $5d {const} ;verb value for "turn right"
VERB_180 .eq $5e {const} ;verb value for "turn around"
char_horiz .eq $06 ;text output horizontal position (0-39)
char_vert .eq $07 ;text output vertical position (0-23)
char_row_ptr .eq $08 {addr/2} ;hi-res address for top line of text
string_ptr .eq $0c {addr/2} ;pointer to text string
blink_timer .eq $17 {addr/2} ;timer for blinking apple cursor
MON_A1L .eq $3c ;general purpose
MON_A1H .eq $3d ;general purpose
MON_A2L .eq $3e ;general purpose
MON_A2H .eq $3f ;general purpose
DOS_RWTS .eq $03d9 ;RWTS entry point
MON_USRADDR .eq $03f8 {addr/3} ;jump to function that handles monitor Ctrl-Y
TEXT_PAGE_1 .eq $0400 {addr/1024} ;text screen, page 1
HIRES_PAGE_2 .eq $4000 {addr/8192} ;hi-res graphics, page 2
KBD .eq $c000 ;R last key pressed + 128
KBDSTRB .eq $c010 ;RW keyboard strobe
TXTCLR .eq $c050 ;RW display graphics
TXTSET .eq $c051 ;RW display text
MIXCLR .eq $c052 ;RW display full screen
TXTPAGE1 .eq $c054 ;RW display page 1
TXTPAGE2 .eq $c055 ;RW display page 2 (or read/write aux mem)
LORES .eq $c056 ;RW display lo-res graphics
HIRES .eq $c057 ;RW display hi-res graphics
MON_WRITE .eq $fecd ;write data to cassette
MON_READ .eq $fefd ;read data from cassette
MON_MONZ .eq $ff69 ;reset and enter monitor
.org $0805
0805: 58 Start cli ;enable interrupts (why?)
0806: a2 00 ldx #$00
0808: 86 17 stx blink_timer ;init cursor blink timer to zero
080a: 86 18 stx blink_timer+1
080c: 20 00 3f Restart jsr Setup ;relocate last part of program above hi-res page 2
080f: 86 06 stx char_horiz ;set horizontal position to zero
0811: 2c 55 c0 bit TXTPAGE2 ;set page 2
0814: 2c 52 c0 bit MIXCLR ;full screen
0817: 2c 57 c0 bit HIRES ;hi-res mode
081a: 2c 50 c0 bit TXTCLR ;enable graphics
081d: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen ;clear screen
0820: ea nop
0821: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res address for text output
0824: a9 94 lda #$94 ;"do you wish to continue a game?"
0826: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN ;draw the message
0829: 20 f7 0f jsr GetYesNo ;get answer
082c: c9 59 cmp #‘Y’ ;affirmative?
082e: d0 13 bne :NoLoad ;no, skip load
0830: 20 3f 7c jsr LoadDiskOrTape
0833: a9 96 lda #$96 ;"when ready, press any key"
0835: ea nop
0836: ea nop
0837: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
083a: 20 e9 0f jsr WaitKeyCursor ;wait for key
083d: 20 72 08 jsr LoadFromTape ;do tape load
0840: 4c 4a 08 jmp GetStarted
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
0843: a2 09 :NoLoad ldx #FN_RESET_STATE
0845: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
0847: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;init player state
; Start the game, first showing the instruction page.
084a: a2 1b GetStarted ldx #$1b
084c: 8e 9c 61 stx parsed_verb ;pretend the user typed "instructions"
084f: 20 40 26 jsr ExecParsedInput ;execute command
0852: 4c 2b 09 jmp MainLoop
; Clears hi-res page 2 to black.
]ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
0855: a2 00 ClearScreen ldx #<HIRES_PAGE_2 ;init pointer
0857: 86 0e stx ]ptr
0859: a2 40 ldx #>HIRES_PAGE_2
085b: 86 0f stx ]ptr+1
085d: a0 00 ldy #$00
085f: 98 :ClearLoop1 tya
0860: 91 0e :ClearLoop sta (]ptr),y
0862: e6 0e inc ]ptr ;advance pointer
0864: d0 fa bne :ClearLoop
0866: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1
0868: a5 0f lda ]ptr+1
086a: c9 60 cmp #>HIRES_PAGE_2+$2000 ;done yet?
086c: d0 f1 bne :ClearLoop1 ;no, keep going
086e: 60 rts
086f: ea ea ea .junk 3
; Loads a saved game from tape.
0872: a2 93 LoadFromTape ldx #<plyr_facing ;set load address to $6193
0874: 86 3c stx MON_A1L
0876: a2 61 ldx #>plyr_facing
0878: 86 3d stx MON_A1H
087a: a2 62 ldx #$62 ;set end to $6292 (start + 255)
087c: 86 3f stx MON_A2H
087e: a2 92 ldx #$92
0880: 86 3e stx MON_A2L
0882: 20 fd fe jsr MON_READ ;read data from cassette
0885: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen
0888: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze
088b: 20 1c 7d jsr VerifySave ;pops return addr
; (can't actually get here?)
088e: ea nop
088f: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc
; Draws message N at the second-to-last line. The message text is also copied
; into a buffer.
; On entry:
; A-reg: message index
]save_ptr .var $0a {addr/2}
0892: a2 00 DrawMsgN_Row22 ldx #$00
0894: 86 06 stx char_horiz ;set horizontal position to zero
0896: a2 16 ldx #22
0898: 86 07 stx char_vert ;set vertical position to row 22 (one up from bottom)
089a: a2 7a ldx #<text_row22
089c: 86 0a stx ]save_ptr
089e: a2 0c ldx #>text_row22
08a0: 86 0b stx ]save_ptr+1
08a2: d0 10 bne :DrawMsg
08a4: a2 00 DrawMsgN_Row23 ldx #$00
08a6: 86 06 stx char_horiz ;set horizontal position to zero
08a8: a2 17 ldx #23
08aa: 86 07 stx char_vert ;set vertical position to row 23 (last line)
08ac: a2 a2 ldx #<text_row23
08ae: 86 0a stx ]save_ptr
08b0: a2 0c ldx #>text_row23
08b2: 86 0b stx ]save_ptr+1
08b4: 20 00 09 :DrawMsg jsr FindMsgN ;set pointer to Nth message
08b7: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;configure the hi-res screen pointer
08ba: 20 21 09 jsr ClearToSpaces ;clear text buffer to spaces
08bd: a0 00 ldy #$00
08bf: b1 0c lda (string_ptr),y ;get byte from message
08c1: 29 7f and #%01111111 ;strip high bit
08c3: 91 0a :DrawLoop sta (]save_ptr),y ;save in buffer
08c5: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw on screen
08c8: ee 0c 00 inc: string_ptr ;advance text pointer
08cb: d0 03 bne :NoInc
08cd: ee 0d 00 inc: string_ptr+1
08d0: e6 0a :NoInc inc ]save_ptr ;advance save buffer pointer
08d2: d0 02 bne :NoInc
08d4: e6 0b inc ]save_ptr+1
08d6: a0 00 :NoInc ldy #$00
08d8: b1 0c lda (string_ptr),y ;get next byte from message
08da: 10 e7 bpl :DrawLoop ;if we haven't hit the start of next message, branch
08dc: a9 1e lda #$1e
08de: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
08e1: 60 rts
; Draws message #N, at the current text position.
; On entry:
; A-reg: message index
• Clear variables
]msg_ptr .var $0c {addr/2}
08e2: 20 00 09 DrawMsgN jsr FindMsgN ;get pointer to the Nth message
; Draws the pointed-to message, at the current text position.
; On entry:
; $0c-0d: pointer to text
08e5: 20 ef 11 DrawMsg jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res row pointer
08e8: a0 00 ldy #$00
08ea: b1 0c lda (]msg_ptr),y ;get first char
08ec: 29 7f and #$7f ;clear the high bit
08ee: 20 a4 11 :DrawLoop jsr DrawGlyph ;draw it
08f1: ee 0c 00 inc: string_ptr ;advance pointer
08f4: d0 03 bne :NoInc
08f6: ee 0d 00 inc: string_ptr+1
08f9: a0 00 :NoInc ldy #$00
08fb: b1 0c lda (]msg_ptr),y ;get next char
08fd: 10 ef bpl :DrawLoop ;if we haven't hit next string, branch
08ff: 60 rts
; Finds the Nth string in the message table.
; The first character in each string has its high bit set.
; On entry:
; $11: string index (0-?)
; On exit:
; $0c-0d: pointer to string
; $11: zero
]ptr .var $0c {addr/2}
]string_num .var $11 {addr/1}
0900: 85 11 FindMsgN sta ]string_num
0902: a2 29 ldx #<msg_strings ;init to start of list
0904: 8e 0c 00 stx: string_ptr
0907: a2 68 ldx #>msg_strings
0909: 8e 0d 00 stx: string_ptr+1
090c: a0 00 ldy #$00
090e: b1 0c :Find1 lda (]ptr),y ;get a character
0910: 30 0a bmi :FoundStart ;hi bit set at start of string, branch
0912: ee 0c 00 :Find2 inc: string_ptr ;advance pointer
0915: d0 f7 bne :Find1 ;didn't roll, branch
0917: ee 0d 00 inc: string_ptr+1 ;increment high byte
091a: d0 f2 bne :Find1 ;(always)
091c: c6 11 :FoundStart dec ]string_num ;decrement count
091e: d0 f2 bne :Find2 ;not there yet
0920: 60 rts
; Sets 40 spaces ($20) at the target address.
; On entry:
; $0a-0b: pointer
]ptr .var $0a {addr/2}
0921: a0 27 ClearToSpaces ldy #39
0923: a9 20 lda #‘ ’
0925: 91 0a :Loop sta (]ptr),y
0927: 88 dey
0928: 10 fb bpl :Loop
092a: 60 rts
; Main game loop.
092b: 20 ca 0c MainLoop jsr GetInput
092e: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
0931: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;written verb (not movement key)?
0933: 30 0e bmi :WrittenVerb ;yes, branch
0935: 20 49 09 jsr HandleImmCmd ;no, handle key immediately
0938: ad a5 61 MainLoop2 lda special_zone ;something special here?
093b: f0 ee beq MainLoop ;no, loop
093d: 20 47 33 jsr HandleSpecialZone ;do the special thing
0940: 4c 2b 09 jmp MainLoop ;back to the grind
0943: 20 40 26 :WrittenVerb jsr ExecParsedInput
0946: 4c 38 09 jmp MainLoop2
; Handles "immediate" actions: move forward or change direction.
; On entry:
; A-reg: verb
]tmp_facing .var $1a {addr/1}
0949: ae 93 61 HandleImmCmd ldx plyr_facing ;copy the player's current facing direction
094c: 86 1a stx ]tmp_facing
094e: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;did they try to move forward?
0950: f0 4b beq HndMoveFwd ;yes, handle it
0952: 20 56 09 jsr DirectionChange ;no, try the other stuff
0955: 60 rts
0956: c9 5c DirectionChange cmp #VERB_LEFT ;turn left?
0958: f0 1b beq HndTurnLeft ;yes, branch
095a: c9 5e cmp #VERB_180 ;turn around?
095c: f0 29 beq HndTurn180 ;yes, branch
; Must be "turn right".
095e: a5 1a lda ]tmp_facing ;get facing
0960: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;currently at 4?
0962: f0 05 beq :RollOver ;yes, branch
0964: ee 93 61 inc plyr_facing ;update facing
0967: d0 05 bne :Finish ;(always)
0969: a2 01 :RollOver ldx #$01 ;reset to 1
096b: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing
; Finish up by redrawing the maze and reporting low resources.
096e: 20 15 10 :Finish jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze
0971: 20 77 0b jsr ReportLowRsrc ;report hunger / torch issues
0974: 60 rts
0975: a5 1a HndTurnLeft lda ]tmp_facing ;get facing
0977: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;currently at 1?
0979: f0 05 beq :RollUnder ;yes, branch
097b: ce 93 61 dec plyr_facing ;update facing
097e: 10 ee bpl :Finish ;(always)
0980: a2 04 :RollUnder ldx #$04 ;reset to 4
0982: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing
0985: d0 e7 bne :Finish ;(always)
0987: a5 1a HndTurn180 lda ]tmp_facing
0989: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;< 3?
098b: 30 08 bmi L0995 ;yes, inc twice
098d: ce 93 61 dec plyr_facing ;no, dec twice
0990: ce 93 61 dec plyr_facing
0993: 10 d9 bpl :Finish ;(always)
0995: ee 93 61 L0995 inc plyr_facing
0998: ee 93 61 inc plyr_facing
099b: 10 d1 bpl :Finish
; Handles forward movement, including travel into special areas.
099d: ad 94 61 HndMoveFwd lda plyr_floor ;get current floor
09a0: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;3rd floor?
09a2: d0 25 bne :NotPerfSq ;not the Perfect Square special, branch
09a4: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos
09a7: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;X pos = 7?
09a9: d0 1e bne :NotPerfSq ;not special, branch
09ab: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos
09ae: ae 93 61 ldx plyr_facing ;copy facing to ZP
09b1: 86 1a stx ]tmp_facing
09b3: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;Y pos = 8?
09b5: f0 0c beq :ChkPQNorth ;yes, branch
09b7: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;Y pos = 9?
09b9: d0 0e bne :NotPerfSq ;not special, branch
09bb: a5 1a lda ]tmp_facing ;check facing
09bd: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;looking south?
09bf: d0 08 bne :NotPerfSq ;no, not special
09c1: f0 1c beq :MoveForward ;yes, allow movement through wall
09c3: a5 1a :ChkPQNorth lda ]tmp_facing
09c5: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;facing north?
09c7: f0 16 beq :MoveForward ;yes, allow movement through wall
; Player is not facing the perfect square wall. Test to see if there is a wall
; right in front of us.
09c9: ad 9a 61 :NotPerfSq lda maze_walls_rt
09cc: 29 e0 and #%11100000 ;strip low bits, keeping only distance
09ce: d0 0f bne :MoveForward ;nonzero, allow movement
09d0: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;facing a wall, splat the player
09d3: a9 09 lda #9
09d5: 85 06 sta char_horiz
09d7: 85 07 sta char_vert
09d9: a9 7c lda #$7c ;"splat"
09db: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
09de: 60 rts
09df: ae 93 61 :MoveForward ldx plyr_facing ;get facing
09e2: ca dex
09e3: f0 15 beq :MoveWest
09e5: ca dex
09e6: f0 0d beq :MoveNorth
09e8: ca dex
09e9: f0 05 beq :MoveEast
09eb: ce 96 61 dec plyr_ypos ;move south (-Y)
09ee: 10 0d bpl :MoveCommon ;(always)
09f0: ee 95 61 :MoveEast inc plyr_xpos ;move east (+X)
09f3: 10 08 bpl :MoveCommon ;(always)
09f5: ee 96 61 :MoveNorth inc plyr_ypos ;move north (+Y)
09f8: 10 03 bpl :MoveCommon ;(always)
09fa: ce 95 61 :MoveWest dec plyr_xpos ;move west (-X)
09fd: 20 10 0a :MoveCommon jsr CheckSpecialCell ;check to see if the new cell is special
0a00: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;find anything?
0a03: f0 01 beq :NoSpecial ;no, do the usual
0a05: 60 rts
0a06: 20 19 0b :NoSpecial jsr ReduceResources ;reduce torch and satiation levels
0a09: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze at new position
0a0c: 20 77 0b jsr ReportLowRsrc ;report hunger / torch issues
0a0f: 60 rts
; Checks to see if we're now standing in a cell with special properties.
]ypos_copy .var $19 {addr/1}
]xpos_copy .var $1a {addr/1}
0a10: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos ;copy X/Y position to ZP
0a13: 85 19 sta ]ypos_copy
0a15: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos
0a18: 85 1a sta ]xpos_copy
0a1a: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor
0a1d: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;on 3rd floor?
0a1f: d0 01 bne :Not3rd ;no, branch
0a21: 60 rts ;yes, nothing further here
0a22: 30 03 :Not3rd bmi :OneOrTwo
0a24: 4c bc 0a jmp :FourOrFive
0a27: c9 02 :OneOrTwo cmp #$02 ;2nd floor?
0a29: f0 32 beq :FloorTwo ;yes, branch
0a2b: a5 1a lda ]xpos_copy
0a2d: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;X pos = 3?
0a2f: f0 05 beq :CheckCalcY ;yes, check for calc
0a31: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;X pos = 6?
0a33: f0 0e beq :ChkGuillotine ;yes, check for guillotine
0a35: 60 rts
0a36: a5 19 :CheckCalcY lda ]ypos_copy
0a38: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;Y pos = 3?
0a3a: f0 01 beq :IsCalcRoom ;yes, in the calculator room
0a3c: 60 :Return rts
0a3d: a2 02 :IsCalcRoom ldx #$02 ;calculator special
0a3f: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone
0a42: 60 rts
0a43: a5 19 :ChkGuillotine lda ]ypos_copy
0a45: c9 0a cmp #$0a ;Y pos = 10?
0a47: f0 01 beq ReportGuillotine ;yes, off with his head
0a49: 60 rts
0a4a: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen ;clear hi-res screen
0a4d: a9 00 lda #0 ;column 0
0a4f: 85 06 sta char_horiz
0a51: a9 09 lda #9 ;row 9
0a53: 85 07 sta char_vert
0a55: a9 29 lda #$29 ;"the invisible guillotine beheads you"
0a57: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
0a5a: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
0a5d: a5 19 :FloorTwo lda ]ypos_copy
0a5f: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;Y pos = 5?
0a61: f0 24 beq :Check2Y5
0a63: ad a4 61 :CheckDog1 lda floor_move_lo ;check number of moves made
0a66: c9 3c cmp #60 ;at least 60?
0a68: b0 05 bcs :GtEq60 ;yes, branch
0a6a: ad a3 61 lda floor_move_hi
0a6d: f0 cd beq :Return
0a6f: ad ae 61 :GtEq60 lda dog1_alive ;is dog #1 alive?
0a72: 29 01 and #$01 ;(?)
0a74: f0 c6 beq :Return ;no, bail
0a76: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;already in a special zone (e.g. no light)?
0a79: d0 06 bne :InsertDogSpec ;yes, branch
0a7b: a2 06 ldx #$06 ;encounter with dog #1
0a7d: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;set special zone
0a80: 60 rts
0a81: a2 06 :InsertDogSpec ldx #$06
0a83: 8e a6 61 stx special_zone1 ;add to special zone stack
0a86: 60 rts
0a87: a5 1a :Check2Y5 lda ]xpos_copy
0a89: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;X pos = 5?
0a8b: f0 22 beq :Dog2
0a8d: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;X pos = 8?
0a8f: d0 d2 bne :CheckDog1 ;no, do other dog thing
; Stepped into pit on 2nd floor. Move to 3rd.
0a91: a2 03 ldx #$03
0a93: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing ;rotate to face east
0a96: 8e 94 61 stx plyr_floor ;3rd floor
0a99: a2 08 ldx #8 ;set X=8 Y=5
0a9b: 8e 95 61 stx plyr_xpos
0a9e: a2 05 ldx #5
0aa0: 8e 96 61 stx plyr_ypos
0aa3: a2 00 ldx #$00
0aa5: 8e a3 61 stx floor_move_hi ;reset step counter
0aa8: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo
0aab: 20 7c 10 jsr FallIntoPit ;down we go
0aae: 60 rts
; Set up dog #2 (the one near the middle of the 2nd floor, which you can skip).
0aaf: ad af 61 :Dog2 lda dog2_alive ;is dog #2 alive?
0ab2: 29 01 and #$01
0ab4: f0 05 beq :Return ;no, bail
0ab6: a2 07 ldx #$07 ;encounter with dog #2
0ab8: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone
0abb: 60 :Return rts
0abc: c9 04 :FourOrFive cmp #$04 ;4th floor?
0abe: f0 40 beq :Floor4
; Special areas on 5th floor.
0ac0: a5 1a lda ]xpos_copy
0ac2: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;X pos = 4?
0ac4: f0 24 beq :CheckFiveX4
0ac6: ad a4 61 :Not5_44 lda floor_move_lo
0ac9: c9 32 cmp #50 ;made at least 50 moves?
0acb: b0 05 bcs :CheckMother ;yes, check on mom
0acd: ad a3 61 lda floor_move_hi
0ad0: f0 e9 beq :Return
0ad2: ad ac 61 :CheckMother lda monster2_alive ;is monster's mother alive?
0ad5: 29 04 and #$04
0ad7: f0 e2 beq :Return ;no, bail
0ad9: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;currently in a special zone?
0adc: d0 06 bne :InSpec ;yes, branch
0ade: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;monster's mother lair
0ae0: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone
0ae3: 60 rts
0ae4: a2 09 :InSpec ldx #$09 ;monster's mother lair
0ae6: 8e a6 61 stx special_zone1
0ae9: 60 rts
0aea: a5 19 :CheckFiveX4 lda ]ypos_copy
0aec: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;Y pos = 4?
0aee: d0 d6 bne :Not5_44 ;no, branch
; Found the bat cell.
0af0: ad ab 61 lda bat_alive ;is bat alive?
0af3: 29 02 and #$02
0af5: f0 cf beq :Not5_44 ;no, no bat for you
0af7: 20 dc 10 jsr PushSpecialZone1
0afa: a2 04 ldx #$04
0afc: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;into the bat zone
0aff: 60 rts
; In the monster's lair area on floor 4. Monster shows up after 80 moves.
0b00: ad a4 61 :Floor4 lda floor_move_lo
0b03: c9 50 cmp #80 ;has player taken 80+ forward steps?
0b05: b0 05 bcs :EnoughSteps ;yes, branch
0b07: ad a3 61 lda floor_move_hi
0b0a: f0 af beq :Return
0b0c: ad ad 61 :EnoughSteps lda monster1_alive ;is monster alive?
0b0f: 29 02 and #$02
0b11: f0 05 beq :Return ;no, bail
0b13: a2 08 ldx #$08 ;encounter with monster in lair
0b15: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone
0b18: 60 :Return rts
; Updates number of moves left on torches and hunger level. This is called
; after every forward movement (but not on turns or commands).
; Also, increases the movement counter.
0b19: ad a4 61 ReduceResources lda floor_move_lo ;increment 16-bit move counter
0b1c: c9 ff cmp #$ff ;(in a really awkward way)
0b1e: f0 06 beq :LowFull
0b20: ee a4 61 inc floor_move_lo
0b23: 4c 2e 0b jmp :DoTorch
0b26: a2 00 :LowFull ldx #$00
0b28: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo
0b2b: ee a3 61 inc floor_move_hi
0b2e: ad 94 61 :DoTorch lda plyr_floor
0b31: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;5th floor?
0b33: f0 1a beq :NoDecTorch ;must be using ring, skip torch check
0b35: ad a1 61 lda torch_level ;is a torch lit?
0b38: f0 15 beq :NoDecTorch ;no, don't reduce torch level
0b3a: ce a1 61 dec torch_level
0b3d: d0 10 bne :NoDecTorch ;still more to burn, branch
0b3f: ce 97 61 dec num_lit_torches ;decrement lit torch count
0b42: a2 00 ldx #$00
0b44: 8e 9e 61 stx illumination_flag ;disable illumination
0b47: 20 dc 10 jsr PushSpecialZone1
0b4a: a2 0a ldx #$0a ;encounter monster in the darkness
0b4c: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone
; Check food level.
0b4f: ce a0 61 :NoDecTorch dec food_level_lo ;reduce food level
0b52: ad a0 61 lda food_level_lo ;check food level
0b55: c9 ff cmp #$ff ;low byte dropped below zero?
0b57: d0 03 bne :NoDec ;no, branch
0b59: ce 9f 61 dec food_level_hi ;yes, decrement high byte
0b5c: ad 9f 61 :NoDec lda food_level_hi ;see if we're out of food
0b5f: 0d a0 61 ora food_level_lo
0b62: d0 b4 bne :Return ;have food, branch
; Out of energy.
0b64: 20 55 08 StarvedToDeath jsr ClearScreen ;erase hi-res screen
0b67: a9 35 lda #$35 ;"you have died of starvation"
0b69: a2 07 ldx #7
0b6b: 86 06 stx char_horiz ;horizontal offset 7
0b6d: a2 02 ldx #2
0b6f: 86 07 stx char_vert ;vertical offset 2
0b71: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN ;give them the bad news
0b74: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;jump to general death handling
; Displays a message when resources are running low.
0b77: ad 9f 61 ReportLowRsrc lda food_level_hi ;got energy?
0b7a: d0 0c bne :NotHungry ;yes, no message
0b7c: ad a0 61 lda food_level_lo
0b7f: c9 0a cmp #10 ;10 or more units left?
0b81: b0 05 bcs :NotHungry ;yes, no message
0b83: a9 32 lda #$32 ;"your stomach is growling"
0b85: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
0b88: ad a1 61 :NotHungry lda torch_level ;check torch level
0b8b: f0 25 beq :Return ;already out, no message
0b8d: c9 0a cmp #10 ;10 or more moves left?
0b8f: b0 21 bcs :Return ;no message
0b91: a9 33 lda #$33 ;"your torch is dying"
0b93: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
0b96: 60 rts
; Checks to see if an item is in the player's inventory and unboxed.
; NOTE: if the item is not found, this prints a "check your inventory" message
; and then pops the caller off the stack and returns to the caller's caller.
; On entry:
; $0e: noun
; On return:
; A-reg: object index for consumables (torches/food), object state ($07/$08)
; for others
; $19/$1a: results from inventory query
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1}
0b97: ad 9d 61 CheckInventory lda parsed_noun
0b9a: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;food, torch, ... ?
0b9c: 10 15 bpl :ChkConsumable ;yes, branch
0b9e: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
0ba0: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
0ba2: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object info
0ba5: a5 1a lda ]ret_state ;check state
0ba7: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;is it in inventory and unboxed (active or not)?
0ba9: 10 07 bpl :Return ;yes, bail
0bab: 68 :PopAndMsg pla ;pop return address off stack
0bac: 68 pla
0bad: a9 7b CheckInvDolt lda #$7b ;"check your inventory, dolt"
0baf: 20 a4 08 :MsgAndRet jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
0bb2: 60 :Return rts
0bb3: c9 12 :ChkConsumable cmp #$12 ;food?
0bb5: f0 10 beq :HandleFood ;yes, branch
0bb7: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch?
0bb9: f0 18 beq :HandleTorch ;yes, branch
0bbb: a2 0b ldx #FN_OBJ_HERE
0bbd: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
0bbf: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc
0bc2: c9 00 cmp #$00
0bc4: f0 e5 beq :PopAndMsg
0bc6: 60 rts
0bc7: a2 0c :HandleFood ldx #FN_FIND_FOOD
0bc9: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
0bcb: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;object index in A-reg
0bce: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;did we find some?
0bd0: f0 d9 beq :PopAndMsg ;no, snark
0bd2: 60 rts
0bd3: a2 0e :HandleTorch ldx #FN_FIND_UNLIT_T ;look for unlit torch
0bd5: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
0bd7: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc
0bda: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;find anything?
0bdc: d0 d4 bne :Return ;yes, we're done
0bde: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor
0be1: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;are we on the 5th floor?
0be3: f0 c6 beq :PopAndMsg ;yes, complain and bail
0be5: ad 9e 61 lda illumination_flag ;lights off?
0be8: f0 c1 beq :PopAndMsg ;yes, complain and bail
0bea: a2 0d ldx #FN_FIND_LIT_T
0bec: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
0bee: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;look for lit torch
0bf1: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;find anything?
0bf3: d0 bd bne :Return ;no, bail
0bf5: ad 97 61 lda num_lit_torches ;check lit torch count
0bf8: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;is one lit?
0bfa: d0 af bne :PopAndMsg ;no, complain and bail
0bfc: 68 pla ;pop return address
0bfd: 68 pla
0bfe: a9 98 lda #$98 ;"you will do no such thing"
0c00: d0 ad bne :MsgAndRet ;print msg and bail
; Copy a block of data.
; On entry:
; $0e-0f: src pointer
; $10-11: dst pointer
; $19-1a: length
]src_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
]dst_ptr .var $10 {addr/2}
]length .var $19 {addr/2}
0c02: a0 00 CopyData ldy #$00 ;indirect load requires Y-reg, so set to zero
0c04: b1 0e :CopyLoop lda (]src_ptr),y
0c06: 91 10 sta (]dst_ptr),y
0c08: e6 0e inc ]src_ptr ;increment low byte of src pointer
0c0a: d0 02 bne :SrcLowNZ
0c0c: e6 0f inc ]src_ptr+1 ;hit zero, increment high byte
0c0e: e6 10 :SrcLowNZ inc ]dst_ptr ;increment low byte of dst pointer
0c10: d0 02 bne :DstLowNZ
0c12: e6 11 inc ]dst_ptr+1
0c14: c6 19 :DstLowNZ dec ]length ;decrement the length
0c16: f0 0b beq LenLowZ ;hit zero, see if we're done
0c18: a5 19 lda ]length ;get the low byte
0c1a: c9 ff cmp #$ff ;did we just decrement below zero?
0c1c: d0 e6 bne :CopyLoop ;no, branch
0c1e: c6 1a dec ]length+1 ;yes, decrement the high byte
0c20: 4c 04 0c jmp :CopyLoop
0c23: a5 1a LenLowZ lda ]length+1 ;is 16-bit length zero?
0c25: 05 19 ora ]length
0c27: d0 db bne :CopyLoop ;not yet, keep going
0c29: 60 rts
; Saved copy of messages in rows 22/23.
0c2a: c9 50 90 03+ saved_msgs .bulk $c9,$50,$90,$03,$20,$15,$10,$ad,$9e,$61,$f0,$08,$a2,$00,$8e,$b3
+ $61,$4c,$93,$34,$a2,$00,$8e,$a4,$61,$ad,$b3,$61,$d0,$29,$ad,$94
+ $61,$c9,$05,$f0,$0a,$ad,$ad,$61
0c52: 29 02 d0 08+ .bulk $29,$02,$d0,$08,$4c,$93,$34,$ad,$ac,$61,$f0,$f8,$20,$26,$36,$a9
+ $43,$20,$92,$08,$a9,$44,$20,$a4,$08,$ee,$b3,$61,$4c,$08,$36,$c9
+ $01,$d0,$13,$20,$26,$36,$ee,$b3
; Message shown in row 22. This row is also used for input.
0c7a: 61 a9 45 20+ text_row22 .bulk $61,$a9,$45,$20,$92,$08,$a9,$47,$20,$a4,$08,$4c,$08,$36,$20,$26
+ $36,$ad,$94,$61,$c9,$05,$f0,$0d,$a9,$36,$20,$92,$08,$a9,$37,$20
+ $a4,$08,$4c,$b9,$10,$a9,$48,$20
; Message shown in row 23.
0ca2: 92 08 a9 4b+ text_row23 .bulk $92,$08,$a9,$4b,$20,$a4,$08,$4c,$b9,$10,$ca,$d0,$6f,$ad,$9d,$61
+ $c9,$11,$f0,$07,$20,$5f,$10,$a9,$20,$d0,$e9,$ad,$9c,$61,$c9,$0e
+ $f0,$52,$c9,$13,$d0,$ee,$a2,$04
; Get and parse a character or a line of input.
; The first character is handled specially, because movement keys react
; immediately. Once we get a non-movement key, we switch to line-input mode
; with a blinking apple cursor.
; The input is parsed into $619c/619d before returning.
0cca: 2c 10 c0 GetInput bit KBDSTRB ;clear keyboard strobe
0ccd: 2c 00 c0 :WaitForKey bit KBD ;key ready?
0cd0: 10 fb bpl :WaitForKey ;not yet
0cd2: ad 00 c0 lda KBD ;get key
0cd5: 29 7f and #$7f ;strip high bit
0cd7: c9 40 cmp #‘@’ ;< '@' ?
0cd9: 30 02 bmi :NoConv ;yes
0cdb: 29 5f and #$5f ;convert to upper case
0cdd: 48 :NoConv pha ;save key value
; Save previous messages into buffer (can recall with ESC key).
0cde: a9 0c lda #>text_row22
0ce0: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1
0ce2: a9 7a lda #<text_row22
0ce4: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr
0ce6: a9 0c lda #>saved_msgs
0ce8: 85 11 sta ]dst_ptr+1
0cea: a9 2a lda #<saved_msgs
0cec: 85 10 sta ]dst_ptr
0cee: a9 00 lda #$00
0cf0: 85 1a sta ]length+1
0cf2: a9 50 lda #80 ;copy 80 bytes
0cf4: 85 19 sta ]length
0cf6: 20 02 0c jsr CopyData
0cf9: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages ;clear bottom two rows
0cfc: ea nop
0cfd: ea nop
0cfe: ea nop
0cff: ea nop
0d00: ea nop
0d01: ea nop
0d02: ea nop
0d03: ea nop
0d04: ea nop
0d05: ea nop
0d06: ea nop
0d07: ea nop
0d08: ea nop
0d09: ea nop
0d0a: ea nop
0d0b: ea nop
0d0c: ea nop
0d0d: ea nop
0d0e: ea nop
0d0f: c6 07 dec char_vert ;back up to row 22
0d11: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
; Clear message area to $80.
• Clear variables
]word_count .var $10 {addr/1}
]input_count .var $11 {addr/1}
]in_buf_ptr .var $19 {addr/2}
0d14: a9 0c lda #>text_row22
0d16: 8d 0d 00 sta: string_ptr+1
0d19: a9 79 lda #<text_row22-1
0d1b: 8d 0c 00 sta: string_ptr
0d1e: a9 80 lda #$80
0d20: a0 50 ldy #80
0d22: 91 0c :Set80Loop sta (string_ptr),y
0d24: 88 dey
0d25: d0 fb bne :Set80Loop
0d27: a9 00 lda #$00
0d29: 85 11 sta ]input_count ;no input yet
0d2b: 85 10 sta ]word_count
0d2d: a9 0c lda #>text_row22 ;use row 22 message buffer to hold input
0d2f: 85 1a sta ]in_buf_ptr+1
0d31: a9 79 lda #<text_row22-1
0d33: 85 19 sta ]in_buf_ptr
0d35: 68 pla ;restore key value
0d36: 4c 4f 0d jmp GotInputKey
; Wait for a key to be hit as part of entering a line of input.
0d39: 2c 10 c0 GetNextKey bit KBDSTRB ;clear keyboard strobe
0d3c: 20 43 12 :WaitLoop jsr DrawBlinkingApple ;draw the cursor, if appropriate
0d3f: 2c 00 c0 bit KBD
0d42: 10 f8 bpl :WaitLoop
0d44: ad 00 c0 lda KBD
0d47: 29 7f and #%01111111 ;clear high bit
0d49: c9 40 cmp #$40 ;< '@'?
0d4b: 30 02 bmi GotInputKey ;yes, branch
0d4d: 29 5f and #%01011111 ;convert to upper case
; Handle key. Key value in A-reg (high bit cleared, converted to upper case).
0d4f: 48 GotInputKey pha ;save key value
0d50: a5 11 lda ]input_count ;do we have one or more chars in buffer?
0d52: d0 27 bne :ChkBS ;yes, skip command-key checks
; Check for immediate command keys.
0d54: 68 pla ;restore key value
0d55: c9 5a cmp #‘Z’ ;is it 'Z' (move forward)?
0d57: d0 03 bne :ChkX
0d59: 4c d1 0d jmp MoveForward
0d5c: c9 58 :ChkX cmp #‘X’ ;is it 'X' (turn around)?
0d5e: d0 03 bne :ChkLeft
0d60: 4c dd 0d jmp TurnAround
0d63: c9 08 :ChkLeft cmp #$08 ;is it left arrow (turn left)?
0d65: d0 03 bne :ChkRight
0d67: 4c d9 0d jmp TurnLeft
0d6a: c9 15 :ChkRight cmp #$15 ;is it right arrow (turn right)?
0d6c: d0 03 bne :ChkIgnorable
0d6e: 4c d5 0d jmp TurnRight
0d71: c9 20 :ChkIgnorable cmp #$20 ;is it ' '?
0d73: f0 c4 beq GetNextKey ;yes, branch (no effect at start of line)
0d75: c9 0d cmp #$0d ;is it "Return"?
0d77: f0 c0 beq GetNextKey ;yes, branch (no effect at start of line)
0d79: d0 08 bne :ChkReturn
0d7b: 68 :ChkBS pla ;restore char
0d7c: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;is it left arrow (backspace)?
0d7e: d0 03 bne :ChkReturn ;no, branch
0d80: 4c e8 0d jmp Backspace
0d83: c9 0d :ChkReturn cmp #$0d ;is it "Return" (execute input)?
0d85: d0 03 bne :ChkEsc ;no, branch
0d87: 4c e5 0d jmp JmpParseInput ;yes, go parse and execute
0d8a: c9 1b :ChkEsc cmp #$1b ;is it "Esc" (restore msgs)?
0d8c: d0 3a bne :NotEsc
; ESC hit, clear input and show previous messages.
]src_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
0d8e: a9 00 lda #0 ;move to left column
0d90: 85 06 sta char_horiz
0d92: a9 16 lda #22 ;row 22
0d94: 85 07 sta char_vert
0d96: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
0d99: a9 0c lda #>saved_msgs ;copy from saved-message buffer
0d9b: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1
0d9d: a9 29 lda #<saved_msgs-1
0d9f: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr
0da1: a0 50 ldy #80 ;80 bytes (both lines)
0da3: b1 0e :Loop lda (]src_ptr),y
0da5: 91 19 sta (]in_buf_ptr),y
0da7: 88 dey
0da8: d0 f9 bne :Loop
]count .var $0e {addr/1}
]index .var $0f {addr/1}
0daa: a0 50 ldy #80 ;print 80 characters
0dac: 84 0e sty ]count
0dae: a0 01 ldy #$01 ;start the count at 1
0db0: 84 0f sty ]index ;(we set the pointer to buffer-1)
0db2: b1 19 :Loop lda (]in_buf_ptr),y ;get char from buffer
0db4: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;high bit set?
0db6: 30 02 bmi :ValidChar ;no, valid char; branch
0db8: a9 20 lda #$20 ;yes, use ' ' instead
0dba: 20 92 11 :ValidChar jsr PrintSpecialChar
0dbd: e6 0f inc ]index ;increment index
0dbf: a4 0f ldy ]index ;load back into Y-reg
0dc1: c6 0e dec ]count ;have we done all 80?
0dc3: d0 ed bne :Loop ;not yet, loop
0dc5: 4c ca 0c jmp GetInput ;done, restart input loop
0dc8: c9 20 :NotEsc cmp #$20 ;is it ' ' (separates verb/noun)?
0dca: f0 6b beq HandleSpace
0dcc: b0 3f bcs HandleValidChar ;non-control char, handle it
0dce: 4c 39 0d jmp GetNextKey ;control char, ignore it
0dd1: a9 5b MoveForward lda #VERB_FWD
0dd3: d0 0a bne DoImmVerb
0dd5: a9 5d TurnRight lda #VERB_RIGHT
0dd7: d0 06 bne DoImmVerb
0dd9: a9 5c TurnLeft lda #VERB_LEFT
0ddb: d0 02 bne DoImmVerb
0ddd: a9 5e TurnAround lda #VERB_180
0ddf: 8d 9c 61 DoImmVerb sta parsed_verb
0de2: 4c 6e 12 jmp DrawSpace ;erase char (?) and return
0de5: 4c 4d 0e JmpParseInput jmp ParseInput
; Ctrl+H hit after typing letters. This makes it a backspace rather than a
; turn-left command.
0de8: 20 6e 12 Backspace jsr DrawSpace ;erase apple
0deb: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up one
0ded: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
0df0: a9 20 lda #$20
0df2: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;erase char by printing space
0df5: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up another
0df7: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
0dfa: a4 11 ldy ]input_count
0dfc: b1 19 lda (]in_buf_ptr),y ;get char we backed up over?
0dfe: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’ ;was it a space?
0e00: d0 02 bne :NotSpc ;no, branch
0e02: c6 10 dec ]word_count ;yes, decrement word count (back in the verb)
0e04: a9 80 :NotSpc lda #$80
0e06: 91 19 sta (]in_buf_ptr),y ;replace char in buffer with 0x80
0e08: c6 11 dec ]input_count
0e0a: 4c 39 0d jmp GetNextKey
; Store the character in the input buffer and echo it to the screen. Letters
; have been converted to upper case, but we convert to mixed-case on the screen.
]tmp .var $13 {addr/1}
0e0d: 85 13 HandleValidChar sta ]tmp ;save key (which was converted to upper case)
0e0f: c9 41 cmp #‘A’ ;was it a letter?
0e11: 90 10 bcc :Regular ;no, branch
0e13: a4 11 ldy ]input_count ;are we at the start of the buffer?
0e15: f0 0c beq :Regular ;yes, branch
0e17: b1 19 lda (]in_buf_ptr),y ;get previous char
0e19: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’ ;was it a space?
0e1b: f0 06 beq :Regular ;yes, we're at start of word; branch
0e1d: a5 13 lda ]tmp ;get value
0e1f: 09 20 ora #%00100000 ;convert to lower case
0e21: d0 02 bne :DrawKey ;(always)
0e23: a5 13 :Regular lda ]tmp ;get key value
0e25: 48 :DrawKey pha ;save it
0e26: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it
0e29: 68 pla ;restore it
0e2a: e6 11 inc ]input_count ;advance to next spot in buffer
0e2c: a4 11 ldy ]input_count
0e2e: 91 19 sta (]in_buf_ptr),y ;store char
0e30: c0 1e cpy #30 ;reached max input length?
0e32: f0 19 beq ParseInput ;yes, go parse it
0e34: 4c 39 0d jmp GetNextKey ;no, get another key
; Handles entry of ' ' anywhere other than the start of the line.
0e37: a4 11 HandleSpace ldy ]input_count
0e39: 88 dey
0e3a: b1 19 lda (]in_buf_ptr),y ;get previous character
0e3c: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’ ;was it also a space?
0e3e: d0 03 bne :NotSpc ;no, branch
0e40: 4c 39 0d jmp GetNextKey ;yes, ignore this one
0e43: a5 10 :NotSpc lda ]word_count ;get word count
0e45: d0 06 bne ParseInput ;nonzero, this terminates noun; branch to parser
0e47: e6 10 inc ]word_count ;was zero, this terminates verb; increment
0e49: a9 20 lda #‘ ’ ;go handle like any other input char
0e4b: d0 c0 bne HandleValidChar ;(always)
; Parse the line of input.
; At this point:
; $11: number of bytes in input buffer
; $19-1a: input buffer pointer
0e4d: 20 6e 12 ParseInput jsr DrawSpace ;erase the blinking cursor char
0e50: a9 20 lda #‘ ’
0e52: e6 11 inc ]input_count
0e54: a4 11 ldy ]input_count ;we want to terminate the input line by
0e56: 91 19 sta (]in_buf_ptr),y ; sticking a space character on the end
0e58: e6 19 inc ]in_buf_ptr ;advance buffer pointer
0e5a: d0 02 bne :NoInc
0e5c: e6 1a inc ]in_buf_ptr+1
; Parse the verb.
]word_index .var $10 {addr/1}
0e5e: 20 6b 0f :NoInc jsr ParseWord ;parse the first word; result in $10
0e61: a5 10 lda ]word_index
0e63: 8d 9c 61 sta parsed_verb ;save it off
; Find the next ' ' in the buffer.
0e66: a0 00 ldy #$00
0e68: e6 19 :FindSpcLoop inc ]in_buf_ptr ;advance buffer pointer
0e6a: d0 02 bne :NoInc1
0e6c: e6 1a inc ]in_buf_ptr+1
0e6e: b1 19 :NoInc1 lda (]in_buf_ptr),y ;get char
0e70: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’ ;space?
0e72: d0 f4 bne :FindSpcLoop ;no, branch
0e74: e6 19 inc ]in_buf_ptr ;advance pointer past space
0e76: d0 02 bne :NoInc2
0e78: e6 1a inc ]in_buf_ptr+1
0e7a: b1 19 :NoInc2 lda (]in_buf_ptr),y
0e7c: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;did we run off the end?
0e7e: f0 04 beq :NoNoun ;yes, no noun follows
0e80: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’ ;is it another space?
0e82: d0 07 bne :ParseNoun ;no, go parse noun
0e84: a9 00 :NoNoun lda #$00
0e86: 8d 9d 61 sta parsed_noun
0e89: f0 08 beq :GotWords ;(always)
0e8b: 20 6b 0f :ParseNoun jsr ParseWord ;parse the second word; result in $10
0e8e: a5 10 lda ]word_index
0e90: 8d 9d 61 sta parsed_noun ;save it off
; We've got the words. See if they make basic sense.
0e93: ad 9c 61 :GotWords lda parsed_verb ;get verb
0e96: c9 1d cmp #FIRST_NOUN ;is it from the noun list?
0e98: 90 28 bcc :IsVerb ;no, it's a verb; branch
; Complain about verbing a noun.
0e9a: a9 8d lda #$8d ;"I'm sorry, but I can't"
0e9c: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
0e9f: a9 7a lda #<text_row22 ;reset input pointer
0ea1: 85 19 sta ]in_buf_ptr
0ea3: a9 0c lda #>text_row22
0ea5: 85 1a sta ]in_buf_ptr+1
0ea7: a0 00 ldy #$00
0ea9: 98 :Loop tya
0eaa: 48 pha
0eab: b1 19 lda (]in_buf_ptr),y ;print characters
0ead: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’ ; up to the first space
0eaf: f0 08 beq :NounEnd
0eb1: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
0eb4: 68 pla
0eb5: a8 tay
0eb6: c8 iny
0eb7: d0 f0 bne :Loop
0eb9: 68 :NounEnd pla
0eba: a9 2e lda #‘.’ ;finish sentence with punctuation
0ebc: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph
0ebf: 4c ca 0c jmp GetInput ;try again
0ec2: c9 14 :IsVerb cmp #$14 ;does this verb need a noun?
0ec4: b0 50 bcs :NoNoun ;no, branch
; Check the noun.
0ec6: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get noun index
0ec9: f0 4b beq :NoNoun ;none provided, branch
0ecb: c9 40 cmp #$40 ;is noun an invalid word?
0ecd: f0 0b beq :InvalidNoun ;yes, branch
0ecf: c9 1d cmp #FIRST_NOUN ;was the noun a verb word?
0ed1: 90 07 bcc :InvalidNoun ;yes, branch
0ed3: 38 sec
0ed4: e9 1c sbc #FIRST_NOUN-1 ;change $1d-3f to $01-23
0ed6: 8d 9d 61 sta parsed_noun
0ed9: 60 :Return rts
0eda: a9 8f :InvalidNoun lda #$8f ;"what in tarnation is a"
0edc: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
0edf: a9 7a lda #<text_row22 ;get pointer to input buffer
0ee1: 85 19 sta ]in_buf_ptr
0ee3: a9 0c lda #>text_row22
0ee5: 85 1a sta ]in_buf_ptr+1
0ee7: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;search for the first space
0ee9: b1 19 :Loop lda (]in_buf_ptr),y
0eeb: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’
0eed: f0 08 beq :GotSpace
0eef: e6 19 inc ]in_buf_ptr ;advance pointer
0ef1: d0 f6 bne :Loop
0ef3: e6 1a inc ]in_buf_ptr+1
0ef5: d0 f2 bne :Loop ;(always)
0ef7: e6 19 :GotSpace inc ]in_buf_ptr ;advance pointer past the space
0ef9: d0 02 bne :PrintNoun ; which is guaranteed to be non-space
0efb: e6 1a inc ]in_buf_ptr+1
0efd: 98 :PrintNoun tya ;preserve Y-reg
0efe: 48 pha
0eff: b1 19 lda (]in_buf_ptr),y ;get character
0f01: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’ ;is it a space?
0f03: f0 08 beq :PrintQ ;yes, branch
0f05: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;output character
0f08: 68 pla
0f09: a8 tay ;restore Y-reg
0f0a: c8 iny
0f0b: d0 f0 bne :PrintNoun ;loop
0f0d: a9 3f :PrintQ lda #‘?’
0f0f: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print a question mark
0f12: 68 pla ;remove saved Y-reg from stack
0f13: 4c ca 0c jmp GetInput ;go get more input
; Player entered a verb without a noun. Check it.
0f16: ad 9c 61 :NoNoun lda parsed_verb
0f19: c9 14 cmp #$14 ;is verb in set that doesn't require a noun?
0f1b: b0 bc bcs :Return ;yes, input is valid
0f1d: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;"exam"?
0f1f: f0 39 beq :HndExamNoN ;yes, handle that specially
; Verb has no noun but needs one. We want to print the verb they used, followed
; by "what" (as in "Eat what?").
0f21: a9 0c lda #>text_row22 ;set pointer to text input
0f23: 85 1a sta ]in_buf_ptr+1
0f25: a9 7a lda #<text_row22
0f27: 85 19 sta ]in_buf_ptr
0f29: a9 00 lda #0 ;set position to start of bottom line
0f2b: 85 06 sta char_horiz
0f2d: a9 17 lda #23
0f2f: 85 07 sta char_vert
0f31: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res row addr
0f34: a9 1e lda #$1e ;clear to end of line
0f36: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
0f39: a0 00 ldy #$00
0f3b: 84 11 sty ]input_count
0f3d: b1 19 lda (]in_buf_ptr),y ;get first char
0f3f: 29 5f and #%01011111 ;convert to upper case
0f41: d0 06 bne :CharOk
0f43: b1 19 :Loop lda (]in_buf_ptr),y ;get next char
0f45: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’
0f47: f0 09 beq :WeirdChar ;not space, weird
0f49: 20 92 11 :CharOk jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print char
0f4c: e6 11 inc ]input_count
0f4e: a4 11 ldy ]input_count
0f50: d0 f1 bne :Loop
0f52: a9 56 :WeirdChar lda #$56 ;"what?"
0f54: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
0f57: 4c ca 0c jmp GetInput ;back to input loop
0f5a: ad 9e 61 :HndExamNoN lda illumination_flag
0f5d: f0 04 beq :NoLight
0f5f: a9 8b lda #$8b ;"look at your monitor"
0f61: d0 02 bne :PrintMsg
0f63: a9 8a :NoLight lda #$8a ;"it's awfully dark"
0f65: 20 a4 08 :PrintMsg jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
0f68: 4c ca 0c jmp GetInput
; Parses a verb or noun.
; On exit:
; $10: word index ($00-3f)
• Clear variables
]table_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
]word_index .var $10 {addr/1}
]cmd_len_ctr .var $11 {addr/1}
]tmp_char .var $13 {addr/1}
]input_ptr .var $19 {addr/2}
0f6b: a5 1a ParseWord lda ]input_ptr+1 ;preserve input pointer
0f6d: 48 pha
0f6e: a5 19 lda ]input_ptr
0f70: 48 pha
0f71: a9 66 lda #>verb_list ;set pointer to start of word list
0f73: 85 0f sta ]table_ptr+1
0f75: a9 94 lda #<verb_list
0f77: 85 0e sta ]table_ptr
0f79: a9 00 lda #$00
0f7b: 85 10 sta ]word_index ;init word index to zero
0f7d: a0 01 :CompareStr ldy #$01 ;start at +1 so we can look back to check for alias
0f7f: b1 0e :ScanLoop lda (]table_ptr),y ;get value from table
0f81: 29 80 and #$80 ;check high bit
0f83: d0 08 bne :HiSet ;set, we're at the start of a word
0f85: e6 0e inc ]table_ptr ;not set, scan forward to find start
0f87: d0 f6 bne :ScanLoop ; (we might have stopped early on previous mismatch)
0f89: e6 0f inc ]table_ptr+1
0f8b: d0 f2 bne :ScanLoop
0f8d: 88 :HiSet dey
0f8e: b1 0e lda (]table_ptr),y
0f90: c9 2a cmp #‘*’ ;is this an alias for previous entry?
0f92: f0 02 beq :IsAlias ;yes, don't increment index
0f94: e6 10 inc ]word_index ;not alias
0f96: e6 0e :IsAlias inc ]table_ptr ;advance pointer (counteracts DEY)
0f98: d0 02 bne :NoInc
0f9a: e6 0f inc ]table_ptr+1
0f9c: a9 04 :NoInc lda #$04 ;test first 4 letters of word
0f9e: 85 11 sta ]cmd_len_ctr
0fa0: b1 0e :CmpLoop lda (]table_ptr),y ;get value from table
0fa2: 29 5f and #%01011111 ;convert to upper case
0fa4: 85 13 sta ]tmp_char
0fa6: b1 19 lda (]input_ptr),y ;get value from input line
0fa8: 29 5f and #%01011111 ;convert to upper case
0faa: c5 13 cmp ]tmp_char ;does it match?
0fac: d0 17 bne :NotMatch ;no, move on
0fae: e6 19 inc ]input_ptr ;match, advance to next char
0fb0: d0 02 bne :NoInc1
0fb2: e6 1a inc ]input_ptr+1
0fb4: e6 0e :NoInc1 inc ]table_ptr ;advance table pointer
0fb6: d0 02 bne :NoInc2
0fb8: e6 0f inc ]table_ptr+1
0fba: c6 11 :NoInc2 dec ]cmd_len_ctr ;have we checked 4 chars?
0fbc: d0 e2 bne :CmpLoop ;not yet, keep going
; Matched, return with word index in $10.
0fbe: 68 :Return pla ;restore input pointer
0fbf: 85 19 sta ]input_ptr
0fc1: 68 pla
0fc2: 85 1a sta ]input_ptr+1
0fc4: 60 rts
0fc5: a5 10 :NotMatch lda ]word_index ;check the index
0fc7: c9 3f cmp #$3f ;reached end of cmd/obj list?
0fc9: f0 0d beq :NoMatches ;yes, give up
0fcb: 68 pla ;reset input pointer
0fcc: 85 19 sta ]input_ptr
0fce: 68 pla
0fcf: 85 1a sta ]input_ptr+1
0fd1: 48 pha ;and save it again
0fd2: a5 19 lda ]input_ptr
0fd4: 48 pha
0fd5: 4c 7d 0f jmp :CompareStr
0fd8: e6 10 :NoMatches inc ]word_index ;increment to $40 to indicate failure
0fda: d0 e2 bne :Return ;(always)
; Pauses for a moderate amount of time.
]counter .var $0e {addr/2}
0fdc: a2 90 MediumPause ldx #$90
0fde: 86 0f stx ]counter+1
0fe0: c6 0e :Loop dec ]counter
0fe2: d0 fc bne :Loop
0fe4: c6 0f dec ]counter+1
0fe6: d0 f8 bne :Loop
0fe8: 60 rts
; Wait for a key to be hit. Draws a blinking cursor. (Caller is expected to
; get the key from KBD.)
0fe9: 2c 10 c0 WaitKeyCursor bit KBDSTRB ;clear keyboard strobe
0fec: 20 43 12 :WaitLoop jsr DrawBlinkingApple
0fef: 2c 00 c0 bit KBD
0ff2: 10 f8 bpl :WaitLoop
0ff4: 4c 6e 12 jmp DrawSpace ;erase apple
; Waits for 'Y' or 'N' to be hit. Draws a blinking cursor.
; On exit:
; A-reg: key hit
0ff7: 2c 10 c0 GetYesNo bit KBDSTRB
0ffa: 20 43 12 :WaitLoop jsr DrawBlinkingApple
0ffd: 2c 00 c0 bit KBD
1000: 10 f8 bpl :WaitLoop
1002: ad 00 c0 lda KBD
1005: 29 7f and #$7f
1007: c9 59 cmp #‘Y’
1009: f0 04 beq :IsY
100b: c9 4e cmp #‘N’
100d: d0 e8 bne GetYesNo
100f: 48 :IsY pha
1010: 20 6e 12 jsr DrawSpace
1013: 68 pla
1014: 60 rts
; Draws the maze portion of the screen.
• Clear variables
]feature_dist .var $0e {addr/1}
]feature_index .var $0f {addr/1}
1015: 20 7e 12 DrawMaze jsr EraseMaze
1018: 20 bf 17 jsr ProcessMazeWalls
101b: ad 9e 61 lda illumination_flag ;is there light?
101e: f0 24 beq :Return ;no, draw nothing
1020: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls
1023: 20 df 1d jsr FindFeature ;see if there are interesting features ahead
1026: a5 0f lda ]feature_index
1028: 05 0e ora ]feature_dist
102a: f0 03 beq :NoFeature
102c: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;found one, draw it
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
102f: a2 0a :NoFeature ldx #FN_FIND_BOXES
1031: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
1033: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find boxes on floor
1036: ad 9b 61 lda vis_box_flags ;find any?
1039: f0 09 beq :Return ;no, done
103b: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;yes, set up call
103d: a2 06 ldx #$06
103f: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
1041: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;draw all boxes
1044: 60 :Return rts
; Pause longishly.
]counter3 .var $0e {addr/1}
]counter2 .var $0f {addr/1}
]counter1 .var $10 {addr/1}
1045: a2 05 LongDelay ldx #$05
1047: 86 10 stx ]counter1
1049: a2 00 :Delay1 ldx #$00
104b: 86 0f stx ]counter2
104d: c6 0e :Delay2 dec ]counter3
104f: d0 fc bne :Delay2
1051: c6 0f dec ]counter2
1053: d0 f8 bne :Delay2
1055: c6 10 dec ]counter1
1057: d0 f0 bne :Delay1
1059: 60 rts
105a: a9 55 lda #$55 ;"you are making little sense"
105c: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
; Erases the message area (text rows 22 and 23) to spaces.
; On exit:
; A-reg: preserved
; text row set to 23 (bottom row)
105f: 48 ClearMessages pha ;preserve A-reg
1060: a2 00 ldx #0 ;set column to zero
1062: 86 06 stx char_horiz
1064: a2 16 ldx #22 ;set row to 22
1066: 86 07 stx char_vert
1068: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
106b: a9 1e lda #$1e ;output clear-to-EOL char
106d: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
1070: e6 07 inc char_vert ;set to row 23
1072: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
1075: a9 1e lda #$1e ;output clear-to-EOL char
1077: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
107a: 68 pla ;restore A-reg
107b: 60 rts
; Informs the player that they have fallen into a pit.
107c: 20 7e 12 FallIntoPit jsr EraseMaze
107f: a2 05 ldx #5
1081: 86 06 stx char_horiz
1083: a2 08 ldx #8
1085: 86 07 stx char_vert
1087: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
108a: a9 a7 lda #$a7 ;"oh no! a pit"
108c: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
108f: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause
1092: a2 05 ldx #5
1094: 86 06 stx char_horiz
1096: e6 07 inc char_vert
1098: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
109b: a9 2c lda #$2c ;"aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh"
109d: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
10a0: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
10a3: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze
10a6: a2 09 ldx #9
10a8: 86 06 stx char_horiz
10aa: a2 08 ldx #8
10ac: 86 07 stx char_vert
10ae: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
10b1: a9 2d lda #$2d ;"wham"
10b3: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
10b6: 4c 45 10 jmp LongDelay
10b9: 20 45 10 HandleDeath jsr LongDelay ;pause so they can read cause of death
10bc: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages ;clear message area
10bf: a9 34 lda #$34 ;"you are another victim of the maze"
10c1: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
10c4: a9 39 AskPlayAgain lda #$39 ;"do you want to play again?"
10c6: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
10c9: 20 f7 0f jsr GetYesNo
10cc: c9 59 cmp #‘Y’
10ce: d0 03 bne ExitToMon ;no, exit
10d0: 4c 0c 08 jmp Restart ;yes, restart game
10d3: 2c 54 c0 ExitToMon bit TXTPAGE1
10d6: 2c 51 c0 bit TXTSET
10d9: 4c 69 ff jmp MON_MONZ
; Push the special zone stack to make room for a new item. Does not alter the
; current zone.
10dc: ad a6 61 lda special_zone1
10df: 8d a7 61 sta special_zone2
10e2: ad a5 61 lda special_zone
10e5: 8d a6 61 sta special_zone1
10e8: 60 rts
10e9: 95 61 20 7c+ .junk 121
; Hi-res line addresses for 24 lines of text.
1162: 40 00 line_addr .dbd2 $4000 ;line 0
1164: 40 80 .dbd2 $4080 ;line 8
1166: 41 00 .dbd2 $4100
1168: 41 80 .dbd2 $4180
116a: 42 00 .dbd2 $4200
116c: 42 80 .dbd2 $4280
116e: 43 00 .dbd2 $4300
1170: 43 80 .dbd2 $4380
1172: 40 28 .dbd2 $4028
1174: 40 a8 .dbd2 $40a8
1176: 41 28 .dbd2 $4128
1178: 41 a8 .dbd2 $41a8
117a: 42 28 .dbd2 $4228
117c: 42 a8 .dbd2 $42a8
117e: 43 28 .dbd2 $4328
1180: 43 a8 .dbd2 $43a8
1182: 40 50 .dbd2 $4050
1184: 40 d0 .dbd2 $40d0
1186: 41 50 .dbd2 $4150
1188: 41 d0 .dbd2 $41d0
118a: 42 50 .dbd2 $4250
118c: 42 d0 .dbd2 $42d0
118e: 43 50 .dbd2 $4350
1190: 43 d0 .dbd2 $43d0 ;line 184
; Prints a character on the screen, with special handling for a few:
; $0a: perform newline + carriage return
; $1e: clear to end of line
; $c0-ff: emit (N-$c0) spaces
; On entry:
; A-reg: character to print
1192: c9 0a cmp #$0a ;newline / carriage return?
1194: f0 76 beq NewLineCR ;yes, branch
1196: c9 1e cmp #$1e ;clear to EOL?
1198: d0 03 bne :NotClear ;no, branch
119a: 4c 1e 12 jmp ClearToEol
119d: c9 c0 :NotClear cmp #$c0 ;>= $c0?
119f: 90 03 bcc DrawGlyph ;no, draw as glyph
11a1: 4c 26 12 jmp DrawSpaces ;yes, output N-$c0 spaces
; Draws a glyph on the hi-res screen.
; On entry:
; A-reg: glyph index (0-127)
; $08-09: pointer to first row on hi-res screen
; On exit:
; horiz/vert position advanced by 1; $08-09 updated
• Clear variables
]glyph_ptr .var $13 {addr/2}
]line_ctr .var $15 {addr/1}
11a4: 85 13 DrawGlyph sta ]glyph_ptr ;store index
11a6: a9 00 lda #$00
11a8: 85 14 sta ]glyph_ptr+1 ;make it a 16-bit value
11aa: 06 13 asl ]glyph_ptr ;multiply by 8
11ac: 26 14 rol ]glyph_ptr+1
11ae: 06 13 asl ]glyph_ptr
11b0: 26 14 rol ]glyph_ptr+1
11b2: 06 13 asl ]glyph_ptr
11b4: 26 14 rol ]glyph_ptr+1
11b6: 18 clc
11b7: a9 94 lda #<font_glyphs ;add to font base address
11b9: 65 13 adc ]glyph_ptr
11bb: 85 13 sta ]glyph_ptr ;save as pointer
11bd: a9 62 lda #>font_glyphs
11bf: 65 14 adc ]glyph_ptr+1
11c1: 85 14 sta ]glyph_ptr+1
; Draw it.
11c3: a2 00 ldx #$00
11c5: a0 00 ldy #$00
11c7: a9 08 lda #$08 ;glyphs are 8 lines high
11c9: 85 15 sta ]line_ctr
11cb: 18 clc
11cc: b1 13 :DrawLoop lda (]glyph_ptr),y ;get glyph data
11ce: 81 08 sta (char_row_ptr,x) ;store on hi-res screen
11d0: a9 04 lda #$04 ;next row is +$0400
11d2: 65 09 adc char_row_ptr+1
11d4: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
11d6: c8 iny ;advance to next byte in glyph data
11d7: c6 15 dec ]line_ctr ;copied all 8?
11d9: d0 f1 bne :DrawLoop ;not yet
; Advance horizontal / vertical position.
11db: e6 06 inc char_horiz ;advance horizontal position
11dd: a9 28 lda #40
11df: c5 06 cmp char_horiz ;at end of line?
11e1: d0 0c bne SetRowPtr ;no, don't update
11e3: a9 00 lda #$00
11e5: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;yes, set horiz posn to zero
11e7: a9 17 lda #23
11e9: c5 07 cmp char_vert ;at bottom of screen?
11eb: f0 02 beq SetRowPtr ;yes, don't advance
11ed: e6 07 inc char_vert ;no, move to next line
; Sets the hi-res row pointer for the current vertical text position.
; On entry:
; $07: vertical position (0-23)
; On exit:
; $08-09: address of top row on hi-res page 2
]ind_ptr .var $13 {addr/2}
11ef: a5 07 SetRowPtr lda char_vert
11f1: 0a asl A
11f2: 18 clc
11f3: 69 62 adc #<line_addr
11f5: 85 13 sta ]ind_ptr
11f7: a9 00 lda #$00
11f9: 69 11 adc #>line_addr
11fb: 85 14 sta ]ind_ptr+1
11fd: a0 01 ldy #$01
11ff: 18 clc
1200: b1 13 lda (]ind_ptr),y
1202: 65 06 adc char_horiz
1204: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1206: 88 dey
1207: b1 13 lda (]ind_ptr),y
1209: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
120b: 60 rts
120c: 20 6e 12 NewLineCR jsr DrawSpace
120f: a9 17 lda #23
1211: c5 07 cmp char_vert
1213: f0 02 beq :NoInc
1215: e6 07 inc char_vert
1217: a9 00 :NoInc lda #$00
1219: 85 06 sta char_horiz
121b: 4c ef 11 jmp SetRowPtr
; Clear the screen to the end of the current line by drawing spaces.
121e: a9 28 ClearToEol lda #40 ;compute 40 - horiz posn
1220: 38 sec
1221: e5 06 sbc char_horiz
1223: 4c 29 12 jmp DrawSpaces1 ;draw that many spaces
; Output (N - $c0) spaces.
; On entry:
; A-reg: number of spaces to draw, +$C0
]count .var $16 {addr/1}
1226: 38 DrawSpaces sec
1227: e9 c0 sbc #$c0
1229: 85 16 DrawSpaces1 sta ]count
122b: a5 06 lda char_horiz ;save text position
122d: 48 pha
122e: a5 07 lda char_vert
1230: 48 pha
1231: a9 20 :Loop lda #‘ ’
1233: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw space
1236: c6 16 dec ]count
1238: d0 f7 bne :Loop ;not done, branch
123a: 68 pla ;restore text position
123b: 85 07 sta char_vert
123d: 68 pla
123e: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1240: 4c ef 11 jmp SetRowPtr ;reset text pointer
; Draws a blinking apple glyph for the input cursor. Only updates the screen
; when the state changes.
1243: e6 17 inc blink_timer
1245: d0 02 bne :NoInc
1247: e6 18 inc blink_timer+1
1249: a5 18 :NoInc lda blink_timer+1
124b: c9 18 cmp #$18
124d: f0 05 beq :DrawApple
124f: c9 30 cmp #$30
1251: f0 1b beq DrawSpace
1253: 60 :Return rts
1254: a9 00 :DrawApple lda #$00
1256: c5 17 cmp blink_timer
1258: d0 f9 bne :Return
125a: a5 06 lda char_horiz
125c: 48 pha
125d: a5 07 lda char_vert
125f: 48 pha
1260: a9 00 lda #$00 ;solid apple glyph
1262: 20 a4 11 DoDrawGlyph jsr DrawGlyph
1265: 68 pla ;restore previous position
1266: 85 07 sta char_vert
1268: 68 pla
1269: 85 06 sta char_horiz
126b: 4c ef 11 jmp SetRowPtr
126e: a5 06 DrawSpace lda char_horiz ;save position
1270: 48 pha
1271: a5 07 lda char_vert
1273: 48 pha
1274: a9 00 lda #$00 ;reset blink timer
1276: 85 17 sta blink_timer
1278: 85 18 sta blink_timer+1
127a: a9 20 lda #‘ ’ ;space character
127c: d0 e4 bne DoDrawGlyph ;(always)
; Clears the part of the screen covered by the maze (rows 0-20, columns 0-22).
; Same effect as printing lots of spaces, but much faster.
• Clear variables
]counter .var $19 {addr/1}
127e: a9 00 EraseMaze lda #0
1280: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1282: a9 14 lda #20
1284: 85 07 sta char_vert ;start on row 20 (1 blank + 2 msg lines below)
1286: 20 ef 11 :ChunkLoop jsr SetRowPtr
1289: 18 clc
128a: a9 08 lda #$08
128c: 85 19 sta ]counter
128e: a9 00 :Loop8 lda #$00
1290: a0 16 ldy #22 ;start in column 22
1292: 91 08 :RowLoop sta (char_row_ptr),y ;set to zero
1294: 88 dey
1295: 10 fb bpl :RowLoop
1297: a9 04 lda #$04 ;for each set of 8, we can incr high ptr by 4
1299: 65 09 adc char_row_ptr+1
129b: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
129d: c6 19 dec ]counter ;have we done 8 rows?
129f: d0 ed bne :Loop8 ;not yet, loop
12a1: c6 07 dec char_vert ;decrement vertical position
12a3: 10 e1 bpl :ChunkLoop ;branch if >= 0
12a5: 60 rts
; Draws the visible maze walls with glyphs and horizontal lines, using the bit
; flags in $6199/619a.

12a6: ad 9a 61 DrawVisWalls lda maze_walls_rt
12a9: 4a lsr A ;right-shift 5x to get distance to facing wall
12aa: 4a lsr A
12ab: 4a lsr A
12ac: 4a lsr A
12ad: 4a lsr A
12ae: 48 pha ;push distance on stack
; Start by drawing the horizontal lines at the top and bottom of the facing
; wall, or just the "infinity" glyph.
12af: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;at "infinity"?
12b1: 90 10 bcc :ChkDst4 ;no, branch
12b3: a9 33 lda #$33 ;$4133 = row 80 col 11
12b5: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
12b7: a9 41 lda #$41
12b9: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
12bb: a9 05 lda #$05 ;'X' glyph, for "infinite" distance
12bd: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
12c0: 4c 5c 13 jmp :DrawLeft4
12c3: c9 04 :ChkDst4 cmp #$04 ;4 squares away?
12c5: d0 19 bne :ChkDst3 ;no, branch
12c7: a9 32 lda #$32 ;$4132+1 = row 80 col 11
12c9: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
12cb: a9 41 lda #$41
12cd: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
12cf: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1
12d1: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
12d4: a9 5d lda #$5d ;$5d32+1 = row 87 col 11
12d6: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
12d8: a0 01 ldy #1
12da: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
12dd: 4c 5c 13 jmp :DrawLeft4
12e0: c9 03 :ChkDst3 cmp #$03 ;3 squares away?
12e2: d0 19 bne :ChkDst2 ;no, branch
12e4: a9 40 lda #$40 ;$40b1+1 = row 72 col 10
12e6: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
12e8: a9 b1 lda #$b1
12ea: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
12ec: a0 03 ldy #3 ;len=3
12ee: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
12f1: a9 5d lda #$5d ;$5db1+1 = row 95 col 10
12f3: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
12f5: a0 03 ldy #3
12f7: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
12fa: 4c 30 14 jmp :DrawLeft3
12fd: c9 02 :ChkDst2 cmp #$02 ;2 squares away?
12ff: d0 1d bne :ChkDst1 ;no, branch
1301: a9 43 lda #$43 ;$4387+1 = row 56 col 8
1303: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1305: a9 87 lda #$87
1307: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1309: a0 07 ldy #7 ;len=7
130b: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
130e: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5eaf+1 = row 111 col 8
1310: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1312: a9 af lda #$af
1314: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1316: a0 07 ldy #7
1318: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
131b: 4c 18 15 jmp :DrawLeft2
131e: c9 01 :ChkDst1 cmp #$01 ;1 square away?
1320: d0 1d bne :CloseWall ;no, branch
1322: a9 42 lda #$42 ;$4204+1 = row 32 col 5
1324: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1326: a9 04 lda #$04
1328: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
132a: a0 0d ldy #13 ;len=13
132c: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
132f: a9 5c lda #$5c ;$5c54+1 = row 135 col 5
1331: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1333: a9 54 lda #$54
1335: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1337: a0 0d ldy #13
1339: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
133c: 4c 00 16 jmp :DrawLeft1
133f: a9 40 :CloseWall lda #$40 ;$4000+1 = row 0 col 1
1341: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1343: a9 00 lda #$00
1345: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1347: a0 15 ldy #21 ;len=21
1349: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
134c: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5e50+1 = row 167 col 1 (just above 3-line msg area)
134e: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1350: a9 50 lda #$50
1352: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1354: a0 15 ldy #21
1356: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
1359: 4c e8 16 jmp :DrawCloseWalls
135c: ad 99 61 :DrawLeft4 lda maze_walls_lf ;check left wall
135f: 29 10 and #$10
1361: d0 39 bne :LeftWall4 ;left side is a wall, branch
; Left side of cell at dist=4 is open, draw side hallway.
1363: 68 pla ;get max view dist
1364: 48 pha
1365: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;is there a facing wall at dist=4?
1367: f0 0d beq :NotAtEnd4lo ;no, branch
1369: a9 41 lda #$41 ;$4132 = row 80 col 10
136b: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
136d: a9 32 lda #$32
136f: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1371: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
1373: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
1376: a9 41 :NotAtEnd4lo lda #$41 ;$4131+1 = row 80 col 10
1378: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
137a: a9 31 lda #$31
137c: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
137e: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1
1380: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
1383: a9 5d lda #$5d ;$5d32 = row 87 col 10
1385: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1387: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len = 1
1389: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
138c: a9 09 lda #9
138e: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1390: 85 07 sta char_vert
1392: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
1394: a0 03 ldy #3 ;len=3
1396: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1399: 4c c5 13 jmp :DrawRight4
; Left side of cell at dist=4 is wall, draw wall.
139c: 68 :LeftWall4 pla ;get max view dist
139d: 48 pha
139e: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;is there a facing wall at dist=4?
13a0: d0 0d bne :NotAtEnd4lw ;no, branch
13a2: a9 41 lda #$41 ;$4132 = row 80 col 10
13a4: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
13a6: a9 32 lda #$32
13a8: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
13aa: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
13ac: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
13af: a9 0a :NotAtEnd4lw lda #10
13b1: 85 06 sta char_horiz
13b3: a9 09 lda #9
13b5: 85 07 sta char_vert
13b7: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1
13b9: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ;draw diagonal lines
13bc: c6 06 dec char_horiz
13be: e6 07 inc char_vert
13c0: a0 01 ldy #$01
13c2: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft
13c5: ad 9a 61 :DrawRight4 lda maze_walls_rt ;check right wall
13c8: 29 10 and #$10
13ca: d0 3b bne :RightWall4 ;right side is a wall, branch
; Right side of cell at dist=4 is open, draw side hallway.
13cc: 68 pla ;get max view dist
13cd: 48 pha
13ce: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;is there a facing wall at dist=4?
13d0: f0 0d beq :NotAtEnd4ro ;no, branch
13d2: a9 41 lda #$41 ;$4134 = row 80 col 12
13d4: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
13d6: a9 34 lda #$34
13d8: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
13da: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
13dc: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
13df: a9 41 :NotAtEnd4ro lda #$41 ;$4133+1 = row 80 col 12
13e1: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
13e3: a9 33 lda #$33
13e5: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
13e7: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1
13e9: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
13ec: a9 5d lda #$5d ;$5d33+1 = row 87 col 12
13ee: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
13f0: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len = 1
13f2: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
13f5: a9 0d lda #13
13f7: 85 06 sta char_horiz
13f9: a9 09 lda #9
13fb: 85 07 sta char_vert
13fd: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
13ff: a0 03 ldy #3
1401: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1404: 4c 30 14 jmp :DrawLeft3
; Left side of cell at dist=4 is wall, draw wall.
1407: 68 :RightWall4 pla ;get max view dist
1408: 48 pha
1409: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;is there a facing wall at dist=4?
140b: d0 0d bne :NotAtEnd4rw ;no, branch
140d: a9 41 lda #$41 ;$4134 = row 80 col 12
140f: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1411: a9 34 lda #$34
1413: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1415: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
1417: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
141a: a9 0c :NotAtEnd4rw lda #12
141c: 85 06 sta char_horiz
141e: a9 09 lda #9
1420: 85 07 sta char_vert
1422: a0 01 ldy #1
1424: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ;draw diagonal lines
1427: e6 06 inc char_horiz
1429: e6 07 inc char_vert
142b: a0 01 ldy #1
142d: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight
; Repeat the process for the cell at dist=3.
1430: ad 99 61 :DrawLeft3 lda maze_walls_lf
1433: 29 08 and #$08
1435: d0 3d bne L1474
1437: 68 pla
1438: 48 pha
1439: c9 03 cmp #$03
143b: f0 0d beq L144A
143d: a9 09 lda #$09
143f: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1441: 85 07 sta char_vert
1443: a9 04 lda #$04
1445: a0 03 ldy #$03
1447: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
144a: a9 40 L144A lda #$40
144c: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
144e: a9 af lda #$af
1450: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1452: a0 02 ldy #$02
1454: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
1457: a9 5d lda #$5d
1459: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
145b: a9 af lda #$af
145d: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
145f: a0 02 ldy #$02
1461: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
1464: a9 07 lda #$07
1466: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1468: 85 07 sta char_vert
146a: a9 04 lda #$04
146c: a0 07 ldy #$07
146e: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1471: 4c a1 14 jmp :DrawRight3
1474: 68 L1474 pla
1475: 48 pha
1476: c9 03 cmp #$03
1478: d0 0d bne L1487
147a: a9 09 lda #$09
147c: 85 06 sta char_horiz
147e: 85 07 sta char_vert
1480: a9 04 lda #$04
1482: a0 03 ldy #$03
1484: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1487: a9 08 L1487 lda #$08
1489: 85 06 sta char_horiz
148b: a9 07 lda #$07
148d: 85 07 sta char_vert
148f: a0 02 ldy #$02
1491: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight
1494: a9 09 lda #$09
1496: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1498: a9 0c lda #$0c
149a: 85 07 sta char_vert
149c: a0 02 ldy #$02
149e: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft
14a1: ad 9a 61 :DrawRight3 lda maze_walls_rt
14a4: 29 08 and #$08
14a6: d0 41 bne L14E9
14a8: 68 pla
14a9: 48 pha
14aa: c9 03 cmp #$03
14ac: f0 0f beq L14BD
14ae: a9 0d lda #$0d
14b0: 85 06 sta char_horiz
14b2: a9 09 lda #$09
14b4: 85 07 sta char_vert
14b6: a9 03 lda #$03
14b8: a0 03 ldy #$03
14ba: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
14bd: a9 40 L14BD lda #$40
14bf: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
14c1: a9 b4 lda #$b4
14c3: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
14c5: a0 02 ldy #$02
14c7: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
14ca: a9 5d lda #$5d
14cc: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
14ce: a9 b4 lda #$b4
14d0: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
14d2: a0 02 ldy #$02
14d4: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
14d7: a9 0f lda #$0f
14d9: 85 06 sta char_horiz
14db: a9 07 lda #$07
14dd: 85 07 sta char_vert
14df: a9 03 lda #$03
14e1: a0 07 ldy #$07
14e3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
14e6: 4c 18 15 jmp :DrawLeft2
14e9: 68 L14E9 pla
14ea: 48 pha
14eb: c9 03 cmp #$03
14ed: d0 0f bne L14FE
14ef: a9 0d lda #$0d
14f1: 85 06 sta char_horiz
14f3: a9 09 lda #$09
14f5: 85 07 sta char_vert
14f7: a9 03 lda #$03
14f9: a0 03 ldy #$03
14fb: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
14fe: a9 0e L14FE lda #$0e
1500: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1502: a9 07 lda #$07
1504: 85 07 sta char_vert
1506: a0 02 ldy #$02
1508: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft
150b: a9 0d lda #$0d
150d: 85 06 sta char_horiz
150f: a9 0c lda #$0c
1511: 85 07 sta char_vert
1513: a0 02 ldy #$02
1515: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight
; Repeat the process for the cell at dist=2.
1518: ad 99 61 :DrawLeft2 lda maze_walls_lf
151b: 29 04 and #$04
151d: d0 3d bne L155C
151f: 68 pla
1520: 48 pha
1521: c9 02 cmp #$02
1523: f0 0d beq L1532
1525: a9 07 lda #$07
1527: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1529: 85 07 sta char_vert
152b: a9 04 lda #$04
152d: a0 07 ldy #$07
152f: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1532: a9 43 L1532 lda #$43
1534: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1536: a9 84 lda #$84
1538: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
153a: a0 03 ldy #$03
153c: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
153f: a9 5e lda #$5e
1541: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1543: a9 ac lda #$ac
1545: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1547: a0 03 ldy #$03
1549: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
154c: a9 04 lda #$04
154e: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1550: 85 07 sta char_vert
1552: a9 04 lda #$04
1554: a0 0d ldy #$0d
1556: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1559: 4c 89 15 jmp :DrawRight2
155c: 68 L155C pla
155d: 48 pha
155e: c9 02 cmp #$02
1560: d0 0d bne L156F
1562: a9 07 lda #$07
1564: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1566: 85 07 sta char_vert
1568: a9 04 lda #$04
156a: a0 07 ldy #$07
156c: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
156f: a9 05 L156F lda #$05
1571: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1573: a9 04 lda #$04
1575: 85 07 sta char_vert
1577: a0 03 ldy #$03
1579: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight
157c: a9 07 lda #$07
157e: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1580: a9 0e lda #$0e
1582: 85 07 sta char_vert
1584: a0 03 ldy #$03
1586: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft
1589: ad 9a 61 :DrawRight2 lda maze_walls_rt
158c: 29 04 and #$04
158e: d0 41 bne L15D1
1590: 68 pla
1591: 48 pha
1592: c9 02 cmp #$02
1594: f0 0f beq L15A5
1596: a9 0f lda #$0f
1598: 85 06 sta char_horiz
159a: a9 07 lda #$07
159c: 85 07 sta char_vert
159e: a9 03 lda #$03
15a0: a0 07 ldy #$07
15a2: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
15a5: a9 43 L15A5 lda #$43
15a7: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
15a9: a9 8e lda #$8e
15ab: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
15ad: a0 03 ldy #$03
15af: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
15b2: a9 5e lda #$5e
15b4: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
15b6: a9 b6 lda #$b6
15b8: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
15ba: a0 03 ldy #$03
15bc: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
15bf: a9 12 lda #$12
15c1: 85 06 sta char_horiz
15c3: a9 04 lda #$04
15c5: 85 07 sta char_vert
15c7: a9 03 lda #$03
15c9: a0 0d ldy #$0d
15cb: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
15ce: 4c 00 16 jmp :DrawLeft1
15d1: 68 L15D1 pla
15d2: 48 pha
15d3: c9 02 cmp #$02
15d5: d0 0f bne L15E6
15d7: a9 0f lda #$0f
15d9: 85 06 sta char_horiz
15db: a9 07 lda #$07
15dd: 85 07 sta char_vert
15df: a9 03 lda #$03
15e1: a0 07 ldy #$07
15e3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
15e6: a9 11 L15E6 lda #$11
15e8: 85 06 sta char_horiz
15ea: a9 04 lda #$04
15ec: 85 07 sta char_vert
15ee: a0 03 ldy #$03
15f0: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft
15f3: a9 0f lda #$0f
15f5: 85 06 sta char_horiz
15f7: a9 0e lda #$0e
15f9: 85 07 sta char_vert
15fb: a0 03 ldy #$03
15fd: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight
; Repeat the process for the cell at dist=1.
1600: ad 99 61 :DrawLeft1 lda maze_walls_lf
1603: 29 02 and #$02
1605: d0 3d bne L1644
1607: 68 pla
1608: 48 pha
1609: c9 01 cmp #$01
160b: f0 0d beq L161A
160d: a9 04 lda #$04
160f: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1611: 85 07 sta char_vert
1613: a9 04 lda #$04
1615: a0 0d ldy #$0d
1617: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
161a: a9 42 L161A lda #$42
161c: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
161e: a9 00 lda #$00
1620: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1622: a0 04 ldy #$04
1624: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
1627: a9 5c lda #$5c
1629: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
162b: a9 50 lda #$50
162d: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
162f: a0 04 ldy #$04
1631: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
1634: a9 00 lda #$00
1636: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1638: 85 07 sta char_vert
163a: a9 04 lda #$04
163c: a0 15 ldy #$15
163e: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1641: 4c 71 16 jmp :DrawRight1
1644: 68 L1644 pla
1645: 48 pha
1646: c9 01 cmp #$01
1648: d0 0d bne L1657
164a: a9 04 lda #$04
164c: 85 06 sta char_horiz
164e: 85 07 sta char_vert
1650: a9 04 lda #$04
1652: a0 0d ldy #$0d
1654: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1657: a9 01 L1657 lda #$01
1659: 85 06 sta char_horiz
165b: a9 00 lda #$00
165d: 85 07 sta char_vert
165f: a0 04 ldy #$04
1661: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight
1664: a9 04 lda #$04
1666: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1668: a9 11 lda #$11
166a: 85 07 sta char_vert
166c: a0 04 ldy #$04
166e: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft
1671: ad 9a 61 :DrawRight1 lda maze_walls_rt
1674: 29 02 and #$02
1676: d0 41 bne L16B9
1678: 68 pla
1679: 48 pha
167a: c9 01 cmp #$01
167c: f0 0f beq L168D
167e: a9 12 lda #$12
1680: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1682: a9 04 lda #$04
1684: 85 07 sta char_vert
1686: a9 03 lda #$03
1688: a0 0d ldy #$0d
168a: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
168d: a9 42 L168D lda #$42
168f: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1691: a9 11 lda #$11
1693: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1695: a0 04 ldy #$04
1697: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
169a: a9 5c lda #$5c
169c: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
169e: a9 61 lda #$61
16a0: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
16a2: a0 04 ldy #$04
16a4: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
16a7: a9 16 lda #$16
16a9: 85 06 sta char_horiz
16ab: a9 00 lda #$00
16ad: 85 07 sta char_vert
16af: a9 03 lda #$03
16b1: a0 15 ldy #$15
16b3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
16b6: 4c e8 16 jmp :DrawCloseWalls
16b9: 68 L16B9 pla
16ba: 48 pha
16bb: c9 01 cmp #$01
16bd: d0 0f bne L16CE
16bf: a9 12 lda #$12
16c1: 85 06 sta char_horiz
16c3: a9 04 lda #$04
16c5: 85 07 sta char_vert
16c7: a9 03 lda #$03
16c9: a0 0d ldy #$0d
16cb: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
16ce: a9 15 L16CE lda #$15
16d0: 85 06 sta char_horiz
16d2: a9 00 lda #$00
16d4: 85 07 sta char_vert
16d6: a0 04 ldy #$04
16d8: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft
16db: a9 12 lda #$12
16dd: 85 06 sta char_horiz
16df: a9 11 lda #$11
16e1: 85 07 sta char_vert
16e3: a0 04 ldy #$04
16e5: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight
; Draw a little bit of the viewer's cell. The horizontal lines at the top and
; bottom were already drawn.
16e8: 68 :DrawCloseWalls pla ;get max view dist
16e9: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;are we right up against a wall?
16eb: f0 5f beq :NoseToWall ;yes, branch
; We're not flush with the wall, so either there's a wall to the side (which we
; ignore since the diagonal has already reached the top/bottom of the screen),
; or there's a hallway there, which we want to draw as a vertical line to show
; the corner.
16ed: ad 99 61 lda maze_walls_lf ;check left side
16f0: 29 01 and #$01
16f2: d0 27 bne :LeftWall0 ;it's a wall, skip it
; Right side of current cell is open, draw hallway.
16f4: a9 00 lda #0 ;top-left corner
16f6: 85 06 sta char_horiz
16f8: 85 07 sta char_vert
16fa: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
16fc: a0 15 ldy #21 ;full height of maze area
16fe: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1701: a9 3f lda #$3f ;$3fff+1 = row 0 col 0
1703: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1705: a9 ff lda #$ff
1707: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1709: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1
170b: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
170e: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5e4f+1 = row 167 col 0
1710: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1712: a9 4f lda #$4f
1714: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1716: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1
1718: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
171b: ad 9a 61 :LeftWall0 lda maze_walls_rt ;check right side
171e: 29 01 and #$01
1720: d0 29 bne :Return ;it's a wall, we're done
1722: a9 16 lda #22 ;top-right corner
1724: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1726: a9 00 lda #$00
1728: 85 07 sta char_vert
172a: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
172c: a0 15 ldy #21 ;full height of maze area
172e: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1731: a9 40 lda #$40 ;$4015+1 = row 0 col 22
1733: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1735: a9 15 lda #$15
1737: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1739: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1
173b: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
173e: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5e65+1 = row 167 col 22
1740: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1742: a9 65 lda #$65
1744: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1746: a0 01 ldy #1 ;len=1
1748: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
174b: 60 :Return rts
; We're flush with the facing wall. Draw a rectangle, leaving left/right open
; if there's a hallway there.
174c: ad 99 61 :NoseToWall lda maze_walls_lf ;check left edge
174f: 29 01 and #$01
1751: f0 0d beq :NoseNoLeft ;no wall, branch
1753: a9 00 lda #0 ;top-left corner
1755: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1757: 85 07 sta char_vert
1759: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge of glyph
175b: a0 15 ldy #21 ;full height of maze area
175d: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1760: ad 9a 61 :NoseNoLeft lda maze_walls_rt ;check right edge
1763: 29 01 and #$01
1765: f0 e4 beq :Return ;no wall, we're done
1767: a9 16 lda #22 ;top-right corner
1769: 85 06 sta char_horiz
176b: a9 00 lda #0
176d: 85 07 sta char_vert
176f: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge of glyph
1771: a0 15 ldy #21 ;full height of maze area
1773: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1776: 60 rts
; Draws a white horizontal line. The Y-reg holds the number of segments.
; Note the location pointed to is NOT drawn to. If the address is $4000, and Y-
; reg is 8, addresses $4001-4008 will be written to.
; On entry:
; $08-09: pointer to address on hi-res screen
; Y-reg: number of 7-pixel segments to draw
1777: a9 ff lda #$ff ;solid white line (with high bit set)
1779: 91 08 :Loop sta (char_row_ptr),y
177b: 88 dey
177c: d0 fb bne :Loop
177e: 60 rts
; Draws a diagonal line with glyphs, down and to the left.
; On entry:
; $06: horizontal position (0-39)
; $07: vertical position (0-23)
; Y-reg: number of iterations
]counter .var $1a {addr/1}
177f: 98 tya ;(why?)
1780: 85 1a sta ]counter ;set number of iterations
1782: 20 ef 11 :Loop jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
1785: a9 02 lda #$02 ;line segment, looks like forward slash
1787: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw glyph, move right
178a: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;return to initial horizontal position
178c: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up one
178e: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move down one line
1790: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet?
1792: d0 ee bne :Loop ;no, loop
1794: 60 rts
; Draws a diagonal line with glyphs, down and to the right.
; On entry:
; $06: horizontal position (0-39)
; $07: vertical position (0-23)
; Y-reg: number of iterations
1795: 98 tya ;(why?)
1796: 85 1a sta ]counter ;set number of iterations
1798: 20 ef 11 :Loop jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
179b: a9 01 lda #$01 ;line segment, looks like backslash
179d: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw glyph, move right
17a0: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move down one line
17a2: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet?
17a4: d0 f2 bne :Loop ;no, loop
17a6: 60 rts
; Draws the same character multiple times, moving down one line each time. Set
; the initial horizontal/vertical text position before calling. Can be used to
; draw a vertical line.
; On entry:
; $06: horizontal position (0-39)
; $07: vertical position (0-23)
; A-reg: glyph index to draw
; Y-reg: number of times to draw
17a7: 48 DrawGlyphsDown pha ;push char index
17a8: 98 tya ;(why?)
17a9: 85 1a sta ]counter ;save counter in $1a
17ab: 68 pla ;pull char index
17ac: 48 :Loop pha ;push char index
17ad: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer for current text posn
17b0: 68 pla ;pull char index
17b1: 48 pha ;push char index
17b2: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw glyph, move right
17b5: 68 pla ;pull char index
17b6: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;return to original horizontal position
17b8: e6 07 inc char_vert ;increment vertical position
17ba: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet?
17bc: d0 ee bne :Loop ;no, loop
17be: 60 rts
; Walks through the maze wall data to determine what the corridor ahead looks
; like. Sets values for the distance to the opposite wall (1-5, where 5 is
; "infinity"), and bit flags for the left and right walls for five cells,
; starting with the one the player is standing in.
; Because of limitations placed on the maze structure, e.g. there are no 2x2
; rooms, this is sufficient information to draw the scene.
; On exit:
; $6199 and $619a hold the results
• Clear variables
]maze_ptr .var $0a {addr/2}
17bf: a0 00 ldy #$00
17c1: a9 00 lda #<maze_wall_data
17c3: 85 0a sta ]maze_ptr
17c5: a9 60 lda #>maze_wall_data
17c7: 85 0b sta ]maze_ptr+1
; Find the start of the wall data for the current floor.
17c9: ae 94 61 ldx plyr_floor
17cc: a9 00 lda #$00
17ce: 18 clc
17cf: ca :Loop dex
17d0: f0 05 beq :GotFloor
17d2: 69 21 adc #$21 ;each floor is 33 bytes
17d4: 4c cf 17 jmp :Loop
17d7: 65 0a :GotFloor adc ]maze_ptr ;add to pointer
17d9: 85 0a sta ]maze_ptr
; Find the offset and bit mask for the current cell. The maze floor data uses
; two bits per cell (south and west walls). The mask is set for the south-wall
; bit; shift once to the right for the west-wall bit.
17db: ae 95 61 ldx plyr_xpos
17de: ca :XLoop dex
17df: f0 09 beq :GotX
17e1: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr
17e3: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr
17e5: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr
17e7: 4c de 17 jmp :XLoop
17ea: ad 96 61 :GotX lda plyr_ypos
17ed: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;1-4?
17ef: 30 0e bmi :YPos04 ;yes, branch
17f1: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;5-8?
17f3: 30 05 bmi :YPos58 ;yes, branch
17f5: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;no, 9-12; ptr++
17f7: 38 sec
17f8: e9 04 sbc #$04 ;Ypos -= 4 (now 5-8)
17fa: e6 0a :YPos58 inc ]maze_ptr ;ptr++
17fc: 38 sec
17fd: e9 04 sbc #$04 ;Ypos -= 4 (now 1-4)
17ff: aa :YPos04 tax ;save in X-reg as shift count
1800: a9 80 lda #$80 ;set bit 7 (Y-coord=1 is two high bits)
1802: ca :YLoop dex ;count it down
1803: f0 05 beq :GotY
1805: 4a lsr A ;$80/$20/$08/$04 for 1-4
1806: 4a lsr A
1807: 4c 02 18 jmp :YLoop
]dist_ctr .var $11 {addr/1}
]end_dist .var $19 {addr/1}
]bit_mask .var $1a {addr/1}
180a: 85 1a :GotY sta ]bit_mask
180c: 86 19 stx ]end_dist ;init values to zero (X-reg=0)
180e: 86 11 stx ]dist_ctr
1810: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf
1813: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt
; Execute different code for each of the 4 directions.
1816: ae 93 61 ldx plyr_facing ;1=W, 2=N, 3=E, 4=S
1819: ca dex
181a: d0 03 bne :ChkNorth
181c: 4c 10 19 jmp :FaceWest
181f: ca :ChkNorth dex
1820: d0 03 bne :ChkEast
1822: 4c 7c 19 jmp :FaceNorth
1825: ca :ChkEast dex
1826: f0 7f beq :FaceEast
; Handle south-facing player. Start by finding the next perpendicular wall.
; Keep looking until we hit a wall or reach maximum distance.
; The maze data guarantees that we will hit a wall eventually, so we don't need
; to step carefully around the edge of the maze.
1828: b1 0a :FaceSouth lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get current cell
182a: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;south wall here?
182c: d0 1e bne :SFoundSouth ;yes, branch
182e: e6 19 inc ]end_dist ;no, increment end distance
1830: a5 19 lda ]end_dist
1832: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;have we reached max?
1834: f0 16 beq :SFoundSouth ;yes, branch
; Move to the next cell to the south.
1836: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask
1838: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;at the end of the byte?
183a: d0 09 bne :SNotHighBit ;not yet, branch
183c: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr ;yes, decrement pointer
183e: a9 02 lda #$02
1840: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask ;reset mask
1842: 4c 28 18 jmp :FaceSouth
1845: 06 1a :SNotHighBit asl ]bit_mask ;left-shift twice to move south
1847: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask
1849: 4c 28 18 jmp :FaceSouth
; We found a wall on the south side of a cell. We want to shift the mask from
; testing the south wall ($80/20/08/02) to the west wall ($40/10/04/01).
; Note we're walking from the farthest point back toward the viewer. Thus, the
; last thing we test will always end up in the low bit of the left/right masks,
; even if we stop early.
184c: a5 19 :SFoundSouth lda ]end_dist ;get distance to end point
184e: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;do fancy swap maneuver
1851: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask ;right shift to mask west wall bit
1853: b1 0a :SSideLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get maze data
1855: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask west wall bit
1857: f0 03 beq :SNotSet1
1859: ee 9a 61 inc maze_walls_rt ;set low bit
185c: a0 03 :SNotSet1 ldy #$03 ;index over to next column (to east)
185e: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data there
1860: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;reset Y-reg
1862: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;get west wall bit
1864: f0 03 beq :SNotSet2 ;not set, branch
1866: ee 99 61 inc maze_walls_lf ;set low bit
1869: 20 10 1a :SNotSet2 jsr SwapEndDist ;swap back (A-reg = end_dist)
186c: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;have we reached the end?
186e: f0 2a beq :Finish ;yes, finish up
1870: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;no, swap end dist back out
1873: a9 04 lda #$04
1875: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;have we done the nearest 4 walls?
1877: f0 1e beq :FinishSwap ;yes, finish up
1879: 0e 99 61 asl maze_walls_lf ;shift result bits to make room
187c: 0e 9a 61 asl maze_walls_rt
187f: e6 11 inc ]dist_ctr
; Move to the next cell to the north.
1881: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask
1883: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;at the end of the byte?
1885: f0 07 beq :SNextByte ;yes, branch
1887: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask ;right-shift twice to move north
1889: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask
188b: 4c 53 18 jmp :SSideLoop
188e: a9 40 :SNextByte lda #$40
1890: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask ;reset mask
1892: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move to next byte in column
1894: 4c 53 18 jmp :SSideLoop
; Finish up by merging the end distance with the right wall mask. Used for all
; four directions.
1897: 20 10 1a :FinishSwap jsr SwapEndDist ;swap end distance back in
189a: 0a :Finish asl A ;shift it left 5x
189b: 0a asl A
189c: 0a asl A
189d: 0a asl A
189e: 0a asl A
189f: 18 clc ;(ORA)
18a0: 6d 9a 61 adc maze_walls_rt ;merge with right wall flags
18a3: 8d 9a 61 sta maze_walls_rt
18a6: 60 rts ;and we're done
; Handle east-facing player. Start by finding the next perpendicular wall. We
; store the west wall for each cell, so we need to move one cell east to see if
; the current cell has a wall on its east side.
18a7: 46 1a :FaceEast lsr ]bit_mask ;adjust mask to get west wall bit
18a9: 18 :EFarLoop clc
18aa: a5 0a lda ]maze_ptr ;move to next column to the east
18ac: 69 03 adc #$03
18ae: 85 0a sta ]maze_ptr
18b0: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data
18b2: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask west wall bit
18b4: d0 08 bne :EFoundWest ;found wall, branch
18b6: e6 19 inc ]end_dist ;increment view distance
18b8: a5 19 lda ]end_dist
18ba: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;have we reached max?
18bc: d0 eb bne :EFarLoop ;no, loop
18be: a5 19 :EFoundWest lda ]end_dist ;get distance
18c0: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;swap distance out
; We have a west-wall bit mask ($40/10/04/01). We want to create two south-wall
; bit masks ($80/20/08/02), one for the row of cells we're in, one for the row
; of cells to the north (right shift). This is a little tricky because we might
; need to shift down one byte.
]bit_mask2 .var $19 {addr/1}
18c3: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask ;get mask
18c5: 85 19 sta ]bit_mask2 ;use end_dist local var as second mask
18c7: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask ;shift mask for south wall bit
18c9: 18 clc ;(LSR?)
18ca: 66 19 ror ]bit_mask2 ;shift mask to be south wall of cell to north
18cc: 90 02 bcc :ESideLoop ;branch if we stayed within byte
18ce: 66 19 ror ]bit_mask2 ;shift again to set it to $80
18d0: c6 0a :ESideLoop dec ]maze_ptr ;move one column west
18d2: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr
18d4: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr
18d6: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data (Y-reg=0 here)
18d8: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask south wall bit
18da: f0 03 beq :ENotSet1 ;not set, branch
18dc: ee 9a 61 inc maze_walls_rt ;set low bit
18df: a5 19 :ENotSet1 lda ]bit_mask2 ;get mask for other wall
18e1: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;did we roll over?
18e3: f0 05 beq :EOtherByte ;yes, get a different byte
18e5: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;no, get wall data
18e7: 4c ee 18 jmp :EGet2
18ea: c8 :EOtherByte iny ;move north
18eb: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y
18ed: 88 dey ;restore Y-reg to zero
18ee: 25 19 :EGet2 and ]bit_mask2 ;mask south wall bit
18f0: f0 03 beq :ENotSet2 ;not set, branch
18f2: ee 99 61 inc maze_walls_lf ;set low bit
18f5: a5 11 :ENotSet2 lda ]dist_ctr
18f7: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;have we done the nearest 4 walls?
18f9: f0 9c :ZFinish2 beq :FinishSwap ;yes, finish up
18fb: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist
18fe: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;compare view range to counter
1900: f0 98 :ZFinish3 beq :Finish ;reached view end, finish up
1902: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist
1905: e6 11 inc ]dist_ctr
1907: 0e 99 61 asl maze_walls_lf ;shift results to make room
190a: 0e 9a 61 asl maze_walls_rt
190d: 4c d0 18 jmp :ESideLoop
; Handle west-facing player. Start by finding the next perpendicular wall.
]end_dist .var $19 {addr/1}
1910: 46 1a :FaceWest lsr ]bit_mask ;shift mask for west wall
1912: b1 0a :WFarLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;check current cell
1914: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;has west wall?
1916: d0 11 bne :WFoundWest ;yes, branch
1918: e6 19 inc ]end_dist ;increment view distance
191a: a5 19 lda ]end_dist
191c: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;reached max?
191e: f0 09 beq :WFoundWest ;yes, branch
1920: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr ;move to previous column (westward)
1922: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr
1924: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr
1926: 4c 12 19 jmp :WFarLoop
1929: a5 19 :WFoundWest lda ]end_dist
192b: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist
; We have a west-wall bit mask ($40/10/04/01). We want to create two south-wall
; bit masks ($80/20/08/02), one for the row of cells we're in, one for the row
; of cells to the north (right shift). This is a little tricky because we might
; need to shift down one byte.
]bit_mask2 .var $19 {addr/1}
192e: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask ;get mask
1930: 85 19 sta ]bit_mask2 ;use end_dist local var as second mask
1932: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask ;shift mask for south wall bit
1934: 18 clc ;(LSR?)
1935: 66 19 ror ]bit_mask2 ;shift mask to be south wall of cell to north
1937: 90 02 bcc :WSideLoop ;branch if we stayed within byte
1939: 66 19 ror ]bit_mask2 ;shift again to set it to $80
193b: b1 0a :WSideLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data (Y-reg=0 here)
193d: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask south wall bit
193f: f0 03 beq :WNotSet1 ;not set, branch
1941: ee 99 61 inc maze_walls_lf ;set low bit
1944: a5 19 :WNotSet1 lda ]bit_mask2 ;get mask for other wall
1946: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;did we roll over?
1948: d0 02 bne :WNoRoll ;no, use same byte
194a: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move one row north
194c: b1 0a :WNoRoll lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get wall data
194e: 25 19 and ]bit_mask2 ;mask south wall bit
1950: f0 03 beq :WNotSet2
1952: ee 9a 61 inc maze_walls_rt ;set low bit
1955: a5 19 :WNotSet2 lda ]bit_mask2 ;check second mask to see if we already
1957: c9 80 cmp #$80 ; incremented once
1959: f0 02 beq :DidInc ;yes, skip first inc
195b: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move one column to the east
195d: e6 0a :DidInc inc ]maze_ptr
195f: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr
1961: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;swap end_dist back in
1964: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;reached the end?
1966: f0 98 beq :ZFinish3 ;yes, finish up
1968: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist
196b: a9 04 lda #$04
196d: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;have we done the nearest 4 walls?
196f: f0 88 :ZFinish1 beq :ZFinish2 ;yes, finish up
1971: e6 11 inc ]dist_ctr
1973: 0e 99 61 asl maze_walls_lf ;shift results to make room
1976: 0e 9a 61 asl maze_walls_rt
1979: 4c 3b 19 jmp :WSideLoop
; Handle north-facing player. Start by finding the next perpendicular wall. We
; store the south wall for each cell, so we need to move one cell north to see
; if the current cell has a wall on its north side.
]end_dist .var $19 {addr/1}
197c: a5 1a :FaceNorth lda ]bit_mask ;check current mask
197e: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;on lowest bit pair (Y=4/8/12)?
1980: d0 09 bne :NNotLowBitA ;no, can just shift
1982: a9 80 lda #$80 ;start at top of next byte
1984: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask
1986: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move to next byte
1988: 4c 8f 19 jmp :NFarLoop
198b: 46 1a :NNotLowBitA lsr ]bit_mask ;shift mask one step toward +Y
198d: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask
198f: b1 0a :NFarLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get value
1991: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask south wall bit
1993: d0 1e bne :NFoundSouth ;found a wall, stop here
1995: e6 19 inc ]end_dist ;increment distance
1997: a5 19 lda ]end_dist
1999: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;have we reached "infinity"?
199b: f0 16 beq :NFoundSouth ;yes, stop here
; Move to the next cell to the north.
199d: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask
199f: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;at the end of the byte?
19a1: d0 09 bne :NNotLowBitB ;not yet, branch
19a3: e6 0a inc ]maze_ptr ;move to next byte
19a5: a9 80 lda #$80 ;reset mask
19a7: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask
19a9: 4c 8f 19 jmp :NFarLoop ;loop
19ac: 46 1a :NNotLowBitB lsr ]bit_mask ;right-shift twice to move north
19ae: 46 1a lsr ]bit_mask
19b0: 4c 8f 19 jmp :NFarLoop
; We found a wall on the south side of a cell. The player can't see into this
; cell, so back up one step.
19b3: a5 1a :NFoundSouth lda ]bit_mask
19b5: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;at edge of bit mask?
19b7: f0 05 beq :NHighBit ;yes, branch
19b9: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask ;no, just shift mask for west wall bit
19bb: 4c c4 19 jmp :NAdjCommon
19be: c6 0a :NHighBit dec ]maze_ptr ;back up to previous byte
19c0: a9 01 lda #$01 ;set mask to low bit
19c2: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask
19c4: a5 19 :NAdjCommon lda ]end_dist ;get distance to end point
19c6: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;do fancy swap maneuver
19c9: b1 0a :NSideLoop lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get chunk of maze data
19cb: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask off everything but the west-wall bit
19cd: f0 03 beq :NNotSet1 ;not set, branch
19cf: ee 99 61 inc maze_walls_lf ;set, add to left wall mask
19d2: a0 03 :NNotSet1 ldy #$03 ;read one column to east
19d4: b1 0a lda (]maze_ptr),y ;get chunk
19d6: a0 00 ldy #$00 ;restore Y-reg
19d8: 25 1a and ]bit_mask ;mask off west wall bit
19da: f0 03 beq :NNotSet2 ;not set, branch
19dc: ee 9a 61 inc maze_walls_rt ;set, add to right wall mask
19df: a9 04 :NNotSet2 lda #$04
19e1: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;was this the 5th wall (0-4)?
19e3: f0 8a beq :ZFinish1 ;yes, swap and finish
19e5: 20 10 1a jsr SwapEndDist ;swap end_dist back in
19e8: c5 11 cmp ]dist_ctr ;have we reached the end of the visible area?
19ea: d0 03 bne :NNext ;not yet, branch
19ec: 4c 9a 18 jmp :Finish ;yes, finish
19ef: 20 10 1a :NNext jsr SwapEndDist ;swap end_dist back out
19f2: 0e 99 61 asl maze_walls_lf ;prep for next cell by shifting wall masks
19f5: e6 11 inc ]dist_ctr ;update the counter
19f7: 0e 9a 61 asl maze_walls_rt
19fa: a5 1a lda ]bit_mask ;update the bit mask
19fc: c9 40 cmp #$40
19fe: f0 07 beq :NNextByte
1a00: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask ;same byte, shifted over
1a02: 06 1a asl ]bit_mask
1a04: 4c c9 19 jmp :NSideLoop
1a07: a9 01 :NNextByte lda #$01 ;start in next byte
1a09: 85 1a sta ]bit_mask
1a0b: c6 0a dec ]maze_ptr
1a0d: 4c c9 19 jmp :NSideLoop
; Swaps A-reg with $61f7, using $13 as temporary storage. Does not touch X-reg
; / Y-reg.
; (It's unclear why the code does this, instead of just storing the value
; somewhere.)
]tmp .var $13 {addr/1}
1a10: 85 13 SwapEndDist sta ]tmp ;save A-reg
1a12: ad f7 61 lda acc_swap_stash ;get value from memory
1a15: 48 pha ;preserve it
1a16: a5 13 lda ]tmp ;restore A-reg
1a18: 8d f7 61 sta acc_swap_stash ;save it
1a1b: 68 pla ;restore value from memory
1a1c: 60 rts
1a1d: 00 00 00 00+ .junk 23
; Object management function handler. Pass in a function command index and
; optional argument. Some functions return a result in various ways.
; State-modification functions assume the caller has already confirmed that the
; action is legal, e.g. that there is enough room in the player's inventory
; before picking up something new.
; Commands:
; (for $00-$06, arg=object index ($01-17))
; $00/01 - delete object
; $02 - pick up object, still in box
; $03 - activate object in inventory (light torch, raise ring)
; $04 - pick up object
; $05 - drop object
; $06 - retrieve object info from inventory
; values returned in $19 (X/Y) and $1a (floor/state)
; $07 - draw player inventory
; $08 - count the number of items in inventory
; returned in $19
; $09 - reset player state
; $0a - find boxes on floor in front of player
; $0b - find boxed item at current location, or in inventory
; object index returned in A-reg
; $0c - find food in inventory
; object index returned in A-reg
; $0d - find lit torch in inventory
; object index returned in A-reg
; $0e - find unlit torch in inventory
; object index returned in A-reg
; On entry:
; $0e: argument (optional)
; $0f: function to execute ($00-$0e)
; On exit:
; $0e-0f: pointer into inventory area
• Clear variables
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
]ret_xy .var $19 {addr/1}
]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1}
1a34: a5 0f ObjMgmtFunc lda ]func_cmd ;check command
1a36: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;is it an object operation?
1a38: 10 59 bpl DoCmd7Plus ;no, branch
; Functions 0-6 operate on inventory-able objects. Convert the object index
; argument in $0e (value $01-17) to a pointer into the object location table in
; $0e-0f.
1a3a: 06 0e asl ]func_arg ;double the object index
1a3c: 48 pha ;save function index
]obj_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
1a3d: a9 00 lda #$00 ;form pointer to object data
1a3f: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1
1a41: 18 clc
1a42: a9 b9 lda #<object_status
1a44: 65 0e adc ]obj_ptr ;add shifted index to address
1a46: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr
1a48: a9 61 lda #>object_status
1a4a: 65 0f adc ]obj_ptr+1 ;("ADC #$00" would've saved a bit)
1a4c: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1
1a4e: 68 pla ;restore function index
1a4f: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;was it 5 or 6?
1a51: 10 1b bpl Func0506 ;yes, branch
; Remap function index from {0-4} to {0,6-8}, with 0/1 --> 0.
1a53: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;no, 0-4... is it zero?
1a55: f0 08 beq Func00 ;yes, branch with A-reg=0
1a57: 38 sec ;no, it's 1-4
1a58: e9 01 sbc #$01 ;subtract 1 (now 0-3)
1a5a: f0 03 beq Func00 ;if was 1, handle as equivalent to func 0
1a5c: 18 clc ;now 1-3 (originally 2-4)
1a5d: 69 05 adc #$05 ;change to 6/7/8 and fall through
; Function $00-04: set object state to value in A-reg.
; Possible values for A-reg:
; $00: (func $00/$01) destroy object
; $06: (func $02) put object in inventory, still in box
; $07: (func $03) put object in inventory, activated
; $08: (func $04) put object in inventory
1a5f: a0 00 Func00 ldy #$00
1a61: 91 0e sta (]obj_ptr),y ;set state to zero
1a63: e6 0e inc ]obj_ptr ;(INY is used a few lines down... why not here?)
1a65: d0 02 bne :NoInc
1a67: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1
1a69: a9 00 :NoInc lda #$00
1a6b: 91 0e sta (]obj_ptr),y ;clear second byte too
1a6d: 60 rts
1a6e: c9 05 Func0506 cmp #$05 ;function 5 or 6... was it 5?
1a70: f0 0c beq Func05 ;yes, branch
; Function $06: get object info.
; Copies object location data to $19/1a.
1a72: a0 00 ldy #$00
1a74: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get state (floor or inventory state)
1a76: 85 1a sta ]ret_state ;copy to ZP
1a78: c8 iny
1a79: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;same for X/Y position
1a7b: 85 19 sta ]ret_xy ;(will be zero for held item)
1a7d: 60 rts
; Function $05: drop object.
1a7e: ad 94 61 Func05 lda plyr_floor ;get current floor
1a81: a0 00 ldy #$00
1a83: 91 0e sta (]obj_ptr),y ;store that
1a85: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;get X position
1a88: 0a asl A ;multiply by 16
1a89: 0a asl A
1a8a: 0a asl A
1a8b: 0a asl A
1a8c: 0d 96 61 ora plyr_ypos ;combine with Y position
1a8f: c8 iny
1a90: 91 0e sta (]obj_ptr),y ;store that
1a92: 60 rts
1a93: 38 DoCmd7Plus sec ;func index is 7+
1a94: e9 07 sbc #$07 ;reduce to 0+
1a96: f0 03 beq DrawInventory ;if == 7, branch
1a98: 4c b5 1b jmp ChkFunc08 ;go check 8+
; Function $07: draw inventory.
]counter .var $1a {addr/1}
1a9b: a9 0f DrawInventory lda #15 ;erasing 15 lines
1a9d: 85 1a sta ]counter
1a9f: a9 19 lda #25 ;start in column 25
1aa1: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1aa3: a9 03 lda #3 ;row 3
1aa5: 85 07 sta char_vert
1aa7: 20 ef 11 :ClearLoop jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res addr
1aaa: a9 1e lda #$1e ;clear to EOL
1aac: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
1aaf: e6 07 inc char_vert ;advance to next line
1ab1: c6 1a dec ]counter
1ab3: d0 f2 bne :ClearLoop
1ab5: a9 14 lda #$14 ;object $01-14 can be carried
1ab7: 85 1a sta ]counter
1ab9: a9 bb lda #<object_status2 ;set pointer to object state data
1abb: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr
1abd: a9 61 lda #>object_status2
1abf: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1
1ac1: a9 1a lda #26 ;horizontal pos 26 (3 spaces over from maze)
1ac3: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1ac5: a9 03 lda #3 ;text row 3
1ac7: 85 07 sta char_vert
1ac9: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res addr
1acc: a9 01 lda #$01 ;"inventory:"
1ace: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
1ad1: a9 1b lda #27 ;indent one space
1ad3: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1ad5: a9 04 lda #4 ;start on text row 4
1ad7: 85 07 sta char_vert
1ad9: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res addr
; Draw unboxed held items.
1adc: a0 00 :UnboxLoop ldy #$00
1ade: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get item state
1ae0: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;in inventory, unboxed?
1ae2: d0 03 bne :Not8 ;no, branch
1ae4: 4c 76 1b jmp :DrawInvItem ;yes, draw it
1ae7: c9 07 :Not8 cmp #$07 ;in inventory, unboxed, activated?
1ae9: d0 03 bne :Not7 ;no, branch
1aeb: 4c 76 1b jmp :DrawInvItem ;yes, draw it
1aee: e6 0e :Not7 inc ]obj_ptr ;advance pointer 2 bytes
1af0: d0 02 bne :NoInc1
1af2: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1
1af4: e6 0e :NoInc1 inc ]obj_ptr
1af6: d0 02 bne :NoInc2
1af8: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1
1afa: c6 1a :NoInc2 dec ]counter ;done yet?
1afc: d0 de bne :UnboxLoop ;no, loop
; Draw boxed held items.
1afe: a9 bb lda #<object_status2 ;reset pointer to start of object list
1b00: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr
1b02: a9 61 lda #>object_status2
1b04: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1
1b06: a9 17 lda #$17 ;walk through boxed food and torches too
1b08: 85 1a sta ]counter
1b0a: a0 00 :BoxLoop ldy #$00
1b0c: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get state
1b0e: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;in inventory, boxed?
1b10: d0 03 bne :NotInBox ;no, branch
1b12: 4c 9c 1b jmp :DrawBoxedItem ;yes, draw it
1b15: e6 0e :NotInBox inc ]obj_ptr ;advance pointer 2 bytes
1b17: d0 02 bne :NoInc1
1b19: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1
1b1b: e6 0e :NoInc1 inc ]obj_ptr
1b1d: d0 02 bne :NoInc2
1b1f: e6 0f inc ]obj_ptr+1
1b21: c6 1a :NoInc2 dec ]counter ;done yet?
1b23: d0 e5 bne :BoxLoop ;no, loop
; Print lit/unlit torches.
1b25: a9 1a lda #26 ;set text position
1b27: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1b29: a9 10 lda #16
1b2b: 85 07 sta char_vert
1b2d: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
1b30: a9 02 lda #$02 ;"torches:"
1b32: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
1b35: a9 1b lda #27
1b37: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1b39: a9 11 lda #17
1b3b: 85 07 sta char_vert
1b3d: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
1b40: a9 03 lda #$03 ;"lit:"
1b42: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
1b45: e6 06 inc char_horiz ;3 spaces, so numbers line up
1b47: e6 06 inc char_horiz
1b49: e6 06 inc char_horiz
1b4b: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
1b4e: ad 97 61 lda num_lit_torches ;get number of lit torches
1b51: 18 clc
1b52: 69 30 adc #‘0’ ;convert to ASCII
1b54: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw it
1b57: a9 1b lda #27
1b59: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1b5b: a9 12 lda #18 ;down one line
1b5d: 85 07 sta char_vert
1b5f: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
1b62: a9 04 lda #$04 ;"unlit:"
1b64: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
1b67: a9 20 lda #‘ ’
1b69: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print one space ("INC char_horiz" would also work)
1b6c: ad 98 61 lda num_unlit_torches ;get number of unlit torches
1b6f: 18 clc
1b70: 69 30 adc #‘0’ ;convert to ASCII
1b72: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw it
1b75: 60 rts
; Draw the name of an inventory item.
]tmp .var $13 {addr/1}
1b76: a9 15 :DrawInvItem lda #$15 ;convert counter to noun; we're counting down from
1b78: 38 sec ; $14, so noun is ($15 - counter)
1b79: e5 1a sbc ]counter
1b7b: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;is it a food object ($12-$14)?
1b7d: 30 02 bmi :NotFood ;no, branch
1b7f: a9 12 lda #$12 ;noun=food
1b81: 85 13 :NotFood sta ]tmp
1b83: a5 06 lda char_horiz ;save current text position
1b85: 48 pha
1b86: a5 07 lda char_vert
1b88: 48 pha
1b89: a5 13 lda ]tmp ;get noun
1b8b: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;draw it
1b8e: 68 pla
1b8f: 85 07 sta char_vert ;restore vertical position
1b91: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move to next line
1b93: 68 pla
1b94: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;restore horizontal position
1b96: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
1b99: 4c ee 1a jmp :Not7 ;loop
1b9c: a5 06 :DrawBoxedItem lda char_horiz ;save current text position
1b9e: 48 pha
1b9f: a5 07 lda char_vert
1ba1: 48 pha
1ba2: a9 14 lda #$14 ;"box"
1ba4: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;print "box"
1ba7: 68 pla
1ba8: 85 07 sta char_vert ;restore vertical position
1baa: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move down one line
1bac: 68 pla
1bad: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;restore horizontal position
1baf: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
1bb2: 4c 15 1b jmp :NotInBox ;loop
]ret_count .var $19 {addr/1}
]func_cmd_alt .var $1a {addr/1}
1bb5: 85 1a ChkFunc08 sta ]func_cmd_alt ;save function index
1bb7: c6 1a dec ]func_cmd_alt ;was it 8?
1bb9: d0 2d bne ChkFunc09 ;no, branch
; Function $08: count inventory items.
; Count is returned in $1a.
]counter .var $1a {addr/1}
1bbb: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 ;set pointer to object info
1bbd: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1
1bbf: a9 bb lda #<object_status2
1bc1: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr
1bc3: a9 14 lda #$14 ;count objects up to and including foods
1bc5: 85 1a sta ]counter
1bc7: a9 00 lda #$00
1bc9: 85 19 sta ]ret_count ;init counter
1bcb: a0 00 ldy #$00
1bcd: b1 0e :CountLoop lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get object state
1bcf: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;in inventory?
1bd1: 30 02 bmi :NotInv ;no, branch
1bd3: e6 19 inc ]ret_count ;yes, increment count
1bd5: c8 :NotInv iny ;advance pointer to next entry
1bd6: c8 iny
1bd7: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet?
1bd9: d0 f2 bne :CountLoop ;no, branch
1bdb: ad a1 61 lda torch_level ;is a torch lit?
1bde: d0 05 bne :TorchLit ;yes, branch
1be0: ad 98 61 lda num_unlit_torches ;do we have unlit torches?
1be3: f0 02 beq :Return ;no, branch
1be5: e6 19 :TorchLit inc ]ret_count ;add one for lit torch
1be7: 60 :Return rts
]func_cmd_alt .var $1a {addr/1}
1be8: c6 1a ChkFunc09 dec ]func_cmd_alt ;was it 9?
1bea: d0 1a bne ChkFunc0a ;no, branch
; Function $09: init player data area, copying $613d-6192 to $6193-61e8.
]src_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
]dst_ptr .var $10 {addr/2}
1bec: a0 55 ldy #$55 ;first 55 bytes are overwritten
1bee: a9 61 lda #>init_game_state ;source pointer
1bf0: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1
1bf2: a9 3d lda #<init_game_state
1bf4: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr
1bf6: a9 93 lda #<plyr_facing ;destination pointer
1bf8: 85 10 sta ]dst_ptr
1bfa: a9 61 lda #>plyr_facing
1bfc: 85 11 sta ]dst_ptr+1
1bfe: b1 0e :Loop lda (]src_ptr),y ;copy
1c00: 91 10 sta (]dst_ptr),y
1c02: 88 dey
1c03: 10 f9 bpl :Loop
1c05: 60 rts
1c06: c6 1a ChkFunc0a dec ]func_cmd_alt
1c08: d0 03 bne ChkFunc0b
1c0a: 4c 0e 1d jmp FindVisBoxes
1c0d: c6 1a ChkFunc0b dec ]func_cmd_alt
1c0f: f0 03 beq FuncFindBox
1c11: 4c af 1c jmp ChkFunc0c
; Function $0b: find box in maze at current position. If there's no box on the
; ground, search inventory for a boxed object.
; On exit:
; A-reg: object index
]player_xy .var $11 {addr/1}
]tmp_floor .var $13 {addr/1}
]counter .var $1a {addr/1}
1c14: ad 95 61 FuncFindBox lda plyr_xpos ;get X position
1c17: 0a asl A ;multiply by 16
1c18: 0a asl A
1c19: 0a asl A
1c1a: 0a asl A
1c1b: 18 clc
1c1c: 6d 96 61 adc plyr_ypos ;add Y position
1c1f: 85 11 sta ]player_xy ;save
1c21: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 ;set pointer one byte into data area
1c23: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1
1c25: a9 bc lda #<object_status2+1
1c27: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr
1c29: a9 17 lda #$17 ;all inventory-able items (including torches)
1c2b: 85 1a sta ]counter
1c2d: a0 00 ldy #$00
1c2f: a5 11 lda ]player_xy
1c31: d1 0e :SearchLoop cmp (]src_ptr),y ;does object X/Y position match?
1c33: f0 49 beq :MatchXY ;yes, branch
1c35: c8 :SearchLoop1 iny ;no, advance pointer
1c36: c8 iny
1c37: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet?
1c39: d0 f6 bne :SearchLoop ;no, loop
; Nothing found on ground.
1c3b: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 ;reset pointer
1c3d: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1
1c3f: a9 bb lda #<object_status2
1c41: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr
1c43: a9 10 lda #$10 ;only consider first $10 objects, so we don't find
1c45: 85 1a sta ]counter ; the snake ($11)
1c47: a9 06 lda #$06
1c49: a0 00 ldy #$00
1c4b: d1 0e :InvLoop cmp (]src_ptr),y ;is item held and boxed?
1c4d: f0 45 beq :FoundMatch ;yes, branch
1c4f: c8 iny ;no, advance pointer
1c50: c8 iny
1c51: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet?
1c53: d0 f6 bne :InvLoop ;no, loop
; Do it again, but only looking at food and torches.
1c55: a9 61 lda #>food_torch_loc ;reset pointer
1c57: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1
1c59: a9 dd lda #<food_torch_loc
1c5b: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr
1c5d: a9 06 lda #$06
1c5f: 85 1a sta ]counter ;3 food, 3 torches
1c61: a0 00 ldy #$00
1c63: d1 0e :FoodTorchLoop cmp (]src_ptr),y ;is item held and boxed?
1c65: f0 2d beq :FoundMatch ;yes, branch
1c67: c8 iny ;no, advance pointer
1c68: c8 iny
1c69: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet?
1c6b: d0 f6 bne :FoodTorchLoop ;no, loop
; Finally, open the box with the snake if we have it.
1c6d: a2 61 ldx #>snake_obj_loc ;set pointer to the snake object entry
1c6f: 86 0f stx ]src_ptr+1
1c71: a2 db ldx #<snake_obj_loc
1c73: 86 0e stx ]src_ptr
1c75: a0 00 ldy #$00
1c77: d1 0e cmp (]src_ptr),y ;is item held and boxed?
1c79: f0 19 beq :FoundMatch ;yes, branch
1c7b: a9 00 lda #$00 ;nothing found, return zero
1c7d: 60 rts
; X/Y matched for box on floor, check floor number.
1c7e: c6 0e :MatchXY dec ]src_ptr ;back pointer up to floor/state value
1c80: b1 0e lda (]src_ptr),y ;get floor number
1c82: 85 13 sta ]tmp_floor ;save it
1c84: e6 0e inc ]src_ptr ;change pointer back
1c86: 88 dey ;and decrement Y-reg by one
1c87: a5 13 lda ]tmp_floor ;see if floor matches
1c89: cd 94 61 cmp plyr_floor
1c8c: f0 06 beq :FoundMatch ;it does, we have a winner; branch
1c8e: c8 iny ;restore Y-reg to previous value
1c8f: a5 11 lda ]player_xy ;restore A-reg to value we're comparing against
1c91: 4c 35 1c jmp :SearchLoop1 ;keep looking
; Found a matching object. Get the object's index.
1c94: 18 :FoundMatch clc
1c95: 98 tya
1c96: 10 02 bpl :IsPos ;if we went negative,
1c98: a9 00 lda #$00 ; clamp to zero
1c9a: 65 0e :IsPos adc ]src_ptr ;add Y index to pointer
1c9c: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr
1c9e: a9 00 lda #$00
1ca0: 65 0f adc ]src_ptr+1
1ca2: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1
1ca4: 38 sec
1ca5: a5 0e lda ]src_ptr
1ca7: e9 bb sbc #<object_status2 ;subtract base address to get... index
1ca9: 18 clc ;(equivalent to TYA without the DEY)
1caa: 6a ror A ;halve it and add one
1cab: 18 clc
1cac: 69 01 adc #$01
1cae: 60 rts ;return index of matching item in A-reg
1caf: c6 1a ChkFunc0c dec ]counter
1cb1: d0 35 bne ChkFunc0d
; Function $0c: find food in inventory.
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
]desired_state .var $10 {addr/1}
]item_counter .var $11 {addr/1}
]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1}
1cb3: a9 03 lda #3 ;3 instances of food
1cb5: 85 11 sta ]item_counter
1cb7: a9 08 lda #$08 ;wanted: in inventory, unboxed
1cb9: 85 10 sta ]desired_state
1cbb: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
1cbd: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
1cbf: a9 12 lda #$12 ;foods ($12-14)
1cc1: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;...fall through...
; Iterate through inventory, looking for matching item. The function index
; should be $06 (get object info).
1cc3: a5 0f FindConsumable lda ]func_cmd ;save a copy of func index/arg
1cc5: 48 pha
1cc6: a5 0e lda ]func_arg
1cc8: 48 pha
1cc9: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object info
1ccc: a5 10 lda ]desired_state
1cce: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;is it where we want it?
1cd0: f0 0f beq :GotIt ;yes, branch
1cd2: 68 pla ;restore func index/arg values
1cd3: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
1cd5: 68 pla
1cd6: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
1cd8: e6 0e inc ]func_arg ;try next food/torch
1cda: c6 11 dec ]item_counter ;done yet?
1cdc: d0 e5 bne FindConsumable ;no, branch
1cde: a9 00 lda #$00 ;not found
1ce0: 60 rts
1ce1: 68 :GotIt pla ;get object ID
1ce2: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;stash it
1ce4: 68 pla ;pull thing we don't need
1ce5: a5 0e lda ]func_arg ;get object ID
1ce7: 60 rts ;return in A-reg
1ce8: c6 1a ChkFunc0d dec ]obj_state
1cea: d0 0a bne ChkFunc0e
; Function $0d: find lit torch in inventory
1cec: a9 03 lda #3 ;3 items
1cee: 85 11 sta ]item_counter
1cf0: a9 07 lda #$07 ;in inventory, activated
1cf2: 85 10 sta ]desired_state
1cf4: d0 0c bne :FindTorch ;(always)
1cf6: c6 1a ChkFunc0e dec ]obj_state
1cf8: d0 13 bne :Return ;invalid function index, bail
; Function $0e: find unlit torch in inventory.
1cfa: a9 03 lda #3 ;3 items
1cfc: 85 11 sta ]item_counter
1cfe: a9 08 lda #$08 ;in inventory
1d00: 85 10 sta ]desired_state
1d02: a9 06 :FindTorch lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
1d04: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
1d06: a9 15 lda #$15 ;torches ($15-17)
1d08: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
1d0a: 20 c3 1c jsr FindConsumable ;jump to common code
1d0d: 60 :Return rts
; Function $0a: find all visible boxes (i.e. in the 4 cells directly in front of
; player).
; Sets $619b to a bit mask identifying which cells have boxes.
• Clear variables
]flag_accum .var $0e {addr/1}
]max_dist .var $0f {addr/1}
]player_y .var $10 {addr/1}
]player_x .var $11 {addr/1}
]player_flr .var $19 {addr/1}
]num_cells .var $1a {addr/1}
1d0e: ad 9a 61 FindVisBoxes lda maze_walls_rt ;get wall data
1d11: 29 e0 and #%11100000 ;just want dist to facing wall
1d13: 4a lsr A ;right-shift 5x
1d14: 4a lsr A
1d15: 4a lsr A
1d16: 4a lsr A
1d17: 4a lsr A ;now 0-5
1d18: f0 1b beq :NoseToWall ;if we're right up against wall, no boxes are vis
1d1a: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;is far wall at "infinity"?
1d1c: d0 03 bne :NotInf ;no, branch
1d1e: 38 sec
1d1f: e9 01 sbc #$01 ;reduce to 4
1d21: 85 1a :NotInf sta ]num_cells ;save as number of cells to scan
1d23: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;get local copies of X/Y/floor in ZP
1d26: 85 11 sta ]player_x
1d28: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos
1d2b: 85 10 sta ]player_y
1d2d: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor
1d30: 85 19 sta ]player_flr
1d32: 4c 3b 1d jmp :DoFind
1d35: a9 00 :NoseToWall lda #$00
1d37: 8d 9b 61 sta vis_box_flags ;no boxes visible
1d3a: 60 rts
1d3b: a5 1a :DoFind lda ]num_cells
1d3d: 85 0f sta ]max_dist
1d3f: a9 00 lda #$00
1d41: 85 0e sta ]flag_accum ;box flags initially zero
1d43: ad 93 61 :CellLoop lda plyr_facing ;get facing (1=W 2=N 3=E 4=S)
1d46: 20 c7 1d jsr :MoveOne
1d49: 20 69 1d jsr :FindBox
1d4c: c6 1a dec ]num_cells ;done yet?
1d4e: f0 05 beq :Finish ;yes, bail
1d50: 46 0e lsr ]flag_accum ;no, shift flag result
1d52: 4c 43 1d jmp :CellLoop ;next cell
1d55: a9 04 :Finish lda #$04 ;compute (4 - max dist)
1d57: 38 sec
1d58: e5 0f sbc ]max_dist
1d5a: f0 07 beq :WasDist4 ;was 4, don't shift it down
1d5c: 46 0e :AlignLoop lsr ]flag_accum ;shift down so dist=1 is in low bit
1d5e: 38 sec
1d5f: e9 01 sbc #$01
1d61: d0 f9 bne :AlignLoop
1d63: a5 0e :WasDist4 lda ]flag_accum ;copy result out
1d65: 8d 9b 61 sta vis_box_flags
1d68: 60 rts
; Look for a box at the current X/Y position.
1d69: 48 :FindBox pha ;push most of the ZP values onto the stack
1d6a: a5 11 lda ]player_x
1d6c: 48 pha
1d6d: a5 10 lda ]player_y
1d6f: 48 pha
1d70: a5 0f lda ]max_dist
1d72: 48 pha
1d73: a5 0e lda ]flag_accum
1d75: 48 pha
1d76: a5 11 lda ]player_x ;combine player's X and Y position
1d78: 0a asl A
1d79: 0a asl A
1d7a: 0a asl A
1d7b: 0a asl A
1d7c: 18 clc
1d7d: 65 10 adc ]player_y
1d7f: 48 pha ;...and push that too
]obj_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
]xy_tmp .var $10 {addr/1}
]counter .var $11 {addr/1}
1d80: a9 61 lda #>object_status2 ;set pointer to object data + 1
1d82: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1 ;(trampling our own ZP state)
1d84: a9 bc lda #<object_status2+1
1d86: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr
1d88: a9 17 lda #$17 ;check all inventory-able objects
1d8a: 85 11 sta ]counter
1d8c: 68 pla ;get the combined X/Y position
1d8d: a0 00 ldy #$00
1d8f: d1 0e :FindLoop cmp (]obj_ptr),y ;does it match?
1d91: f0 14 beq :MatchXY ;yes, branch
1d93: c8 :FindLoop2 iny ;advance pointer
1d94: c8 iny
1d95: c6 11 dec ]counter ;done yet?
1d97: d0 f6 bne :FindLoop ;no, loop
1d99: 68 pla
1d9a: 85 0e sta ]obj_ptr
1d9c: 68 pla
1d9d: 85 0f sta ]obj_ptr+1
1d9f: 68 :FindLoopEnd pla ;restore $10/$11
1da0: 85 10 sta ]xy_tmp
1da2: 68 pla
1da3: 85 11 sta ]counter
1da5: 68 pla
1da6: 60 rts
1da7: 85 10 :MatchXY sta ]xy_tmp ;save combined X/Y
1da9: c6 0e dec ]obj_ptr ;decrement pointer (low byte only!)
1dab: b1 0e lda (]obj_ptr),y ;get floor
1dad: e6 0e inc ]obj_ptr ;increment pointer back where it was
1daf: c5 19 cmp ]player_flr ;does the floor match?
1db1: f0 05 beq :MatchAll ;yes, branch
1db3: a5 10 lda ]xy_tmp ;restore combined X/Y value
1db5: 4c 93 1d jmp :FindLoop2 ;loop
]flag_accum .var $0e {addr/1}
]max_dist .var $0f {addr/1}
1db8: 68 :MatchAll pla ;restore ZP values
1db9: 85 0e sta ]flag_accum
1dbb: 68 pla
1dbc: 85 0f sta ]max_dist
1dbe: a5 0e lda ]flag_accum
1dc0: 18 clc
1dc1: 69 08 adc #%00001000 ;set flag in bit 4
1dc3: 85 0e sta ]flag_accum
1dc5: d0 d8 bne :FindLoopEnd ;(always)
; Update X/Y based on player facing.
]player_y .var $10 {addr/1}
]player_x .var $11 {addr/1}
1dc7: c9 01 :MoveOne cmp #$01 ;west?
1dc9: f0 0b beq :MoveWest
1dcb: c9 02 cmp #$02
1dcd: f0 0a beq :MoveNorth
1dcf: c9 03 cmp #$03
1dd1: f0 09 beq :MoveEast
1dd3: c6 10 dec ]player_y
1dd5: 60 rts
1dd6: c6 11 :MoveWest dec ]player_x
1dd8: 60 rts
1dd9: e6 10 :MoveNorth inc ]player_y
1ddb: 60 rts
1ddc: e6 11 :MoveEast inc ]player_x
1dde: 60 rts
; Finds a maze feature (such as a pit in the floor) visible from this position
; and facing.
; (Drawn below, at $1e5a.)
; On exit:
; $0e: feature distance (0-4)
; $0f: feature index (1-10)
; If nothing was found, both values will be zero.
• Clear variables
]data_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
]xy_posn .var $10 {addr/1}
]facing_floor .var $11 {addr/1}
]counter .var $19 {addr/1}
1ddf: ad 93 61 FindFeature lda plyr_facing ;get facing (1-4)
1de2: 0a asl A ;shift into high nibble
1de3: 0a asl A
1de4: 0a asl A
1de5: 0a asl A
1de6: 18 clc ;(could ORA here)
1de7: 6d 94 61 adc plyr_floor ;merge with floor
1dea: 85 11 sta ]facing_floor ;save it
1dec: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;get X position
1def: 0a asl A ;shift into high nibble
1df0: 0a asl A
1df1: 0a asl A
1df2: 0a asl A
1df3: 18 clc ;(could ORA here too)
1df4: 6d 96 61 adc plyr_ypos ;merge with Y position
1df7: 85 10 sta ]xy_posn ;save it
1df9: a9 60 lda #>maze_features ;init pointer to maze features table
1dfb: 85 0f sta ]data_ptr+1
1dfd: a9 a5 lda #<maze_features
1dff: 85 0e sta ]data_ptr
1e01: a9 26 lda #38 ;#of features in the list
1e03: 85 19 sta ]counter
1e05: a0 00 ldy #$00
1e07: a5 11 lda ]facing_floor ;get facing+floor
1e09: d1 0e :Loop cmp (]data_ptr),y ;match?
1e0b: f0 0f beq :FacFlrMatch ;yes, branch
1e0d: c8 iny ;move on to next entry
1e0e: c8 :RejoinLoop iny
1e0f: c8 iny
1e10: c8 iny
1e11: c6 19 dec ]counter ;done yet?
1e13: d0 f4 bne :Loop ;no loop
1e15: a9 00 lda #$00
1e17: 85 0f sta ]data_ptr+1 ;no match found, return zeroes
1e19: 85 0e sta ]data_ptr
1e1b: 60 rts
; Got match on facing and floor, check X/Y position.
1e1c: a5 10 :FacFlrMatch lda ]xy_posn ;get X/Y position
1e1e: c8 iny
1e1f: d1 0e cmp (]data_ptr),y ;match?
1e21: f0 04 beq :FullMatch ;yes, branch
1e23: a5 11 lda ]facing_floor ;no, rejoin the loop
1e25: d0 e7 bne :RejoinLoop ;(always)
1e27: c8 :FullMatch iny
1e28: b1 0e lda (]data_ptr),y ;get feature index
1e2a: 85 11 sta ]facing_floor ;save in temp storage
1e2c: c8 iny
1e2d: b1 0e lda (]data_ptr),y ;get feature distance
1e2f: 85 0e sta ]data_ptr ;set return value (overwrites pointer)
1e31: a5 11 lda ]facing_floor ;get feature index
1e33: 85 0f sta ]data_ptr+1 ;set return value
1e35: 60 rts
; Character glyph matrix for a full-sized keyhole.
1e36: 06 0b 0b 07 full_keyhole .bulk $06,$0b,$0b,$07
1e3a: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b
1e3e: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b
1e42: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b
1e46: 08 0b 0b 09 .bulk $08,$0b,$0b,$09
1e4a: 20 0b 0b 20 .bulk $20,$0b,$0b,$20
1e4e: 20 0b 0b 20 .bulk $20,$0b,$0b,$20
1e52: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b
1e56: 0b 0b 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b
; Draw a visual element, such as a box, keyhole, or elevator.
; Elements:
; $01: full-sized (facing) keyhole
; $02: elevator (facing)
; $03: animate elevator walls crushing in
; $04: hole in floor (arg=distance)
; $05: hole in roof (arg=distance)
; $06: 1-4 boxes (arg is copy of box flags from $619b)
; $07: Perfect Square (arg=side/distance)
; $08: elevator on side wall (arg=side/distance)
; $09: 1-4 keyholes on side walls (arg=bit mask)
; $0a: elevator (facing), animating open
; On entry:
; $0e: argument (usually position)
; $0f: element index
• Clear variables
]feat_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]feat_index .var $0f {addr/1}
1e5a: a4 0f DrawFeature ldy ]feat_index ;get index of thing to draw
1e5c: 88 dey ;is it a full-sized keyhole?
1e5d: d0 42 bne ChkDrwElevFac ;no, branch
; Feature $01: draw full-size keyhole, facing player.
]data_ptr .var $0a {addr/2}
]h_count .var $19 {addr/1}
]v_count .var $1a {addr/1}
1e5f: a9 09 lda #9
1e61: 85 1a sta ]v_count ;9 rows of characters
1e63: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;start in text column 9
1e65: a9 06 lda #6
1e67: 85 07 sta char_vert ;text row 6
1e69: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
1e6c: a9 1e lda #>full_keyhole ;init pointer to keyhole data
1e6e: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1
1e70: a9 36 lda #<full_keyhole
1e72: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr
1e74: a0 00 ldy #$00
1e76: a9 04 :BlockLoop lda #4 ;4 chars per row
1e78: 85 19 sta ]h_count
1e7a: 98 :RowLoop tya
1e7b: 48 pha ;preserve Y-reg
1e7c: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get character
1e7e: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw it
1e81: 68 pla
1e82: a8 tay ;restore Y-reg
1e83: c8 iny ;advance to next char
1e84: c6 19 dec ]h_count ;done with this row?
1e86: d0 f2 bne :RowLoop ;no, branch
1e88: c6 1a dec ]v_count ;done with all rows?
1e8a: f0 14 beq :Return ;yes, bail
1e8c: 98 tya
1e8d: 48 pha ;preserve Y-reg
1e8e: e6 07 inc char_vert ;advance to next row
1e90: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;move back 4 chars
1e92: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1e94: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1e96: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1e98: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
1e9b: 68 pla
1e9c: a8 tay ;restore Y-reg
1e9d: 4c 76 1e jmp :BlockLoop ;loop
1ea0: 60 :Return rts
1ea1: 88 ChkDrwElevFac dey
1ea2: d0 77 bne ChkDrwWallsAnim
; Feature $02: draw elevator, facing.
1ea4: a9 03 lda #3
1ea6: 85 07 sta char_vert
1ea8: a9 05 lda #5
1eaa: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1eac: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
1eae: a0 12 ldy #18
1eb0: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1eb3: a9 03 lda #$03
1eb5: 85 07 sta char_vert
1eb7: a9 0a lda #$0a
1eb9: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1ebb: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
1ebd: a0 12 ldy #18
1ebf: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1ec2: a9 03 lda #3
1ec4: 85 07 sta char_vert
1ec6: a9 10 lda #16
1ec8: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1eca: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
1ecc: a0 12 ldy #$12
1ece: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1ed1: a9 5e lda #$5e ;$5e50+1 = row 167 col 1
1ed3: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1ed5: a9 50 lda #$50
1ed7: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1ed9: a0 14 ldy #20
1edb: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal ;draw bottom line
1ede: a9 05 lda #$05 ;$5d05+1 = row 23 col 6
1ee0: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
1ee2: a9 5d lda #$5d
1ee4: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
1ee6: a0 0a ldy #10
1ee8: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal ;draw line near top
; Draw "elevator" string.
1eeb: a9 07 lda #7 ;set text position
1eed: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1eef: a9 01 lda #1
1ef1: 85 07 sta char_vert
1ef3: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
1ef6: a9 1f lda #>msg_elevator ;get pointer to string
1ef8: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1
1efa: a9 13 lda #<msg_elevator
1efc: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr
1efe: a0 00 ldy #$00
1f00: a9 08 lda #$08
1f02: 85 1a sta ]v_count
1f04: 98 :DrawLoop tya ;preserve Y-reg
1f05: 48 pha
1f06: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y
1f08: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw character
1f0b: 68 pla
1f0c: a8 tay
1f0d: c8 iny
1f0e: c6 1a dec ]v_count
1f10: d0 f2 bne :DrawLoop
1f12: 60 rts
1f13: 45 4c 45 56+ msg_elevator .str ‘ELEVATOR’
1f1b: 88 ChkDrwWallsAnim dey
1f1c: f0 03 beq FeatWallsCrush
1f1e: 4c 6a 20 jmp ChkDrwPit
; Feature $03: animate walls closing in (like trash compactor).
; Used when you enter the elevator on the second floor.
]counter .var $0c {addr/1}
1f21: a9 06 FeatWallsCrush lda #6 ;6 steps in animation
1f23: 85 0c sta ]counter
1f25: a9 00 :Loop lda #0
1f27: 85 07 sta char_vert
1f29: a9 06 lda #$06
1f2b: 38 sec
1f2c: e5 0c sbc ]counter ;compute (6 - counter)
1f2e: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;use that as horizontal position
1f30: 48 pha
1f31: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
1f33: a0 15 ldy #$15
1f35: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase vertical column
1f38: 68 pla
1f39: 48 pha
1f3a: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1f3c: e6 06 inc char_horiz
1f3e: a9 00 lda #$00
1f40: 85 07 sta char_vert
1f42: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
1f44: a0 15 ldy #$15
1f46: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column
1f49: 68 pla
1f4a: 48 pha
1f4b: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1f4d: e6 06 inc char_horiz
1f4f: e6 06 inc char_horiz
1f51: a9 01 lda #1
1f53: 85 07 sta char_vert ;back to top
1f55: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
1f58: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
1f5a: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
1f5d: e6 07 inc char_vert
1f5f: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
1f62: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
1f64: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
1f67: 68 pla
1f68: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1f6a: e6 06 inc char_horiz
1f6c: e6 06 inc char_horiz
1f6e: a9 00 lda #0
1f70: 85 07 sta char_vert
1f72: a0 04 ldy #$04
1f74: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ;draw perspective edge
1f77: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1f79: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1f7b: a5 06 lda char_horiz
1f7d: 48 pha
1f7e: a5 07 lda char_vert
1f80: 48 pha
1f81: c6 07 dec char_vert
1f83: a9 20 lda #$20
1f85: a0 0f ldy #$0f
1f87: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
1f8a: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1f8c: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
1f8f: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
1f91: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
1f94: e6 07 inc char_vert
1f96: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1f98: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1f9a: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
1f9d: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
1f9f: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
1fa2: 68 pla
1fa3: 85 07 sta char_vert
1fa5: 68 pla
1fa6: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1fa8: e6 06 inc char_horiz
1faa: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
1fac: a0 0d ldy #13
1fae: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column
1fb1: a0 04 ldy #$04
1fb3: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ;draw perspective edge
1fb6: a9 00 lda #0
1fb8: 85 07 sta char_vert
1fba: a9 10 lda #16
1fbc: 18 clc
1fbd: 65 0c adc ]counter
1fbf: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1fc1: 48 pha
1fc2: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
1fc4: a0 15 ldy #21
1fc6: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase column
1fc9: 68 pla
1fca: 48 pha
1fcb: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1fcd: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1fcf: a9 00 lda #$00
1fd1: 85 07 sta char_vert
1fd3: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
1fd5: a0 15 ldy #21
1fd7: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column
1fda: 68 pla
1fdb: 48 pha
1fdc: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1fde: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1fe0: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1fe2: a9 01 lda #1
1fe4: 85 07 sta char_vert
1fe6: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
1fe9: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
1feb: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
1fee: e6 07 inc char_vert
1ff0: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1ff2: c6 06 dec char_horiz
1ff4: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
1ff7: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
1ff9: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
1ffc: 68 pla
1ffd: 85 06 sta char_horiz
1fff: c6 06 dec char_horiz
2001: c6 06 dec char_horiz
2003: a9 00 lda #0
2005: 85 07 sta char_vert
2007: a0 04 ldy #4
2009: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft ;draw perspective edge
200c: e6 06 inc char_horiz
200e: e6 06 inc char_horiz
2010: a5 06 lda char_horiz
2012: 48 pha
2013: a5 07 lda char_vert
2015: 48 pha
2016: c6 07 dec char_vert
2018: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
201a: a0 0f ldy #15
201c: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase column
201f: e6 06 inc char_horiz
2021: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
2024: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
2026: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2029: e6 07 inc char_vert
202b: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
202e: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
2030: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2033: 68 pla
2034: 85 07 sta char_vert
2036: 68 pla
2037: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2039: c6 06 dec char_horiz
203b: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
203d: a0 0d ldy #13
203f: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column
2042: a0 04 ldy #4
2044: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight ;draw perspective edge
2047: c6 0c dec ]counter ;are we done yet?
2049: f0 06 beq :Return ;yes, bail
204b: 20 17 26 jsr ShortPause ;pace animation
204e: 4c 25 1f jmp :Loop
2051: 60 :Return rts
; Data for drawing a pit in the floor at different distances. Each definition
; takes 12 bytes: 3 bytes each for right edge, left edge, top edge, and bottom
; edge.
; The right/left edges are:
; +$00: horiz char position (0-22)
; +$01: vert char position (0-20)
; +$02: number of chars (1-20)
; The top/bottom edges are:
; +$01-02: hi-res address (big-endian)
; +$03: number of chars (1-20)
2052: 11 11 04 05+ pit_data .bulk $11,$11,$04,$05,$11,$04,$40,$d4,$0d,$5e,$50,$15 ;1 space away
205e: 0e 0e 03 08+ .bulk $0e,$0e,$03,$08,$0e,$03,$43,$2f,$07,$5c,$54,$0d ;2 spaces away
206a: 88 ChkDrwPit dey
206b: d0 7a bne ChkDrwRoofHole
; Feature $04: draw pit in floor.
; Argument:
; $00: one space away
; $01: two spaces away
]glyph_ctr .var $19 {addr/1}
]tmp .var $1a {addr/1}
206d: a9 52 lda #<pit_data ;set pointer to pit data
206f: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr
2071: a9 20 lda #>pit_data
2073: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1
2075: a9 02 lda #$02
2077: 85 19 sta ]glyph_ctr ;two lines (left/right)
2079: a5 0e lda ]feat_arg ;check distance
207b: f0 02 beq PitHoleCommon ;zero, branch (note Y-reg=0 here)
207d: a0 0c ldy #12 ;use second half
; Common code for drawing a pit in the floor or a hole in the roof. Y-reg
; determines starting offset in table pointed to by $0a-0b. Each entry is 12
; bytes long, so Y-reg will be 0, 12, or 24.
207f: b1 0a PitHoleCommon lda (]data_ptr),y ;first byte is horizontal position
2081: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2083: c8 iny
2084: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;second byte is vertical position
2086: 85 07 sta char_vert
2088: c8 iny
2089: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;third byte is number of chars to output
208b: c8 iny
208c: 85 1a sta ]tmp ;save height
208e: 98 tya
208f: 48 pha ;save Y-reg
2090: a5 1a lda ]tmp ;get height
2092: a8 tay ;copy to Y-reg (could just "LDY")
2093: a9 02 lda #$02 ;compute glyph value by adding 2 to parameter
2095: 18 clc ;first pass will be vertical/right, second pass
2096: 65 19 adc ]glyph_ctr ; will be vertical/left
2098: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw vertical line of glyphs
209b: 68 pla
209c: a8 tay ;restore Y-reg
209d: c6 19 dec ]glyph_ctr ;decrement counter / glyph adjustment
209f: d0 de bne PitHoleCommon ;loop
20a1: a9 02 lda #$02
20a3: 85 19 sta ]glyph_ctr ;reset counter
20a5: b1 0a :HLoop lda (]data_ptr),y ;get high byte of hi-res pointer
20a7: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
20a9: c8 iny
20aa: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get low byte of pointer
20ac: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
20ae: c8 iny
20af: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get width, in character units
20b1: 85 1a sta ]tmp ;save width
20b3: c8 iny
20b4: 98 tya
20b5: 48 pha ;save Y-reg
20b6: a5 1a lda ]tmp ;get width
20b8: a8 tay
20b9: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal ;draw horizontal line
20bc: 68 pla
20bd: a8 tay ;restore Y-reg
20be: c6 19 dec ]glyph_ctr ;decrement counter
20c0: d0 e3 bne :HLoop ;loop if not done
20c2: 60 rts
; Data for drawing a hole in the roof. Same format as the pit data, above.
20c3: 11 00 04 05+ roof_hole_data .bulk $11,$00,$04,$05,$00,$04,$40,$00,$15,$42,$04,$0d ;1 space away
20cf: 0e 04 03 08+ .bulk $0e,$04,$03,$08,$04,$03,$42,$04,$0d,$43,$87,$07 ;2 spaces away
20db: 0c 07 02 0a+ .bulk $0c,$07,$02,$0a,$07,$02,$43,$87,$07,$40,$b1,$03 ;3 spaces away
20e7: 88 ChkDrwRoofHole dey
20e8: d0 1d bne ChkDrwBoxes
; Feature $05: hole in roof.
; Argument (a little wonky):
; $00: 3 spaces away
; $01: 1 space away
; $02: 2 spaces away
20ea: a9 c3 lda #<roof_hole_data ;set pointer to the roof hole data
20ec: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr
20ee: a9 20 lda #>roof_hole_data
20f0: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1
20f2: a9 02 lda #$02
20f4: 85 19 sta ]glyph_ctr ;init glyph draw counter
20f6: a4 0e ldy ]feat_arg ;check distance
20f8: f0 08 beq :ThreeSpcAway ;arg is zero, branch
20fa: 88 dey
20fb: f0 82 beq PitHoleCommon ;arg was 1, jump to common code with Y-reg=$00
20fd: a0 0c ldy #12 ;offset for dist=2
20ff: 4c 7f 20 jmp PitHoleCommon
2102: a0 18 :ThreeSpcAway ldy #24 ;offset for dist=3
2104: 4c 7f 20 jmp PitHoleCommon
2107: 88 ChkDrwBoxes dey
2108: f0 03 beq FeatBoxes
210a: 4c 72 22 jmp ChkDrwPrfSq
; Feature $06: draw 0-4 visible boxes.
; There can be up to four (large, medium, small, tiny) as we look into the
; distance.
210d: ad 9b 61 FeatBoxes lda vis_box_flags ;get box visibility flags
2110: 29 08 and #$08 ;is there a tiny box in the distance?
2112: f0 0e beq :ChkSmall ;no, branch
2114: a9 0b lda #11
2116: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2118: 85 07 sta char_vert
211a: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
211d: a9 0c lda #$0c ;tiny box
211f: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw it
2122: ad 9b 61 :ChkSmall lda vis_box_flags ;get flags
2125: 29 04 and #$04 ;is there a small box?
2127: f0 34 beq :ChkMedium ;no, branch
; Draw small box.
2129: a9 0a lda #10
212b: 85 06 sta char_horiz
212d: a9 0c lda #12
212f: 85 07 sta char_vert
2131: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
2134: a9 0d lda #$0d ;box top left
2136: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2139: a9 10 lda #$10 ;double horizontal line, middle/bottom
213b: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
213e: a9 0e lda #$0e ;box top right
2140: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2143: a9 0a lda #10
2145: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2147: a9 0d lda #13
2149: 85 07 sta char_vert
214b: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
214e: a9 12 lda #$12 ;left/bottom 'L'
2150: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2153: a9 13 lda #$13 ;horizontal line bottom
2155: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2158: a9 0f lda #$0f ;box bottom right
215a: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
215d: ad 9b 61 :ChkMedium lda vis_box_flags ;get flags
2160: 29 02 and #$02 ;is there a medium box?
2162: f0 67 beq :ChkLargeBox ;no, branch
; Draw medium box.
2164: a9 09 lda #9
2166: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2168: a9 0e lda #14
216a: 85 07 sta char_vert
216c: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
216f: a9 0d lda #$0d ;draw top of box
2171: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2174: a9 10 lda #$10
2176: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2179: a9 10 lda #$10
217b: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
217e: a9 10 lda #$10
2180: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2183: a9 0e lda #$0e
2185: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2188: a9 09 lda #9
218a: 85 06 sta char_horiz
218c: a9 0f lda #15
218e: 85 07 sta char_vert
2190: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
2193: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, right edge
2195: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw, move right one
2198: e6 06 inc char_horiz ;move over 3 more
219a: e6 06 inc char_horiz
219c: e6 06 inc char_horiz
219e: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
21a1: a9 11 lda #$11 ;double vertical line, left and middle
21a3: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;draw and move right
21a6: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up left
21a8: e6 07 inc char_vert ;move down
21aa: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
21ad: a9 0f lda #$0f ;bottom right corner of box
21af: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
21b2: a9 09 lda #9
21b4: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;back to left edge
21b6: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
21b9: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
21bb: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
21be: a9 40 lda #$40 ;line 136 + 8
21c0: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
21c2: a9 d8 lda #$d8
21c4: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
21c6: a0 04 ldy #4 ;draw 4 horizontal segments
21c8: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
21cb: ad 9b 61 :ChkLargeBox lda vis_box_flags ;get flags
21ce: 29 01 and #$01 ;is there a large box?
21d0: f0 73 beq :Return ;no, branch
21d2: a9 0e lda #14
21d4: 85 06 sta char_horiz
21d6: a9 11 lda #17
21d8: 85 07 sta char_vert
21da: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
21dd: a9 02 lda #$02 ;diagonal line (slash)
21df: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
21e2: a9 07 lda #7
21e4: 85 06 sta char_horiz
21e6: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
21e9: a0 07 ldy #7
21eb: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
21ee: a9 02 lda #$02 ;diagonal line (slash)
21f0: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
21f3: a9 06 lda #6
21f5: 85 06 sta char_horiz
21f7: a9 12 lda #18
21f9: 85 07 sta char_vert
21fb: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
21fd: a0 03 ldy #3 ;draw 3 of them
21ff: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
2202: a9 0d lda #13
2204: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2206: a9 12 lda #18
2208: 85 07 sta char_vert
220a: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
220c: a0 03 ldy #3 ;draw 3 of them
220e: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
2211: c6 07 dec char_vert
2213: e6 06 inc char_horiz
2215: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
2218: a9 02 lda #$02
221a: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
221d: a9 41 lda #$41 ;line 144 + 6
221f: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
2221: a9 56 lda #$56
2223: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
2225: a0 07 ldy #7
2227: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
222a: a9 0f lda #15
222c: 85 06 sta char_horiz
222e: a9 11 lda #17
2230: 85 07 sta char_vert
2232: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
2234: a8 tay ;draw 3 of them
2235: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
2238: a2 5e ldx #$5e ;line 167 + 6
223a: 86 09 stx char_row_ptr+1
223c: a2 56 ldx #$56
223e: 86 08 stx char_row_ptr
2240: a0 07 ldy #7
2242: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
2245: 60 :Return rts
; Perfect Square graphics data, used when drawing on a side wall. Two chars per
; line, 7 lines high.
2246: 07 20 psq_left_data .bulk $07,$20
2248: 0b 07 .bulk $0b,$07
224a: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b
224c: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b
224e: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b
2250: 0b 09 .bulk $0b,$09
2252: 09 20 .bulk $09,$20
2254: 20 06 psq_right_data .bulk $20,$06
2256: 06 0b .bulk $06,$0b
2258: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b
225a: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b
225c: 0b 0b .bulk $0b,$0b
225e: 08 0b .bulk $08,$0b
2260: 20 08 .bulk $20,$08
2262: 54 48 45 50+ perfect_square .str ‘THEPERFECTSQUARE’ ;written on the wall
2272: 88 ChkDrwPrfSq dey
2273: f0 03 beq FeatPerfectSq
2275: 4c 47 23 jmp ChkDrwElevSide
; Feature $07: The Perfect Square.
; Argument:
; $01: right side, 1 space away
; $02: facing, 0 spaces away
; $04: left side, 1 space away
2278: a5 0e FeatPerfectSq lda ]feat_arg
227a: c9 01 cmp #$01
227c: f0 7a beq :DrawRightWall
227e: c9 04 cmp #$04
2280: d0 03 bne :DrawFacing
2282: 4c 32 23 jmp :DrawLeftWall
; Draw when facing the square directly. The "square" is 7 characters high and 7
; wide, which fails to take into account that glyphs are 7x8. (Perhaps
; "perfect" is meant ironically?)
2285: a9 08 :DrawFacing lda #8 ;set text position
2287: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2289: 48 pha ;push position on stack
228a: a9 07 lda #7
228c: 85 07 sta char_vert
228e: 48 pha
228f: a9 0b :SquareLoop lda #$0b ;solid block
2291: a0 07 ldy #7 ;(change to 6 to improve squareness)
2293: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column of 7
2296: 68 pla ;reset text position
2297: 85 07 sta char_vert
2299: 68 pla
229a: 85 06 sta char_horiz
229c: e6 06 inc char_horiz ;move over one character
229e: a5 06 lda char_horiz
22a0: c9 0f cmp #15 ;have we reached column 15?
22a2: f0 07 beq :DrawText ;yes, branch to draw text
22a4: 48 pha ;no, push text position
22a5: a5 07 lda char_vert
22a7: 48 pha
22a8: 4c 8f 22 jmp :SquareLoop ;loop
; Draw "the perfect square" text on the wall.
]counter .var $1a {addr/1}
22ab: a9 62 :DrawText lda #<perfect_square ;get pointer to data
22ad: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr
22af: a9 22 lda #>perfect_square
22b1: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1
22b3: a9 0a lda #10 ;set text position
22b5: 85 06 sta char_horiz
22b7: a9 04 lda #4
22b9: 85 07 sta char_vert
22bb: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res addr
22be: a9 03 lda #3 ;"the" = 3 chars
22c0: 85 1a sta ]counter ;set counter
22c2: 20 e6 22 jsr :DrawLoop ;draw it
22c5: a9 08 lda #8 ;set position for next line
22c7: 85 06 sta char_horiz
22c9: a9 05 lda #5
22cb: 85 07 sta char_vert
22cd: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
22d0: a9 07 lda #7 ;"perfect" = 7 chars
22d2: 85 1a sta ]counter
22d4: 20 e6 22 jsr :DrawLoop ;draw it
22d7: a9 09 lda #9
22d9: 85 06 sta char_horiz
22db: a9 06 lda #6
22dd: 85 07 sta char_vert
22df: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
22e2: a9 06 lda #6 ;"square" = 6 chars
22e4: 85 1a sta ]counter ;set counter and fall through
22e6: a0 00 :DrawLoop ldy #$00
22e8: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get char
22ea: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it
22ed: e6 0a inc ]data_ptr ;advance pointer
22ef: d0 02 bne :NoInc
22f1: e6 0b inc ]data_ptr+1
22f3: c6 1a :NoInc dec ]counter ;decrement counter
22f5: d0 ef bne :DrawLoop ;loop if not done
22f7: 60 rts
22f8: a9 54 :DrawRightWall lda #<psq_right_data ;set up data for right side
22fa: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr
22fc: a9 22 lda #>psq_right_data
22fe: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1
2300: a9 13 lda #19 ;set text position
2302: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2304: a9 07 lda #7
2306: 85 07 sta char_vert
2308: 85 1a sta ]counter ;init counter
230a: 20 ef 11 :DrawArray jsr SetRowPtr
230d: a0 00 ldy #$00
230f: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get character
2311: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it
2314: e6 0a inc ]data_ptr ;advance pointer
2316: d0 02 bne :NoInc1
2318: e6 0b inc ]data_ptr+1
231a: a0 00 :NoInc1 ldy #$00
231c: b1 0a lda (]data_ptr),y ;get character
231e: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it
2321: e6 0a inc ]data_ptr ;advance pointer
2323: d0 02 bne :NoInc2
2325: e6 0b inc ]data_ptr+1
2327: e6 07 :NoInc2 inc char_vert ;move down one line
2329: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up two
232b: c6 06 dec char_horiz
232d: c6 1a dec ]counter ;are we done?
232f: d0 d9 bne :DrawArray ;not yet, loop
2331: 60 rts
2332: a9 46 :DrawLeftWall lda #<psq_left_data ;set up data for left side
2334: 85 0a sta ]data_ptr
2336: a9 22 lda #>psq_left_data
2338: 85 0b sta ]data_ptr+1
233a: a9 02 lda #2 ;set text position
233c: 85 06 sta char_horiz
233e: a9 07 lda #7
2340: 85 07 sta char_vert
2342: 85 1a sta ]counter ;init counter
2344: 4c 0a 23 jmp :DrawArray
2347: 88 ChkDrwElevSide dey
2348: f0 03 beq FeatElevSide
234a: 4c 10 24 jmp ChkDrwKeyholes
; Feature $08: draw elevator on left or right wall.
; Argument:
; $01: right side, 2 spaces away
; $02: right side, 1 space away
; $04: left side, 1 space away
234d: a5 0e FeatElevSide lda ]feat_arg
234f: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;on left side?
2351: d0 03 bne :DrawRight
2353: 4c dd 23 jmp :DrawLeftNear
2356: c9 02 :DrawRight cmp #$02
2358: f0 4e beq :DrawRightNear
; Draw on right side, two steps away.
235a: a9 10 lda #16
235c: 85 06 sta char_horiz
235e: a9 08 lda #8
2360: 85 07 sta char_vert
2362: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
2365: a9 14 lda #$14 ;angled elevator top piece
2367: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
236a: e6 07 inc char_vert
236c: c6 06 dec char_horiz
236e: c6 06 dec char_horiz
2370: a9 0a lda #$0a ;double vertical line
2372: a0 05 ldy #5
2374: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
2377: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
237a: a9 17 lda #$17 ;angled elevator bottom piece
237c: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
237f: e6 07 inc char_vert
2381: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
2384: a9 15 lda #$15 ;angled elevator bottom piece
2386: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2389: a9 10 lda #16
238b: 85 06 sta char_horiz
238d: a9 09 lda #9
238f: 85 07 sta char_vert
2391: a9 16 lda #$16 ;vertical line, middle
2393: a0 06 ldy #6
2395: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
2398: a9 11 lda #17
239a: 85 06 sta char_horiz
239c: a9 08 lda #8
239e: 85 07 sta char_vert
23a0: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
23a2: a0 08 ldy #$08
23a4: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
23a7: 60 rts
23a8: a9 14 :DrawRightNear lda #20
23aa: 85 06 sta char_horiz
23ac: a9 04 lda #4
23ae: 85 07 sta char_vert
23b0: a0 02 ldy #2
23b2: 20 7f 17 jsr DrawDiagDownLeft
23b5: e6 06 inc char_horiz
23b7: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
23b9: a0 0c ldy #12
23bb: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
23be: a9 14 lda #20
23c0: 85 06 sta char_horiz
23c2: a9 05 lda #5
23c4: 85 07 sta char_vert
23c6: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
23c8: a0 0e ldy #14
23ca: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
23cd: a9 15 lda #$15 ;angled elevator bottom piece
23cf: 85 06 sta char_horiz
23d1: a9 04 lda #4
23d3: 85 07 sta char_vert
23d5: a9 03 lda #$03 ;vertical line, left edge
23d7: a0 10 ldy #16
23d9: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
23dc: 60 rts
23dd: a9 02 :DrawLeftNear lda #2
23df: 85 06 sta char_horiz
23e1: a9 04 lda #4
23e3: 85 07 sta char_vert
23e5: a0 02 ldy #2
23e7: 20 95 17 jsr DrawDiagDownRight
23ea: c6 06 dec char_horiz
23ec: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
23ee: a0 0c ldy #12
23f0: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
23f3: a9 02 lda #2
23f5: 85 06 sta char_horiz
23f7: a9 05 lda #5
23f9: 85 07 sta char_vert
23fb: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
23fd: a0 0e ldy #14
23ff: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
2402: a9 01 lda #1
2404: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2406: a9 04 lda #4 ;(also used as char value)
2408: 85 07 sta char_vert
240a: a0 10 ldy #16
240c: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
240f: 60 rts
2410: 88 ChkDrwKeyholes dey
2411: f0 03 beq FeatKeyholes
2413: 4c 4c 25 jmp ElevOpenAnim
; Feature $09: draw 1-4 keyholes on the left or right side of the hall.
; Argument is a bit mask with 4 bits for left side and 4 for right, with lower
; bits for nearer cells. Four keyholes on left is $f0, four on right is $0f,
; and if you stand at (10,10) and look west you can see a blank wall followed by
; 3 keyholes on the left (arg=$0e).
2416: a5 0e FeatKeyholes lda ]feat_arg
2418: 29 0f and #$0f
241a: f0 33 beq :DrawKHOnLeft
; Draw keyholes on right-side walls.
241c: 29 08 and #$08 ;need tiny?
241e: f0 07 beq :ChkSmall ;no, branch
2420: a9 0c lda #12
2422: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2424: 20 3f 25 jsr DrawTinyKeyhole ;draw tiny
2427: a5 0e :ChkSmall lda ]feat_arg
2429: 29 04 and #$04 ;need small?
242b: f0 07 beq :ChkMedium ;no, branch
242d: a9 0d lda #13
242f: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2431: 20 2d 25 jsr DrawSmallKeyhole ;draw small
2434: a5 0e :ChkMedium lda ]feat_arg
2436: 29 02 and #$02 ;need medium?
2438: f0 07 beq :IsLarge ;no, branch
243a: a9 0f lda #15
243c: 85 06 sta char_horiz
243e: 20 e2 24 jsr DrawMediumKeyhole ;draw medium
2441: a5 0e :IsLarge lda ]feat_arg
2443: 29 01 and #$01 ;need large?
2445: f0 07 beq :Return ;no, branch
2447: a9 13 lda #19
2449: 85 06 sta char_horiz
244b: 20 84 24 jsr DrawLargeKeyhole ;draw large
244e: 60 :Return rts
; Draw keyholes on left-side walls.
244f: a5 0e :DrawKHOnLeft lda ]feat_arg
2451: 29 10 and #$10 ;need large?
2453: f0 07 beq :ChkMedium ;no, branch
2455: a9 02 lda #2
2457: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2459: 20 84 24 jsr DrawLargeKeyhole ;draw large
245c: a5 0e :ChkMedium lda ]feat_arg
245e: 29 20 and #$20 ;need medium?
2460: f0 07 beq :ChkSmall ;no, branch
2462: a9 05 lda #5
2464: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2466: 20 e2 24 jsr DrawMediumKeyhole ;draw medium
2469: a5 0e :ChkSmall lda ]feat_arg
246b: 29 40 and #$40 ;need small?
246d: f0 07 beq :ChkTiny ;no, branch
246f: a9 08 lda #8
2471: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2473: 20 2d 25 jsr DrawSmallKeyhole ;draw small
2476: a5 0e :ChkTiny lda ]feat_arg
2478: 29 80 and #$80 ;need tiny?
247a: f0 07 beq :Return ;no, branch
247c: a9 0a lda #10
247e: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2480: 20 3f 25 jsr DrawTinyKeyhole ;draw tiny
2483: 60 :Return rts
2484: a9 08 lda #8
2486: 85 07 sta char_vert
2488: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
248b: a9 7c lda #$7c ;keyhole top left
248d: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2490: a9 7d lda #$7d ;keyhole top right
2492: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2495: e6 07 inc char_vert
2497: c6 06 dec char_horiz
2499: c6 06 dec char_horiz
249b: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
249e: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block
24a0: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24a3: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block
24a5: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24a8: e6 07 inc char_vert
24aa: c6 06 dec char_horiz
24ac: c6 06 dec char_horiz
24ae: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
24b1: a9 7e lda #$7e ;keyhole mid bottom left
24b3: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24b6: a9 7f lda #$7f ;keyhole mid bottom right
24b8: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24bb: e6 07 inc char_vert
24bd: c6 06 dec char_horiz
24bf: c6 06 dec char_horiz
24c1: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
24c4: a9 1f lda #$1f ;keyhole bottom top left
24c6: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24c9: a9 7b lda #$7b ;keyhole bottom top right
24cb: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24ce: e6 07 inc char_vert
24d0: c6 06 dec char_horiz
24d2: c6 06 dec char_horiz
24d4: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
24d7: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block
24d9: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24dc: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block
24de: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24e1: 60 rts
24e2: a9 09 lda #9
24e4: 85 07 sta char_vert
24e6: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
24e9: a9 1e lda #$1e ;top left part
24eb: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph
24ee: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block
24f0: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24f3: a9 1d lda #$1d ;top right part
24f5: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
24f8: e6 07 inc char_vert
24fa: c6 06 dec char_horiz
24fc: c6 06 dec char_horiz
24fe: c6 06 dec char_horiz
2500: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
2503: a9 5f lda #$5f ;mid-bottom left part
2505: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph
2508: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block
250a: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
250d: a9 60 lda #$60 ;mid-bottom right part
250f: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph
2512: e6 07 inc char_vert
2514: c6 06 dec char_horiz
2516: c6 06 dec char_horiz
2518: c6 06 dec char_horiz
251a: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
251d: a9 1c lda #$1c ;bottom left part (half block)
251f: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2522: a9 0b lda #$0b ;solid block
2524: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2527: a9 1b lda #$1b ;bottom right part (half block)
2529: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
252c: 60 rts
252d: a9 0a lda #10
252f: 85 07 sta char_vert
2531: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
2534: a9 19 lda #$19 ;small keyhole, left
2536: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2539: a9 1a lda #$1a ;small keyhole, right
253b: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
253e: 60 rts
253f: a9 0a DrawTinyKeyhole lda #10
2541: 85 07 sta char_vert
2543: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
2546: a9 18 lda #$18 ;tiny keyhole
2548: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
254b: 60 rts
; Feature $0a: show animated elevator opening
• Clear variables
]left_posn .var $0c {addr/1}
]width .var $10 {addr/1}
]counter .var $11 {addr/1}
]right_posn .var $19 {addr/1}
254c: a9 0a ElevOpenAnim lda #10 ;set text position
254e: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2550: a9 03 lda #3 ;(also glyph: $03 vertical line, left edge)
2552: 85 07 sta char_vert
2554: a0 12 ldy #18
2556: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column
2559: a9 0b lda #11
255b: 85 06 sta char_horiz
255d: a9 03 lda #3
255f: 85 07 sta char_vert
2561: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
2563: a0 12 ldy #18
2565: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown
2568: a9 40 lda #$40 ;$40d9+1 = row 136 col 10
256a: 85 09 sta char_row_ptr+1
256c: a9 d9 lda #$d9
256e: 85 08 sta char_row_ptr
2570: a0 02 ldy #$02
2572: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal
2575: a9 0a lda #10
2577: 85 0c sta ]left_posn
2579: a9 0b lda #11
257b: 85 19 sta ]right_posn
257d: a9 04 lda #4
257f: 85 11 sta ]counter ;4 steps
2581: a9 02 lda #2
2583: 85 10 sta ]width ;initial door separation
2585: 20 17 26 :Loop jsr ShortPause
; Erase left/right verticals.
2588: a5 0c lda ]left_posn ;erase left edge
258a: 85 06 sta char_horiz
258c: a9 03 lda #3
258e: 85 07 sta char_vert
2590: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
2592: a0 12 ldy #18
2594: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase column
2597: a5 19 lda ]right_posn
2599: 85 06 sta char_horiz
259b: a9 03 lda #3
259d: 85 07 sta char_vert
259f: a9 20 lda #$20 ;blank space
25a1: a0 12 ldy #18
25a3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;erase column
; Advance left/right edges and draw.
25a6: c6 0c dec ]left_posn
25a8: e6 19 inc ]right_posn
25aa: a5 0c lda ]left_posn
25ac: 85 06 sta char_horiz
25ae: a9 03 lda #3 ;(also glyph $03 vertical line, left edge)
25b0: 85 07 sta char_vert
25b2: a0 12 ldy #18
25b4: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column
25b7: a5 19 lda ]right_posn
25b9: 85 06 sta char_horiz
25bb: a9 03 lda #3
25bd: 85 07 sta char_vert
25bf: a9 04 lda #$04 ;vertical line, right edge
25c1: a0 12 ldy #18
25c3: 20 a7 17 jsr DrawGlyphsDown ;draw column
; Draw horizontal component.
25c6: a9 11 lda #17
25c8: 85 07 sta char_vert
25ca: c6 0c dec ]left_posn ;back up one
25cc: a5 0c lda ]left_posn ;get value
25ce: e6 0c inc ]left_posn ;restore value
25d0: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;save value (could be LDA/STA/DEC?)
25d2: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
25d5: e6 10 inc ]width ;increase width by 2
25d7: e6 10 inc ]width
25d9: a4 10 ldy ]width ;get width
25db: 20 77 17 jsr DrawLineHorizontal ;draw line
25de: c6 11 dec ]counter ;are we done yet?
25e0: d0 a3 bne :Loop ;no, loop
25e2: 60 rts
; Prints a string from the list of nouns.
; On entry:
; A-reg: noun index ($01-23)
• Clear variables
]noun_index .var $13 {addr/1}
25e3: 85 13 PrintNoun sta ]noun_index ;save index
25e5: a9 73 lda #<noun_list ;get pointer to text strings
25e7: 85 0c sta string_ptr
25e9: a9 67 lda #>noun_list
25eb: 85 0d sta string_ptr+1
25ed: a0 00 ldy #$00
25ef: b1 0c :ScanLoop lda (string_ptr),y
25f1: 30 08 bmi :FoundStart ;found start of word, branch
25f3: e6 0c :Loop1 inc string_ptr ;advance pointer
25f5: d0 f8 bne :ScanLoop
25f7: e6 0d inc string_ptr+1
25f9: d0 f4 bne :ScanLoop ;(always)
25fb: c6 13 :FoundStart dec ]noun_index
25fd: d0 f4 bne :Loop1 ;nouns are 2+ letters, so skip next read
; Print noun.
25ff: b1 0c lda (string_ptr),y ;get char
2601: 29 7f and #%01111111 ;strip high bit
2603: 20 92 11 :PrintLoop jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it
2606: e6 0c inc string_ptr ;advance to next char
2608: d0 02 bne :NoInc
260a: e6 0d inc string_ptr+1
260c: a0 00 :NoInc ldy #$00
260e: b1 0c lda (string_ptr),y ;get char
2610: 10 f1 bpl :PrintLoop ;if not start of next word, branch
2612: a9 20 lda #‘ ’
2614: 4c 92 11 jmp PrintSpecialChar ;print a space
; Pause briefly.
]counter1 .var $0e {addr/1}
]counter2 .var $0f {addr/1}
2617: a2 28 ShortPause ldx #40
2619: 86 0f stx ]counter2
261b: c6 0e :Loop dec ]counter1
261d: d0 fc bne :Loop
261f: c6 0f dec ]counter2
2621: d0 f8 bne :Loop
2623: 60 rts
2624: 10 ad 09 01+ .junk 28
; Execute parsed input. Does not handle movement commands (see $0949).
; Verbs $01-0d are things like "eat" and "drop", operating on inventory objects.
; Verbs $0e-1c are more general, and may apply to object in the inventory or
; environment ("open"), or may not need a noun ("charge").
; Note nouns were adjusted, from word $1d-3f to noun $01-23. Nouns $01-13 are
; names of inventory objects, $14-23 aren't exactly (box, dog, calculator
; buttons, etc).
; On entry, the results of parsing the verb and noun are at $619c and $619d.
• Clear variables
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
]inv_obj_data .var $11 {addr/1}
2640: ad 9d 61 ExecParsedInput lda parsed_noun ;copy noun/verb to ZP
2643: 85 0e sta ]noun_index
2645: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
2648: 85 0f sta ]verb_index
264a: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;is verb $00-0d (requires inventory-able object)?
264c: 30 03 bmi :InvObjReq ;yes, branch
264e: 4c 1b 2b jmp ChkMoreVerbs ;no, jump to additional handlers
2651: a5 0e :InvObjReq lda ]noun_index
2653: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;is noun a suitable object?
2655: 30 03 bmi :IsInvObj ;yes, branch
2657: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;no, complain
; Check to see if the item is in the inventory. If not, print an error message
; and pop this address off the stack. The return value in A-reg is either the
; object state ($07/08) or, for food/torches, the object index ($12-17).
265a: 20 97 0b :IsInvObj jsr CheckInventory ;find object, or error and pop
265d: 85 11 sta ]inv_obj_data ;save state or index
265f: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;copy noun to ZP, again (trashed by inventory check)
2662: 85 0e sta ]noun_index
2664: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;copy verb to ZP, again
2667: 85 0f sta ]verb_index
2669: c6 0f dec ]verb_index ;decrement to see if value = 1
266b: d0 3e bne ChkVerbBlow ;no, branch to check next verb
; Verb $01: RAISe.
266d: a9 0b lda #$0b ;ring?
266f: c5 0e cmp ]noun_index
2671: f0 0f beq :IsRing ;yes, branch
2673: a9 0d lda #$0d ;staff?
2675: c5 0e cmp ]noun_index
2677: f0 05 beq :IsStaff ;yes, branch
2679: a9 1f :HavingFun lda #$1f ;no; "having fun?"
267b: 4c a4 08 :MsgAndReturn jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
267e: a9 73 :IsStaff lda #$73 ;"the staff begins to quake"
2680: d0 f9 bne :MsgAndReturn ;(always)
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
]inv_obj_state .var $1a {addr/1}
2682: ad 94 61 :IsRing lda plyr_floor ;check what floor we're on
2685: c9 05 cmp #$05
2687: d0 f0 bne :HavingFun ;not five, ring does nothing; branch
2689: a9 07 lda #$07
268b: c5 1a cmp ]inv_obj_state ;already activated?
268d: f0 ea beq :HavingFun ;yes, nothing to do
268f: a9 0b lda #$0b ;ring
2691: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2693: a9 03 lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ
2695: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2697: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;activate ring
269a: a9 01 lda #$01
269c: 8d 9e 61 sta illumination_flag ;fiat lux
269f: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze
26a2: a9 71 lda #$71 ;"the ring is activated and"
26a4: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
26a7: a9 72 lda #$72 ;"shines light everywhere"
26a9: d0 d0 bne :MsgAndReturn ;(always)
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
26ab: c6 0f ChkVerbBlow dec ]verb_index
26ad: d0 32 bne ChkVerbBrea
; Verb $02: BLOW.
26af: a5 0e lda ]noun_index
26b1: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;flute?
26b3: f0 28 beq :BlowFlute ;yes, branch
26b5: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;horn?
26b7: d0 c0 bne :HavingFun ;no, branch
26b9: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;get current floor
26bc: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;5th floor?
26be: d0 12 bne :NoSpec ;no, nothing special for the horn to do
26c0: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;check zone
26c3: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;monster mother active?
26c5: d0 0b bne :NoSpec ;no, branch
26c7: a9 08 lda #$08 ;horn
26c9: 85 0e sta ]noun_index
26cb: a9 03 lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ
26cd: 85 0f sta ]verb_index
26cf: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc
26d2: a9 7f :NoSpec lda #$7f ;"a deafening roar evelopes"
26d4: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
26d7: a9 80 lda #$80 ;"you. Your ears are ringing"
26d9: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
26dc: 60 rts
26dd: a9 09 :BlowFlute lda #$09 ;PLAY ($0b - 2)
26df: 85 0f sta ]verb_index
26e1: c6 0f ChkVerbBrea dec ]verb_index
26e3: d0 71 bne ChkVerbBurn
; Verb $03: BREAk.
]zp10 .var $10 {addr/1}
]noun_tmp .var $13 {addr/1}
26e5: a5 0e lda ]noun_index
26e7: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring?
26e9: d0 03 bne :NotRing
26eb: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;do special handling
26ee: c9 12 :NotRing cmp #$12 ;food or torch?
26f0: 30 1b bmi :NotFoodTorch ;no, branch
26f2: 85 13 sta ]noun_tmp
26f4: a5 10 lda ]zp10 ;preserve $10/$11
26f6: 48 pha
26f7: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;get object index
26f9: 48 pha
26fa: a5 13 lda ]noun_tmp ;check the noun
26fc: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch?
26fe: d0 03 bne :NotTorch ;no, branch
2700: 20 23 27 jsr DiscardTorch ;yes, discard a torch
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
2703: 68 :NotTorch pla ;restore $10/$11
2704: 85 11 sta ]inv_obj_data
2706: 68 pla
2707: 85 10 sta ]zp10
2709: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;get object index
270b: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;pass as argument
; In the common case, $0f has been counted down to zero, so this call will
; delete the object with the matching noun index. For food/torches we need the
; object index, which requires special handling.
; For those cases, however, $0f has not been set, so this next call may not
; actually do what is expected. For example, "break torch" while holding an
; unlit torch had $0f=$61. (BUG)
270d: 20 34 1a :NotFoodTorch jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy object
2710: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze
2713: a9 4e lda #$4e ;"you break the"
2715: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2718: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun
271b: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;(should be a ' ' before this)
271e: a9 4f lda #$4f ;"and it disappears"
2720: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
; Handles situations where we lose a torch (eat torch, throw torch, etc). Use
; an unlit torch if we have one, otherwise use the lit torch.
2723: ad 98 61 DiscardTorch lda num_unlit_torches ;do we have any unlit torches
2726: d0 1b bne :UseUnlit ;yes, branch
2728: ce 97 61 dec num_lit_torches ;decrement lit torches
272b: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;check floor
272e: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;are we on the 5th?
2730: f0 10 beq :Return ;yes, torches don't work here; we're done
2732: a9 00 lda #$00
2734: 8d a1 61 sta torch_level ;set light level to zero
2737: 8d 9e 61 sta illumination_flag
273a: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone
273d: a9 0a lda #$0a ;monster in the dark
273f: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone
2742: 60 :Return rts
2743: ce 98 61 :UseUnlit dec num_unlit_torches ;decrement unlit torches
2746: a9 0e lda #FN_FIND_UNLIT_T
2748: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
274a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find an unlit torch item
274d: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
274f: a9 00 lda #FN_DESTROY_OBJ
2751: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2753: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy it
2756: c6 0f ChkVerbBurn dec ]func_cmd
2758: d0 3f bne ChkVerbEat
; Verb $04: BURN.
275a: ad 97 61 lda num_lit_torches ;do we have a lit torch?
275d: f0 25 beq :NoneLit ;no, branch
275f: a5 0e lda ]func_arg ;get noun index
2761: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring?
2763: d0 03 bne :NotRing ;no, branch
2765: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;yes, destroy ring
2768: c9 12 :NotRing cmp #$12 ;inventory object?
276a: 30 08 bmi :BurnObj ;yes, trash it
276c: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch?
276e: f0 25 beq BurnTorch ;yes, handle with LIGHT
2770: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;must be food; get object index
2772: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2774: 20 34 1a :BurnObj jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy ($0f holds zero)
2777: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
277a: a9 52 lda #$52 ;"it vanishes in a"
277c: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
277f: a9 53 lda #$53 ;"burst of flames"
2781: 4c a4 08 :PrintMsg jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
2784: a9 88 :NoneLit lda #$88 ;"you have no fire"
2786: d0 f9 bne :PrintMsg ;(always)
; Push the special zone stack to make room for a new item. Does not alter the
; current zone.
2788: ad a6 61 PushSpecialZone lda special_zone1
278b: 8d a7 61 sta special_zone2
278e: ad a5 61 lda special_zone
2791: 8d a6 61 sta special_zone1
2794: 60 rts
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2795: a9 06 BurnTorch lda #$06 ;set verb to LIGH ($0a - 4)
2797: 85 0f sta ]verb_index ; and fall through into verb switch
2799: c6 0f ChkVerbEat dec ]verb_index
279b: f0 03 beq HndVerbEat
279d: 4c 39 28 jmp ChkVerbThro
; Verb $05: CHEW / EAT.
27a0: a5 0e HndVerbEat lda ]noun_index ;get noun index
27a2: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring?
27a4: d0 03 bne :EatThing ;no, branch
27a6: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;do special stuff then fall through
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
27a9: c9 12 :EatThing cmp #$12 ;non-food inventory object?
27ab: 30 0a bmi :EatObj ;yes, destroy it
27ad: f0 3c beq :EatFood ;food, handle that
27af: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch?
27b1: f0 26 beq :EatTorch ;yes, go eat a torch (always?)
27b3: a5 11 :EatTorch2 lda ]inv_obj_data ;get torch object index
27b5: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;pass as argument
; $0e holds either the noun index or, for food/torch, the object index.
; $0f holds $00 if we got here for a non-torch object, or a useless value ($61)
; if we jumped here from $27e8 after discarding the torch. (This might be
; considered a bug, but we don't want the function to do anything and $61 does
; nothing... so it's wasting time but it's not incorrect.)
27b7: 20 34 1a :EatObj jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy object ($0f == 0)
27ba: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze
27bd: a9 7d lda #$7d ;"You eat the"
27bf: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
27c2: a9 20 lda #‘ ’
27c4: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
27c7: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get noun index
27ca: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;print the noun
27cd: a9 7e lda #$7e ;"and you get heartburn"
27cf: 20 a4 08 :DrawMsgInv jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
27d2: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV
27d4: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
27d6: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
27d9: a5 10 :EatTorch lda ]zp10 ;if player has 1 lit torch and 0 unlit torches,
27db: 48 pha ; they got a "you will do no such thing" earlier
27dc: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;preserve $10/$11
27de: 48 pha
27df: 20 23 27 jsr DiscardTorch
27e2: 68 pla
27e3: 85 11 sta ]inv_obj_data ;restore $10/$11
27e5: 68 pla
27e6: 85 10 sta ]zp10
27e8: 4c b3 27 jmp :EatTorch2 ;(torch already destroyed; should JMP $27ba)
27eb: a5 11 :EatFood lda ]inv_obj_data ;get food object index
27ed: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
27ef: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy object ($0f == 0)
]tmp1 .var $0e {addr/2}
]tmp2 .var $19 {addr/2}
27f2: ad 9f 61 lda food_level_hi ;add 170 to food level
27f5: 85 0f sta ]tmp1+1 ; (in a really convoluted way)
27f7: ad a0 61 lda food_level_lo
27fa: 85 0e sta ]tmp1
27fc: a9 aa lda #170
27fe: 85 19 sta ]tmp2
2800: a9 00 lda #0
2802: 85 1a sta ]tmp2+1
2804: 18 clc
2805: a5 19 lda ]tmp2
2807: 65 0e adc ]tmp1
2809: 85 0e sta ]tmp1
280b: a5 1a lda ]tmp2+1
280d: 65 0f adc ]tmp1+1
280f: 85 0f sta ]tmp1+1
2811: 8d 9f 61 sta food_level_hi
2814: a5 0e lda ]tmp1
2816: 8d a0 61 sta food_level_lo
2819: a9 58 lda #$58 ;"the food is being digested"
281b: d0 b2 bne :DrawMsgInv ;(always)
; Handle the consequences of losing the ring (e.g. eating it), which may be the
; current source of light.
; On exit:
; A-reg: $0b (noun index for "ring")
281d: ad 94 61 RingGone lda plyr_floor
2820: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;5th floor?
2822: d0 12 bne :Done ;no, nothing special to do
2824: a9 00 lda #$00 ;yes, remove illumination
2826: 8d 9e 61 sta illumination_flag ;extinguish light
2829: ad ac 61 lda monster2_alive ;is monster's mother still alive?
282c: f0 08 beq :Done ;no, chill
282e: a9 0a lda #$0a ;darkness
2830: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone
2833: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;clear maze from screen
2836: a9 0b :Done lda #$0b ;set A-reg back to "ring"
2838: 60 rts
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2839: c6 0f ChkVerbThro dec ]verb_index
283b: f0 03 beq HndVerbThro
283d: 4c 3d 29 jmp ChkVerbClim
; Verb $06: ROLL / CHUCk / HEAVe / THROw
2840: a5 0e HndVerbThro lda ]noun_index ;check the noun index
2842: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring?
2844: d0 03 bne :NotRing
2846: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;do special handling for ring, then fall through
2849: c9 06 :NotRing cmp #$06 ;frisbee?
284b: d0 03 bne :NotFrisbee
284d: 4c 12 29 jmp ThrowFrisbee
2850: c9 0f :NotFrisbee cmp #$0f ;wool?
2852: f0 31 beq :ThrowWool
2854: c9 10 cmp #$10 ;yoyo?
2856: f0 61 beq :ThrowYoYo
2858: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;food or torch?
285a: 30 0d bmi :DoSail ;no, do general "sail around corner" handling
285c: f0 68 beq :ThrowFood ;food, branch
285e: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch?
2860: d0 03 bne :NotTorch ;(never taken?)
2862: 20 23 27 jsr DiscardTorch
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
2865: a5 11 :NotTorch lda ]inv_obj_data ;get object index for food or torch
2867: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
; $0e is either the noun index, or the object index for food/torch.
; $0f will be $00 in the common case, or $61 if we discarded a torch.
2869: 20 34 1a :DoSail jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy object ($0f == 0)
286c: 20 d9 28 jsr SailAroundCorner
286f: 20 2f 33 jsr CheckThrowTarget ;see if monster is around (and handle "throw ball")
2872: ea nop ;computes $61ad & $02
2873: ea nop
2874: d0 05 bne :EatThrownObj ;monster is alive, eat it
2876: a9 97 lda #$97 ;no monster... "and it vanishes"
2878: 4c 92 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row22
287b: a9 5c :EatThrownObj lda #$5c ;"and is eaten by"
287d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2880: a9 5d lda #$5d ;"the monster"
2882: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
2885: ad 94 61 :ThrowWool lda plyr_floor
2888: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;4th floor?
288a: d0 dd bne :DoSail ;no, do nothing special
288c: ad a4 61 lda floor_move_lo ;check number of moves
288f: c9 29 cmp #41 ;41+?
2891: 90 d6 bcc :DoSail ;no, nothing special
2893: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone
2896: a9 0e lda #$0e
2898: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone ;tangle the monster
289b: a9 0f lda #$0f ;wool
289d: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
289f: a9 00 lda #FN_DESTROY_OBJ
28a1: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
28a3: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy wool
28a6: 20 d9 28 jsr SailAroundCorner
28a9: a9 5e lda #$5e ;"and the monster grabs it,"
28ab: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
28ae: a9 5f lda #$5f ;"gets tangled, and topples over"
28b0: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
28b3: a9 00 lda #$00
28b5: 8d b2 61 sta monster1_dist ;set distance to zero
28b8: 60 rts
28b9: 20 d9 28 :ThrowYoYo jsr SailAroundCorner
28bc: a9 6b lda #$6b ;"returns and hits you"
28be: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
28c1: a9 6c lda #$6c ;"in the eye"
28c3: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
28c6: a5 11 :ThrowFood lda ]inv_obj_data ;get food object index
28c8: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
28ca: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;$0f should be zero, so this drops the food
28cd: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV
28cf: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
28d1: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
28d4: a9 81 lda #$81 ;"food fight"
28d6: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
; Tells the player that their thrown object has sailed around a corner.
28d9: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV
28db: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
28dd: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
28e0: a9 59 lda #$59 ;"the"
28e2: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
28e5: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get noun
28e8: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun ;print it
; It's unclear what this next bit does. $0e-0f was left pointing just past the
; end of the object list ($61e9) by the draw-inventory function. This fiddles
; with the pointer, looks for #$20 in an area that's generally zero, and then
; does nothing with the result.
]inv_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
28eb: 20 bd 32 jsr Decr0e0f ;decrement pointer
28ee: a9 20 lda #$20
28f0: a0 00 ldy #$00
28f2: d1 0e cmp (]inv_ptr),y
28f4: f0 06 beq :NoInc1
28f6: e6 0e inc ]inv_ptr
28f8: d0 02 bne :NoInc1
28fa: e6 0f inc ]inv_ptr+1
28fc: e6 0e :NoInc1 inc ]inv_ptr
28fe: d0 02 bne :NoInc2
2900: e6 0f inc ]inv_ptr+1
2902: a9 5a :NoInc2 lda #$5a ;"magically sails"
2904: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
2907: a9 5b lda #$5b ;"around a nearby corner"
2909: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
290c: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay ;pause for reading
290f: 4c 5f 10 jmp ClearMessages ;clear text
; Handle flung frisbee.
2912: ad ad 61 ThrowFrisbee lda monster1_alive
2915: 29 02 and #$02 ;is monster alive?
2917: d0 03 bne :MonsterFrisbee ;yes, play catch
2919: 4c 69 28 jmp :DoSail ;no, just destroy frisbee
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
291c: a9 06 :MonsterFrisbee lda #$06 ;frisbee
291e: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2920: a9 00 lda #FN_DESTROY_OBJ
2922: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2924: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy frisbee
2927: 20 d9 28 jsr SailAroundCorner
292a: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
292d: a9 3f lda #$3f ;"the monster grabs the frisbee, throws"
292f: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2932: a9 40 lda #$40 ;"it back, and saws your head off"
2934: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
2937: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
293a: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;bye
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
293d: c6 0f ChkVerbClim dec ]verb_index
293f: d0 03 bne ChkVerbDrop
; Verb $07: CLIMb
2941: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;climb only makes sense in special zone (snake)
2944: c6 0f ChkVerbDrop dec ]verb_index
2946: d0 7f bne ChkVerbFill
; Verb $08: DROP / LEAVe / PUT
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
]inv_ret_val .var $1a {addr/1}
2948: 20 74 32 jsr SwapZPValues ;preserve ZP values
294b: a9 0b lda #FN_OBJ_HERE
294d: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
294f: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object index of item at this location
2952: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;did we find anything?
2954: f0 17 beq :SpaceAvail ;no, we're free to drop; branch
2956: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;store object index
2958: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
295a: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
295c: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info for object on ground
295f: a5 1a lda ]inv_ret_val
2961: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;is object on ground also in inventory? (how?)
2963: b0 08 bcs :SpaceAvail ;yes, keep going
2965: a9 82 lda #$82 ;"the hallway is too crowded"
2967: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
296a: 4c 74 32 jmp SwapZPValues ;restore ZP values and bail
296d: 20 74 32 :SpaceAvail jsr SwapZPValues ;restore ZP values ($0e-11 and $19-1a)
2970: a5 0e lda ]func_arg ;get noun index
2972: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;is it food/torch?
2974: 10 15 bpl :IsConsumable ;yes, handle those
2976: c9 0b cmp #$0b ;ring?
2978: d0 03 bne :NotRing ;no, branch
297a: 20 1d 28 jsr RingGone ;yes, do special ring-drop handling
297d: a9 05 :NotRing lda #FN_DROP_OBJ
297f: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2981: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;drop the object (noun index == obj index for these)
2984: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
2986: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2988: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory and bail
298b: c9 13 :IsConsumable cmp #$13 ;torch?
298d: f0 07 beq :IsTorch ;yes, branch
298f: a5 11 lda ]inv_obj_data ;get object index
2991: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2993: 4c 7d 29 jmp :NotRing ;do common handling
2996: a9 0e :IsTorch lda #FN_FIND_UNLIT_T
2998: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
299a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find an unlit torch object in inventory
299d: f0 06 beq :NoUnlit ;not found, branch
299f: ce 98 61 dec num_unlit_torches ;reduce unlit torch count
29a2: 4c 7d 29 jmp :NotRing ;do common handling
29a5: a9 0d :NoUnlit lda #FN_FIND_LIT_T
29a7: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
29a9: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find a lit torch object in inventory
29ac: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
29ae: ce 97 61 dec num_lit_torches ;reduce lit torch count
29b1: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone ;push whatever we have going on
29b4: a9 00 lda #$00
29b6: 8d 9e 61 sta illumination_flag ;deilluminate
29b9: 8d 97 61 sta num_lit_torches
29bc: a9 0a lda #$0a
29be: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone ;set darkness zone
29c1: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;remove maze from screen
29c4: 4c 7d 29 jmp :NotRing ;do common handling
29c7: c6 0f ChkVerbFill dec ]func_cmd
29c9: d0 0e bne CheckVerbLigh
; Verb $09: FILL
; Only works with the jar, and only in special zone (newly-slain monster).
29cb: a5 0e lda ]func_arg
29cd: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;jar?
29cf: f0 03 beq :IsJar
29d1: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense
29d4: a9 89 :IsJar lda #$89 ;"with what? air?"
29d6: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
29d9: c6 0f CheckVerbLigh dec ]func_cmd
29db: d0 66 bne ChkVerbPlay
; Verb $0a: LIGHt
]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1}
29dd: 85 11 sta ]inv_obj_data ;save A-reg (verb index... not used)
29df: a5 0e lda ]func_arg ;get noun index
29e1: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch?
29e3: f0 03 beq :LightTorch
29e5: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense
29e8: a5 1a :LightTorch lda ]ret_state ;check object state
29ea: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;is object active?
29ec: d0 03 bne :Inactive ;no, branch
29ee: 4c ad 0b jmp CheckInvDolt ;can't self-light
29f1: ad 9e 61 :Inactive lda illumination_flag ;do we currently have illumination?
29f4: d0 0c bne :HaveLight ;yes, branch
29f6: a9 88 lda #$88 ;"you have no fire"
29f8: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
29fb: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV
29fd: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
29ff: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory (why?)
2a02: a9 0d :HaveLight lda #FN_FIND_LIT_T
2a04: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2a06: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find the lit torch
2a09: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;none?
2a0b: f0 09 beq :NoLit
2a0d: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2a0f: a9 01 lda #FN_DESTROY_OBJ1
2a11: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2a13: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy that one
2a16: a9 0e :NoLit lda #FN_FIND_UNLIT_T
2a18: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2a1a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find an unlit torch
2a1d: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2a1f: a9 03 lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ
2a21: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2a23: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;activate it
2a26: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
2a29: a9 65 lda #$65 ;"the torch is lit and the"
2a2b: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2a2e: a9 66 lda #$66 ;"old torch dies and vanishes"
2a30: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
2a33: ce 98 61 dec num_unlit_torches
2a36: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV
2a38: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2a3a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
2a3d: a9 96 lda #150
2a3f: 8d a1 61 sta torch_level ;init torch level to 150
2a42: 60 rts
2a43: c6 0f ChkVerbPlay dec ]func_cmd
2a45: f0 03 beq HndVerbPlay
2a47: 4c df 2a jmp ChkVerbStri
; Verb $0b: PLAY
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
2a4a: a5 0e HndVerbPlay lda ]noun_index ;get noun index
2a4c: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;flute?
2a4e: f0 18 beq :PlayFlute
2a50: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;ball?
2a52: f0 0f beq :PlayBall
2a54: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;horn?
2a56: f0 03 beq :PlayHorn
2a58: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense
2a5b: a9 02 :PlayHorn lda #$02 ;change verb to BLOW
2a5d: 8d 9c 61 sta parsed_verb
2a60: 4c 40 26 jmp ExecParsedInput ;start over
2a63: a9 87 :PlayBall lda #$87 ;"with who? the monster?"
2a65: 4c a4 08 :PrintMsgRet jmp DrawMsgN_Row23 ;print message and bail
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
]ret_xy .var $19 {addr/1}
]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1}
2a68: a9 11 :PlayFlute lda #$11 ;set noun to "snake"
2a6a: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2a6c: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
2a6e: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2a70: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info
2a73: a5 1a lda ]ret_state ;get state / floor
2a75: cd 94 61 cmp plyr_floor ;is the snake on this floor?
2a78: d0 0f bne :NoSnake ;no, branch
2a7a: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos
2a7d: 0a asl A
2a7e: 0a asl A
2a7f: 0a asl A
2a80: 0a asl A
2a81: 18 clc
2a82: 6d 96 61 adc plyr_ypos ;compute X*16 + Y
2a85: c5 19 cmp ]ret_xy ;is the snake in this cell?
2a87: f0 0d beq :AnimateSnake ;yes, do the animation
2a89: 20 5f 10 :NoSnake jsr ClearMessages ;no snake here, just make music
2a8c: a9 83 lda #$83 ;"a high shrill note comes"
2a8e: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2a91: a9 84 lda #$84 ;"from the flute"
2a93: 4c 65 2a jmp :PrintMsgRet
2a96: a9 0a :AnimateSnake lda #10 ;set text position near bottom-center of screen
2a98: 85 06 sta char_horiz
2a9a: a9 14 lda #20
2a9c: 85 07 sta char_vert
2a9e: 20 ef 11 :DrawSnakeSeg jsr SetRowPtr ;set hi-res pointer
2aa1: a9 1c lda #$1c ;draw snake segment
2aa3: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph
2aa6: a9 05 lda #$05
2aa8: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph
2aab: a9 1b lda #$1b
2aad: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph
; Pause briefly.
]delay_ctr .var $10 {addr/2}
2ab0: a9 30 lda #$30
2ab2: 85 11 sta ]delay_ctr+1
2ab4: c6 10 :DelayLoop dec ]delay_ctr
2ab6: d0 fc bne :DelayLoop
2ab8: c6 11 dec ]delay_ctr+1
2aba: d0 f8 bne :DelayLoop
2abc: c6 06 dec char_horiz ;back up 3 chars
2abe: c6 06 dec char_horiz
2ac0: c6 06 dec char_horiz
2ac2: c6 07 dec char_vert ;move up one line
2ac4: 10 d8 bpl :DrawSnakeSeg
2ac6: a9 03 lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ
2ac8: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2aca: a9 11 lda #$11 ;snake
2acc: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2ace: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;mark snake as active
2ad1: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone
2ad4: a9 0f lda #$0f ;snake is out of box
2ad6: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone ;do special stuff (climb or die)
2ad9: a9 00 lda #$00
2adb: 8d b9 61 sta object_status ;set status of object 0 (?)
2ade: 60 rts
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2adf: c6 0f ChkVerbStri dec ]verb_index
2ae1: d0 16 bne ChkVerbWear
; Verb $0c: STRIke(?)
; Only meaningful for the staff (and even that's useless).
2ae3: a5 0e lda ]noun_index
2ae5: c9 0d cmp #$0d ;staff?
2ae7: f0 03 beq :StrikeStaff
2ae9: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense
2aec: 20 5f 10 :StrikeStaff jsr ClearMessages
2aef: a9 21 lda #$21 ;"thunderbolts shoot out above you"
2af1: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2af4: a9 22 lda #$22 ;"the staff thunders with useless energy"
2af6: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
2af9: c6 0f ChkVerbWear dec ]verb_index
2afb: f0 01 beq HndVerbWear
2afd: 60 rts ;verb out of range, do nothing (BUG)
; Verb $0d: WEAR.
; Only meaningful for the hat.
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
2afe: a5 0e HndVerbWear lda ]noun_index
2b00: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;hat?
2b02: f0 0d beq :WearHat
2b04: 20 5f 10 :PrintMsg jsr ClearMessages
2b07: a9 91 lda #$91 ;"OK...if you really want to"
2b09: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2b0c: a9 23 lda #$23 ;"you are wearing it"
2b0e: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
2b11: a9 03 :WearHat lda #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ
2b13: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2b15: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;activate hat
2b18: 4c 04 2b jmp :PrintMsg
; Handles verbs $0e - 1c, which may or may not involve an inventory object.
• Clear variables
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2b1b: a5 0f ChkMoreVerbs lda ]verb_index
2b1d: 38 sec
2b1e: e9 0e sbc #$0e ;adjust index so we start at zero
2b20: 85 0f sta ]verb_index
2b22: d0 40 bne ChkVerbWipe
; Verb $0e: EXAM / LOOK.
2b24: a5 0e lda ]noun_index
2b26: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;hat?
2b28: d0 03 bne :NotHat
2b2a: 4c 19 33 jmp PrintHatMsg ;hat message is printed specially
2b2d: c9 15 :NotHat cmp #$15 ;inventory-able noun?
2b2f: 30 19 bmi :InvObj ;yes, branch
2b31: c9 1a cmp #$1a ;noun that isn't a calculator button?
2b33: 30 03 bmi :NonButton ;yes, branch
2b35: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;no, can't "examine three"
2b38: c9 17 :NonButton cmp #$17 ;door / elev?
2b3a: f0 05 beq :DoorElev
2b3c: a9 90 :DontSee lda #$90 ;"i don't see that here"
2b3e: 4c a4 08 :DrawMsg jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
2b41: 20 8e 2c :DoorElev jsr FindDoor ;is there a door here?
2b44: c9 00 cmp #$00
2b46: f0 f4 beq :DontSee ;no, complain
2b48: d0 03 bne :DoExamine ;(always)
2b4a: 20 97 0b :InvObj jsr CheckInventory ;see if it's in inventory (not found = pop stack)
2b4d: 20 5f 10 :DoExamine jsr ClearMessages
2b50: a9 67 lda #$67 ;"a close inspection reveals"
2b52: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2b55: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun
2b58: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;calculator?
2b5a: f0 04 beq :ExamCalc ;yes, branch
2b5c: a9 68 lda #$68 ;"absolutely nothing of value"
2b5e: d0 de bne :DrawMsg
2b60: a9 69 :ExamCalc lda #$69 ;"a smudged display"
2b62: d0 da bne :DrawMsg
2b64: c6 0f ChkVerbWipe dec ]verb_index
2b66: d0 12 bne ChkVerbOpen
; Verb $0f: WIPE / CLEAn / POLIsh / RUB
2b68: 20 97 0b jsr CheckInventory ;see if we're holding the item; does not return
2b6b: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ; on failure
2b6e: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;calculator?
2b70: f0 04 beq :IsCalc ;yes, branch to handle that
2b72: a9 7a lda #$7a ;"OK...it is clean"
2b74: d0 c8 bne :DrawMsg
2b76: a9 28 :IsCalc lda #$28 ;"it displays 317.2"
2b78: d0 c4 bne :DrawMsg
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2b7a: c6 0f ChkVerbOpen dec ]verb_index
2b7c: f0 03 beq HndVerbOpen
2b7e: 4c fa 2c jmp ChkVerbPres
; Verb $10: OPEN / UNLOck
; Can be used on doors and boxes.
2b81: a5 0e HndVerbOpen lda ]noun_index
2b83: c9 17 cmp #$17 ;door?
2b85: d0 03 bne :NotDoor ;no, branch
2b87: 4c 26 2c jmp :OpenDoor
2b8a: c9 14 :NotDoor cmp #$14 ;box?
2b8c: f0 03 beq :OpenBox ;yes, branch
2b8e: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;no, complain
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
]noun_index .var $10 {addr/1}
]obj_index .var $11 {addr/1}
]tmp .var $13 {addr/1}
]ret_xy .var $19 {addr/1}
]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1}
2b91: a9 0b :OpenBox lda #FN_OBJ_HERE
2b93: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2b95: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info about box at this location
2b98: 85 11 sta ]obj_index ;save object index
2b9a: f0 a0 beq :DontSee ;branch if zero
2b9c: a5 10 lda ]noun_index ;preserve $10/$11
2b9e: 48 pha
2b9f: a5 11 lda ]obj_index
2ba1: 48 pha
2ba2: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2ba4: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
2ba6: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2ba8: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on object
2bab: a5 1a lda ]ret_state ;check object state
2bad: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;object already in inventory (boxed or not)?
2baf: b0 03 bcs :InInventory ;yes, branch
2bb1: 4c bf 2b jmp :OnGround ;no, handle box on ground
2bb4: a5 11 :InInventory lda ]obj_index ;get object index
2bb6: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2bb8: a9 04 lda #FN_GET_OBJ
2bba: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2bbc: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;unbox the item
2bbf: a5 11 :OnGround lda ]obj_index
2bc1: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake?
2bc3: f0 55 beq :OpenSnake ;yes, branch
2bc5: 30 0a bmi :InsideBox ;is non-consumable object, branch
2bc7: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;$12-14 (food)?
2bc9: 30 04 bmi :IsFood ;yes, branch
2bcb: a9 13 lda #$13 ;must be $15-17 (torch), use noun id $13
2bcd: d0 02 bne :InsideBox ;(always)
2bcf: a9 12 :IsFood lda #$12 ;use noun ID for food
2bd1: 20 5f 10 :InsideBox jsr ClearMessages ;(preserves A-reg)
2bd4: 85 10 sta ]noun_index ;store the noun index
2bd6: 18 clc ;noun + 4 = description text
2bd7: 69 04 adc #$04 ;e.g. "basket of food"
2bd9: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
2bdc: a9 18 lda #$18 ;"inside the box there is a"
2bde: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2be1: a5 10 lda ]noun_index ;get noun
2be3: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;calculator?
2be5: d0 03 bne :NotCalc
2be7: 20 c2 2e jsr UnboxCalcSpecial
2bea: 85 13 :NotCalc sta ]tmp ;save copy of noun_index
2bec: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake?
2bee: d0 03 bne :NotSnake ;no, branch
2bf0: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
2bf3: 68 :NotSnake pla ;restore $10/$11
2bf4: 85 11 sta ]obj_index
2bf6: 68 pla
2bf7: 85 10 sta ]noun_index
2bf9: a5 13 lda ]tmp ;load copy of noun_index
2bfb: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch?
2bfd: d0 14 bne :NotTorch ;no, branch
2bff: a9 06 lda #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO ;handle torch
2c01: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2c03: a5 11 lda ]obj_index
2c05: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2c07: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on object
2c0a: a9 08 lda #$08
2c0c: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;in inventory and unboxed?
2c0e: d0 03 bne :NotTorch ;no, branch
2c10: ee 98 61 inc num_unlit_torches ;yes, add to unlit torch count
2c13: a9 07 :NotTorch lda #FN_DRAW_INV
2c15: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2c17: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
2c1a: 20 88 27 :OpenSnake jsr PushSpecialZone
2c1d: a2 0b ldx #$0b ;snake out of the box
2c1f: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone
2c22: a9 11 lda #$11 ;snake object id
2c24: d0 ab bne :InsideBox ;(always)
2c26: 20 8e 2c :OpenDoor jsr FindDoor ;is there a door here?
2c29: c9 00 cmp #$00 ;A-reg nonzero if there is one
2c2b: d0 03 bne :IsDoor ;found a door, branch to open it
2c2d: 4c 3c 2b jmp :DontSee ;no, complain
2c30: c9 05 :IsDoor cmp #$05 ;is it a keyhole?
2c32: b0 03 bcs :OpenKeyhole ;yes, branch
2c34: 4c 83 2c jmp :OpenElev ;no, must be elevator
2c37: 20 67 32 :OpenKeyhole jsr SwapOutAReg ;preserve A-reg (holds keyhole index)
2c3a: a2 0a ldx #$0a ;key
2c3c: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2c3e: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
2c40: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2c42: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on key
2c45: a5 1a lda ]ret_state
2c47: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;in inventory and unboxed?
2c49: 30 1e bmi :NoKey ;no, branch
2c4b: 20 67 32 jsr SwapOutAReg ;restore keyhole index (5-9)
2c4e: 18 clc
2c4f: 69 15 adc #$15 ;now $1a-1e
2c51: c9 1b cmp #$1b ;door #2?
2c53: f0 1c beq :Keyhole2 ;yes, start the ticking
2c55: 20 67 32 jsr SwapOutAReg ;preserve modified key value
2c58: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
2c5b: a9 19 lda #$19 ;"you unlock the door"
2c5d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2c60: 20 67 32 jsr SwapOutAReg ;restore modified key value
2c63: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;various msgs: 20,000 volt, gorilla, white coats
2c66: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;all fatal
2c69: 20 67 32 :NoKey jsr SwapOutAReg
2c6c: a9 92 lda #$92 ;"but you have no key"
2c6e: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
2c71: a2 0c :Keyhole2 ldx #$0c
2c73: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;start the key ticking
2c76: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
2c79: a9 19 lda #$19 ;"you unlock the door"
2c7b: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2c7e: a9 1b lda #$1b ;"and the key begins to tick"
2c80: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
2c83: 20 88 27 :OpenElev jsr PushSpecialZone
2c86: a2 0d ldx #$0d ;special elevator zone
2c88: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;wait for 'Z' to enter
2c8b: 4c 5d 32 jmp OpenElevatorAnim
; Finds the door in front of the player, if any. Doors 1-4 are elevators, 5-10
; are keyholes.
; On exit:
; A-reg: index into door table, or $00 if none found
]ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
]xy_posn .var $11 {addr/1}
]floor_facing .var $19 {addr/1}
]counter .var $1a {addr/1}
2c8e: a2 e8 FindDoor ldx #<door_loc ;set pointer to door location table
2c90: 86 0e stx ]ptr
2c92: a2 2c ldx #>door_loc
2c94: 86 0f stx ]ptr+1
; We want one byte with ((floor << 4) | facing), and one byte with ((xpos << 4)
; | ypos).
2c96: ae 94 61 ldx plyr_floor ;copy floor to ZP
2c99: 86 19 stx ]floor_facing
2c9b: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;X position in A-reg
2c9e: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;4 shifts
2ca0: 86 1a stx ]counter
2ca2: 0a :ShiftLoop asl A ;shift X pos
2ca3: 06 19 asl ]floor_facing ;shift floor
2ca5: c6 1a dec ]counter
2ca7: d0 f9 bne :ShiftLoop
2ca9: 18 clc
2caa: 6d 96 61 adc plyr_ypos ;combine X and Y posn
2cad: 85 11 sta ]xy_posn ;save in ZP
2caf: a5 19 lda ]floor_facing ;get shifted floor
2cb1: 18 clc
2cb2: 6d 93 61 adc plyr_facing ;combine with facing
2cb5: 85 19 sta ]floor_facing ;save in ZP
2cb7: a2 09 ldx #9 ;4 elevator doors, 5 keyholes
2cb9: 86 1a stx ]counter
2cbb: a0 00 :Loop ldy #$00
2cbd: d1 0e cmp (]ptr),y ;compare floor/facing value
2cbf: d0 12 bne :NotIt
2cc1: a5 11 lda ]xy_posn
2cc3: e6 0e inc ]ptr ;check next byte
2cc5: d0 02 bne :NoInc
2cc7: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1
2cc9: d1 0e :NoInc cmp (]ptr),y ;does it match player X/Y?
2ccb: d0 0c bne :NoInc1
; Found a match.
2ccd: a9 0a lda #10
2ccf: 38 sec
2cd0: e5 1a sbc ]counter ;return (10 - counter)
2cd2: 60 rts
2cd3: e6 0e :NotIt inc ]ptr ;increment pointer twice
2cd5: d0 02 bne :NoInc1
2cd7: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1
2cd9: e6 0e :NoInc1 inc ]ptr
2cdb: d0 02 bne :NoInc2
2cdd: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1
2cdf: a5 19 :NoInc2 lda ]floor_facing ;load this back into A-reg
2ce1: c6 1a dec ]counter ;done yet?
2ce3: d0 d6 bne :Loop ;no, loop
2ce5: a9 00 lda #$00 ;no match found, return zero
2ce7: 60 rts
; Door/keyhole access locations. First byte is ((floor << 4) | facing), second
; byte is ((xpos << 4) | ypos). The first four entries are the elevators, the
; last 5 are the row of keyholes on level 5.
; For example, the first entry is for the second floor elevator, which the
; player must face east to enter while standing at (7,7).
2ce8: 23 77 door_loc .bulk $23,$77 ;elevators on floors 2/3/4/5
2cea: 31 44 .bulk $31,$44
2cec: 42 14 .bulk $42,$14
2cee: 52 35 .bulk $52,$35
2cf0: 52 4a .bulk $52,$4a ;keyholes 1-5, in a row on 5th floor
2cf2: 52 5a .bulk $52,$5a
2cf4: 52 6a .bulk $52,$6a
2cf6: 52 7a .bulk $52,$7a
2cf8: 52 8a .bulk $52,$8a
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2cfa: c6 0f ChkVerbPres dec ]verb_index
2cfc: f0 03 beq HndVerbPres
2cfe: 4c 2a 2e jmp ChkVerbGet
; Verb $11: PRESS
2d01: a5 0e HndVerbPres lda ]noun_index
2d03: c9 1a cmp #$1a ;is it a calculator button?
2d05: 10 03 bpl :CalcButton ;yes, branch
2d07: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense ;no, complain
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
2d0a: a2 06 :CalcButton ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
2d0c: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2d0e: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;calculator
2d10: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2d12: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get calculator info
2d15: a5 1a lda ]counter
2d17: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;in inventory and unboxed?
2d19: f0 03 beq :HaveCalc ;yes, branch
2d1b: 4c ad 0b jmp CheckInvDolt
2d1e: ad ad 61 :HaveCalc lda monster1_alive ;is the monster still alive?
2d21: 29 02 and #$02
2d23: d0 05 bne :NoMagic ;yes, no teleportation; branch
2d25: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;are we in a special zone?
2d28: f0 13 beq :ButtonPressed ;no, go do button fanciness
; If the monster is alive, or we're in a special zone (e.g. darkness), the
; buttons don't do anything useful.
2d2a: a9 85 :NoMagic lda #$85 ;"the calculator displays"
2d2c: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
2d2f: a9 20 lda #‘ ’ ;draw space
2d31: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
2d34: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get noun for pressed button
2d37: 18 clc ;e.g. "zero" is $1a
2d38: 69 16 adc #$16 ;add $16 to get ASCII digit ($1a + $16 = $30 = '0')
2d3a: 4c 92 11 jmp PrintSpecialChar ;draw it and bail
]ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
2d3d: ad 9d 61 :ButtonPressed lda parsed_noun ;get button noun index
2d40: 38 sec ;e.g. "zero" is $1a
2d41: e9 19 sbc #$19 ;subtract so "zero" = $01
2d43: a2 02 ldx #<calc_teleport ;get pointer to teleport destination data
2d45: 86 0e stx ]ptr
2d47: a2 2e ldx #>calc_teleport
2d49: 86 0f stx ]ptr+1
2d4b: 38 :Loop sec
2d4c: e9 01 sbc #$01 ;decrement modified noun index
2d4e: f0 12 beq :Teleport ;if we hit zero, teleport
2d50: 18 clc
2d51: 48 pha ;preserve button counter
2d52: a9 04 lda #$04 ;advance pointer by 4 bytes
2d54: 65 0e adc ]ptr
2d56: 85 0e sta ]ptr
2d58: a5 0f lda ]ptr+1
2d5a: 69 00 adc #$00
2d5c: 85 0f sta ]ptr+1
2d5e: 68 pla ;restore button counter
2d5f: 4c 4b 2d jmp :Loop
2d62: a0 00 :Teleport ldy #$00
2d64: b1 0e lda (]ptr),y ;get facing
2d66: 8d 93 61 sta plyr_facing
2d69: e6 0e inc ]ptr ;(could just INY here)
2d6b: d0 02 bne :NoInc
2d6d: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1
2d6f: b1 0e :NoInc lda (]ptr),y ;get floor
2d71: 8d 94 61 sta plyr_floor
2d74: e6 0e inc ]ptr
2d76: d0 02 bne :NoInc
2d78: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1
2d7a: b1 0e :NoInc lda (]ptr),y ;get X position
2d7c: 8d 95 61 sta plyr_xpos
2d7f: e6 0e inc ]ptr
2d81: d0 02 bne :NoInc
2d83: e6 0f inc ]ptr+1
2d85: b1 0e :NoInc lda (]ptr),y ;get Y position
2d87: 8d 96 61 sta plyr_ypos
2d8a: a2 00 ldx #$00
2d8c: 8e a3 61 stx floor_move_hi ;reset step counter
2d8f: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo
2d92: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get the original noun index
2d95: c9 1c cmp #$1c ;"two"?
2d97: d0 2a bne :NotTwo ;no, skip special stuff
2d99: ad 9e 61 lda illumination_flag ;is there light?
2d9c: d0 07 bne :WasLight ;yes, branch
2d9e: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;no, don't need to extinguish
2da0: 8e a2 61 stx ring_light_flag
2da3: d0 1e bne :NotTwo ;(always)
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
2da5: ce 9e 61 :WasLight dec illumination_flag ;kill the light
2da8: a2 00 ldx #$00
2daa: 8e a2 61 stx ring_light_flag
2dad: ee 98 61 inc num_unlit_torches ;adjust torch inventory, changing
2db0: ce 97 61 dec num_lit_torches ; lit torch to unlit torch
2db3: a2 0d ldx #FN_FIND_LIT_T
2db5: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2db7: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find the first "activated" torch object
2dba: a2 04 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ
2dbc: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2dbe: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;store object index of torch we found
2dc0: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get the torch
2dc3: a2 03 :NotTwo ldx #$03 ;calculator
2dc5: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2dc7: a2 01 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ1
2dc9: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2dcb: a2 0a ldx #$0a
2dcd: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;now in dark, enable "monster near in darkness"
2dd0: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy the calculator
2dd3: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;clear the maze portion of the screen
2dd6: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
2dd8: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2dda: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
2ddd: a9 86 lda #$86 ;"you have been teleported"
2ddf: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
2de2: a9 74 lda #$74 ;"the calculator vanishes"
2de4: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
2de7: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check noun
2dea: c9 1c cmp #$1c ;"two"?
2dec: d0 13 bne :Return
2dee: ad a2 61 lda ring_light_flag ;is ring already lit?
2df1: d0 0e bne :Return ;yes, we're done
2df3: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
2df6: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
2df9: a9 70 lda #$70 ;"a draft blows your torch out"
2dfb: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
2dfe: 4c dc 0f jmp MediumPause
2e01: 60 :Return rts
; Calculator teleportation destinations. One entry for each digit on the
; calculator (0-9).
; Most of the destinations are to locations that you wouldn't otherwise travel
; to. Since you don't get an in-game indication of which floor you're on, this
; was probably done to make it harder to figure out where you were after the
; teleport: no immediately familiar hallway patterns. The one that drops you
; right in front of the invisible guillotine is sort of mean, but at least it's
; unambiguous.
; +$00: facing direction (2=north)
; +$01: floor (1-5)
; +$03: X position (1-10)
; +$04: Y position (1-10)
2e02: 02 02 05 04 calc_teleport .bulk $02,$02,$05,$04 ;0 - level 2, near dog #1
2e06: 02 02 07 09 .bulk $02,$02,$07,$09 ;1 - level 2, deep in a dead-end
2e0a: 01 05 03 03 .bulk $01,$05,$03,$03 ;2 - level 5 (only way there)
2e0e: 02 03 04 06 .bulk $02,$03,$04,$06 ;3 - level 3, past perfect square
2e12: 02 01 08 05 .bulk $02,$01,$08,$05 ;4 - level 1, near start
2e16: 03 02 01 03 .bulk $03,$02,$01,$03 ;5 - level 2, near the entry point
2e1a: 02 01 05 05 .bulk $02,$01,$05,$05 ;6 - level 1, near the dagger
2e1e: 01 01 07 0a .bulk $01,$01,$07,$0a ;7 - level 1, facing the invisible guillotine
2e22: 03 04 09 0a .bulk $03,$04,$09,$0a ;8 - level 4, near the flute
2e26: 03 03 07 0a .bulk $03,$03,$07,$0a ;9 - level 3, dead end
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2e2a: c6 0f ChkVerbGet dec ]verb_index
2e2c: f0 03 beq HndVerbGet
2e2e: 4c 98 2f jmp ChkVerbKill
; Verb $12: GET / GRAB / HOLD / TAKE
; Note this is NOT in the range that only applies to inventory objects, so you
; can GET DOOR or GET BAT.
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
]obj_index .var $11 {addr/1}
]obj_xy .var $19 {addr/1}
]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1}
2e31: a2 0b HndVerbGet ldx #FN_OBJ_HERE
2e33: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2e35: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;find object on ground in this cell
2e38: aa tax ;set flags based on value
2e39: d0 03 bne :FoundObj ;found something, branch
2e3b: 4c 30 2f jmp CurrentlyImposs1 ;nothing here, impossible
2e3e: 85 11 :FoundObj sta ]obj_index ;save object index
2e40: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2e42: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
2e44: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2e46: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object info
2e49: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check what player asked for
2e4c: c9 14 cmp #$14 ;box?
2e4e: d0 03 bne :NotBox
2e50: 4c de 2e jmp DoGetBox
2e53: c9 12 :NotBox cmp #$12 ;food, torch, or non-inventory noun?
2e55: 30 03 bmi :GetOrdinary ;no, branch
2e57: 4c f5 2e jmp GetConsumable ;yes, go handle it
2e5a: c5 11 :GetOrdinary cmp ]obj_index ;compare noun to object index
2e5c: d0 0c bne :WrongItem ;noun doesn't match object in box, branch
2e5e: a6 11 ldx ]obj_index ;copy object index to func arg
2e60: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2e62: a5 1a lda ]obj_state ;check object state
2e64: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;in inventory, boxed? (possible?)
2e66: d0 32 bne GetThing ;no, get thing
2e68: a5 11 lda ]obj_index ;get object index
2e6a: 85 0e :WrongItem sta ]func_arg
2e6c: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
2e6e: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2e70: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object info
2e73: a9 06 lda #$06
2e75: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;in inventory, boxed?
2e77: f0 03 beq :BoxedInv ;yes, branch
2e79: 4c 30 2f jmp CurrentlyImposs1
2e7c: ae 9d 61 :BoxedInv ldx parsed_noun ;get requested noun
2e7f: 86 0e stx ]func_arg ;use that as thing to get
2e81: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox
; Check inventory count to see if we have room to pick something up. On
; failure, pops stack before returning.
]inv_count .var $19 {addr/1}
2e84: 20 74 32 CheckInvCount jsr SwapZPValues
2e87: a2 08 ldx #FN_COUNT_INV
2e89: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2e8b: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc
2e8e: a5 19 lda ]inv_count
2e90: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;have we hit 8 items (including lit torch)?
2e92: 90 03 bcc :HaveRoom ;no, branch
2e94: 4c 35 2f jmp :InvAtLimit ;print error message, don't return
2e97: 4c 74 32 :HaveRoom jmp SwapZPValues
; Continuation of the GET verb handler.
2e9a: 20 84 2e GetThing jsr CheckInvCount ;make sure we have enough room
2e9d: a2 04 :GetOrUnbox ldx #FN_GET_OBJ
2e9f: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2ea1: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;move object to inventory, unboxed
2ea4: a2 07 :RedrawAndCont ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
2ea6: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2ea8: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
2eab: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get noun
2eae: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;"calculator"?
2eb0: d0 03 bne :NotCalc ;no, branch
2eb2: 20 c2 2e jsr UnboxCalcSpecial ;do special calculator puzzle stuff
2eb5: c9 11 :NotCalc cmp #$11 ;snake?
2eb7: d0 08 bne :NotSnake
2eb9: 20 88 27 jsr PushSpecialZone
2ebc: a2 0b ldx #$0b ;snake on the loose
2ebe: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone
2ec1: 60 :NotSnake rts
; Slightly special handling for getting the calculator while standing in the
; calculator puzzle room. Called for "OPEN BOX" and "GET CALCULATOR".
; On entry:
; $11: object index ($03)
2ec2: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;are we in the special calculator zone?
2ec5: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;(not true if puzzle solved or we dropped it)
2ec7: d0 12 bne :NotCalcZone ;no, nothing for us to do; branch
2ec9: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;check verb
2ecc: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;get?
2ece: f0 03 beq :GetCalc ;yes, skip delay
2ed0: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay ;no, was "open"; pause
2ed3: 20 5f 10 :GetCalc jsr ClearMessages
2ed6: a9 27 lda #$27 ;"the calculator displays 317"
2ed8: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
2edb: a9 03 :NotCalcZone lda #$03 ;return calculator noun ID
2edd: 60 rts
; Handle GET BOX. $11 holds the object index, $1a holds the object state from
; the "get object state" function.
]obj_index .var $11 {addr/1}
]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1}
2ede: a5 1a DoGetBox lda ]obj_state
2ee0: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;currently in inventory?
2ee2: 10 4c bpl CurrentlyImposs1 ;yes, can't get it again
2ee4: 20 84 2e jsr CheckInvCount ;confirm room in inventory (no return on failure)
2ee7: a6 11 ldx ]obj_index
2ee9: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2eeb: a2 02 ldx #FN_GET_BOX_OBJ
2eed: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2eef: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;move box to inventory
2ef2: 4c a4 2e jmp :RedrawAndCont
; Special handling for consumables (GET FOOD and GET TORCH) and non-inventory
; objects (GET DOG). We can only get here if there is a box on the ground.
; A-reg: noun index ($01-$23)
; $11: object index for the object in the current cell ($00 if none)
; $1a: object state
2ef5: c9 12 GetConsumable cmp #$12 ;food?
2ef7: f0 1d beq :GetFood ;yes, branch
2ef9: a5 11 lda ]obj_index ;get index of object on ground
2efb: c9 18 cmp #$18 ;in valid range?
2efd: 10 43 bpl :BadObj ;no, branch (not sure this is possible)
2eff: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;is it a torch?
2f01: 30 3f bmi :BadObj ;no, branch
; Pick up a torch.
2f03: a6 11 ldx ]obj_index ;get object index
2f05: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2f07: a5 1a lda ]obj_state ;get state of object on ground
2f09: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;is it in our inventory? (how?)
2f0b: f0 90 beq :GetOrUnbox ;yes, deal with that
2f0d: 20 84 2e jsr CheckInvCount ;make sure we have enough room
2f10: ee 98 61 inc num_unlit_torches ;increment unlit torch count
2f13: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox ;pick up the item
2f16: a5 11 :GetFood lda ]obj_index ;get object index
2f18: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;is it out of valid food range?
2f1a: 10 2c bpl :BadObj1 ;yes, branch
2f1c: c9 12 cmp #$12 ;is it out of valid food range?
2f1e: 30 28 bmi :BadObj1 ;yes, branch
; Pick up food.
2f20: a6 11 ldx ]obj_index ;get object index
2f22: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2f24: a5 1a lda ]obj_state
2f26: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;is it in our inventory? (how?)
2f28: d0 03 bne :NotTorch ;no, do normal pickup
2f2a: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox ;yes, unbox it
2f2d: 4c 9a 2e :NotTorch jmp GetThing
2f30: a9 9a lda #$9a ;"it is currently impossible"
2f32: 4c a4 08 :DrawMsg jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
2f35: 68 :InvAtLimit pla ;pull return address
2f36: 85 0e sta ]func_arg ;save in ZP (not used?)
2f38: 68 pla
2f39: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2f3b: 20 74 32 jsr SwapZPValues
2f3e: a9 99 lda #$99 ;"you are carrying the limit"
2f40: d0 f0 bne :DrawMsg ;(always)
; Search inventory for a boxed torch or food item.
]counter .var $11 {addr/1}
2f42: a2 14 :BadObj ldx #$14 ;start search at $15 (torches)
2f44: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2f46: d0 04 bne :search ;(always)
2f48: a2 11 :BadObj1 ldx #$11 ;start search at $12 (foods)
2f4a: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2f4c: a5 0f :search lda ]func_cmd
2f4e: 48 pha
2f4f: a5 0e lda ]func_arg
2f51: 48 pha
2f52: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;repeat 3x
2f54: 86 11 stx ]counter
2f56: 68 :Loop pla
2f57: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2f59: 68 pla
2f5a: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2f5c: e6 0e inc ]func_arg
2f5e: d0 02 bne :NoInc
2f60: e6 0f inc ]func_cmd
2f62: a5 0f :NoInc lda ]func_cmd
2f64: 48 pha
2f65: a5 0e lda ]func_arg
2f67: 48 pha
2f68: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
2f6a: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2f6c: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get object info
2f6f: a9 06 lda #$06
2f71: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;boxed, in inventory?
2f73: f0 0d beq :FoundBoxInv ;yes, branch
2f75: c6 11 dec ]counter ;done yet?
2f77: d0 dd bne :Loop ;no, loop
2f79: 68 pla
2f7a: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2f7c: 68 pla
2f7d: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2f7f: 4c 30 2f jmp CurrentlyImposs1 ;not found, report
2f82: 68 :FoundBoxInv pla
2f83: 85 0e sta ]func_arg
2f85: 68 pla
2f86: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
2f88: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;get the noun
2f8b: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;torch?
2f8d: f0 03 beq :MoreTorch ;yes, do that
2f8f: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox ;no, just unbox it
2f92: ee 98 61 :MoreTorch inc num_unlit_torches ;increase unlit torch count
2f95: 4c 9d 2e jmp :GetOrUnbox ;unbox the torch
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2f98: c6 0f ChkVerbKill dec ]verb_index
2f9a: d0 21 bne ChkVerbPain
; Verb $13: STAB / KILL / SLASh / ATTAck / HACK
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2f9c: a5 0e lda ]noun_index ;get noun index
2f9e: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake?
2fa0: f0 15 beq :KillCritter ;yes, branch
2fa2: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;bat, dog, monster, elevator, etc?
2fa4: 10 03 bpl :CheckMore ;yes, check some more
2fa6: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense
2fa9: c9 1a :CheckMore cmp #$1a ;calculator button?
2fab: 30 03 bmi :NotCalc ;no, keep looking
2fad: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense
2fb0: c9 17 :NotCalc cmp #$17 ;door / elev?
2fb2: d0 03 bne :KillCritter
2fb4: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense
2fb7: a9 90 :KillCritter lda #$90 ;"I don't see that here"
2fb9: 20 a4 08 :DrawMsg jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;(would be in special zone if monster present)
2fbc: 60 rts
2fbd: c6 0f ChkVerbPain dec ]verb_index
2fbf: d0 18 bne ChkVerbGren
; Verb $14: PAINt
; Only works if you have the brush (which does not need to be specified as the
; noun). Just prints a snarky message.
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
2fc1: a2 02 ldx #$02 ;brush
2fc3: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
2fc5: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
2fc7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
2fc9: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on brush
2fcc: a5 1a lda ]obj_state
2fce: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;in inventory, unboxed?
2fd0: f0 03 beq :HaveBrush ;yes, branch
2fd2: 4c ad 0b jmp CheckInvDolt
2fd5: a9 6f :HaveBrush lda #$6f ;"with what? toenail polish?"
2fd7: d0 e0 bne :DrawMsg
]noun_index .var $0e {addr/1}
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
2fd9: c6 0f ChkVerbGren dec ]verb_index
2fdb: d0 03 bne ChkVerbSay
; Verb $15: GRENdel.
; Only useful in one special zone.
2fdd: 4c 5a 10 jmp PrintLittleSense
2fe0: c6 0f ChkVerbSay dec ]verb_index
2fe2: d0 39 bne ChkVerbChar
; Verb $16: SAY / YELL / SCREam
]dst_ptr .var $0a {addr/2}
]src_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
2fe4: a9 76 lda #$76 ;"OK..."
2fe6: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;this leaves $0a-0b pointed into 2nd line text buf
2fe9: a9 7a lda #<text_row22 ;set pointer to input buffer
2feb: 85 0e sta ]src_ptr
2fed: a9 0c lda #>text_row22
2fef: 85 0f sta ]src_ptr+1
2ff1: a0 00 ldy #$00
2ff3: a9 20 lda #‘ ’
2ff5: d1 0e :ScanLoop cmp (]src_ptr),y ;find the space between the verb and noun
2ff7: f0 15 beq :FoundSpace
2ff9: e6 0e inc ]src_ptr
2ffb: d0 f8 bne :ScanLoop
2ffd: e6 0f inc ]src_ptr+1
2fff: d0 f4 bne :ScanLoop ;(always)
3001: a0 00 :DrawLoop ldy #$00
3003: b1 0e lda (]src_ptr),y ;get char
3005: c9 20 cmp #‘ ’ ;reached the end of the noun?
3007: f0 13 beq :Return ;yes, done
3009: 91 0a sta (]dst_ptr),y ;add to "OK..." line
300b: 20 a4 11 jsr DrawGlyph ;draw on screen
300e: e6 0a :FoundSpace inc ]dst_ptr
3010: d0 02 bne :NoInc
3012: e6 0b inc ]dst_ptr+1
3014: e6 0e :NoInc inc ]src_ptr
3016: d0 e9 bne :DrawLoop
3018: e6 0f inc ]src_ptr+1
301a: d0 e5 bne :DrawLoop
301c: 60 :Return rts
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
301d: c6 0f ChkVerbChar dec ]verb_index
301f: f0 03 beq HndVerbChar
3021: 4c be 30 jmp ChkVerbFart
; Verb $17: CHARge
3024: a9 02 HndVerbChar lda #$02
3026: cd 93 61 cmp plyr_facing ;facing north?
3029: d0 47 bne :NotSpecWall ;no, branch
302b: aa tax ;set A-reg to $01
302c: ca dex
302d: 8a txa
302e: cd 94 61 cmp plyr_floor ;on first floor?
3031: d0 3f bne :NotSpecWall ;no, branch
3033: cd 95 61 cmp plyr_xpos ;at X=1?
3036: d0 3a bne :NotSpecWall ;no, branch
3038: a9 0b lda #11
303a: cd 96 61 cmp plyr_ypos ;at Y=11?
303d: d0 33 bne :NotSpecWall ;no, branch
; In right place for special charge, check hat.
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
303f: a2 07 ldx #$07 ;hat
3041: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3043: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
3045: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3047: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on hat
304a: a9 07 lda #$07
304c: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;is it in inventory and active (worn)?
304e: d0 55 bne :BashBrains
3050: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze (?)
3053: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause
3056: 20 c5 30 jsr FlashYellow ;do crash and pit fall
3059: 20 7c 10 jsr FallIntoPit
305c: ee 94 61 inc plyr_floor ;move to 2nd floor
305f: a2 03 ldx #$03
3061: 8e 96 61 stx plyr_ypos ;at 3,3
3064: 8e 95 61 stx plyr_xpos
3067: a2 00 ldx #$00
3069: 8e a3 61 stx floor_move_hi ;reset move counters
306c: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo
306f: 4c 15 10 jmp DrawMaze ;redraw maze and bail
3072: ad 9a 61 :NotSpecWall lda maze_walls_rt ;check distance to facing wall
3075: 29 e0 and #$e0
3077: f0 2c beq :BashBrains ;we've reached wall, go bash brains
3079: 20 85 30 jsr :MoveOneStep ;move one step
307c: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause
307f: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw the maze
3082: 4c 24 30 jmp HndVerbChar ;loop until we die or break through wall
3085: ad 93 61 :MoveOneStep lda plyr_facing ;update position based on facing
3088: aa tax ;(in a really awkward way)
3089: ca dex
308a: 8a txa
308b: f0 0c beq :MoveWest
308d: ca dex
308e: 8a txa
308f: f0 0c beq :MoveNorth
3091: ca dex
3092: 8a txa
3093: f0 0c beq :MoveEast
3095: ce 96 61 dec plyr_ypos ;move south
3098: 60 rts
3099: ce 95 61 :MoveWest dec plyr_xpos
309c: 60 rts
309d: ee 96 61 :MoveNorth inc plyr_ypos
30a0: 60 rts
30a1: ee 95 61 :MoveEast inc plyr_xpos
30a4: 60 rts
30a5: 20 15 10 :BashBrains jsr DrawMaze
30a8: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause
30ab: 20 c5 30 jsr FlashYellow ;flash the lo-res screen
30ae: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
30b1: a9 2a lda #$2a ;"you have rammed your head into a steel"
30b3: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
30b6: a9 2b lda #$2b ;"wall and bashed your brains out"
30b8: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
30bb: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;go die
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
30be: c6 0f ChkVerbFart dec ]verb_index
30c0: f0 39 beq HndVerbFart
30c2: 4c 97 31 jmp ChkVerbSave
; Shows a yellow screen, by filling the lo-res graphics screen with yellow and
; then flipping to it briefly.
; Note this tramples the text page 1 screen holes.
]lores_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
30c5: a2 00 FlashYellow ldx #<TEXT_PAGE_1 ;set pointer to text screen
30c7: 86 0e stx ]lores_ptr
30c9: a2 04 ldx #<TEXT_PAGE_1+4
30cb: 86 0f stx ]lores_ptr+1
30cd: a0 00 ldy #$00
30cf: a9 dd :Loop lda #$dd ;yellow lo/hi
30d1: 91 0e :Loop1 sta (]lores_ptr),y ;store on text screen
30d3: e6 0e inc ]lores_ptr ;advance pointer
30d5: d0 fa bne :Loop1
30d7: e6 0f inc ]lores_ptr+1
30d9: a5 0f lda ]lores_ptr+1
30db: c9 08 cmp #>TEXT_PAGE_1+$400 ;reached the end of the page?
30dd: d0 f0 bne :Loop ;not yet, loop
30df: 2c 54 c0 bit TXTPAGE1 ;page 1
30e2: 2c 52 c0 bit MIXCLR ;full screen
30e5: 2c 56 c0 bit LORES ;lo-res mode
30e8: 2c 50 c0 bit TXTCLR ;graphics on
30eb: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause
30ee: 2c 55 c0 bit TXTPAGE2 ;page 2
30f1: 2c 52 c0 bit MIXCLR ;full screen
30f4: 2c 57 c0 bit HIRES ;hi-res mode
30f7: 2c 50 c0 bit TXTCLR ;graphics on
30fa: 60 rts
; Verb $18: FART
]food_tmp .var $0e {addr/2}
]tmp .var $19 {addr/2}
30fb: ad a5 61 HndVerbFart lda special_zone ;in a special zone?
30fe: f0 05 beq :NotSpec ;no, branch
3100: a9 98 lda #$98 ;"you will do no such thing"
3102: 4c 92 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row22
3105: 20 c5 30 :NotSpec jsr FlashYellow ;visual effects
3108: 4c 11 31 jmp :InLoop ;skip first pause/redraw
310b: 20 dc 0f :Loop jsr MediumPause
310e: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze
3111: ad 9a 61 :InLoop lda maze_walls_rt ;check distance to facing wall
3114: 29 e0 and #$e0
3116: f0 27 beq :ReachedWall ;we reached it
3118: 20 85 30 jsr :MoveOneStep
; Check for guillotine. This seems redundant with the test in CheckSpecialCell
; ($0a10).
311b: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor
311e: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;on 1st floor?
3120: d0 0e bne :NoGuil ;no, branch
3122: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos
3125: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;X=6?
3127: d0 07 bne :NoGuil ;no, branch
3129: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos
312c: c9 0a cmp #$0a ;Y=10?
312e: f0 06 beq :DeathByG ;yes, branch and die
3130: 20 19 0b :NoGuil jsr ReduceResources ;reduce food/torch
3133: 4c 0b 31 jmp :Loop
3136: 20 15 10 :DeathByG jsr DrawMaze
3139: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause
313c: 4c 4a 0a jmp ReportGuillotine
313f: 20 15 10 :ReachedWall jsr DrawMaze
3142: ae 9f 61 ldx food_level_hi ;copy satiation level to ZP
3145: 86 0f stx ]food_tmp+1
3147: ae a0 61 ldx food_level_lo
314a: 86 0e stx ]food_tmp
314c: a5 0f lda ]food_tmp+1 ;is player too hungry to fart?
314e: d0 0d bne :NotStarving ;no, branch
3150: a5 0e lda ]food_tmp
3152: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;is food level >= 5?
3154: b0 03 bcs :NotStarving1 ;yes, branch
3156: 4c 64 0b jmp StarvedToDeath ;no, food is 1-4, starve now
3159: c9 0f :NotStarving1 cmp #$0f ;food level < 15?
315b: 90 33 bcc :NearlyStarving ;yes, branch
; Reduce energy level by 10 (on top of the per-step cost).
315d: a9 00 :NotStarving lda #$00 ;reduce food level by 10
315f: 85 1a sta ]tmp+1
3161: a9 0a lda #10
3163: 85 19 sta ]tmp
3165: a5 0e lda ]food_tmp
3167: 38 sec
3168: e5 19 sbc ]tmp ;(could SBC #10 on $619f-61a0 directly)
316a: 85 0e sta ]food_tmp
316c: a5 0f lda ]food_tmp+1
316e: e5 1a sbc ]tmp+1
3170: 85 0f sta ]food_tmp+1
3172: 8d 9f 61 sta food_level_hi
3175: a5 0e lda ]food_tmp
3177: 8d a0 61 sta food_level_lo
317a: 20 dc 0f :WhamWall jsr MediumPause ;pause for each step
317d: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;redraw maze after pause
3180: a9 2d lda #$2d ;"wham"
3182: a2 08 ldx #8
3184: 86 06 stx char_horiz
3186: a2 0a ldx #10
3188: 86 07 stx char_vert
318a: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
318d: 4c 10 0a jmp CheckSpecialCell ;check for special (can't run past dog)
3190: a2 05 :NearlyStarving ldx #$05 ;set level to 5
3192: 8e a0 61 stx food_level_lo
3195: d0 e3 bne :WhamWall ;(always)
]verb_index .var $0f {addr/1}
3197: c6 0f ChkVerbSave dec ]verb_index
3199: d0 44 bne ChkVerbQuit
; Verb $19: SAVE
319b: ad a5 61 lda special_zone ;disallow save while in special zone
319e: f0 05 beq AskSaveGame
31a0: a9 9a lda #$9a ;"it is currently impossible"
31a2: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
31a5: 20 5f 10 AskSaveGame jsr ClearMessages
31a8: a9 93 lda #$93 ;"do you wish to save the game?"
31aa: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
31ad: 20 f7 0f jsr GetYesNo
31b0: 29 7f and #$7f
31b2: c9 59 cmp #‘Y’
31b4: f0 03 beq :DoSaveGame
31b6: 4c 5f 10 jmp ClearMessages
31b9: 4c 66 7c :DoSaveGame jmp SaveDiskOrTape
31bc: a9 95 SaveToTape lda #$95 ;"please prepare your cassette"
31be: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
31c1: a9 96 lda #$96 ;"when ready, press any key"
31c3: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
31c6: 20 e9 0f jsr WaitKeyCursor ;wait for keypress
31c9: a2 93 ldx #<plyr_facing
31cb: 86 3c stx MON_A1L
31cd: a2 61 ldx #>plyr_facing
31cf: 86 3d stx MON_A1H
31d1: a2 92 ldx #<plyr_facing-1
31d3: 86 3e stx MON_A2L
31d5: a2 62 ldx #>plyr_facing+$100
31d7: 86 3f stx MON_A2H
31d9: 20 cd fe jsr MON_WRITE ;write data to tape
31dc: 4c 5f 10 jmp ClearMessages
31df: c6 0f ChkVerbQuit dec ]verb_index
31e1: d0 18 bne ChkVerbInst
; Verb $1a: QUIT
31e3: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
31e6: a9 9c lda #$9c ;"are you sure you want to quit?"
31e8: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
31eb: 20 f7 0f jsr GetYesNo
31ee: c9 59 cmp #‘Y’
31f0: f0 03 beq :DoQuit
31f2: 4c 5f 10 jmp ClearMessages
31f5: 20 a5 31 :DoQuit jsr AskSaveGame ;allow player to save game, even if in special zone
31f8: 4c c4 10 jmp AskPlayAgain
31fb: c6 0f ChkVerbInst dec ]verb_index
31fd: d0 39 bne HndVerbHelp
; Verb $1b: INSTtructions / DIREctions
; Shows full page of instructions.
]inst_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
31ff: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen ;clear hi-res screen
3202: a9 00 lda #$00
3204: 85 06 sta char_horiz ;set text position to top left
3206: 85 07 sta char_vert
3208: 20 ef 11 jsr SetRowPtr
320b: a2 bf ldx #<instructions ;get pointer to instruction text
320d: 86 0e stx ]inst_ptr
320f: a2 77 ldx #>instructions
3211: 86 0f stx ]inst_ptr+1
; Copy text, skipping the first byte.
3213: e6 0e :Loop inc ]inst_ptr
3215: d0 02 bne :NoInc
3217: e6 0f inc ]inst_ptr+1
3219: a0 00 :NoInc ldy #$00
321b: b1 0e lda (]inst_ptr),y ;get char
321d: 29 7f and #$7f ;strip high bit
321f: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print it
3222: a0 00 ldy #$00
3224: b1 0e lda (]inst_ptr),y ;get char again
3226: 10 eb bpl :Loop ;branch if not done
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
3228: 20 e9 0f jsr WaitKeyCursor ;wait for any key
322b: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen ;clear and redraw screen
322e: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze
3231: a9 07 lda #FN_DRAW_INV
3233: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
3235: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;draw inventory
; Verb $1c: HELP / HINT
3238: ad a5 61 HndVerbHelp lda special_zone ;check for special zone
323b: c9 02 cmp #$02 ;calculator room?
323d: f0 19 beq :CalcHelp ;yes, show specific help
323f: ad b1 61 lda help_ctr ;no, alternate responses
3242: f0 0b beq :Help0
3244: a9 9d lda #$9d ;"try examining things"
3246: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3249: a2 00 ldx #$00
324b: 8e b1 61 stx help_ctr ;reset counter
324e: 60 rts
324f: a9 9e :Help0 lda #$9e ;"type instructions"
3251: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3254: ee b1 61 inc help_ctr ;change message for next time
3257: 60 rts
3258: a9 9f :CalcHelp lda #$9f ;"invert and telephone"
325a: 4c a4 08 jmp DrawMsgN_Row23
; Show the elevator-open animation.
325d: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze
3260: a9 0a lda #$0a ;elevator opening
3262: 85 0f sta ]func_cmd
3264: 4c 5a 1e jmp DrawFeature ;show the animation
; Swaps the accumulator with a value in memory.
• Clear variables
3267: 85 13 SwapOutAReg sta $13
3269: ad f7 61 lda acc_swap_stash
326c: 48 pha
326d: a5 13 lda $13
326f: 8d f7 61 sta acc_swap_stash
3272: 68 pla
3273: 60 rts
; Swaps zero page values at $0e-11 and $19-1a with saved values in program
; memory.
3274: a5 0e SwapZPValues lda $0e
3276: aa tax
3277: ad f8 61 lda saved_0e
327a: 85 0e sta $0e
327c: 8a txa
327d: 8d f8 61 sta saved_0e
3280: a5 0f lda $0f
3282: aa tax
3283: ad f9 61 lda saved_0f
3286: 85 0f sta $0f
3288: 8a txa
3289: 8d f9 61 sta saved_0f
328c: a5 10 lda $10
328e: aa tax
328f: ad fa 61 lda saved_10
3292: 85 10 sta $10
3294: 8a txa
3295: 8d fa 61 sta saved_10
3298: a5 11 lda $11
329a: aa tax
329b: ad fb 61 lda saved_11
329e: 85 11 sta $11
32a0: 8a txa
32a1: 8d fb 61 sta saved_11
32a4: a5 19 lda $19
32a6: aa tax
32a7: ad fc 61 lda saved_19
32aa: 85 19 sta $19
32ac: 8a txa
32ad: 8d fc 61 sta saved_19
32b0: ad fd 61 lda saved_1a
32b3: aa tax
32b4: a5 1a lda $1a
32b6: 8d fd 61 sta saved_1a
32b9: 8a txa
32ba: 85 1a sta $1a
32bc: 60 rts
; Decrements $0e/0f as a 16-bit value. Preserves all registers.
; Only called from one place, for mysterious reasons.
]val .var $0e {addr/2}
32bd: 48 Decr0e0f pha
32be: c6 0e dec ]val
32c0: a5 0e lda ]val
32c2: c9 ff cmp #$ff
32c4: d0 02 bne :NoDec
32c6: c6 0f dec ]val+1
32c8: 68 :NoDec pla
32c9: 60 rts
; Inscription on hat. (Not sure why this isn't in the string table.)
32ca: 41 4e 20 49+ hat_inscript .str ‘AN INSCRIPTION READS: WEAR THIS HAT AND CHARGE A WALL NEAR WHE’
3318: a0 .dd1 $a0
; Prints special message written on hat.
]txt_ptr .var $0c {addr/2}
3319: a2 32 PrintHatMsg ldx #>hat_inscript
331b: 86 0d stx ]txt_ptr+1
331d: a2 ca ldx #<hat_inscript
331f: 86 0c stx ]txt_ptr
3321: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
3324: a9 00 lda #0
3326: 85 06 sta char_horiz
3328: a9 16 lda #22
332a: 85 07 sta char_vert
332c: 4c e5 08 jmp DrawMsg
; Additional check for THROW. If the player did "throw ball" outside the
; special zone, die in a fiery explosion. Otherwise, returns with Z-flag clear
; if monster #1 is alive.
332f: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun
3332: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;ball?
3334: f0 06 beq :ThrowBall
3336: ad ad 61 lda monster1_alive ;do monster check
3339: 29 02 and #$02
333b: 60 rts
333c: 20 c5 30 :ThrowBall jsr FlashYellow ;explosion and death
333f: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen
3342: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
3345: 07 ea .junk 2
; Handles behavior in special zones, e.g. when encountering the dog, bat, or
; playing the flute to raise the snake. Generally speaking the player must
; either solve the problem (kill the bat, climb the snake, move correctly in the
; calculator room, etc.) before moving on.
; The zone is specified by $61a5; see comments there for a list.
• Clear variables
3347: ae a5 61 ldx special_zone ;in special zone?
334a: d0 01 bne :NonZero ;yes, handle it
334c: 60 rts ;no, bail
334d: ca :NonZero dex ;see if X-reg holds $02
334e: ca dex
334f: f0 03 beq SpecCalcRoom
3351: 4c 57 34 jmp ChkSpec04
; Special $02: calculator room.
; Player must turn 5x/4x/3x to escape.
]tmp .var $1a {addr/1}
3354: 20 15 10 SpecCalcRoom jsr DrawMaze
3357: 20 22 34 jsr InitCalcMove ;initialize counters
335a: a2 01 ldx #$01
335c: 86 1a stx ]tmp
335e: 20 f3 33 jsr PrintCalcPuzMsg
3361: 20 ca 0c :CalcLoop jsr GetInput
3364: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;get action
3367: c9 46 cmp #$46 ;was it movement (>= $40)?
3369: 10 0f bpl :WasMove ;yes, branch
336b: 20 40 26 jsr ExecParsedInput ;not movement, handle it
336e: 20 19 0b :SpendMove jsr ReduceResources ;all actions here diminish resources
3371: 20 77 0b jsr ReportLowRsrc
3374: 20 35 34 jsr ShowCalcPuzMsg
3377: 4c 61 33 jmp :CalcLoop
337a: c9 5b :WasMove cmp #VERB_FWD ;moved forward?
337c: f0 5f beq :SplatAndReset ;yes, branch
337e: 85 1a sta ]tmp ;save verb
3380: ad b6 61 lda calc_prev_move ;first move?
3383: d0 0b bne :NotFirst ;no, branch
3385: a6 1a ldx ]tmp
3387: 8e b6 61 stx calc_prev_move ;save verb
338a: ee b5 61 inc calc_turn_count ;increment first turn counter
338d: 4c d4 33 jmp :DrawAndCont
3390: c5 1a :NotFirst cmp ]tmp ;same as last time?
3392: d0 1d bne :Changed ;no, branch
3394: ee b5 61 inc calc_turn_count ;increment the turn counter
3397: ad b4 61 lda calc_turn_goal ;check the goal
339a: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;are we on the last set?
339c: d0 36 bne :DrawAndCont ;not yet, branch
339e: cd b5 61 cmp calc_turn_count ;on last set; have we turned 3x?
33a1: d0 31 bne :DrawAndCont ;no, branch
; Puzzle complete.
33a3: a2 04 ldx #$04
33a5: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing ;set direction to south
33a8: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze
33ab: 20 22 34 jsr InitCalcMove ;reset counters
33ae: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;done with puzzle
33b1: a6 1a :Changed ldx ]tmp
33b3: 8e b6 61 stx calc_prev_move ;save verb
33b6: ad b4 61 lda calc_turn_goal ;get goal
33b9: cd b5 61 cmp calc_turn_count ;have we reached it?
33bc: d0 0b bne :FailReset ;no, stopped early; reset
33be: a2 01 ldx #$01
33c0: 8e b5 61 stx calc_turn_count ;reset count, counting this move as first
33c3: ce b4 61 dec calc_turn_goal ;next set requires one fewer turn
33c6: 4c d4 33 jmp :DrawAndCont
; We failed; reset movement, counting this move as the first step.
33c9: 20 27 34 :FailReset jsr ResetCalcMove ;reset counters
33cc: ee b5 61 inc calc_turn_count ;add one turn
33cf: a6 1a ldx ]tmp
33d1: 8e b6 61 stx calc_prev_move ;save verb
33d4: 20 15 10 :DrawAndCont jsr DrawMaze
33d7: ee b7 61 inc calc_total_moves
33da: 4c 6e 33 jmp :SpendMove
33dd: 20 7e 12 :SplatAndReset jsr EraseMaze ;do the usual walk-into-walls thing
33e0: a2 09 ldx #9
33e2: 86 06 stx char_horiz
33e4: a2 0a ldx #10
33e6: 86 07 stx char_vert
33e8: a9 7c lda #$7c ;"splat"
33ea: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
33ed: 20 27 34 jsr ResetCalcMove ;reset puzzle movement counters
33f0: 4c 61 33 jmp :CalcLoop ;loop
; Prints the calculator puzzle message.
; On entry:
; $1a: suppress additional text if set to 1
]suppress_msg .var $1a {addr/1}
33f3: ad 9c 61 PrintCalcPuzMsg lda parsed_verb ;check verb
33f6: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;drop?
33f8: f0 07 beq :NoDelay ;yes, branch
33fa: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement?
33fc: 10 03 bpl :NoDelay ;yes, branch
33fe: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay ;pause briefly so prev msg is viewable
3401: a9 24 :NoDelay lda #$24 ;"to everything"
3403: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22 ;draw string
3406: a5 1a lda ]suppress_msg ;check "turn,turn,turn" flag
3408: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;is it 1?
340a: f0 05 beq :NoTurn1 ;yes, don't show msg
340c: a9 26 lda #$26 ;"turn, turn, turn"
340e: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN ;append to previous message
3411: a9 25 :NoTurn1 lda #$25 ;"there is a season"
3413: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3416: a5 1a lda ]suppress_msg ;check "turn,turn,turn" flag
3418: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;is it 1?
341a: f0 05 beq :Return ;yes, don't show msg
341c: a9 26 lda #$26 ;"turn, turn, turn"
341e: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN ;append to previous message
3421: 60 :Return rts
; Initializes calculator puzzle counters.
3422: a2 00 InitCalcMove ldx #$00
3424: 8e b7 61 stx calc_total_moves
; Resets calculator puzzle movement counters.
3427: a2 05 ResetCalcMove ldx #$05 ;first set should be 5 turns
3429: 8e b4 61 stx calc_turn_goal
342c: a2 00 ldx #$00
342e: 8e b5 61 stx calc_turn_count
3431: 8e b6 61 stx calc_prev_move
3434: 60 rts
; Determines whether or not we should show the ", TURN, TURN, TURN" string, then
; branches to the code that prints the in-puzzle message.
3435: ad b7 61 ShowCalcPuzMsg lda calc_total_moves ;check total moves
3438: c9 06 cmp #6 ;0-5?
343a: 90 0d bcc :SetTurnFlag ;yes, set flag and print
343c: c9 0f cmp #15 ;6-14?
343e: 90 e1 bcc :Return ;yes, show nothing
3440: c9 15 cmp #21 ;15-20?
3442: 90 05 bcc :SetTurnFlag ;yes, set flag and print
3444: c9 1a cmp #26 ;21-25?
3446: 90 08 bcc :ClearTurnFlag ;yes, clear flag and print
3448: 60 rts
3449: a2 01 :SetTurnFlag ldx #$01
344b: 86 1a stx ]suppress_msg
344d: 4c f3 33 jmp PrintCalcPuzMsg
3450: a2 00 :ClearTurnFlag ldx #$00
3452: 86 1a stx ]suppress_msg
3454: 4c f3 33 jmp PrintCalcPuzMsg
3457: ca ChkSpec04 dex
3458: ca dex
3459: f0 03 beq BatAttack
345b: 4c f0 34 jmp ChkSpec06
; Special $04: vampire bat. The player must do the correct counter-move, or they
; die.
• Clear variables
]saved_noun .var $1a {addr/1}
345e: 20 15 10 BatAttack jsr DrawMaze
3461: a9 31 lda #$31 ;"a vampire bat attacks you"
3463: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3466: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
3469: 20 ca 0c :BatInput jsr GetInput ;get a command
346c: ae 9d 61 ldx parsed_noun
346f: 86 1a stx ]saved_noun
3471: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3474: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine?
3476: f0 13 beq :ExamBat ;yes, branch
3478: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;throw?
347a: f0 1d beq :ThrowAtBat ;yes, handle it
347c: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;break?
347e: f0 19 beq :ThrowAtBat ;yes, treat same as throw
3480: 20 5f 10 :DeathByBat jsr ClearMessages
3483: a9 9b lda #$9b ;"the bat drains you of your vital fluids"
3485: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3488: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
348b: a5 1a :ExamBat lda ]saved_noun
348d: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;bat?
348f: d0 ef bne :DeathByBat ;no, can only look at bad; die
3491: a9 8c lda #$8c ;"it looks very dangerous"
3493: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3496: 4c 69 34 jmp :BatInput ;let them try again
]func_arg .var $0e {addr/1}
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1}
3499: 20 5f 10 :ThrowAtBat jsr ClearMessages
349c: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;jar
349e: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
34a0: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
34a2: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
34a4: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc
34a7: a5 1a lda ]obj_state
34a9: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;do we have monster blood?
34ab: d0 d3 bne :DeathByBat ;no, die
34ad: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun
34b0: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;throwing or breaking jar?
34b2: d0 cc bne :DeathByBat ;no, die
34b4: a9 50 lda #$50 ;"what a mess! the vampire bat"
34b6: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
34b9: a9 51 lda #$51 ;"drinks the blood and dies"
34bb: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
34be: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ ;destroy item
34c0: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
34c2: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;jar
34c4: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
34c6: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy jar
34c9: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
34cb: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
34cd: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
34d0: a2 00 ldx #$00
34d2: 8e ab 61 stx bat_alive ;mark bat as dead
; Pops the current special zone off.
]tmp .var $1a {addr/1}
34d5: ad a6 61 PopSpecialZone lda special_zone1 ;shift everything up
34d8: 85 1a sta ]tmp
34da: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone
34dd: ae a7 61 ldx special_zone2
34e0: 8e a6 61 stx special_zone1
34e3: a2 00 ldx #$00
34e5: 8e a7 61 stx special_zone2
34e8: a5 1a lda ]tmp ;are we in a special zone now?
34ea: f0 03 beq :Return ;no, bail
34ec: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone ;yes, handle it
34ef: 60 :Return rts
34f0: ca ChkSpec06 dex
34f1: ca dex
34f2: d0 0b bne ChkSpec07
; Special $06: dog #1 (2nd floor, after 60 steps).
34f4: 20 10 35 jsr SpecDogCommon ;handle dog; does not return if we die
34f7: a2 00 ldx #$00
34f9: 8e ae 61 stx dog1_alive ;mark dog #1 as dead
34fc: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone
34ff: ca ChkSpec07 dex
3500: f0 03 beq SpecDog2
3502: 4c ea 35 jmp ChkSpec08
; Special $07: dog #2 (2nd floor, X=5 Y=5).
3505: 20 10 35 SpecDog2 jsr SpecDogCommon ;handle dog; does not return if we die
3508: a2 00 ldx #$00
350a: 8e af 61 stx dog2_alive ;mark dog #2 as dead
350d: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone
; Common code for handling encounter with dog. If we die this jumps to the
; death handler, if we kill the dog this returns to the caller.
]noun_copy .var $1a {addr/1}
3510: 20 15 10 SpecDogCommon jsr DrawMaze
3513: a9 2e lda #$2e
3515: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;"a vicious dog attacks you"
3518: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
351b: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput
351e: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun
3521: 85 1a sta ]noun_copy ;stash a copy of the noun in ZP
3523: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3526: c9 59 cmp #$59 ;player movement?
3528: b0 0c bcs :DeathByDog ;yes, branch (to death)
352a: c9 06 cmp #$06 ;throw?
352c: f0 71 beq :ThrowSomething ;yes, branch
352e: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;kill?
3530: f0 1d beq :KillSomething ;yes, branch
3532: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine?
3534: f0 0b beq :ExamSomething ;yes, branch
3536: 20 5f 10 :DeathByDog jsr ClearMessages
3539: a9 2f lda #$2f ;"he rips your throat out"
353b: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
353e: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;ow
3541: a5 1a :ExamSomething lda ]noun_copy ;get noun
3543: c9 16 cmp #$16 ;dog?
3545: d0 ef bne :DeathByDog ;no, branch to pay the price for ADD
3547: a9 28 lda #$28 ;"it displays 317.2"
3549: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23 ;(BUG... should be $8c in row 22?)
354c: 4c 10 35 jmp SpecDogCommon
354f: a5 1a :KillSomething lda ]noun_copy ;get noun
3551: c9 16 cmp #$16 ;dog?
3553: d0 e1 bne :DeathByDog ;no, branch (to death)
]obj_state .var $1a {addr/1}
3555: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;dagger
3557: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3559: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
355b: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
355d: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on dagger
3560: a9 08 lda #$08
3562: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;in inventory and unboxed?
3564: f0 1f beq :WithDagger ;yes, branch
3566: a2 0e ldx #$0e ;sword
3568: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
356a: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
356c: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
356e: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on sword
3571: a9 08 lda #$08
3573: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;in inventory and unboxed?
3575: d0 bf bne :DeathByDog ;no, branch to die
3577: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
357a: a9 97 lda #$97 ;"and it vanishes"
357c: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
357f: a9 63 :KilledIt lda #$63 ;"you have killed it"
3581: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3584: 60 rts ;return triumphantly
3585: a2 00 :WithDagger ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ
3587: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3589: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;dagger
358b: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
358d: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy dagger
3590: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
3592: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3594: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
3597: a9 64 lda #$64 ;"the dagger disappears"
3599: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
359c: 4c 7f 35 jmp :KilledIt
359f: a5 1a :ThrowSomething lda ]obj_state ;get noun
35a1: c9 0c cmp #$0c ;sneaker?
35a3: d0 91 bne :DeathByDog ;no, branch to death
35a5: a2 0c ldx #$0c ;sneaker
35a7: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
35a9: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
35ab: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
35ad: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on sneaker
35b0: a9 08 lda #$08
35b2: c5 1a cmp ]obj_state ;in inventory and unboxed?
35b4: d0 80 bne :DeathByDog ;no, die
35b6: a2 0c ldx #$0c ;sneaker
35b8: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
35ba: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ
35bc: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
35be: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy sneaker
35c1: 20 d9 28 jsr SailAroundCorner
35c4: a9 5c lda #$5c ;"and is eaten by"
35c6: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
35c9: a9 5d lda #$5d ;"the monster"
35cb: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
35ce: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
35d1: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
35d4: a9 30 lda #$30 ;"the dog chases the sneaker"
35d6: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
35d9: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
35dc: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
35df: a9 5c lda #$5c ;"and is eaten by"
35e1: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
35e4: a9 5d lda #$5d ;"the monster"
35e6: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
35e9: 60 rts
35ea: ca ChkSpec08 dex
35eb: f0 03 beq SpecMonster
35ed: 4c 86 36 jmp ChkSpec09
; Special $08: monster has found us (4th floor).
35f0: ad 9c 61 SpecMonster lda parsed_verb ;check previous verb
35f3: c9 50 cmp #$50 ;was it movement ($5b-5e)?
35f5: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, branch
35f7: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;update maze view
35fa: ad b2 61 :NotMove lda monster1_dist ;was monster nearby?
35fd: d0 13 bne :MonstNear ;yes, branch
35ff: 20 6c 36 jsr DelayClearMsg ;no, show first message
3602: a9 43 lda #$43 ;"the ground beneath your feet"
3604: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3607: a9 44 lda #$44 ;"begins to shake"
3609: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
360c: ee b2 61 inc monster1_dist ;closer
360f: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput
3612: ad b2 61 :MonstNear lda monster1_dist
3615: c9 01 cmp #$01
3617: d0 10 bne :AttackDie
3619: a9 45 lda #$45 ;"a disgusting odor permeates"
361b: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
361e: a9 46 lda #$46 ;"the hallway as it darkens"
3620: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3623: ee b2 61 inc monster1_dist ;closer
3626: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput
3629: 20 55 08 :AttackDie jsr ClearScreen
362c: a9 36 lda #$36 ;"the monster attacks you and"
362e: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3631: a9 37 lda #$37 ;"you are his next meal"
3633: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3636: ad b8 61 lda wool_msg_flag ;was wool destroyed by "raiding lair"?
3639: d0 03 bne :NeverRaidLair ;yes, add warning
363b: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
363e: a9 75 :NeverRaidLair lda #$75 ;"never, ever raid a monster's lair"
3640: a2 00 ldx #0
3642: 86 06 stx char_horiz
3644: a2 15 ldx #21 ;row 21 (normally blank)
3646: 86 07 stx char_vert
3648: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
364b: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
; Various monster-handling code branches here.
364e: 20 ca 0c ReqMonstInput jsr GetInput
3651: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3654: c9 50 cmp #$50
3656: 90 06 bcc :NotMove
3658: 20 49 09 jsr HandleImmCmd
365b: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone
365e: 20 40 26 :NotMove jsr ExecParsedInput
3661: a2 0c ldx #$0c
3663: 8e b2 61 stx monster1_dist ;special value for monster distance
3666: 20 6c 36 jsr DelayClearMsg
3669: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone
; If there are messages in rows 22/23, delay briefly, then clear them. If the
; area is already clear, return immediately.
366c: ad 7a 0c DelayClearMsg lda text_row22 ;check row 22
366f: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;blank?
3671: f0 04 beq :Blank22 ;yes, branch
3673: c9 20 cmp #$20 ;space (also means blank?)?
3675: d0 08 bne :NotBlank ;no, not blank
3677: ad a2 0c :Blank22 lda text_row23 ;check row 23
367a: c9 80 cmp #$80 ;blank?
367c: d0 01 bne :NotBlank ;no, branch
367e: 60 rts ;all blank, return immediately
367f: 20 45 10 :NotBlank jsr LongDelay ;delay to let them read message
3682: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages ;clear previous message
3685: 60 rts
3686: ca ChkSpec09 dex
3687: f0 03 beq SpecMother
3689: 4c 77 37 jmp ChkSpec0a
; Special $09: monster's mother (5th floor).
368c: ad 9c 61 SpecMother lda parsed_verb ;check verb
368f: c9 50 cmp #$50 ;movement?
3691: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, branch
3693: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;yes, redraw maze
3696: ad b3 61 :NotMove lda monst_dark_dist ;is movement progress nonzero?
3699: d0 13 bne :Close ;yes, branch
369b: 20 6c 36 jsr DelayClearMsg
369e: a9 43 lda #$43 ;"the ground beneath your feet"
36a0: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
36a3: a9 44 lda #$44 ;"begins to shake"
36a5: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
36a8: ee b3 61 inc monst_dark_dist ;update distance
36ab: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput
]ret_xy .var $19 {addr/1}
]ret_state .var $1a {addr/1}
36ae: aa :Close tax ;is movement progress at 1?
36af: ca dex
36b0: d0 21 bne :SeduceOrDie ;no, we're at 2; do or die time
36b2: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
36b4: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
36b6: a2 08 ldx #$08 ;horn
36b8: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
36ba: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on horn
36bd: a9 07 lda #$07
36bf: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;horn activated?
36c1: f0 10 beq :SeduceOrDie ;yes, branch
36c3: a9 45 lda #$45 ;"a disgusting odor permeates"
36c5: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
36c8: a9 46 lda #$46 ;"the hallway as it darkens"
36ca: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
36cd: ee b3 61 inc monst_dark_dist
36d0: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput
36d3: a9 48 :SeduceOrDie lda #$48 ;"it is the monster's mother"
36d5: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
36d8: a2 08 ldx #$08 ;horn
36da: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
36dc: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
36de: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
36e0: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on horn
36e3: a9 07 lda #$07
36e5: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;horn activated?
36e7: d0 05 bne :NoHorn ;no, branch
36e9: a9 49 lda #$49 ;"she has been seduced"
36eb: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
36ee: a5 1a :NoHorn lda ]ret_state ;preserve $19/$1a
36f0: 48 pha
36f1: a5 19 lda ]ret_xy
36f3: 48 pha
36f4: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get another command from player
36f7: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
36fa: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check what they're acting on
36fd: c9 18 cmp #$18 ;"monster"
36ff: f0 1d beq :CheckAction
3701: c9 19 cmp #$19 ;"mother"
3703: f0 19 beq :CheckAction
3705: 68 :SlashBits pla
3706: 85 19 sta ]ret_xy
3708: 68 pla
3709: 85 1a sta ]ret_state
370b: a9 07 lda #$07
370d: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;horn activated?
370f: d0 05 bne :NoHorn1 ;no, branch
3711: a9 4a lda #$4a ;"she tiptoes up to you"
3713: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3716: a9 4b :NoHorn1 lda #$4b ;"she slashes you to bits"
3718: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
371b: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
371e: ad 9c 61 :CheckAction lda parsed_verb ;check verb
3721: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine?
3723: d0 10 bne :NotExamine ;no, branch
3725: a9 8c lda #$8c ;"it looks very dangerous"
3727: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
372a: aa tax
372b: 68 pla
372c: 85 19 sta ]ret_xy
372e: 68 pla
372f: 85 1a sta ]ret_state
3731: 8a txa
3732: 4c ee 36 jmp :NoHorn ;loop
3735: c9 13 :NotExamine cmp #$13 ;kill?
3737: d0 cc bne :SlashBits ;no, mother wins
3739: a2 0e ldx #$0e ;sword
373b: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
373d: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
373f: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3741: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on sword
3744: a9 08 lda #$08
3746: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;in inventory, unboxed?
3748: d0 bb bne :SlashBits ;no, can't kill with what we got
374a: 68 pla
374b: 85 19 sta ]ret_xy
374d: 68 pla
374e: 85 1a sta ]ret_state
3750: a9 07 lda #$07
3752: c5 1a cmp ]ret_state ;horn in "active" state?
3754: d0 c0 bne :NoHorn1 ;no, can't kill without blowing horn
; Slay monster's mother (trivia: never named in Beowulf).
3756: a9 4a lda #$4a ;"she tiptoes up to you"
3758: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
375b: a9 4c lda #$4c ;"you slash her to bits"
375d: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3760: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
3763: a9 78 lda #$78 ;"the body has vanished"
3765: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3768: a2 00 ldx #$00
376a: 8e b3 61 stx monst_dark_dist ;reset counters
376d: 8e ac 61 stx monster2_alive
3770: 8e a5 61 stx special_zone ;exit zone
3773: 8e a6 61 stx special_zone1
3776: 60 rts
3777: ca ChkSpec0a dex
3778: f0 03 beq SpecDarkMonst
377a: 4c 02 38 jmp ChkSpec0b
; Special $0a: darkness; monster approaching.
; We leave the zone when the lights turn on. If the monster is dead (for floors
; 1-4) or the monster's mother is dead (for floor 5), we leave the zone
; immediately.
377d: ad 9c 61 SpecDarkMonst lda parsed_verb ;check verb
3780: c9 50 cmp #$50 ;movement?
3782: 90 03 bcc :NotMove
3784: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;erases maze, only redraws if now lit
3787: ad 9e 61 :NotMove lda illumination_flag ;is there illumination?
378a: f0 08 beq :NoLight ;no, branch
378c: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;yes, reset distance
378e: 8e b3 61 stx monst_dark_dist
3791: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;clear flag
3794: a2 00 :NoLight ldx #$00
3796: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo
3799: ad b3 61 lda monst_dark_dist ;check distance
379c: d0 29 bne :GettingClose ;already getting close
379e: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;check floor
37a1: c9 05 cmp #$05 ;5th?
37a3: f0 0a beq :Floor5 ;yes, branch
37a5: ad ad 61 lda monster1_alive ;monster still alive?
37a8: 29 02 and #$02
37aa: d0 08 bne :BadMoAlive ;yes, branch
37ac: 4c d5 34 :PopDone jmp PopSpecialZone ;no monster here
37af: ad ac 61 :Floor5 lda monster2_alive ;monster's mother still alive?
37b2: f0 f8 beq :PopDone ;no, nothing to do
; Lights are off and there's a monster nearby.
37b4: 20 6c 36 :BadMoAlive jsr DelayClearMsg
37b7: a9 43 lda #$43 ;"the ground beneath your feet"
37b9: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
37bc: a9 44 lda #$44 ;begins to shake"
37be: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
37c1: ee b3 61 inc monst_dark_dist
37c4: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput
37c7: c9 01 :GettingClose cmp #$01 ;how close?
37c9: d0 13 bne :Arrived ;monster has arrived, branch
37cb: 20 6c 36 jsr DelayClearMsg
37ce: ee b3 61 inc monst_dark_dist ;move closer
37d1: a9 45 lda #$45 ;"a disgusting odor permeates"
37d3: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
37d6: a9 47 lda #$47 ;"the hallway"
37d8: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
37db: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput
37de: 20 6c 36 :Arrived jsr DelayClearMsg
37e1: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;check which monster we're fighting
37e4: c9 05 cmp #$05
37e6: f0 0d beq :Mother ;it's mother, branch
37e8: a9 36 lda #$36 ;"the monster attacks you and"
37ea: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
37ed: a9 37 lda #$37 ;"you are his next meal"
37ef: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
37f2: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
37f5: a9 48 :Mother lda #$48 ;"it is the monster's mother"
37f7: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
37fa: a9 4b lda #$4b ;"she slashes you to bits"
37fc: 20 a4 08 :MsgThenDie jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
37ff: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
3802: ca ChkSpec0b dex
3803: d0 6f bne ChkSpec0c
; Special $0b: snake on the loose.
3805: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check what we're interacting with
3808: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake?
380a: f0 07 beq SpecSnakeLoose ;yes, branch
380c: 20 5f 10 SnakeBitesYou jsr ClearMessages
380f: a9 20 lda #$20 ;"the snake bites you and you die"
3811: d0 e9 bne :MsgThenDie ;(always)
3813: ad 9c 61 SpecSnakeLoose lda parsed_verb ;check verb
3816: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine?
3818: f0 52 beq :LookSnake ;yes, branch
381a: c9 13 cmp #$13 ;kill?
381c: d0 ee bne SnakeBitesYou ;no, die
381e: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;dagger
3820: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3822: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
3824: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3826: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on dagger in inventory
3829: a5 1a lda ]ret_state
382b: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;in inventory (active or not)?
382d: 10 13 bpl :HaveDagger ;yes, we have it
382f: a2 0e ldx #$0e ;sword
3831: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3833: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
3835: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3837: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on sword
383a: a5 1a lda ]ret_state
383c: c9 07 cmp #$07 ;in inventory (active or not)?
383e: 30 cc bmi SnakeBitesYou ;no, die
3840: 10 22 bpl :HaveSword ;yes, swing the sword
3842: a2 04 :HaveDagger ldx #$04 ;dagger
3844: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3846: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ
3848: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
384a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy dagger
384d: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ
384f: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3851: a2 11 ldx #$11 ;snake
3853: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3855: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy snake
3858: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
385a: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
385c: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
385f: a9 64 lda #$64 ;"the dagger disappears"
3861: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3864: a9 63 :HaveSword lda #$63 ;"you have killed it"
3866: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3869: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone
386c: a9 8c :LookSnake lda #$8c ;"it looks very dangerous"
386e: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3871: 4c 4e 36 jmp ReqMonstInput
3874: ca ChkSpec0c dex
3875: f0 03 beq SpecKeyTicking
3877: 4c 6e 39 jmp ChkSpec0d
; Special $0c: key is ticking after unlocking door #2.
; It takes 9 moves (R ZZZZZ L Z L) to get into position at the new keyhole.
; After the 9th move, they either open the door or detonate.
387a: ad 9c 61 SpecKeyTicking lda parsed_verb ;check verb
387d: c9 50 cmp #$50 ;movement?
387f: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, branch
3881: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze
3884: ad b6 61 :NotMove lda calc_prev_move ;zeroed by calc puzzle finish; now counts key ticks
3887: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;out of time?
3889: f0 5f beq :TimesUp ;yes, branch
388b: ee b6 61 inc calc_prev_move ;increment counter
388e: 20 94 38 jsr :ShowNewHole
3891: 4c 2c 39 jmp :GetCmd
; Show the keyhole that appears after unlocking the second door. In theory you
; can see this from X=10 and Y=7-11, but in practice only Y=9-11 are possible
; because the key explodes before you can get farther.
]tmp .var $1a {addr/1}
3894: ad 93 61 :ShowNewHole lda plyr_facing ;get facing
3897: 85 1a sta ]tmp ;save in ZP
3899: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;get X position
389c: c9 0a cmp #10 ;X = 10?
389e: d0 3d bne :PrintTickTick ;no, new keyhole not visible
38a0: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos ;get Y position
38a3: 38 sec
38a4: e9 09 sbc #9
38a6: f0 24 beq :Y9 ;Y=9, branch
38a8: aa tax
38a9: ca dex
38aa: f0 0f beq :Y10 ;Y=10, branch
38ac: ca dex
38ad: d0 2e bne :PrintTickTick ;Y < 9 (not possible due to timer), branch
38af: a9 01 lda #$01 ;Y=11, check facing
38b1: c5 1a cmp ]tmp ;facing west?
38b3: d0 28 bne :PrintTickTick ;no, nothing to see
38b5: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;full-sized facing keyhole
38b7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
38b9: d0 1f bne :DrawHole
38bb: a9 02 :Y10 lda #$02
38bd: c5 1a cmp ]tmp ;facing north?
38bf: d0 1c bne :PrintTickTick ;no, branch
38c1: a2 10 ldx #$10 ;mask: keyhole on left side wall at dist=1
38c3: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
38c5: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;feature: keyhole on side wall
38c7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
38c9: 4c da 38 jmp :DrawHole
38cc: a9 02 :Y9 lda #$02 ;facing north?
38ce: c5 1a cmp ]tmp
38d0: d0 0b bne :PrintTickTick ;no, branch
38d2: a2 20 ldx #$20 ;mask: keyhole on left side wall at dist=2
38d4: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
38d6: a9 09 lda #$09 ;feature: keyhole on side wall
38d8: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
38da: 20 5a 1e :DrawHole jsr DrawFeature
38dd: a9 41 :PrintTickTick lda #$41 ;"tick! tick!"
38df: a2 06 ldx #6
38e1: 86 06 stx char_horiz
38e3: a2 02 ldx #2
38e5: 86 07 stx char_vert
38e7: 4c e2 08 jmp DrawMsgN
; They've made 9 moves, do or die.
38ea: 20 94 38 :TimesUp jsr :ShowNewHole ;show the hole if it's visible
38ed: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput
38f0: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;check verb
38f3: c9 10 cmp #$10 ;open?
38f5: d0 1f bne :Kaboom ;no, die
38f7: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check noun
38fa: c9 17 cmp #$17 ;door?
38fc: d0 18 bne :Kaboom ;no, die
38fe: ad 93 61 lda plyr_facing ;check facing
3901: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;west?
3903: d0 11 bne :Kaboom ;no, die?
3905: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;check position
3908: c9 0a cmp #10 ;X=10?
390a: d0 0a bne :Kaboom ;no, die
390c: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos
390f: c9 0b cmp #11 ;Y=11?
3911: d0 03 bne :Kaboom ;no, die
3913: 4c 86 3c jmp SpecEndGame ;play the end sequence
3916: 20 c5 30 :Kaboom jsr FlashYellow ;blow up the inside world
3919: 20 55 08 jsr ClearScreen
391c: a2 00 ldx #0
391e: 86 06 stx char_horiz
3920: a2 15 ldx #21
3922: 86 07 stx char_vert
3924: a9 42 lda #$42 ;"the key blows up the whole maze"
3926: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3929: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
392c: 20 ca 0c :GetCmd jsr GetInput
392f: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3932: c9 59 cmp #$59 ;movement?
3934: 90 06 bcc :ChkOpen ;no, handle typed command
3936: 20 49 09 jsr HandleImmCmd ;yes, handle movement
3939: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone ;loop
; See if they're trying to open the final door. (Only possible to succeed here
; if the timer allows some slack in movement.)
393c: ad 9c 61 :ChkOpen lda parsed_verb
393f: c9 10 cmp #$10 ;open?
3941: d0 1f bne :NotOpenDoor
3943: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun
3946: c9 17 cmp #$17 ;door?
3948: d0 18 bne :NotOpenDoor
394a: ad 93 61 lda plyr_facing
394d: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;west?
394f: d0 11 bne :NotOpenDoor
3951: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos
3954: c9 0a cmp #10 ;X pos = 10?
3956: d0 0a bne :NotOpenDoor
3958: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos
395b: c9 0b cmp #11 ;Y pos = 11?
395d: d0 03 bne :NotOpenDoor
395f: 4c 86 3c jmp SpecEndGame ;enter the final sequence
3962: 20 19 0b :NotOpenDoor jsr ReduceResources ;reduce food/torch
3965: 20 40 26 jsr ExecParsedInput ;execute whatever the command was
3968: 20 77 0b jsr ReportLowRsrc
396b: 4c 47 33 jmp HandleSpecialZone ;loop
396e: ca ChkSpec0d dex
396f: f0 03 beq SpecElevOpen
3971: 4c 20 3a jmp ChkSpec0e
; Special $0d: elevator doors have opened, awaiting 'Z'.
3974: 20 ca 0c SpecElevOpen jsr GetInput ;wait for an action
3977: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
397a: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;forward movement?
397c: f0 37 beq :EnterElev ;yes, do the elevator stuff
397e: ad a6 61 :PopZone lda special_zone1 ;didn't move forward; pop special zone
3981: 8d a5 61 sta special_zone ; (closes elevator doors)
3984: ad a7 61 lda special_zone2
3987: a2 00 ldx #$00
3989: 8e a7 61 stx special_zone2
398c: 8d a6 61 sta special_zone1
398f: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze
3992: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3995: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;movement command?
3997: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, handle it
3999: 4c 49 09 jmp HandleImmCmd ;yes, handle it the other way
399c: 4c 40 26 :NotMove jmp ExecParsedInput ;handle command
399f: a9 a3 :ElevMoving lda #$a3 ;"the elevator is moving"
39a1: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
39a4: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
39a7: a9 a4 lda #$a4 ;"you are deposited at the next level"
39a9: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
39ac: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
39af: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;draw new location
39b2: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;exit elevator
39b5: 20 7e 12 :EnterElev jsr EraseMaze
39b8: ae 94 61 ldx plyr_floor ;get floor
39bb: ca dex ;floor 2?
39bc: ca dex
39bd: f0 13 beq :ElevFloor2 ;yes, branch
39bf: ca dex ;floor 3?
39c0: f0 41 beq :ElevFloor3 ;yes, branch
39c2: ca dex ;floor 4?
39c3: f0 48 beq :ElevFloor4 ;yes, branch
39c5: a9 6d lda #$6d ;"you are trapped in a fake"
39c7: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
39ca: a9 6e lda #$6e ;"elevator. There is no escape"
39cc: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
39cf: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
; Handle 2nd-floor elevator (crushes you to death).
39d2: 20 7e 12 :ElevFloor2 jsr EraseMaze ;clear maze from screen
39d5: a2 03 ldx #$03
39d7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd ;(?)
39d9: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf ;set left walls
39dc: a2 23 ldx #$23
39de: 86 0e stx ]func_arg ;(?)
39e0: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt ;set right walls
39e3: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls
39e6: a2 03 ldx #$03
39e8: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
39ea: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;draw animated walls closing in
39ed: 20 dc 0f jsr MediumPause
39f0: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze
39f3: a9 79 lda #$79 ;"glitch"
39f5: a2 08 ldx #8
39f7: 86 06 stx char_horiz
39f9: a2 0a ldx #10
39fb: 86 07 stx char_vert
39fd: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3a00: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
; Handle 3rd floor elevator (moves down to 4th).
3a03: ee 94 61 :ElevFloor3 inc plyr_floor
3a06: a2 01 ldx #$01
3a08: 8e 95 61 stx plyr_xpos ;set X pos = 1
3a0b: d0 08 bne :ElevCommon ;(always)
; Handle 4th floor elevator (moves up to 3rd).
3a0d: ce 94 61 :ElevFloor4 dec plyr_floor
3a10: a2 04 ldx #$04
3a12: 8e 95 61 stx plyr_xpos ;set X pos = 4
3a15: a2 00 :ElevCommon ldx #$00
3a17: 8e a3 61 stx floor_move_hi
3a1a: 8e a4 61 stx floor_move_lo
3a1d: 4c 9f 39 jmp :ElevMoving
3a20: ca ChkSpec0e dex
3a21: f0 03 beq SpecMonsterWool
3a23: 4c ea 3a jmp ChkSpec0f
; Special $0e: monster tangled in wool
; Player can kill monster and fill jar.
3a26: ad b2 61 SpecMonsterWool lda monster1_dist ;check distance
3a29: c9 0c cmp #$0c ;special flag set?
3a2b: d0 03 bne :NoSpec ;no, branch
3a2d: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get command
3a30: a2 00 :NoSpec ldx #$00
3a32: 8e b2 61 stx monster1_dist ;reset distance
3a35: ad 9d 61 :CheckCmd lda parsed_noun ;check noun
3a38: c9 18 cmp #$18 ;monster?
3a3a: f0 03 beq :NounMonster ;yes, branch
3a3c: 4c 29 36 :JmpAttackDie jmp :AttackDie ;no, we're dead
3a3f: ad 9c 61 :NounMonster lda parsed_verb ;check verb
3a42: c9 0e cmp #$0e ;examine?
3a44: d0 03 bne :NoExam ;no, branch
3a46: 4c d4 3a jmp :ExamMonster
3a49: c9 13 :NoExam cmp #$13 ;kill?
3a4b: d0 ef bne :JmpAttackDie ;no, branch and die
3a4d: ad 9e 61 lda illumination_flag ;are we in the dark?
3a50: f0 ea beq :JmpAttackDie ;yes, die
3a52: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;dagger
3a54: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3a56: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
3a58: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3a5a: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on dagger
3a5d: a9 08 lda #$08
3a5f: c5 1a cmp ]tmp ;in inventory and unboxed?
3a61: d0 d9 bne :JmpAttackDie ;no, die
; Kill monster.
3a63: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
3a66: a2 04 ldx #$04
3a68: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3a6a: a2 01 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ1
3a6c: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3a6e: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy dagger
3a71: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
3a73: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3a75: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc
3a78: a9 64 lda #$64 ;"the dagger disappears"
3a7a: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3a7d: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
3a80: a9 61 lda #$61 ;"the monster is dead and"
3a82: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3a85: a9 62 lda #$62 ;"much blood is spilt"
3a87: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3a8a: a2 00 ldx #$00
3a8c: 8e ad 61 stx monster1_alive ;mark as dead
3a8f: ad a6 61 lda special_zone1 ;is monster special on stack?
3a92: c9 08 cmp #$08
3a94: d0 09 bne :NotSecondary ;no, branch
3a96: ad a7 61 lda special_zone2 ;yes, remove monster from stack
3a99: 8d a6 61 sta special_zone1
3a9c: 8e a7 61 stx special_zone2 ;set to zero
3a9f: 20 ca 0c :NotSecondary jsr GetInput ;get command
3aa2: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb ;check verb
3aa5: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;fill?
3aa7: d0 36 bne :NotFillJar ;no, branch
3aa9: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun
3aac: c9 09 cmp #$09 ;jar?
3aae: d0 2f bne :NotFillJar
3ab0: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
3ab2: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3ab4: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;jar
3ab6: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3ab8: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;get info on jar
3abb: a9 08 lda #$08
3abd: c5 1a cmp ]tmp ;in inventory, unboxed, inactive?
3abf: d0 1e bne :NotFillJar ;no, branch
3ac1: a2 09 ldx #$09 ;jar
3ac3: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3ac5: a2 03 ldx #FN_ACTIVATE_OBJ
3ac7: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3ac9: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;mark jar as active
3acc: a9 60 lda #$60 ;"it is now full of blood"
3ace: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3ad1: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;done with special handling
3ad4: a9 8c :ExamMonster lda #$8c ;"it looks very dangerous"
3ad6: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3ad9: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get another command
3adc: 4c 35 3a jmp :CheckCmd ;loop
3adf: 20 5f 10 :NotFillJar jsr ClearMessages
3ae2: a9 78 lda #$78 ;"the body has vanished"
3ae4: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3ae7: 4c 7e 39 jmp :PopZone ;done with zone
3aea: ca ChkSpec0f dex
3aeb: f0 03 beq SpecSnakeRisen
3aed: 4c 86 3c jmp SpecEndGame
; Special $0f: snake has risen.
; Besides dealing with the act of climbing the snake, this also drives movement
; while you're in the two-cell area above the snake. (I think this is because
; they didn't want to make the snake vanish while you were standing on it,
; though they could have gone back to "normal" mode after stepping off.)
3af0: 20 ca 0c SpecSnakeRisen jsr GetInput ;get command
3af3: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3af6: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement?
3af8: 90 03 bcc :NotMove ;no, branch
3afa: 4c 0c 38 :SnakeBites jmp SnakeBitesYou ;die
3afd: c9 07 :NotMove cmp #$07 ;climb?
3aff: d0 f9 bne :SnakeBites ;no, die
3b01: ad 9d 61 lda parsed_noun ;check noun
3b04: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;snake?
3b06: d0 f2 bne :SnakeBites ;no, die
]ypos .var $19 {addr/1}
]xpos .var $1a {addr/1}
3b08: ad 95 61 lda plyr_xpos ;copy player position to ZP
3b0b: 85 1a sta ]xpos
3b0d: ad 96 61 lda plyr_ypos
3b10: 85 19 sta ]ypos
3b12: ad 94 61 lda plyr_floor ;get current floor
3b15: c9 03 cmp #$03 ;are we on the 3rd?
3b17: f0 13 beq :NotFloor3 ;no, branch
3b19: c9 04 cmp #$04 ;on the 4th?
3b1b: d0 1b bne :NoHole ;definitely not under hole
3b1d: a5 1a lda ]xpos ;under hole at (1,10)?
3b1f: c9 01 cmp #1
3b21: d0 15 bne :NoHole
3b23: a5 19 lda ]ypos
3b25: c9 0a cmp #10
3b27: d0 0f bne :NoHole
3b29: 4c 61 3b jmp :UpFrom4 ;yes, allow climb
3b2c: a5 1a :NotFloor3 lda ]xpos ;under hole at (8,5)?
3b2e: c9 08 cmp #8
3b30: d0 06 bne :NoHole
3b32: a5 19 lda ]ypos
3b34: c9 05 cmp #5
3b36: f0 1e beq :UpFrom3 ;yes, allow climb
; Attempted to climb snake when not below hole in ceiling.
3b38: 20 c5 30 :NoHole jsr FlashYellow
3b3b: a9 2d lda #$2d ;"wham"
3b3d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3b40: a9 a5 lda #$a5 ;"your head smashes into the ceiling"
3b42: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3b45: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
3b48: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
3b4b: a9 a6 lda #$a6 ;"you fall on the snake"
3b4d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3b50: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
3b53: 4c 0c 38 jmp SnakeBitesYou
]facing_flag .var $19 {addr/1}
3b56: a2 01 :UpFrom3 ldx #$01
3b58: 86 19 stx ]facing_flag
3b5a: e8 inx
3b5b: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing ;face north
3b5e: 4c 6a 3b jmp :UpCommon
3b61: a2 00 :UpFrom4 ldx #$00
3b63: 86 19 stx ]facing_flag
3b65: a2 03 ldx #$03
3b67: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing ;face east
; We've moved up one floor, and are standing on the pit. Move forward or die.
3b6a: ce 94 61 :UpCommon dec plyr_floor ;climb up one floor
3b6d: a5 1a lda ]xpos ;preserve ZP
3b6f: 48 pha
3b70: a5 19 lda ]facing_flag
3b72: 48 pha
3b73: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;redraw maze
3b76: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get a command
3b79: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3b7c: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;step forward?
3b7e: f0 0e beq :MoveFwd ;yes, branch
3b80: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
3b83: a9 54 lda #$54 ;"you can't be serious"
3b85: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3b88: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay
3b8b: 4c 0c 38 jmp SnakeBitesYou
3b8e: 68 :MoveFwd pla ;restore ZP
3b8f: 85 19 sta ]facing_flag
3b91: 68 pla
3b92: 85 1a sta ]xpos
3b94: 48 pha
3b95: a5 19 lda ]facing_flag ;check flag
3b97: 48 pha
3b98: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;are we facing north?
3b9a: f0 06 beq :MoveNorth ;yes, branch
3b9c: ee 95 61 inc plyr_xpos ;move one step east
3b9f: 4c a5 3b jmp :Moved
3ba2: ee 96 61 :MoveNorth inc plyr_ypos ;move one step north
3ba5: 20 15 10 :Moved jsr DrawMaze
3ba8: a9 59 lda #$59 ;"the"
3baa: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3bad: a9 11 lda #$11 ;"snake"
3baf: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun
3bb2: a9 77 lda #$77 ;"has vanished"
3bb4: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3bb7: a2 11 ldx #$11 ;snake
3bb9: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3bbb: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ
3bbd: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3bbf: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy snake
3bc2: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
3bc4: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3bc6: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory (why?)
3bc9: 68 pla ;restore ZP
3bca: 85 19 sta ]facing_flag
3bcc: 68 pla
3bcd: 85 1a sta ]xpos
3bcf: a5 19 lda ]facing_flag
3bd1: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;facing east?
3bd3: d0 03 bne :SwordZone ;yes, we must be in sword area, branch
3bd5: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;no, just on 2nd floor; done here
3bd8: ad ad 61 :SwordZone lda monster1_alive ;is the monster still alive?
3bdb: f0 26 beq :NoMonster ;no, branch
; For some reason, we delete the wool if the player climbs the snake before
; defeating the monster (which means they can't kill the monster). This happens
; whether or not we're holding the wool.
3bdd: a9 59 lda #$59 ;"the"
3bdf: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3be2: a9 0f lda #$0f ;wool
3be4: 20 e3 25 jsr PrintNoun
3be7: a9 77 lda #$77 ;"has vanished"
3be9: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3bec: a2 00 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ
3bee: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3bf0: a2 0f ldx #$0f ;wool
3bf2: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3bf4: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;destroy wool
3bf7: a2 01 ldx #$01
3bf9: 8e b8 61 stx wool_msg_flag ;set flag (msg about monster lair on death)
3bfc: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
3bfe: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3c00: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
; We're now standing in the cell where the sword is.
3c03: a2 01 :NoMonster ldx #$01
3c05: 8e b9 61 stx object_status ;set status of object 0 (?)
3c08: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
3c0a: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3c0c: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
3c0f: 20 ca 0c :InputLoop jsr GetInput
3c12: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3c15: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement key?
3c17: b0 12 bcs :WasMove ;yes, branch
3c19: c9 11 cmp #$11 ;"press"?
3c1b: d0 08 bne :HandleCmd ;no, branch
3c1d: a9 98 lda #$98 ;"you will do no such thing"
3c1f: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3c22: 4c 0f 3c jmp :InputLoop ;loop
3c25: 20 40 26 :HandleCmd jsr ExecParsedInput
3c28: 4c 37 3c jmp :Common
3c2b: c9 5b :WasMove cmp #VERB_FWD ;foward move?
3c2d: f0 29 beq :FwdMove
3c2f: ae 93 61 ldx plyr_facing ;copy player facing to ZP (why?)
3c32: 86 1a stx ]xpos
3c34: 20 56 09 jsr DirectionChange ;handle direction-change key
3c37: ad 93 61 :Common lda plyr_facing ;get facing
3c3a: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;hole is right in front
3c3c: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3c3e: a2 04 ldx #$04 ;hole in floor
3c40: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3c42: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;facing west?
3c44: d0 0f bne :FacingWall ;no, that's a wall
3c46: ad 9e 61 lda illumination_flag ;is there light?
3c49: f0 0a beq :FacingWall ;no, don't move
3c4b: ad 9a 61 lda maze_walls_rt ;get wall flags
3c4e: 29 e0 and #%11100000 ;mask off view distance bits
3c50: f0 03 beq :FacingWall ;right up against wall, branch
3c52: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;pit is visible, draw it
3c55: 4c 0f 3c :FacingWall jmp :InputLoop
3c58: ad 93 61 :FwdMove lda plyr_facing ;get facing
3c5b: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;west?
3c5d: f0 13 beq :IntoPit ;yes, walked into pit; branch
3c5f: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze ;no, walked into a wall
3c62: a2 09 ldx #9
3c64: 86 06 stx char_horiz
3c66: a2 0a ldx #10
3c68: 86 07 stx char_vert
3c6a: a9 7c lda #$7c ;"splat"
3c6c: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3c6f: 4c 0f 3c jmp :InputLoop
3c72: ee 94 61 :IntoPit inc plyr_floor ;back to floor 3
3c75: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;face east
3c77: 8e 93 61 stx plyr_facing
3c7a: ce 95 61 dec plyr_xpos ;move one cell west
3c7d: 20 7c 10 jsr FallIntoPit ;notify them of the pit
3c80: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze
3c83: 4c d5 34 jmp PopSpecialZone ;done with snakeland
; Special $10: endgame. (We jump straight here from the handler for $0c, and
; don't leave until victory or death, so the zone is never actually set to $10.)
; The player is not actually in the maze. The visible walls are hard-coded in
; the state machine.
]end_move_copy .var $1a {addr/1}
3c86: 20 7e 12 SpecEndGame jsr EraseMaze ;clear maze area
3c89: a9 07 lda #$07 ;3 walls on left
3c8b: 8d 99 61 sta maze_walls_lf
3c8e: a2 47 ldx #$47 ;3 walls on right, dist=2
3c90: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt
3c93: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;redraw maze walls
3c96: a2 08 ldx #$08 ;elevator doors ahead
3c98: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3c9a: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;on right side
3c9c: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3c9e: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;draw it
3ca1: a2 01 ldx #$01
3ca3: 8e a8 61 stx end_state ;count moves down the hallway
3ca6: a9 a0 :Hallway lda #$a0 ;"don't make unnecessary turns"
3ca8: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3cab: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput ;get next move
3cae: ad a8 61 lda end_state
3cb1: 85 1a sta ]end_move_copy ;save copy in ZP
3cb3: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3cb6: c6 1a dec ]end_move_copy ;was this our first move?
3cb8: d0 2f bne :NotMove1 ;no, branch
3cba: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement key?
3cbc: 10 03 bpl :CheckMove1 ;yes, branch
3cbe: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;reject all other input
; First move must be forward.
3cc1: c9 5b :CheckMove1 cmp #VERB_FWD
3cc3: f0 03 beq :DoMove1
3cc5: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;unnecessary turn
3cc8: 20 7e 12 :DoMove1 jsr EraseMaze
3ccb: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;2 walls on left
3ccd: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf
3cd0: a2 23 ldx #$23 ;2 walls on right, dist=1
3cd2: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt
3cd5: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;redraw
3cd8: a2 08 ldx #$08 ;elevator doors ahead
3cda: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3cdc: a2 02 ldx #$02 ;on right side
3cde: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3ce0: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;draw it
3ce3: ee a8 61 inc end_state
3ce6: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway
3ce9: c6 1a :NotMove1 dec ]end_move_copy ;was this our second move?
3ceb: d0 24 bne :NotMove2 ;no, branch
3ced: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement key?
3cef: 10 03 bpl :CheckMove2 ;yes, branch
3cf1: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;no, no can do
; Second move must be forward.
3cf4: c9 5b :CheckMove2 cmp #VERB_FWD ;foward move?
3cf6: f0 03 beq :DoMove2 ;yes, branch
3cf8: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;no, get salty
3cfb: 20 7e 12 :DoMove2 jsr EraseMaze
3cfe: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;one wall on left
3d00: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf
3d03: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;no walls on right, dist=0
3d05: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt
3d08: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;redraw
3d0b: ee a8 61 inc end_state ;bump position
3d0e: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway ;loop
; Third move must be right turn.
3d11: c6 1a :NotMove2 dec ]end_move_copy
3d13: d0 2b bne :NotMove3
3d15: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement?
3d17: 10 03 bpl :CheckMove3 ;yes, check it
3d19: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2
3d1c: c9 5d :CheckMove3 cmp #VERB_RIGHT ;right turn?
3d1e: f0 03 beq :DoMove3 ;yes, all is well
3d20: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;no, die
3d23: 20 7e 12 :DoMove3 jsr EraseMaze
3d26: a2 01 ldx #$01
3d28: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf
3d2b: a2 00 ldx #$00
3d2d: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt
3d30: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls
3d33: a2 02 ldx #$02
3d35: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3d37: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature
3d3a: ee a8 61 inc end_state
3d3d: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway
3d40: c6 1a :NotMove3 dec ]end_move_copy
3d42: d0 25 bne :NotMove4
3d44: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement?
3d46: 30 03 bmi :CheckMove4 ;no, branch
3d48: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;can't move from here; die
; Fourth move must be open elevator.
3d4b: c9 10 :CheckMove4 cmp #$10 ;"open"?
3d4d: f0 03 beq :DoMove4 ;yes, continue
3d4f: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;not allowed
3d52: ad 9d 61 :DoMove4 lda parsed_noun
3d55: c9 17 cmp #$17 ;"door" / "elev"?
3d57: f0 03 beq :DoOpen ;yes, good
3d59: 4c ca 3e jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;no, can't do that
3d5c: a2 0a :DoOpen ldx #$0a ;elevator opening
3d5e: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3d60: 20 5a 1e jsr DrawFeature ;animate it
3d63: ee a8 61 inc end_state ;advance
3d66: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway ;loop
3d69: c6 1a :NotMove4 dec ]end_move_copy
3d6b: d0 70 bne :NotMove5
; Fifth move must be "throw ball". Stepping into the elevator is bad.
3d6d: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;forward movement?
3d6f: d0 1d bne :NotIntoSpikes ;no, branch
3d71: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze
3d74: a2 00 ldx #0
3d76: 86 06 stx char_horiz
3d78: a2 14 ldx #20
3d7a: 86 07 stx char_vert
3d7c: a9 3a lda #$3a ;"you fall through the floor"
3d7e: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3d81: a9 0a lda #$0a
3d83: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
3d86: a9 3b lda #$3b ;"onto a bed of spikes"
3d88: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3d8b: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath
3d8e: c9 5a :NotIntoSpikes cmp #$5a ;movement?
3d90: 30 03 bmi :CheckThrow ;no, branch to check it
3d92: 4c aa 3e jmp SaltPillarDie ;yes, die
3d95: c9 06 :CheckThrow cmp #$06 ;throw?
3d97: f0 03 beq :ThrowThing ;yes, branch
3d99: 4c ca 3e :JmpImpossible jmp CurrentlyImposs2 ;can't do that
]inv_result .var $1a {addr/1}
3d9c: ad 9d 61 :ThrowThing lda parsed_noun
3d9f: c9 01 cmp #$01 ;ball?
3da1: d0 f6 bne :JmpImpossible ;no, fail
3da3: a2 06 ldx #FN_GET_OBJ_INFO
3da5: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3da7: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;ball
3da9: 86 0e stx ]func_arg
3dab: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;see if we have it in our inventory
3dae: a5 1a lda ]inv_result
3db0: c9 08 cmp #$08 ;owned and un-boxed?
3db2: d0 e5 bne :JmpImpossible ;no, reject
; Throwing the ball teleports us to another short hallway.
3db4: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze
3db7: 20 c5 30 jsr FlashYellow ;do the explody thing
3dba: a2 07 ldx #$07 ;3 walls on left
3dbc: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf
3dbf: a2 46 ldx #$46 ;2 walls on right (not closest), dist=2
3dc1: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt
3dc4: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;draw them
3dc7: a2 01 ldx #FN_DESTROY_OBJ1
3dc9: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3dcb: 86 0e stx ]func_arg ;ball
3dcd: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;delete ball
3dd0: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
3dd2: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
3dd4: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;redraw inventory
3dd7: ee a8 61 inc end_state
3dda: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway ;loop
3ddd: c6 1a :NotMove5 dec ]inv_result
3ddf: d0 24 bne :NotMove6
3de1: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement?
3de3: 10 03 bpl :CheckHallB ;yes, branch
3de5: 4c ca 3e :JmpImpossible jmp CurrentlyImposs2
; Moves 6/7 are forward steps.
3de8: c9 5b :CheckHallB cmp #VERB_FWD ;forward movement?
3dea: f0 03 beq :IntoHallB ;yes, step down the hallway
3dec: 4c aa 3e :JmpSaltDie jmp SaltPillarDie
; Took first step forward in hallway B.
3def: 20 7e 12 :IntoHallB jsr EraseMaze
3df2: a2 03 ldx #$03 ;2 walls on left
3df4: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf
3df7: a2 23 ldx #$23 ;2 walls on right, dist=2
3df9: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt
3dfc: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;draw walls
3dff: ee a8 61 inc end_state ;advance counter
3e02: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway ;loop
3e05: c9 5a :NotMove6 cmp #$5a ;movement?
3e07: 30 dc bmi :JmpImpossible ;no, impossible
3e09: c9 5b cmp #VERB_FWD ;forward movement?
3e0b: d0 df bne :JmpSaltDie ;no, was rotation; die
3e0d: 20 7e 12 jsr EraseMaze
; Took second step in hallway B, reached the end.
3e10: a2 01 ldx #$01 ;1 wall on left, 1 on right, dist=0
3e12: 8e 99 61 stx maze_walls_lf
3e15: 8e 9a 61 stx maze_walls_rt
3e18: 20 a6 12 jsr DrawVisWalls ;draw walls
; Final move: literature quiz time.
3e1b: a9 3c :AskMonsterName lda #$3c ;"before i let you go free"
3e1d: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
3e20: a9 3d lda #$3d ;"what was the name of the monster"
3e22: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3e25: 20 ca 0c jsr GetInput
3e28: ad 9c 61 lda parsed_verb
3e2b: c9 5a cmp #$5a ;movement key?
3e2d: 10 bd bpl :JmpSaltDie ;yes, die
3e2f: c9 15 cmp #$15 ;grendel?
3e31: f0 56 beq Victory ;yes, branch to victory
3e33: 4c 49 3e jmp :BeowulfDisagree ;no, give a hint
3e36: 42 45 4f 57+ :msg_beowulf .str ‘BEOWULF DISAGREES!’
3e48: 80 .dd1 $80
3e49: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
3e4c: a2 00 ldx #0 ;set text position to top text line
3e4e: 86 06 stx char_horiz
3e50: a2 16 ldx #22
3e52: 86 07 stx char_vert
3e54: a2 36 ldx #<:msg_beowulf ;get pointer to hint message
3e56: 86 0c stx string_ptr
3e58: a2 3e ldx #>:msg_beowulf
3e5a: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1
3e5c: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;draw hint
3e5f: 20 45 10 jsr LongDelay ;pause
3e62: 4c 1b 3e jmp :AskMonsterName ;loop
3e65: 52 45 54 55+ msg_sanity .str ‘RETURN TO SANITY BY PRESSING RESET!’
3e88: 80 .dd1 $80
; Reports escape from the maze.
3e89: 20 55 08 Victory jsr ClearScreen
3e8c: a2 00 ldx #0 ;top left corner
3e8e: 86 06 stx char_horiz
3e90: 86 07 stx char_vert
3e92: a9 4d lda #$4d ;"correct! you have survived"
3e94: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3e97: a9 0a lda #$0a ;linefeed
3e99: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
3e9c: a2 65 ldx #<msg_sanity ;get pointer to final message
3e9e: 86 0c stx string_ptr
3ea0: a2 3e ldx #>msg_sanity
3ea2: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1
3ea4: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;"return to sanity by pressing reset"
3ea7: 4c a7 3e :Loop jmp :Loop ;spin forever
; Informs player that they are now seasoning. These are drawn in rows 20/21,
; partly overlapping the maze; this allows them to be on the screen at the same
; time as the "you're another victim / play again?" text.
3eaa: 20 7e 12 SaltPillarDie jsr EraseMaze
3ead: 20 5f 10 jsr ClearMessages
3eb0: a2 00 ldx #0
3eb2: 86 06 stx char_horiz
3eb4: a2 14 ldx #20
3eb6: 86 07 stx char_vert
3eb8: a9 a1 lda #$a1 ;"you have turned into a pillar of salt"
3eba: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3ebd: a9 0a lda #$0a ;linefeed
3ebf: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
3ec2: a9 a2 lda #$a2 ;"don't say I didn't warn you"
3ec4: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
3ec7: 4c b9 10 jmp HandleDeath ;go be dead
3eca: a9 9a lda #$9a ;"it is currently impossible"
3ecc: 20 a4 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row23
3ecf: 4c a6 3c jmp :Hallway
3ed2: 86 e6 c3 d0+ .junk 46
; Does initial setup.
; On exit:
; X-reg: zero
• Clear variables
]src_ptr .var $0e {addr/2}
]dst_ptr .var $10 {addr/2}
]length .var $19 {addr/2}
3f00: ad ff 3f Setup lda reloc_flag ;have we already copied the data out?
3f03: f0 2b beq :SkipCopy ;yes, skip copy
3f05: a2 00 ldx #$00
3f07: 86 0e stx ]src_ptr
3f09: 86 10 stx ]dst_ptr
3f0b: 8e ff 3f stx reloc_flag ;clear flag
; Copy $4000-5ffe to $6000-7ffe.
3f0e: a2 40 ldx #$40
3f10: 86 0f stx ]src_ptr+1
3f12: a2 60 ldx #$60
3f14: 86 11 stx ]dst_ptr+1
3f16: a2 ff ldx #$ff
3f18: 86 19 stx ]length
3f1a: a2 1f ldx #$1f
3f1c: 86 1a stx ]length+1
3f1e: 20 02 0c jsr CopyData
; Point Ctrl+Y vector at $3f4e.
3f21: a2 4c ldx #$4c ;JMP
3f23: 8e f8 03 stx MON_USRADDR
3f26: a2 4e ldx #<CtrlY
3f28: 8e f9 03 stx MON_USRADDR+1
3f2b: a2 3f ldx #>CtrlY
3f2d: 8e fa 03 stx MON_USRADDR+2
; Init a few things.
3f30: a2 44 :SkipCopy ldx #‘D’ ;set "DEATH" magic value in game state
3f32: 8e 00 62 stx save_magic ; so we can identify our saved games
3f35: a2 45 ldx #‘E’
3f37: 8e 01 62 stx save_magic+1
3f3a: a2 41 ldx #‘A’
3f3c: 8e 02 62 stx save_magic+2
3f3f: a2 54 ldx #‘T’
3f41: 8e 03 62 stx save_magic+3
3f44: a2 48 ldx #‘H’
3f46: 8e 04 62 stx save_magic+4
3f49: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;init vertical text position
3f4b: 86 07 stx char_vert
3f4d: 60 rts
; Ctrl+Y jumps here, presumably for use by the developer.
3f4e: 2c 55 c0 CtrlY bit TXTPAGE2 ;page 2
3f51: 2c 52 c0 bit MIXCLR ;full screen
3f54: 2c 57 c0 bit HIRES ;hi-res
3f57: 2c 50 c0 bit TXTCLR ;show graphics
3f5a: 4c 38 09 jmp MainLoop2 ;jump into the game
3f5d: a0 00 98 91+ .junk 162
3fff: ff reloc_flag .dd1 $ff ;relocation flag, set to zero after data moved
.org $6000
; Maze wall data. There are five floors, with 11x12 cells in each.
; The wall data uses two bits per cell, indicating the presence or absence of
; walls on the south and west sides of the cell. Adjoining cells provide the
; other two walls. The data is stored in column-major order, 3 bytes per
; column. Column 0 comes first; row 0 is in the high bits of the first byte.
; To hold 11 columns requires 33 bytes per floor. The last row and column must
; be filled with the outer walls, so the the map uses an 11x12 grid to represent
; a 10x11 map.
; The coordinate system used by most of the code starts at (1,1) rather than
; (0,0).
6000: d5 7d 57 a6+ maze_wall_data .bulk $d5,$7d,$57,$a6,$95,$d3,$b6,$56,$9c,$a5,$da,$48,$96,$13,$6f,$cb
+ $94,$af,$b8,$57,$2f,$a9,$da,$6f,$a3,$49,$2f,$94,$95,$0f,$ff,$ff
+ $ff
6021: df 77 5f c8+ .bulk $df,$77,$5f,$c8,$aa,$cf,$9d,$1a,$df,$cd,$4a,$6f,$9b,$68,$8f,$a2
+ $a4,$df,$96,$96,$af,$d8,$4e,$cf,$b7,$76,$9f,$88,$88,$4f,$ff,$ff
+ $ff
6042: d5 d5 7f 9c+ .bulk $d5,$d5,$7f,$9c,$bd,$af,$cb,$a2,$9f,$99,$b6,$2f,$cd,$99,$2f,$a2
+ $55,$af,$b5,$5a,$bf,$8d,$e2,$6f,$a2,$37,$2f,$95,$54,$4f,$ff,$ff
+ $ff
6063: d7 f7 7f b2+ .bulk $d7,$f7,$7f,$b2,$66,$af,$a5,$28,$af,$97,$0c,$8f,$c8,$bb,$df,$9b
+ $22,$2f,$ea,$d9,$6f,$92,$2d,$af,$d3,$22,$2f,$94,$55,$4f,$ff,$ff
+ $ff
6084: d7 55 df 9a+ .bulk $d7,$55,$df,$9a,$cc,$4f,$da,$b9,$5f,$a0,$f6,$6f,$b1,$9b,$2f,$ac
+ $e0,$6f,$bd,$9d,$af,$aa,$4a,$af,$a2,$52,$2f,$9c,$9d,$07,$ff,$ff
+ $ff
; Visible maze features, like pits, elevators, and holes in the ceiling.
; Instead of starting with a list of positions and features, and determining
; facing, distance, and whether there are intervening walls, the code has a
; complete list of every position/facing from which a feature is visible.
; Features are drawn at $1e5a (see comment there for explanation).
; +$00 (facing << 4) | floor
; +$01 (X-coord << 4) | Y-coord
; +$02 result: feature
; +$03 result: argument
; Facing: 1=W 2=N 3=E 4=S
60a5: 42 34 05 01 maze_features .bulk $42,$34,$05,$01 ;facing S on lv 2 at (3,4), hole in ceiling, arg=1
60a9: 42 35 05 02 .bulk $42,$35,$05,$02 ;...
60ad: 42 36 05 00 .bulk $42,$36,$05,$00
60b1: 22 83 04 01 .bulk $22,$83,$04,$01
60b5: 22 84 04 00 .bulk $22,$84,$04,$00
60b9: 42 86 04 00 .bulk $42,$86,$04,$00
60bd: 22 75 08 01 .bulk $22,$75,$08,$01
60c1: 22 76 08 02 .bulk $22,$76,$08,$02
60c5: 32 77 02 00 .bulk $32,$77,$02,$00
60c9: 23 43 08 04 .bulk $23,$43,$08,$04
60cd: 13 44 02 00 .bulk $13,$44,$02,$00
60d1: 13 95 05 01 .bulk $13,$95,$05,$01
60d5: 33 68 07 04 .bulk $33,$68,$07,$04
60d9: 23 78 07 02 .bulk $23,$78,$07,$02
60dd: 13 88 07 01 .bulk $13,$88,$07,$01
60e1: 24 14 02 00 .bulk $24,$14,$02,$00
60e5: 14 24 08 02 .bulk $14,$24,$08,$02
60e9: 14 2a 05 01 .bulk $14,$2a,$05,$01
60ed: 14 3a 05 02 .bulk $14,$3a,$05,$02
60f1: 14 4a 05 00 .bulk $14,$4a,$05,$00
60f5: 35 25 08 04 .bulk $35,$25,$08,$04
60f9: 25 35 02 00 .bulk $25,$35,$02,$00
60fd: 35 3a 09 f0 .bulk $35,$3a,$09,$f0 ;keyholes...
6101: 35 4a 09 f0 .bulk $35,$4a,$09,$f0
6105: 35 5a 09 70 .bulk $35,$5a,$09,$70
6109: 35 6a 09 30 .bulk $35,$6a,$09,$30
610d: 35 7a 09 10 .bulk $35,$7a,$09,$10
6111: 15 5a 09 01 .bulk $15,$5a,$09,$01
6115: 15 6a 09 03 .bulk $15,$6a,$09,$03
6119: 15 7a 09 07 .bulk $15,$7a,$09,$07
611d: 15 8a 09 0f .bulk $15,$8a,$09,$0f
6121: 15 9a 09 0f .bulk $15,$9a,$09,$0f
6125: 15 aa 09 0e .bulk $15,$aa,$09,$0e
6129: 25 4a 01 00 .bulk $25,$4a,$01,$00
612d: 25 5a 01 00 .bulk $25,$5a,$01,$00
6131: 25 6a 01 00 .bulk $25,$6a,$01,$00
6135: 25 7a 01 00 .bulk $25,$7a,$01,$00
6139: 25 8a 01 00 .bulk $25,$8a,$01,$00
; Initial player state. This is copied to $6193.
613d: 02 init_game_state .dd1 $02 ;facing north
613e: 01 .dd1 $01 ;floor 1
613f: 0a .dd1 $0a ;X=10
6140: 06 .dd1 $06 ;Y=6
6141: 01 .dd1 $01 ;1 lit torch
6142: 00 .dd1 $00 ;0 unlit torches
6143: 07 bf 00 00+ .bulk $07,$bf,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$a0,$c8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+ $00,$00,$02,$04,$02,$01,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
6163: 00 00 init_obj_state .bulk $00,$00
6165: 01 35 .bulk $01,$35 ;$01 ball
6167: 03 a5 .bulk $03,$a5 ;$02 brush
6169: 01 33 .bulk $01,$33 ;$03 calculator
616b: 01 46 .bulk $01,$46 ;$04 dagger
616d: 04 58 .bulk $04,$58 ;$05 flute
616f: 01 64 .bulk $01,$64 ;$06 frisbee
6171: 01 1b .bulk $01,$1b ;$07 hat
6173: 04 71 .bulk $04,$71 ;$08 horn
6175: 02 11 .bulk $02,$11 ;$09 jar
6177: 05 72 .bulk $05,$72 ;$0a key
6179: 01 23 .bulk $01,$23 ;$0b ring
617b: 01 72 .bulk $01,$72 ;$0c sneaker
617d: 02 86 .bulk $02,$86 ;$0d staff
617f: 03 2a .bulk $03,$2a ;$0e sword (area up snake)
6181: 03 6a .bulk $03,$6a ;$0f wool
6183: 04 57 .bulk $04,$57 ;$10 yoyo
6185: 02 39 .bulk $02,$39 ;$11 snake (in box)
6187: 02 26 .bulk $02,$26 ;$12 food #1
6189: 03 56 .bulk $03,$56 ; food #2
618b: 04 72 .bulk $04,$72 ; food #3
618d: 02 82 .bulk $02,$82 ; torch #1
618f: 03 26 .bulk $03,$26 ; torch #2
6191: 04 96 .bulk $04,$96 ; torch #3
; All game state is collected here. The next 256 bytes are saved/restored to
; disk or tape. The data is initialized from init_game_state (above).
; Player facing. East is 1, north is 2, west is 3, south is 4.
6193: 02 plyr_facing .dd1 $02 ;facing direction (1-4), right turn increments
; Player's position within the maze. On a given floor, the bottom-left corner
; is (1,1), and the NE corner is usually (10,10).
6194: 05 plyr_floor .dd1 $05 ;which floor we're on (1-5)
6195: 04 plyr_xpos .dd1 $04 ;X position (1-10)
6196: 0a plyr_ypos .dd1 $0a ;Y position (1-10)
; Number of lit and unlit torches. Shown in inventory.
6197: 00 num_lit_torches .dd1 $00 ;lit torches in inventory
6198: 01 .dd1 $01 ;unlit torches in inventory
; Results of maze wall processing. The low 5 bits of each byte have the form
; ---43210
; indicating the presence of a wall on the left or right of the viewer at that
; distance.
; In addition, the high 3 bits of the right wall flag byte hold the distance to
; the next perpendicular wall, which will be 0-5 (where 5 represents
; "infinity").
6199: 00 maze_walls_lf .dd1 $00
619a: 00 maze_walls_rt .dd1 $00
619b: 00 vis_box_flags .dd1 $00 ;boxes visible; $01/02/04/08 into distance
; Results of input processing.
619c: 10 parsed_verb .dd1 $10 ;last verb entered
619d: 17 parsed_noun .dd1 $17 ;last noun entered ($00 if none)
; Player state flags and counters.
619e: 01 .dd1 $01 ;0=no light, 1=light (torch or ring)
619f: 00 food_level_hi .dd1 $00 ;16-bit food level, in big-endian order
61a0: 80 food_level_lo .dd1 $80
61a1: 80 torch_level .dd1 $80 ;moves before torch goes out
61a2: 00 ring_light_flag .dd1 $00 ;$01=ring providing light, $00=not
61a3: 00 floor_move_hi .dd1 $00 ;number of steps taken on current floor (16-bit
61a4: 29 floor_move_lo .dd1 $29 ; big-endian value)
; Special room stuff. Sometimes it's a special occurrence in a specific
; location, sometimes we're just locked in after a specific action (like raising
; the snake). While this is nonzero, we're executing in a separate state
; machine.
; Sometimes we need to push/pop the zone, e.g. we're in the calculator room and
; the torch went out, so there are two additional slots.
; $00 = (nothing special)
; $02 = calculator room (1st floor 3,3) [$0a3d]
; $04 = attacked by bat (5th floor 4,4) [$0afa]
; $06 = attacked by dog #1 (60+ moves on 2nd floor) [$0a7b]
; $07 = attacked by dog #2 (2nd floor 5,5) [$0ab6]
; $08 = monster in lair (80+ moves on 4th floor) [$0b13]
; $09 = monster mother in lair (5th floor) [$0ade]
; $0a = monster nearby in darkness (torch went out) [$0b4a, $273f, etc.]
; $0b = opened box with snake [$2c1d, $2ebc]
; $0c = keyhole #2 unlocked, key ticking [$2c71]
; $0d = elevator doors have been opened, awaiting 'Z' [$2c86]
; $0e = monster tangled [$2896]
; $0f = snake risen from box [$2ad4]
; $10 = endgame
61a5: 00 special_zone .dd1 $00
61a6: 00 special_zone1 .dd1 $00
61a7: 00 special_zone2 .dd1 $00
61a8: 00 end_state .dd1 $00 ;endgame state machine state
61a9: 00 00 .junk 2
; Hostile creature flags. Each is in its own byte, though much of the code
; tests for a specific bit rather than zero/nonzero.
61ab: 00 bat_alive .dd1 $00 ;$02=alive, $00=dead
61ac: 04 monster2_alive .dd1 $04 ;$04=alive, $00=dead (monster's mother)
61ad: 00 monster1_alive .dd1 $00 ;$02=alive, $00=dead (monster)
61ae: 00 dog1_alive .dd1 $00 ;$01=alive, $00=dead
61af: 01 dog2_alive .dd1 $01 ;$01=alive, $00=dead
61b0: 00 .dd1 $00
61b1: 00 help_ctr .dd1 $00 ;help msg cycle counter (0=$9e, 1=$9d)
; Monster distance. Affects the messages displayed if we perform an action.
; (Starts with ground shaking, then bad odor, then death.)
; $00 = not near, $01 = near, $02 = death
; The monster special handler at $3661 also uses $0c.
61b2: 0c monster1_dist .dd1 $0c ;monster approaching lair
61b3: 00 monst_dark_dist .dd1 $00 ;monster approaching while in darkness
; Calculator room puzzle tracking.
61b4: 05 calc_turn_goal .dd1 $05 ;calc puzzle: current turn goal
61b5: 00 calc_turn_count .dd1 $00 ;calc puzzle: current turn count
61b6: 00 calc_prev_move .dd1 $00 ;calc puzzle: previous verb (also key counter)
61b7: 00 .dd1 $00 ;calc puzzle: total moves made
; Special wool message.
61b8: 00 wool_msg_flag .dd1 $00 ;nonzero if wool destroyed by "raiding lair"
; Object location and status. There are 24 entries, one for every object, but
; entry zero is unused.
; Each entry specifies either a position within the maze or inclusion in the
; player's inventory. For the former, the first byte is the floor of the maze
; on which it's located, the second holds the X/Y position (X*16+Y). For an
; inventory item, the first byte indicates the object's state, the second is
; $00.
; For example, the dagger is item $04, initially in a box at floor=1 X=4 Y=6.
; There will be an entry at $61b9+(4*2)=$61c1 with the values $01 $46. When the
; box is picked up, the entry changes to $06 $00.
; Non-floor state values are:
; $00 - destroyed
; $06 - in inventory, in box
; $07 - in inventory, activated (torch/ring lit)
; $08 - in inventory
; Note the inventory state values are outside the range [1,5] so as not to
; overlap with valid floor numbers.
; Entries before the first food item correspond directly to the noun index.
; Starting with the entry for $12 (noun="food"), there are 3 entries for food,
; followed by 3 entries for torches.
61b9: 01 00 object_status .bulk $01,$00 ;object $00 (which doesn't exist)
61bb: 08 00 object_status2 .bulk $08,$00 ;object $01 (ball)
61bd: 03 a5 .bulk $03,$a5
61bf: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00
61c1: 04 a9 .bulk $04,$a9
61c3: 08 00 .bulk $08,$00
61c5: 01 64 .bulk $01,$64
61c7: 02 33 .bulk $02,$33
61c9: 08 00 .bulk $08,$00
61cb: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00
61cd: 05 72 .bulk $05,$72
61cf: 07 00 .bulk $07,$00
61d1: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00
61d3: 02 86 .bulk $02,$86
61d5: 08 00 .bulk $08,$00
61d7: 04 a8 .bulk $04,$a8
61d9: 04 57 .bulk $04,$57
61db: 00 00 snake_obj_loc .bulk $00,$00 ;$11 snake (in box)
61dd: 00 00 food_torch_loc .bulk $00,$00 ;$12 food #1
61df: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 ; food #2
61e1: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 ; food #3
61e3: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 ; torch #1
61e5: 00 00 .bulk $00,$00 ; torch #2
61e7: 08 00 .bulk $08,$00 ; torch #3
; (end of region initialized by data copy)
61e9: 00 00 00 00+ .junk 14
61f7: 44 acc_swap_stash .dd1 $44 ;temp storage
; Temporary storage for some zero-page data.
61f8: 45 saved_0e .dd1 $45
61f9: 41 saved_0f .dd1 $41
61fa: 54 saved_10 .dd1 $54
61fb: 48 saved_11 .dd1 $48
61fc: 07 saved_19 .dd1 $07
61fd: 00 saved_1a .dd1 $00
61fe: 00 00 .junk 2
; (end of useful state)
6200: 44 45 41 54+ save_magic .str ‘DEATH’ ;magic value, tested by saved game restore
6205: 00 00 00 00+ .junk 143 ;unused
6294: 10 08 3e 7f+ font_glyphs .bulk $10,$08,$3e,$7f,$ff,$ff,$be,$1c,$01,$02,$04,$08,$08,$10,$20,$40
+ $40,$20,$10,$08,$08,$04,$02,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01
+ $40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$40,$41,$22,$14,$08,$14,$22,$41,$41
+ $40,$60,$70,$78,$78,$7c,$7e,$7f,$01,$03,$07,$0f,$0f,$1f,$3f,$7f
+ $7f,$7e,$7c,$78,$78,$70,$60,$40,$7f,$3f,$1f,$0f,$0f,$07,$03,$01
+ $41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff
+ $00,$78,$64,$5e,$52,$32,$1e,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$78,$04,$02,$7f
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$0f,$0c,$0a,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$05,$03,$01
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$7f,$00,$00,$7f,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09
+ $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$7f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$7f
+ $40,$20,$10,$08,$08,$0c,$0a,$09,$09,$0a,$0c,$08,$08,$10,$20,$40
+ $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$41,$42,$44,$48,$48,$50,$60,$40
+ $00,$00,$00,$1c,$08,$1c,$00,$00,$60,$70,$70,$60,$60,$70,$70,$70
+ $03,$07,$07,$03,$03,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07
+ $70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$01,$03,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07
+ $40,$60,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$78,$78,$78,$78,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$00,$08,$00
+ $14,$14,$14,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$14,$14,$3e,$14,$3e,$14,$14,$00
+ $1c,$2a,$0a,$1c,$28,$2a,$1c,$00,$26,$26,$10,$08,$04,$32,$32,$00
+ $04,$0a,$0a,$04,$2a,$12,$2c,$00,$08,$08,$08,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+ $10,$08,$04,$04,$04,$08,$10,$00,$04,$08,$10,$10,$10,$08,$04,$00
+ $08,$2a,$1c,$08,$1c,$2a,$08,$00,$00,$08,$08,$3e,$08,$08,$00,$00
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$10,$08,$00,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$00,$00,$00,$00
+ $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$0c,$0c,$00,$20,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$02,$00
+ $1c,$22,$32,$2a,$26,$22,$1c,$00,$08,$0c,$08,$08,$08,$08,$1c,$00
+ $1c,$22,$20,$1c,$02,$02,$3e,$00,$1e,$20,$20,$1c,$20,$20,$1e,$00
+ $10,$18,$14,$12,$3e,$10,$10,$00,$3e,$02,$1e,$20,$20,$20,$1e,$00
+ $18,$04,$02,$1e,$22,$22,$1c,$00,$3e,$20,$10,$08,$04,$04,$04,$00
+ $1c,$22,$22,$1c,$22,$22,$1c,$00,$1c,$22,$22,$3c,$20,$10,$0c,$00
+ $00,$0c,$0c,$00,$0c,$0c,$00,$00,$00,$0c,$0c,$00,$0c,$0c,$04,$00
+ $10,$08,$04,$02,$04,$08,$10,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$00,$3e,$00,$00,$00
+ $04,$08,$10,$20,$10,$08,$04,$00,$1c,$22,$10,$08,$08,$00,$08,$00
+ $1c,$22,$3a,$2a,$3a,$02,$3c,$00,$08,$14,$22,$22,$3e,$22,$22,$00
+ $1e,$24,$24,$1c,$24,$24,$1e,$00,$1c,$22,$02,$02,$02,$22,$1c,$00
+ $1e,$24,$24,$24,$24,$24,$1e,$00,$3e,$02,$02,$1e,$02,$02,$3e,$00
+ $3e,$02,$02,$1e,$02,$02,$02,$00,$3c,$02,$02,$02,$32,$22,$3c,$00
+ $22,$22,$22,$3e,$22,$22,$22,$00,$1c,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$1c,$00
+ $20,$20,$20,$20,$22,$22,$1c,$00,$22,$12,$0a,$06,$0a,$12,$22,$00
+ $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$7e,$00,$22,$36,$2a,$2a,$22,$22,$22,$00
+ $22,$26,$2a,$32,$22,$22,$22,$00,$1c,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$1c,$00
+ $1e,$22,$22,$1e,$02,$02,$02,$00,$1c,$22,$22,$22,$2a,$12,$2c,$00
+ $1e,$22,$22,$1e,$0a,$12,$22,$00,$1c,$22,$02,$1c,$20,$22,$1c,$00
+ $3e,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$00,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$1c,$00
+ $22,$22,$22,$14,$14,$08,$08,$00,$22,$22,$2a,$2a,$2a,$36,$22,$00
+ $22,$22,$14,$08,$14,$22,$22,$00,$22,$22,$22,$1c,$08,$08,$08,$00
+ $3e,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$3e,$00,$08,$1c,$2a,$08,$08,$08,$08,$00
+ $08,$08,$08,$08,$2a,$1c,$08,$00,$00,$04,$02,$7f,$02,$04,$00,$00
+ $00,$10,$20,$7f,$20,$10,$00,$00,$70,$60,$40,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+ $07,$03,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$1c,$20,$3c,$22,$3c,$00
+ $02,$02,$1a,$26,$22,$22,$1e,$00,$00,$00,$1c,$22,$02,$22,$1c,$00
+ $20,$20,$2c,$32,$22,$22,$3c,$00,$00,$00,$1c,$22,$3e,$02,$1c,$00
+ $18,$24,$04,$0e,$04,$04,$04,$00,$00,$00,$2c,$32,$22,$3c,$20,$1e
+ $02,$02,$1a,$26,$22,$22,$22,$00,$08,$00,$0c,$08,$08,$08,$1c,$00
+ $20,$00,$20,$20,$20,$20,$22,$1c,$02,$02,$12,$0a,$06,$0a,$12,$00
+ $00,$0c,$08,$08,$08,$08,$1c,$00,$00,$00,$16,$2a,$2a,$2a,$2a,$00
+ $00,$00,$1a,$26,$22,$22,$22,$00,$00,$00,$1c,$22,$22,$22,$1c,$00
+ $00,$00,$1e,$22,$22,$1e,$02,$02,$00,$00,$3c,$22,$22,$3c,$20,$20
+ $00,$00,$1a,$26,$02,$02,$02,$00,$00,$00,$3c,$02,$1c,$20,$1e,$00
+ $04,$04,$1e,$04,$04,$24,$18,$00,$00,$00,$22,$22,$22,$32,$2c,$00
+ $00,$00,$22,$22,$14,$14,$08,$00,$00,$00,$2a,$2a,$2a,$2a,$14,$00
+ $00,$00,$22,$14,$08,$14,$22,$00,$00,$00,$22,$22,$22,$3c,$20,$1c
+ $00,$00,$3e,$10,$08,$04,$3e,$00,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f
+ $70,$78,$7c,$7e,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$07,$0f,$1f,$3f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f
+ $7f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7e,$7c,$78,$70,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$3f,$1f,$0f,$07
; Recognized words, verbs first. The first character has the high bit set.
; Each verb name is 4 letters long, the last of which may be a space. Anything
; past that on the input line is ignored, so "clim" and "climb" are equivalent.
; The letters 'Z' and 'X' cause movement, and so may not start a verb.
; If two entries are separated by a '*', the next entry is an alias for the
; previous entry (roll/chuck/heave/throw are identical, as are door/elevator).
; The table starts with $ff because the scanner looks backward to see if the
; current word is an alias for the previous one.
6694: ff verb_list .dd1 $ff
6695: f2 .dd1 “r” ;$01
6696: 61 69 73 .str ‘ais’
6699: e2 .dd1 “b”
669a: 6c 6f 77 .str ‘low’
669d: e2 .dd1 “b”
669e: 72 65 61 .str ‘rea’
66a1: e2 .dd1 “b”
66a2: 75 72 6e .str ‘urn’
66a5: e3 .dd1 “c”
66a6: 68 65 77 2a .str ‘hew*’
66aa: e5 .dd1 “e”
66ab: 61 74 20 .str ‘at ’
66ae: f2 .dd1 “r”
66af: 6f 6c 6c 2a .str ‘oll*’
66b3: e3 .dd1 “c”
66b4: 68 75 63 2a .str ‘huc*’
66b8: e8 .dd1 “h”
66b9: 65 61 76 2a .str ‘eav*’
66bd: f4 .dd1 “t”
66be: 68 72 6f .str ‘hro’
66c1: e3 .dd1 “c”
66c2: 6c 69 6d .str ‘lim’
66c5: e4 .dd1 “d”
66c6: 72 6f 70 2a .str ‘rop*’
66ca: ec .dd1 “l”
66cb: 65 61 76 2a .str ‘eav*’
66cf: f0 .dd1 “p”
66d0: 75 74 20 .str ‘ut ’
66d3: e6 .dd1 “f”
66d4: 69 6c 6c .str ‘ill’
66d7: ec .dd1 “l”
66d8: 69 67 68 .str ‘igh’
66db: f0 .dd1 “p”
66dc: 6c 61 79 .str ‘lay’
66df: f3 .dd1 “s”
66e0: 74 72 69 .str ‘tri’
66e3: f7 .dd1 “w”
66e4: 65 61 72 .str ‘ear’
66e7: e5 .dd1 “e”
66e8: 78 61 6d 2a .str ‘xam*’
66ec: ec .dd1 “l”
66ed: 6f 6f 6b .str ‘ook’
66f0: f7 .dd1 “w”
66f1: 69 70 65 2a .str ‘ipe*’
66f5: e3 .dd1 “c”
66f6: 6c 65 61 2a .str ‘lea*’
66fa: f0 .dd1 “p”
66fb: 6f 6c 69 2a .str ‘oli*’
66ff: f2 .dd1 “r”
6700: 75 62 20 .str ‘ub ’
6703: ef .dd1 “o” ;$10
6704: 70 65 6e 2a .str ‘pen*’
6708: f5 .dd1 “u”
6709: 6e 6c 6f .str ‘nlo’
670c: f0 .dd1 “p”
670d: 72 65 73 .str ‘res’
6710: e7 .dd1 “g”
6711: 65 74 20 2a .str ‘et *’
6715: e7 .dd1 “g”
6716: 72 61 62 2a .str ‘rab*’
671a: e8 .dd1 “h”
671b: 6f 6c 64 2a .str ‘old*’
671f: f4 .dd1 “t”
6720: 61 6b 65 .str ‘ake’
6723: f3 .dd1 “s”
6724: 74 61 62 2a .str ‘tab*’
6728: eb .dd1 “k”
6729: 69 6c 6c 2a .str ‘ill*’
672d: f3 .dd1 “s”
672e: 6c 61 73 2a .str ‘las*’
6732: e1 .dd1 “a”
6733: 74 74 61 2a .str ‘tta*’
6737: e8 .dd1 “h”
6738: 61 63 6b .str ‘ack’
673b: f0 .dd1 “p”
673c: 61 69 6e .str ‘ain’
673f: e7 .dd1 “g”
6740: 72 65 6e .str ‘ren’
6743: f3 .dd1 “s”
6744: 61 79 20 2a .str ‘ay *’
6748: f9 .dd1 “y”
6749: 65 6c 6c 2a .str ‘ell*’
674d: f3 .dd1 “s”
674e: 63 72 65 .str ‘cre’
6751: e3 .dd1 “c”
6752: 68 61 72 .str ‘har’
6755: e6 .dd1 “f”
6756: 61 72 74 .str ‘art’
6759: f3 .dd1 “s”
675a: 61 76 65 .str ‘ave’
675d: f1 .dd1 “q”
675e: 75 69 74 .str ‘uit’
6761: e9 .dd1 “i”
6762: 6e 73 74 2a .str ‘nst*’
6766: e4 .dd1 “d”
6767: 69 72 65 .str ‘ire’
676a: e8 .dd1 “h”
676b: 65 6c 70 2a .str ‘elp*’
676f: e8 .dd1 “h”
6770: 69 6e 74 .str ‘int’
; Nouns start here.
6773: c2 noun_list .dd1 “B” ;$1d
6774: 61 6c 6c .str ‘all’
6777: c2 .dd1 “B”
6778: 72 75 73 68 .str ‘rush’
677c: c3 .dd1 “C”
677d: 61 6c 63 75+ .str ‘alculator’
6786: c4 .dd1 “D” ;$20
6787: 61 67 67 65+ .str ‘agger’
678c: c6 .dd1 “F”
678d: 6c 75 74 65 .str ‘lute’
6791: c6 .dd1 “F”
6792: 72 69 73 62+ .str ‘risbee’
6798: c8 .dd1 “H”
6799: 61 74 20 .str ‘at ’
679c: c8 .dd1 “H”
679d: 6f 72 6e .str ‘orn’
67a0: ca .dd1 “J”
67a1: 61 72 20 .str ‘ar ’
67a4: cb .dd1 “K”
67a5: 65 79 20 .str ‘ey ’
67a8: d2 .dd1 “R”
67a9: 69 6e 67 .str ‘ing’
67ac: d3 .dd1 “S”
67ad: 6e 65 61 6b+ .str ‘neaker’
67b3: d3 .dd1 “S”
67b4: 74 61 66 66 .str ‘taff’
67b8: d3 .dd1 “S”
67b9: 77 6f 72 64 .str ‘word’
67bd: d7 .dd1 “W”
67be: 6f 6f 6c .str ‘ool’
67c1: d9 .dd1 “Y”
67c2: 6f 79 6f .str ‘oyo’
67c5: d3 .dd1 “S”
67c6: 6e 61 6b 65 .str ‘nake’
67ca: c6 .dd1 “F”
67cb: 6f 6f 64 .str ‘ood’
67ce: d4 .dd1 “T”
67cf: 6f 72 63 68 .str ‘orch’
67d3: c2 .dd1 “B” ;$30
67d4: 6f 78 20 .str ‘ox ’
67d7: c2 .dd1 “B”
67d8: 61 74 20 .str ‘at ’
67db: c4 .dd1 “D”
67dc: 6f 67 20 .str ‘og ’
67df: c4 .dd1 “D”
67e0: 6f 6f 72 2a .str ‘oor*’
67e4: c5 .dd1 “E”
67e5: 6c 65 76 .str ‘lev’
67e8: cd .dd1 “M”
67e9: 6f 6e 73 74+ .str ‘onster’
67ef: cd .dd1 “M”
67f0: 6f 74 68 65+ .str ‘other’
67f5: da .dd1 “Z”
67f6: 65 72 6f .str ‘ero’
67f9: cf .dd1 “O”
67fa: 6e 65 20 .str ‘ne ’
67fd: d4 .dd1 “T”
67fe: 77 6f 20 .str ‘wo ’
6801: d4 .dd1 “T”
6802: 68 72 65 65 .str ‘hree’
6806: c6 .dd1 “F”
6807: 6f 75 72 .str ‘our’
680a: c6 .dd1 “F”
680b: 69 76 65 .str ‘ive’
680e: d3 .dd1 “S”
680f: 69 78 20 .str ‘ix ’
6812: d3 .dd1 “S”
6813: 65 76 65 6e .str ‘even’
6817: c5 .dd1 “E”
6818: 69 67 68 74 .str ‘ight’
681c: ce .dd1 “N” ;$3f
681d: 69 6e 65 .str ‘ine’
6820: ff .dd1 $ff ;end of list
6821: ff 00 00 ff+ .junk 8
; Messages displayed to user.
; The first character in each message has its high bit set. Entries are
; addressed by index, which is determined by walking the table.
6829: c9 msg_strings .dd1 “I” ;$01
682a: 6e 76 65 6e+ .str ‘nventory:’
6833: d4 .dd1 “T”
6834: 6f 72 63 68+ .str ‘orches:’
683b: cc .dd1 “L”
683c: 69 74 3a .str ‘it:’
683f: d5 .dd1 “U”
6840: 6e 6c 69 74+ .str ‘nlit:’
6845: e3 .dd1 “c”
6846: 72 79 73 74+ .str ‘rystal ball.’
6852: f0 .dd1 “p”
6853: 61 69 6e 74+ .str ‘aintbrush used by Van Gogh.’
686e: e3 .dd1 “c”
686f: 61 6c 63 75+ .str ‘alculator with 10 buttons.’
6889: ea .dd1 “j”
688a: 65 77 65 6c+ .str ‘eweled handled dagger.’
68a0: e6 .dd1 “f”
68a1: 6c 75 74 65+ .str ‘lute.’
68a6: f0 .dd1 “p”
68a7: 72 65 63 69+ .str ‘recision crafted frisbee.’
68c0: e8 .dd1 “h”
68c1: 61 74 20 77+ .str ‘at with two ram's horns.’
68d9: e3 .dd1 “c”
68da: 61 72 65 66+ .str ‘arefully polished horn.’
68f1: e7 .dd1 “g”
68f2: 6c 61 73 73+ .str ‘lass jar complete with lid.’
690d: e7 .dd1 “g”
690e: 6f 6c 64 65+ .str ‘olden key.’
6918: e4 .dd1 “d”
6919: 69 61 6d 6f+ .str ‘iamond ring.’
6925: f2 .dd1 “r” ;$10
6926: 6f 74 74 65+ .str ‘otted mutilated sneaker.’
693e: ed .dd1 “m”
693f: 61 67 69 63+ .str ‘agic staff.’
694a: b9 .dd1 “9”
694b: 30 20 70 6f+ .str ‘0 pound two-handed sword.’
6964: e2 .dd1 “b”
6965: 61 6c 6c 20+ .str ‘all of blue wool.’
6976: f9 .dd1 “y”
6977: 6f 79 6f 2e .str ‘oyo.’
697b: f3 .dd1 “s”
697c: 6e 61 6b 65+ .str ‘nake !!!’
6984: e2 .dd1 “b”
6985: 61 73 6b 65+ .str ‘asket of food.’
6993: f4 .dd1 “t”
6994: 6f 72 63 68+ .str ‘orch.’
6999: c9 .dd1 “I”
699a: 6e 73 69 64+ .str ‘nside the box there is a’
69b2: d9 .dd1 “Y”
69b3: 6f 75 20 75+ .str ‘ou unlock the door...’
69c8: e1 .dd1 “a”
69c9: 6e 64 20 74+ .str ‘nd the wall falls on you!’
69e2: e1 .dd1 “a”
69e3: 6e 64 20 74+ .str ‘nd the key begins to tick!’
69fd: e1 .dd1 “a”
69fe: 6e 64 20 61+ .str ‘nd a 20,000 volt shock kills you!’
6a1f: c1 .dd1 “A”
6a20: 20 36 30 30+ .str ‘ 600 pound gorilla rips your face off!’
6a46: d4 .dd1 “T”
6a47: 77 6f 20 6d+ .str ‘wo men in white coats take you away!’
6a6b: c8 .dd1 “H”
6a6c: 61 76 69 6e+ .str ‘aving fun?’
6a76: d4 .dd1 “T” ;$20
6a77: 68 65 20 73+ .str ‘he snake bites you and you die!’
6a96: d4 .dd1 “T”
6a97: 68 75 6e 64+ .str ‘hunderbolts shoot out above you!’
6ab7: d4 .dd1 “T”
6ab8: 68 65 20 73+ .str ‘he staff thunders with useless energy!’
6ade: f9 .dd1 “y”
6adf: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are wearing it.’
6af1: d4 .dd1 “T”
6af2: 6f 20 65 76+ .str ‘o everything’
6afe: d4 .dd1 “T”
6aff: 68 65 72 65+ .str ‘here is a season’
6b0f: ac .dd1 “,”
6b10: 20 54 55 52+ .str ‘ TURN,TURN,TURN’
6b1f: d4 .dd1 “T”
6b20: 68 65 20 63+ .str ‘he calculator displays 317.’
6b3b: c9 .dd1 “I”
6b3c: 74 20 64 69+ .str ‘t displays 317.2 !’
6b4e: d4 .dd1 “T”
6b4f: 68 65 20 69+ .str ‘he invisible guillotine beheads you!’
6b73: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6b74: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have rammed your head into a steel’
6b99: f7 .dd1 “w”
6b9a: 61 6c 6c 20+ .str ‘all and bashed your brains out!’
6bb9: c1 .dd1 “A”
6bba: 41 41 41 41+ .str ‘AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!’
6bca: d7 .dd1 “W”
6bcb: 48 41 4d 21+ .str ‘HAM!!!’
6bd1: c1 .dd1 “A”
6bd2: 20 76 69 63+ .str ‘ vicious dog attacks you!’
6beb: c8 .dd1 “H”
6bec: 65 20 72 69+ .str ‘e rips your throat out!’
6c03: d4 .dd1 “T” ;$30
6c04: 68 65 20 64+ .str ‘he dog chases the sneaker!’
6c1e: c1 .dd1 “A”
6c1f: 20 76 61 6d+ .str ‘ vampire bat attacks you!’
6c38: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6c39: 6f 75 72 20+ .str ‘our stomach is growling!’
6c51: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6c52: 6f 75 72 20+ .str ‘our torch is dying!’
6c65: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6c66: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are another victim of the maze!’
6c88: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6c89: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have died of starvation!’
6ca4: d4 .dd1 “T”
6ca5: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he monster attacks you and’
6cbf: f9 .dd1 “y”
6cc0: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are his next meal!’
6cd5: f4 .dd1 “t”
6cd6: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he magic word works! you have escaped!’
6cfc: c4 .dd1 “D”
6cfd: 6f 20 79 6f+ .str ‘o you want to play again (Y or N)?’
6d1f: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6d20: 6f 75 20 66+ .str ‘ou fall through the floor’
6d39: ef .dd1 “o”
6d3a: 6e 74 6f 20+ .str ‘nto a bed of spikes!’
6d4e: c2 .dd1 “B”
6d4f: 65 66 6f 72+ .str ‘efore I let you go free’
6d66: f7 .dd1 “w”
6d67: 68 61 74 20+ .str ‘hat was the name of the monster?’
6d87: e9 .dd1 “i”
6d88: 74 20 73 61+ .str ‘t says "the magic word is camelot".’
6dab: d4 .dd1 “T”
6dac: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he monster grabs the frisbee, throws ’
6dd1: e9 .dd1 “i” ;$40
6dd2: 74 20 62 61+ .str ‘t back, and it saws your head off!’
6df4: d4 .dd1 “T”
6df5: 49 43 4b 21+ .str ‘ICK! TICK!’
6dff: d4 .dd1 “T”
6e00: 68 65 20 6b+ .str ‘he key blows up the whole maze!’
6e1f: d4 .dd1 “T”
6e20: 68 65 20 67+ .str ‘he ground beneath your feet’
6e3b: e2 .dd1 “b”
6e3c: 65 67 69 6e+ .str ‘egins to shake!’
6e4b: c1 .dd1 “A”
6e4c: 20 64 69 73+ .str ‘ disgusting odor permeates’
6e66: f4 .dd1 “t”
6e67: 68 65 20 68+ .str ‘he hallway as it darkens!’
6e80: f4 .dd1 “t”
6e81: 68 65 20 68+ .str ‘he hallway!’
6e8c: c9 .dd1 “I”
6e8d: 74 20 69 73+ .str ‘t is the monster's mother!’
6ea7: d3 .dd1 “S”
6ea8: 68 65 20 68+ .str ‘he has been seduced!’
6ebc: d3 .dd1 “S”
6ebd: 68 65 20 74+ .str ‘he tiptoes up to you!’
6ed2: d3 .dd1 “S”
6ed3: 68 65 20 73+ .str ‘he slashes you to bits!’
6eea: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6eeb: 6f 75 20 73+ .str ‘ou slash her to bits!’
6f00: c3 .dd1 “C”
6f01: 6f 72 72 65+ .str ‘orrect! You have survived!’
6f1b: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6f1c: 6f 75 20 62+ .str ‘ou break the’
6f28: e1 .dd1 “a”
6f29: 6e 64 20 69+ .str ‘nd it disappears!’
6f3a: d7 .dd1 “W” ;$50
6f3b: 68 61 74 20+ .str ‘hat a mess! The vampire bat’
6f56: e4 .dd1 “d”
6f57: 72 69 6e 6b+ .str ‘rinks the blood and dies!’
6f70: c9 .dd1 “I”
6f71: 74 20 76 61+ .str ‘t vanishes in a’
6f80: e2 .dd1 “b”
6f81: 75 72 73 74+ .str ‘urst of flames!’
6f90: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6f91: 6f 75 20 63+ .str ‘ou can't be serious!’
6fa5: d9 .dd1 “Y”
6fa6: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are making little sense.’
6fc1: a0 .dd1 “ ”
6fc2: 77 68 61 74+ .str ‘what? ’
6fda: e1 .dd1 “a”
6fdb: 6c 6c 20 66+ .str ‘ll form into darts!’
6fee: d4 .dd1 “T”
6fef: 68 65 20 66+ .str ‘he food is being digested.’
7009: d4 .dd1 “T”
700a: 68 65 20 .str ‘he ’
700d: ed .dd1 “m”
700e: 61 67 69 63+ .str ‘agically sails’
701c: e1 .dd1 “a”
701d: 72 6f 75 6e+ .str ‘round a nearby corner’
7032: e1 .dd1 “a”
7033: 6e 64 20 69+ .str ‘nd is eaten by’
7041: f4 .dd1 “t”
7042: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he monster !!!!’
7051: e1 .dd1 “a”
7052: 6e 64 20 74+ .str ‘nd the monster grabs it,’
706a: e7 .dd1 “g”
706b: 65 74 73 20+ .str ‘ets tangled, and topples over!’
7089: c9 .dd1 “I” ;$60
708a: 74 20 69 73+ .str ‘t is now full of blood.’
70a1: d4 .dd1 “T”
70a2: 68 65 20 6d+ .str ‘he monster is dead and’
70b8: ed .dd1 “m”
70b9: 75 63 68 20+ .str ‘uch blood is spilt!’
70cc: d9 .dd1 “Y”
70cd: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have killed it.’
70df: d4 .dd1 “T”
70e0: 68 65 20 64+ .str ‘he dagger disappears!’
70f5: d4 .dd1 “T”
70f6: 68 65 20 74+ .str ‘he torch is lit and the’
710d: ef .dd1 “o”
710e: 6c 64 20 74+ .str ‘ld torch dies and vanishes!’
7129: c1 .dd1 “A”
712a: 20 63 6c 6f+ .str ‘ close inspection reveals’
7143: e1 .dd1 “a”
7144: 62 73 6f 6c+ .str ‘bsolutely nothing of value!’
715f: e1 .dd1 “a”
7160: 20 73 6d 75+ .str ‘ smudged display!’
7171: c1 .dd1 “A”
7172: 20 63 61 6e+ .str ‘ can of spinach?’
7182: f2 .dd1 “r”
7183: 65 74 75 72+ .str ‘eturns and hits you’
7196: e9 .dd1 “i”
7197: 6e 20 74 68+ .str ‘n the eye!’
71a1: d9 .dd1 “Y”
71a2: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are trapped in a fake’
71ba: e5 .dd1 “e”
71bb: 6c 65 76 61+ .str ‘levator. There is no escape!’
71d7: d7 .dd1 “W”
71d8: 69 74 68 20+ .str ‘ith what? Toenail polish?’
71f1: c1 .dd1 “A” ;$70
71f2: 20 64 72 61+ .str ‘ draft blows your torch out!’
720e: d4 .dd1 “T”
720f: 68 65 20 72+ .str ‘he ring is activated and’
7227: f3 .dd1 “s”
7228: 68 69 6e 65+ .str ‘hines light everywhere!’
723f: d4 .dd1 “T”
7240: 68 65 20 73+ .str ‘he staff begins to quake!’
7259: d4 .dd1 “T”
725a: 68 65 20 63+ .str ‘he calculator vanishes.’
7271: ce .dd1 “N”
7272: 45 56 45 52+ .str ‘EVER, EVER raid a monster's lair.’
7293: cf .dd1 “O”
7294: 4b 2e 2e 2e .str ‘K...’
7298: e8 .dd1 “h”
7299: 61 73 20 76+ .str ‘as vanished.’
72a5: d4 .dd1 “T”
72a6: 68 65 20 62+ .str ‘he body has vanished!’
72bb: c7 .dd1 “G”
72bc: 4c 49 54 43+ .str ‘LITCH!’
72c2: cf .dd1 “O”
72c3: 4b 2e 2e 2e+ .str ‘K...it is clean.’
72d3: c3 .dd1 “C”
72d4: 68 65 63 6b+ .str ‘heck your inventory, DOLT!’
72ee: d3 .dd1 “S”
72ef: 50 4c 41 54+ .str ‘PLAT!’
72f4: d9 .dd1 “Y”
72f5: 6f 75 20 65+ .str ‘ou eat the’
72ff: e1 .dd1 “a”
7300: 6e 64 20 79+ .str ‘nd you get heartburn!’
7315: c1 .dd1 “A”
7316: 20 64 65 61+ .str ‘ deafening roar envelopes’
732f: f9 .dd1 “y” ;$80
7330: 6f 75 2e 20+ .str ‘ou. Your ears are ringing!’
734a: c6 .dd1 “F”
734b: 4f 4f 44 20+ .str ‘OOD FIGHT!! FOOD FIGHT!!’
7363: d4 .dd1 “T”
7364: 68 65 20 68+ .str ‘he hallway is too crowded.’
737e: c1 .dd1 “A”
737f: 20 68 69 67+ .str ‘ high shrill note comes’
7396: e6 .dd1 “f”
7397: 72 6f 6d 20+ .str ‘rom the flute!’
73a5: d4 .dd1 “T”
73a6: 68 65 20 63+ .str ‘he calculator displays’
73bc: d9 .dd1 “Y”
73bd: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have been teleported!’
73d5: d7 .dd1 “W”
73d6: 69 74 68 20+ .str ‘ith who? The monster?’
73eb: d9 .dd1 “Y”
73ec: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have no fire.’
73fc: d7 .dd1 “W”
73fd: 69 74 68 20+ .str ‘ith what? Air?’
740b: c9 .dd1 “I”
740c: 74 27 73 20+ .str ‘t's awfully dark.’
741d: cc .dd1 “L”
741e: 6f 6f 6b 20+ .str ‘ook at your monitor.’
7432: c9 .dd1 “I”
7433: 74 20 6c 6f+ .str ‘t looks very dangerous!’
744a: c9 .dd1 “I”
744b: 27 6d 20 73+ .str ‘'m sorry, but I can't ’
7461: d9 .dd1 “Y”
7462: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are confusing me.’
7476: d7 .dd1 “W”
7477: 68 61 74 20+ .str ‘hat in tarnation is a ’
748d: c9 .dd1 “I” ;$90
748e: 20 64 6f 6e+ .str ‘ don't see that here.’
74a3: cf .dd1 “O”
74a4: 4b 2e 2e 2e+ .str ‘K...if you really want to,’
74be: c2 .dd1 “B”
74bf: 75 74 20 79+ .str ‘ut you have no key.’
74d2: c4 .dd1 “D”
74d3: 6f 20 79 6f+ .str ‘o you wish to save the game (Y or N)?’
74f8: c4 .dd1 “D”
74f9: 6f 20 79 6f+ .str ‘o you wish to continue a game (Y or N)?’
7520: d0 .dd1 “P”
7521: 6c 65 61 73+ .str ‘lease prepare your cassette.’
753d: d7 .dd1 “W”
753e: 68 65 6e 20+ .str ‘hen ready, press any key.’
7557: e1 .dd1 “a”
7558: 6e 64 20 69+ .str ‘nd it vanishes!’
7567: d9 .dd1 “Y”
7568: 6f 75 20 77+ .str ‘ou will do no such thing!’
7581: d9 .dd1 “Y”
7582: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are carrying the limit.’
759c: c9 .dd1 “I”
759d: 74 20 69 73+ .str ‘t is currently impossible.’
75b7: d4 .dd1 “T”
75b8: 68 65 20 62+ .str ‘he bat drains you of your vital fluids!’
75df: c1 .dd1 “A”
75e0: 72 65 20 79+ .str ‘re you sure you want to quit (Y or N)?’
7606: d4 .dd1 “T”
7607: 72 79 20 65+ .str ‘ry examining things.’
761b: d4 .dd1 “T”
761c: 79 70 65 20+ .str ‘ype instructions.’
762d: c9 .dd1 “I”
762e: 6e 76 65 72+ .str ‘nvert and telephone.’
7642: c4 .dd1 “D” ;$a0
7643: 6f 6e 27 74+ .str ‘on't make unnecessary turns.’
765f: d9 .dd1 “Y”
7660: 6f 75 20 68+ .str ‘ou have turned into a pillar of salt!’
7685: c4 .dd1 “D”
7686: 6f 6e 27 74+ .str ‘on't say I didn't warn you!’
76a1: d4 .dd1 “T”
76a2: 68 65 20 65+ .str ‘he elevator is moving!’
76b8: d9 .dd1 “Y”
76b9: 6f 75 20 61+ .str ‘ou are deposited at the next level.’
76dc: d9 .dd1 “Y”
76dd: 6f 75 72 20+ .str ‘our head smashes into the ceiling!’
76ff: d9 .dd1 “Y”
7700: 6f 75 20 66+ .str ‘ou fall on the snake!’
7715: cf .dd1 “O” ;$a7
7716: 68 20 6e 6f+ .str ‘h no! A pit!’
7722: ff .dd1 $ff ;end of string table
7723: 46 45 d2 85+ .junk 156
77bf: 60 20 20 20+ instructions .str ‘` Deathmaze 5000 Location is constant’
+ ‘ly displayed via 3-D graphics. To move forward one step, pre’
+ ‘ss Z. To turn to the left or right, press the left or right a’
+ ‘rrow. To turn around, press X. Only Z actually changesyour po’
+ ‘sition. Additionally, words such as CHARGE may be helpful in m’
+ ‘ovement. At any time, one and two word commands may be ente’
+ ‘red. Some useful commands areOPEN BOX, GET BOX, DROP and HELP.’
+ ‘ Many more exist. To manipulate an object, youmust be on top ’
+ ‘of it, or be carrying it. To save a game in progress, enter SA’
+ ‘VE.This is encouraged. Deathmaze is huge. It will take some t’
+ ‘ime to escape. The five levels of Deathmaze are con- n’
+ ‘ected by elevators, pits, and science. Connections are not alw’
+ ‘ays obvious. Good Luck! ’
+ ‘ Copyright 1980 by Med Syste’
+ ‘ms Software All rights reserved. ’
7b56: a0 .dd1 $a0
7b57: 80 52 54 d3+ .align $0100 (169 bytes)
7c00: 53 61 76 65+ msg_save_dort .str ‘Save to DISK or TAPE (T or D)?’
7c1e: 80 .dd1 $80
7c1f: c7 msg_load_dort .dd1 “G”
7c20: 65 74 20 66+ .str ‘et from DISK or TAPE (T or D)?’
7c3e: 80 .dd1 $80
; Loads a saved game from disk or tape.
; On failure, does not return (jumps back to Start).
7c3f: 20 55 08 LoadDiskOrTape jsr ClearScreen ;clear hi-res screen
7c42: a2 00 ldx #$00 ;set text position to upper left
7c44: 86 06 stx char_horiz
7c46: 86 07 stx char_vert
7c48: a2 1f ldx #<msg_load_dort ;get pointer to disk-or-tape string
7c4a: 86 0c stx string_ptr
7c4c: a2 7c ldx #>msg_load_dort
7c4e: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1
7c50: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;"get from disk or tape (T or D)?"
7c53: 20 94 7c jsr GetKeyTD ;get answer
7c56: c9 44 cmp #‘D’
7c58: d0 03 bne :LoadTape ;go do tape
7c5a: 4c 0c 7d jmp LoadFromDisk ;go do disk
7c5d: 20 55 08 :LoadTape jsr ClearScreen
7c60: a9 95 lda #$95 ;"please prepare your cassette"
7c62: 20 92 08 jsr DrawMsgN_Row22
7c65: 60 rts
; Saves a game to disk or tape.
7c66: 20 55 08 SaveDiskOrTape jsr ClearScreen
7c69: a2 00 ldx #$00
7c6b: 86 06 stx char_horiz ;top left corner
7c6d: 86 07 stx char_vert
7c6f: a2 00 ldx #<msg_save_dort ;get pointer to disk-or-tape string
7c71: 86 0c stx string_ptr
7c73: a2 7c ldx #>msg_save_dort
7c75: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1
7c77: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;"save to disk or tape (T or D)?"
7c7a: 20 94 7c jsr GetKeyTD ;get answer
7c7d: c9 54 cmp #‘T’
7c7f: f0 03 beq :RedrawSaveTape ;go do tape
7c81: 4c ef 7c jmp SaveToDisk ;go do disk
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
7c84: 20 55 08 :RedrawSaveTape jsr ClearScreen
7c87: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;draw maze
7c8a: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
7c8c: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
7c8e: 20 34 1a jsr ObjMgmtFunc ;draw inventory
7c91: 4c bc 31 jmp SaveToTape ;do save to tape
; Gets the next keystroke, looping until we see 'T' or 'D'.
7c94: 2c 10 c0 GetKeyTD bit KBDSTRB
7c97: 20 43 12 :Loop jsr DrawBlinkingApple
7c9a: 2c 00 c0 bit KBD
7c9d: 10 f8 bpl :Loop
7c9f: ad 00 c0 lda KBD
7ca2: 29 7f and #%01111111 ;strip high bit
7ca4: c9 54 cmp #‘T’ ;was it a 'T'?
7ca6: f0 04 beq :GotTorD ;yes, bail
7ca8: c9 44 cmp #‘D’ ;was it a 'D'?
7caa: d0 e8 bne GetKeyTD ;no, try again
7cac: 48 :GotTorD pha ;save value
7cad: 20 6e 12 jsr DrawSpace ;erase cursor
7cb0: 68 pla ;restore value
7cb1: 60 rts
; DOS 3.3 RWTS parameter block.
7cb2: 00 .dd1 $00 ;looks like a DCT
7cb3: 01 .dd1 $01
7cb4: ef d8 .dd2 $d8ef
7cb6: 01 rwts_iob .dd1 $01 ;table type (must be $01)
7cb7: 60 .dd1 $60 ;slot x16
7cb8: 01 .dd1 $01 ;drive (1/2)
7cb9: 00 .dd1 $00 ;vol num expected (0=any)
7cba: 02 .dd1 $02 ;track #
7cbb: 0f .dd1 $0f ;sector #
7cbc: 00 3f .dd2 Setup ;DCT address (incorrect address, should be $7cb2)
7cbe: 93 61 .dd2 plyr_facing ;buffer
7cc0: 00 .dd1 $00
7cc1: 00 .dd1 $00 ;partial sector byte count
7cc2: 01 rwts_cmd .dd1 $01 ;cmd: $01=read, $02=write
7cc3: 00 rwts_ret .dd1 $00 ;error code: $00=no error
7cc4: 00 .dd1 $00 ;last access vol
7cc5: 60 .dd1 $60 ;last access slot
7cc6: 01 .dd1 $01 ;last access drive
7cc7: d0 msg_place_disk .dd1 “P”
7cc8: 6c 61 63 65+ .str ‘lace data diskette in DRIVE 1, SLOT 6.’
7cee: 80 .dd1 $80
• Clear variables
7cef: a2 02 SaveToDisk ldx #$02 ;WRITE
7cf1: 8e c2 7c stx rwts_cmd
7cf4: 20 4f 7d jsr DoDiskIO ;write the sector
7cf7: 90 06 bcc DrawAndReturn ;no error, branch to run game
7cf9: 20 74 7d jsr ConvertRWTSErr ;failed, convert code to message
7cfc: 4c 23 7e jmp HandleWriteErr ;report and handle the error
]func_cmd .var $0f {addr/1}
7cff: 20 55 08 DrawAndReturn jsr ClearScreen
7d02: 20 15 10 jsr DrawMaze ;draw maze
7d05: a2 07 ldx #FN_DRAW_INV
7d07: 86 0f stx ]func_cmd
7d09: 4c 34 1a jmp ObjMgmtFunc ;draw inventory and return
7d0c: a2 01 LoadFromDisk ldx #$01 ;READ
7d0e: 8e c2 7c stx rwts_cmd
7d11: 20 4f 7d jsr DoDiskIO ;read the sector
7d14: 90 06 bcc VerifySave ;no error, branch to check magic value
7d16: 20 74 7d jsr ConvertRWTSErr ;failed, convert code to message
7d19: 4c 1d 7e jmp HandleReadErr ;report and handle the error
; Checks to see if the saved game data has the word "DEATH".
; On success or failure, the caller's return address is popped off before
; returning. (The I/O failure code pops the return address before returning
; after a "load" failure.)
7d1c: a0 00 VerifySave ldy #$00
7d1e: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y
7d21: c9 44 cmp #‘D’
7d23: d0 25 bne :BadMagic
7d25: c8 iny
7d26: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y ;(why not "lda save_magic+1"?)
7d29: c9 45 cmp #‘E’
7d2b: d0 1d bne :BadMagic
7d2d: c8 iny
7d2e: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y
7d31: c9 41 cmp #‘A’
7d33: d0 15 bne :BadMagic
7d35: c8 iny
7d36: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y
7d39: c9 54 cmp #‘T’
7d3b: d0 0d bne :BadMagic
7d3d: c8 iny
7d3e: b9 00 62 lda save_magic,y
7d41: c9 48 cmp #‘H’
7d43: d0 05 bne :BadMagic
7d45: 68 pla ;pop return address
7d46: 68 pla
7d47: 4c 4a 08 jmp GetStarted ;start the game
7d4a: a9 05 :BadMagic lda #$05
7d4c: 4c 1d 7e jmp HandleReadErr
; Prompts the user to insert a disk, then invokes RWTS to read or write.
7d4f: a9 0a DoDiskIO lda #$0a ;linefeed
7d51: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
7d54: a2 c7 ldx #<msg_place_disk ;get pointer to message string
7d56: 86 0c stx string_ptr ;"place data disk..."
7d58: a2 7c ldx #>msg_place_disk
7d5a: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1
7d5c: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg
7d5f: a9 0a lda #$0a ;linefeed
7d61: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar
7d64: a9 96 lda #$96 ;"when ready, press any key"
7d66: 20 e2 08 jsr DrawMsgN
7d69: 20 e9 0f jsr WaitKeyCursor
7d6c: a9 7c lda #>rwts_iob
7d6e: a0 b6 ldy #<rwts_iob
7d70: 20 d9 03 jsr DOS_RWTS ;read or write sector
7d73: 60 rts
; Converts an RWTS error code to a message index.
; On exit:
; A-reg: error message index (1-4)
7d74: ad c3 7c ConvertRWTSErr lda rwts_ret ;get RWTS error code
7d77: c9 10 cmp #$10 ;write protect error?
7d79: d0 03 bne :Not10 ;no, branch
7d7b: a9 01 lda #$01
7d7d: 60 rts
7d7e: c9 20 :Not10 cmp #$20 ;volume mismatch error?
7d80: d0 03 bne :Not20 ;no, branch
7d82: a9 02 lda #$02
7d84: 60 rts
7d85: c9 40 :Not20 cmp #$40 ;drive error?
7d87: d0 03 bne :Not40 ;no, branch
7d89: a9 03 lda #$03
7d8b: 60 rts
7d8c: a9 04 :Not40 lda #$04 ;generic read error
7d8e: 60 rts
; I/O error messages.
7d8f: 44 49 53 4b+ msg_io_err .str ‘DISKETTE WRITE PROTECTED!’ ;$01, +$00
7da8: 80 .dd1 $80
7da9: 56 4f 4c 55+ .str ‘VOLUME MISMATCH!’ ;$02, +$1a
7db9: 80 .dd1 $80
7dba: 44 52 49 56+ .str ‘DRIVE ERROR! CAUSE UNKNOWN!’ ;$03, +$2b
7dd5: 80 .dd1 $80
7dd6: 52 45 41 44+ .str ‘READ ERROR! CHECK YOUR DISKETTE!’ ;$04, +$47
7df6: 80 .dd1 $80
7df7: 4e 4f 54 20+ .str ‘NOT A DEATHMAZE FILE! INPUT REJECTED!’ ;$05, +$68
7e1c: 80 .dd1 $80
; Handles an I/O error.
; We start by converting the IO error code (1-5) to a pointer into the string
; table. (For some reason this is done with direct offsets, rather than walking
; through the strings as is done elsewhere.)
; When we finish, we either resume the game (if this was a failed write), or go
; back to the start (if this was a failed read).
; On entry:
; A-reg: error code (1-5)
]write_flag .var $10 {addr/1}
]tmp .var $19 {addr/2}
7e1d: a2 00 HandleReadErr ldx #$00 ;clear flag
7e1f: 86 10 stx ]write_flag
7e21: f0 04 beq :Handle1 ;(always)
; Alternate entry point, used when a write operation failed. (We can continue
; playing after a failed write, but not after a failed read.)
7e23: a2 ff HandleWriteErr ldx #$ff ;set flag
7e25: 86 10 stx ]write_flag
7e27: a8 :Handle1 tay ;put error index in Y-reg
7e28: 88 dey ;decrement
7e29: d0 02 bne :Not1
7e2b: f0 17 beq :ShowError ;show, with offset $00
7e2d: 88 :Not1 dey
7e2e: d0 04 bne :Not2
7e30: a0 1a ldy #$1a
7e32: d0 10 bne :ShowError
7e34: 88 :Not2 dey
7e35: d0 04 bne :Not3
7e37: a0 2b ldy #$2b
7e39: d0 09 bne :ShowError
7e3b: 88 :Not3 dey
7e3c: d0 04 bne :Not4
7e3e: a0 47 ldy #$47
7e40: d0 02 bne :ShowError
7e42: a0 68 :Not4 ldy #$68 ;offset to "bad save" message
; The message offset is in the Y-reg. Form pointer by adding to table address.
7e44: 84 19 :ShowError sty ]tmp
7e46: a2 00 ldx #$00
7e48: 86 1a stx ]tmp+1
7e4a: a2 8f ldx #<msg_io_err
7e4c: 86 0c stx string_ptr
7e4e: a2 7d ldx #>msg_io_err
7e50: 86 0d stx string_ptr+1
7e52: 18 clc
7e53: a5 19 lda ]tmp
7e55: 65 0c adc string_ptr
7e57: 85 0c sta string_ptr
7e59: a5 1a lda ]tmp+1
7e5b: 65 0d adc string_ptr+1
7e5d: 85 0d sta string_ptr+1
7e5f: a9 0a lda #$0a
7e61: 20 92 11 jsr PrintSpecialChar ;print newline
7e64: 20 e5 08 jsr DrawMsg ;draw error string
7e67: 20 e9 0f jsr WaitKeyCursor
7e6a: a5 10 lda ]write_flag ;was this a write operation?
7e6c: f0 03 beq :NotWrite ;no, jump back to start
7e6e: 4c ff 7c jmp DrawAndReturn ;yes, resume game
7e71: 68 :NotWrite pla ;pop caller's return address
7e72: 68 pla
7e73: 4c 05 08 jmp Start
7e76: ad a5 61 d0+ .junk 393